Re: [Goanet] Should we question Prayer?

2003-10-01 Thread Santosh Helekar
"Auspicio F.M.Rodrigues" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It was a Prayer,you see and don't we all have a right to pray!

Just as we all have a right to ask questions about political and 
religious propaganda that masquerade as prayers in public forums.

>For Faith and Belief are very much personal questions,shared in 
>this forum only as media, is often used to propagate respect for 
>what actually enslaves humanity.

Indeed! We have to ask ourselves aloud what beliefs actually enslave 
humanity, and question their validity.

>I think, that the purpose of any public forum like this, is not to 
>spread vendetta, not to villify,not to prove anybody wrong,or  
>oneself right,not to spread canards or lies,not to start a hate 
>campaign ,but instead to foster LOVE, COMPASSION, UNDERSTANDING,and 
>to develop a fellowship on the net primarily for an exchange of 
>thoughts,ideas,memories, to reunite old accquaintances and 

What better way is there to exchange thoughts and ideas than to ask 
thoughtful questions? What better way is there to foster fellowship 
and understanding than to challenge a view that uses the medium of 
prayer to ridicule pluralism?

>My dear friend Santosh,you may not know it, but I knew you as a kid 
>and let us  not spoil and vitiate the atmosphere on the Goanet.

That is very nice to know. But I would have felt much better if you 
had used that knowledge to understand that I do not ever intend to 
spoil and vitiate the atmosphere on Goanet. I simply want to seek 
answers to my questions.

>Are we actually going through this life always questioning,don't 
>you ever realise that someone may know a wee bit more than you?

Yes, I go through life always questioning. That is what humble 
agnostics like me do out of habit. I think it is a good habit, and it 
is a mark of humility. I simply do not know enough. That is why I am 
an agnostic. But I know that there are many people who know more than 
I do. That is why in matters which cannot be decided by objective 
physical evidence I believe in PLURALISM. The "prayer" that you 
circulated rejects pluralism. It promotes the idea of privileged 
knowledge of absolute truth. It emits self-righteous arrogance. That 
is why I question its wisdom. That is why I suspect that Wright might 
very well be wrong.



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[Goanet]Should we question Prayer? sorry Marlon!

2003-09-30 Thread Auspicio F.M.Rodrigues
Well,well, Santosh bab in the US of A!
It was a Prayer,you see and don't we all have a right to pray!even as some,
find Prayer archaic?
I would in all humility and with due respect to you, reject your questions,
as relevant as they may seem to you but irrelevant as they are to me.For I
For  Faith and Belief are very much personal questions,shared in this forum
only as media, is often used to propagate respect for what actually enslaves
Just as you my friend  and Goan brother, can exercise a choice to disbelief
and be an Agnostic,as you  seem,those of us with me, who have experienced
the mighty Power of God in our lives and around us, would by the Grace of
Almighty God accept Prayer as an integral part of their reformed and renewed
I think, that the purpose of any public forum like this  , is not to spread
vendetta, not to villify,not to prove anybody wrong,or  oneself right,not to
spread canards or lies,not to start a hate campaign ,but instead to foster
LOVE, COMPASSION, UNDERSTANDING,and to develop a fellowship on the net
primarily for an exchange of thoughts,ideas,memories, to reunite old
accquaintances and friends,etc..
 I think Goanet is precisely that.
 My dear friend Santosh,you may not know it,but I knew you as a kid and let
us  not spoil and vitiate the atmosphere on the Goanet.
You believe what you want to ,do not Pray if you prefer not to, but Prayer
is not by the way only expressive ,it can also be in what we do, in what we
think ,just as what we say.
Let the those of us who desire in our hearts to believe in what we do and to
Prayer the way we are confortable.
Remember even to disbelieve ,you need to believe ,in what you disbelieve,
for Belief is  really at the core of our very Human lives as a Doctor,I
think that is what you are professionally,haven't you experienced the Power
of Positive Thinking, Ah! that is belief for you.
We have a loving GOD,all of us ,who loves us dearly,you may choose to reject
him,that is your human right,HE allows it to you,the JUDGEMENT will be
Let's keep Goa net as a medium to share,it is free after all!for all,
Are we actually going through this life always questioning,don't you ever
realise that someone may know a wee bit more than you? It need not be me,it
surely isn't, but there is some one else,we need to find out?
Peace be with you
On The Internet!
Auspicio F.M.Rodrigues
Simply GOAN, simple Goan, if you like, like many if not most needing GOD! in
my life

- Original Message -
From: "Santosh Helekar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 10:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Should prostitution be legalized in Goa?

> "Auspicio F.M.Rodrigues" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Thought you might enjoy this interesting prayer given in Kansas at
> >the opening session of their Senate. It seems prayer still upsets
> >some people.
> >
> I have some questions regarding the statements in this prayer.
> >
> >We confess that we have ridiculed the absolute truth of Your Word
> >and call it Pluralism.
> >
> What is the absolute truth? Who has the singular privilege of knowing
> it? Why is pluralism bad?
> >
> >We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare.
> >
> Is this a Christian position or simply an ultraconservative political
> position meant to blame the poor for their plight, and give a tax cut
> to the rich?
> >
> >We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building
> >self-esteem.
> >
> How do we discipline our children? Spank them? Stone them if they
> disobey us?
> >
> >We have abused power and called it politics.
> >
> Is there any religious (Chistian, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist,etc)
> position on abuse of power or politics?
> >
> >We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition.
> >
> Is ambition wrong? Is there a religiously correct definition of ambition?
> >
> >We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it
> >freedom of expression.
> >
> Doesn't fundamentalism pollute the air as well?
> >
> >We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and
> >called it enlightenment.
> >
> What are the time-honored values of our forefathers? Was enlightenment
> bad for humanity?
> >
> >A number of legislators walked out  during the prayer in protest.
> >
> They should have stayed, and asked the pastor if this was a prayer or
> right-wing propaganda. I am surprised the pastor did not say "Vote for
> Bush" instead of "Amen" in the end.
> Cheers,
> Santosh
> ##
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> # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #
> ##