2004-12-26 Thread
I have a keen eye to details, specially when it comes
to Tiatr and Tiatrists.  Hence my comments as below,
often of those whose only ambitions are to circulate
copies under the door mats:

A. Veronica Fernandes writes:
In the past M. Boyer was known to compose fast songs
on the latest topics.  
In Kuwait we also have Rosary Ferns who is also known
to compose fast songs on the latest topics.
- Yes, Rosary Ferns song 'Kavllo rodlo lozen' is
indeed a good composition in his recently released
VCD.  This does not mean that M.Boyer can be equated
to this talented youngster by a guy who does not have
an indepth knowledge of what's tiatr and what's a
musical show. Please say the rosary three times today
for a better enlightenment!
Please do not bluff Konkani tiatr lovers. The great
artiste that he is, M.Boyer does not need such a
mention in bad light from an unknown entity for
publicity gimmicks of a musical show.

Rosary Ferns in his songs describes in detail all the
aspects of the injury, soccer and death of the 
- I am sure Rosary will not take the bait and do a
number of controversial songs. How many songs can be
sung by a single artiste on the same topic unless the
audience goes for a 'Condolence Meet'.  Please get a
replay done of the TV news before the audience gets
injured themselves and bore to death.

For all the soccer lovers listening to this song is a
must and it will be on 14.01.05 at Hawally A/C Hall
during the Heritage Musical Show 05.  
- Hope this does not get the roustead audience wild
and make you collect the legwear and disposables
showered on you.

- What's so funny in advertising the A/C Hall!  It's
cold in here - 8-15 Degree Centigrades, with an upward
trend going in the bottom direction as the show date
nears. Indeed a free cup of tea/coffee by the
organizers will indeed satisfy the roustaed audience
seated in the A/C Hall before they scramble on you
thinking it's white (nay blue eyed) Christmas.

Tiatrists are known to highlight some of the important
topics of day to day life and Rosary Ferns in Kuwait 
is also doing so.  
- Wake up, Santa Claus has come to town.

Besides him there are others too who sing on different

topics but Cristiano Junior's topic is very sensitive.
- Did you miss the replay. If so, visit the archives
of goanet or  
I am positive that Fidelis Fernandes will see to it
that such topics are not repeated, under his
direction. He is know to give a wholesome
entertainment and has a good know-how of organizing
unlike the guy in question.

Rosary depicts in his song the correct picture of the
incident and highlights on many other things about
this topic in his song.  
- Please do not go too bostereous as even a strong
bull ultimately leads to the slaughter's. What correct
picture can be given after the medics version.

Everything one will come to know while listening to
this trio on 14th January at 4.00 pm during the
Heritage Musical Show 05.  
- If this is a musical show in the name of Cristiano,
let's instead organize a football tournament and give
him a resounding farewell and the collected proceeds
to the family of the deceased.  This will indeed show
a Goan's gratitude rather than be entertained on the
cost of the departed soul.  Musical Show depicting sad
stories does not auger well with roustaed audience as
per a previous posting by this fellow.

The local press is highlighting the news of this show
and technicolour handbills are already distributed at
Sour Ground and near the Church.  
- Which tiatr/show is not publized free of charge by
the local English dailies. Did you see a colourful
tri-colour handout print in technical colour of 'Hem
Kazar Koslem - musical show' and 'Lokachim Tondam
Bond'.  Please visit the archives of if you have a memory lapse.

Besides, all the artistes locals as well as visiting
will give fabulous entertainment of songs like solos,
duets, trios and quartets.  
- Hope the old songs are not sung and the audience
taken for a ride in an oft-repeat situation comedy
gimmicks as last time.

The visiting artistes are topmost comedian Prince
- Isn't Comedian Ben Evengelisto voted 'the Best
Comedian by GULAB' - as we read it as 'Topmost
Comedian'?  If this is not so, then we demand a

.latest young collegian Goan sensation Veeam Bond
Braganza who is rightly dubbed as second Lorna 
- Good introduction.  Let's hope for the best.  

The great singer Miss LORNA herself visits Kuwait for
the KGTS 2nd musical show in February 2004!  Is this
breaking news, it sure is.

and a great author of so many books and writer of
high grade Bonaventure Pietro who will dazzle the
crowd by playing on the stage blowing instruments.
- High grade in what? Do not feel shy to write about
Konkani? What happened to the 'Sahitya Award' you guys
had expected? Will it ever come? The writer of high
grade is plagued and suffering


2004-12-20 Thread A. Veronica Fernandes
# Goanetters-2004 meet in Goa. Dec 21, Tuesday. 12 noon to 2 pm. #   
# Clube Vasco, Near Municipal Garden, Panjim. Pass the word around!  #  

In the past M. Boyer was known to compose fast songs on the latest topics.  
In Kuwait we also have Rosary Ferns who is also known to compose fast songs 
on the latest topics.  This time for the Heritage Musical Show 05 he has 
composed a very beautiful song on the very latest topic on the late 
foot-baller Cristiano Junior who died after he was injured by Mohun Bhagan 
goalkeeper Subroto Paul. This was during the final of All India Federation 
Cup played at Bangalore between Calcuttans and Dempo of Goa.  The late 
Christiano was playing for Goa’s outfit.  Rosary Ferns in his songs 
describes in detail all the aspects of the injury, soccer and death of the 
Brasilian. Along with Rosary Ferns this song will be rendered together by 
Sanny de Quepem and Querobina Carvalho as a trio.  For all the soccer lovers 
listening to this song is a must and it will be on 14.01.05 at Hawally A/C 
Hall during the Heritage Musical Show 05.  Tiatrists are known to highlight 
some of the important topics of day to day life and Rosary Ferns in Kuwait 
is also doing so.  Besides him there are others too who sing on different 
topics but Cristiano Junior's topic is very sensitive.  Every Goan should be 
aware of the incident of his death, many must have already seen this 
incident while watching the final.  Rosary depicts in his song the correct 
picture of the incident and highlights on many other things about this topic 
in his song.  Everything one will come to know while listening to this trio 
on 14th January at 4.00 pm during the Heritage Musical Show 05.  The local 
press is highlighting the news of this show and technicolour handbills are 
already distributed at Sour Ground and near the Church.  Gate Passes are 
already out and available at Raja Stores-Kuwait City Tel. 2412970 or contact 
the organisers on tel. 2413634, 6583537, 9745291, 7643017.  For people from 
Salmiya, they can get Gate Passes from M  M Confectionery, Tel. 5619946.  
Besides, all the artistes locals as well as visiting will give fabulous 
entertainment of songs like solos, duets, trios and quartets.  The visiting 
artistes are charming Roshan with Peter, topmost comedian Prince Jacob with 
his brother comedy supremo Humbert, melody prince Lawry Travasso, latest 
young collegian Goan sensation Veeam Bond Braganza who is rightly dubbed as 
second Lorna and a great author of so many books and writer of high grade 
Bonaventure Pietro who will dazzle the crowd by playing on the stage blowing 
instruments.  For all the lovers of Konkani Shows,this should be a golden 
opportunity to witness such a show with such a fabulous cast.

A. Veronica Fernandes,
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