     Domnic Fernandes continues (Part III) his reminiscence of     
                       Mapusa of the 1950s                        
I recently came across Lynn de Souza's name in
Campaign Middle East weekly, which is published in
Dubai and has arrangement with Campaign UK. Probably
Lynn's piece was taken from the UK edition.

Eugene Correia

Campaign -- INSIDER'S VIEW 

A combination of Western aspirations and traditional
Indian values is driving a booming media industry,
Lynn de Souza says

   There is an optimistic buoyancy in the air. It
weaves through the endless traffic jams, dug-up roads
and construction chaos in our cities like an army of
ants, moving relentlessly forward. Nothing can hold it
back. Bomb blasts, earthquakes, tidal waves and
thunderstorms are but minor blips, brushed aside. A
bright future beckons, calling Indians all over the
world, in her cities, her villages and her diaspora,
to come and contribute to its making and participate
in the takings.
   The media and entertainment industry has
transformed itself in the past ten years and it will
do so again twice over in the next ten months. Already
the value of advertising and promotional inventory
used by this industry exceeds that of all the FMCG
players combined, making it the most advertised
category in the country. The best talent from
marketing, communication and advertising companies is
being drawn to this sector, fascinated by its growth
prospects, its high energy and creativity levels and,
of course, the attractive pay packets made possible by
bullish foreign and Indian investors in this sector.
   A sprinkling of private FM radio stations in nine
cities gave a boost to this ailing medium six years
ago, doubling its reach inside two years. Imagine what
the 330 new FM radio licences spread all over the
country, bagged by 29 large players, some with
internationally proven capabilities,will do to its
popularity. India has gone cellular faster than the
West: 70 million users of mobile phones, living in
remote villages and metropolitan multi-storey towers,
are a mind-boggling marketing and communication
   The US$4.3 billion TV industry is set to reach
US$9.5 billion by 2010, making it the largest medium
by then, overtaking even print. Directto-home TV is
already here, but the big stakes are around the corner
in mid-2006, when Tata Sky launches.
   The regional local-language players have arguably
been the most successful in recent years. India can
boast the newspaper with the highest daily readership
in the world - the 150-year-old Dainik Jagran,
published from more than 30 centres in the Hindi belt,
has a National Readership Survey readership of more
than 20 million per day.
   A youthful India, still grounded in traditional
family values, has never had it so good. While the
materialism of the West has enabled us to aspire to a
better life, centuries of ingrained tolerance have
taught us to keep our feet on the ground.
   Even as George Bush promises to increase the number
of HIB visas to the US, a reverse brain drain has
begun with Indian business process outsourcing
services as diversified as medical transcriptions to
data analytics to ad copy.
The ants march on. Maybe they will swallow up the
elephant sooner than we think.

Lynn de Souza is the director of Lintas Media Group,

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