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June 1, 2006

The Editor,


While Shantaram Naik has warned Goans not to tolerate "at any cost" those
"opposing projects for getting pecuniary or political advantage", (Herald,
May 31, 2006), he has alas, he has alas, not seen fit to enlighten the
people of Goa as to how they are to judge if a person's opposition to
developmental projects is based on pecuniary gain or political advantage.

It is imperative that developmental projects need to be publicly debated and
examined threadbare before being executed after  much serious thought and
consideration, taking differing viewpoints into account, since Goa is an
extremely small state with limited land holdings and ill conceived
development can have irrevocable and disastrous consequences for our little

As part of the Congress Party, Shantaram Naik probably views the Congress
Government's developmental works through rose tinted glasses. People of
course, have a different perspective. Most of those who have been on the
receiving end of the governments grandiose developmental works, allege that
these projects are undertaken by the Government, precisely for either
pecuniary gain or political mileage - the very same motives that Shantaram
Naik attributes to the opponents of developmental works.

And in the words of Shantaram Naik, should we dub the Government as an
"enemy of the state" for the disaster their so called "developmental
projects" have wreaked on the local populace? The twenty point programme
initiated by the Congress Party is a prime example of developmental work
coldbloodedly conceived for political mileage. If Shantaram Naik really
seeks to undertand  the consequences of his Party's developmental plans,
then should visit  the twenty point programme at Nagoa Salcete, to see for
himself how land which was taken from Goans is now fully in the hands of
rich and well to do migrants in total violation of conditions on which it
was allocated in the first place, with no corrective action or
accountability from the enforcing authorities over the years.

Once upon a time, the residents of the villages surrounding the Verna
Industrial Estate lived in a pristine environment, enjoying abundant water
sourced from their perennial wells. Then came the development of the Verna
Industrial Estate, also initiated by Shantaram Naik's esteemed Congress
party, which we were told we should welcome, as it would provide employment
to locals, just as Shantaram Naik today tells us we should welcome the
development of the National Highway from Patradevi to Polem. The stark
reality however, is that today, we still have no employment for locals,
although the lands have been forcibly taken over from them. Instead, the
villagers have to tolerate an unending influx of migrant labour irreversibly
changing their demography and utilising the once unblemished environment as
a public toilet. Since practically every industry has arbitarily sunk
borewells in the absence of provision of adequate water supply as promised
by the Government, villagers are now contending with dry wells, for the
first time ever, not to mention polluted ground water. This developmental
project was apparently conceptualised by Shantaram Naik's Congress
Government without any thought as to where industrial waste would be dumped
and whether the residents would appreciate the ugly urbanisation of their
villages. That is why we are now seeing an increase in protests by cynical
and distrustful Goans wherever the Government moots one of its so called
developmental plans.

Therefore, in the light of past experience, all of us, including Shantaram
Naik, need to seriously ponder over the issue of who is the actual enemy of
the state. Is it the Government who initiates and implements ill conceived
development or the party/individual who sticks his neck out and risks going
against the establishment to question and raise relevant objections, which I
may point out,  the Government has the choice to publicly refute if it has a
valid response.

But then, Shantaram Naik can hardly be expected to look upon "pecuniary
gain" involved with development with an unbiased eye, since it is
indisputably his Congress Party that boasts, tolerates and in fact nurtures
the largest number of inexplicable "rags to riches" stories amongst its

Diana Pinto

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