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----- Forwarded message from "jasper eusebio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

    Date: Thu, 24 Jun 05:59 (PDT)
    From: "jasper eusebio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Arrogant Goans  ruling Goan Cultural Society in Dubai, United Arab 

For those of you who are keen in knowing the history of this Society 
please read on.....

This GCS was formed  approx 17 years ago and not a quarter century back 
as it is wrongly rumoured, by linking the Goan Sports Club to their 
feathers - which was already disbanded with not too good deeds. However from 
what information I have, Goan Sports Club was formed in the late 70's ( maybe 
1978-79) by few individuals who were involved in the arena of football like 
Rosario and Late Titus of Candolim, Francis of Colva, Ramiro of Betalbatim, 
Dominic of St. Estevan and many other dedicated guys to name a few. In those 
years, that was the only entertainment that goans could indulge in late 
evenings besides house parties which were a priviliege for few. Gradually, 
elections were held to run the Club and those who got elected were not on the 
basis of their merit to run the club but on the basis of  their positions held 
in their Companies. My sources told me that the first President coming from 
Africa happened to have a good position in Dubai which made the whole trick to 
get him on the club presidency. By this one instance you can figure out how 
the Club may have progressed and disbanded. It is a pity that we Goans are 
unlucky to have presidents and chairmen of our organisations persons of 
dubious character who will do nothing for the benefit of poor and 
downtrodden. For this reason Goan organisations in the Gulf and Dubai 
in particular are considered of zero value as far as their work is 
concerned towards downtrodden.

According to the latest information during the Annual General Body 
Meeting held in one of the hotels in Dubai in the first week of June, 2004 the 
President did a self-election thus  re-electing himself as President with his 
same quorum of committee with addition of his future family members elected by 
him, regretfully, none among the attendees objected this.  Ironically, those 
who attended the AGM always claim to be the upright and men of justice.

Coming back to the original Goan Sports Club, according to my sources,
the members belonged to only a bunch of those who wanted to gain cheap 
prestige for themselves and were self-centred for their own personal benefits. 
When they had all big guns in their committee and others known to their private 
circle  - my source can't recall any  Goan in distress or jobless or disabled 
in Dubai (let alone back home) being helped by the then so-called  GOAN SPORTS 
CLUB or even setting up a Home For The Aged which would have been useful  to 
them today ..in their old age as I believe some of their mod-children have 
disowned their parents which is probably a curse !!!

>From what I gathered, Goan Sports Club ran their organisation without a 
proper, legal club-house Their hatred for individuals went noticed publicly. 
This following episode is an example: I believe in early 80's(as usual  11-a-
side soccer tournaments were  held during the Holy Month of Ramadan as most of 
the employees work straight six hours a day and the afternoon is free) I 
believe they  allowed a non-Goan who married a Goan and was accepted in the 
Goan society to be the Manager of a team  until the semi-Final stage but as the 
team was victorious reaching Finals - this committee banned him from entering 
the field - which is discriminating. I believe, the team sportingly entered the 
field and made the demand that the Manager should be allowed with them before 
the game commencement which was not granted and so the team walked out. I don't 
think any of you has ever witnessed such walk-out by a team specially qualified 
to play the Finals ! Of course they deserved some punishment - but yet again 
the Committee has to be blamed for their poor implementation of Rules which 
they themselves make and break as per their whims and fancies and in this 
instance were the cause of team agitation.Of course nowadays,it is happening 
all over the world in the arena of sports where we hear match-fixing in cricket 
and recently in Goa itself  where soccer match-fixing in Feb-04 had more than 
100 goals scored simultaneously but these teams were banned for only one year 
and had CNN coverage.Whereas this Goan team and their players were banned for 
nearly 3-4 years and were disrespected by the Committee for their respectful 



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