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 + Goa's thriving cultural spirit has attracted yet another
  world-renowned musician. Gazelle Mehta discovers the
  talented Delia Varga. She first heard of Goa in Nocturno Indiano,
  a novel by Antonio Tabucchi, about a man who sets out to
  find a lost friend and ends up finding himself in Goa.
  Delia was born in the north of Romania and began playing
  piano at the age of six. (GT)


I remember having received Tabucchi at the Xavier Centre in 1983, then still
located at Miramar. I had not realized at that time who Tabucchi was or that
he was preparing his *Notturno Indiano*. In a typical post-modern fashion of
distorting and mixing reality and phantasy,  I became the guardian of the
jesuit library, an old man of 73, and who smiled moving his head ("mi fece
grandi sorrisi dondolando la testa"). 

For an interesting analysis of the novel and for a reference to this my 
encounter with Tabucchi in Goa,  read   Thomas Strater, "From Peregrination to 
Pilgrimage: Tabucchi's Notturno Indiano", in *Goa and Portugal: Their Cultural 
Links*, eds Charles Borges and Helmut Feldmann, New Delhi, Concept 
Publications, 1997, pp.  251-260.

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