
2005-03-24 Thread domnic fernandes
A piece of advice for future:
As far as renting of a house is concerned, try not to enter into a long term 
agreement but go for a short term agreement called “INSTRUMENT OF LICENSE” 
valid for eleven (11) months only.  It is suggested that you collect six 
months rent in advance from the LICENSEE at the time of signing the 
agreement.  The rent for the remaining five months should be made available 
by the LICENSEE to the LICENSOR before the end of the sixth month.  If 
he/she is unable to pay the balance at the end of the sixth month, issue 
him/her a month’s notice and make him/her vacate the house.  If the LICENSEE 
does not agree to these terms, do not allow him/her to occupy your house.  
Make sure you do not include the word “tenant” in your agreement.  Also, 
avoid using the word rent; you may instead use the words licensee fee.

Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA
From :  Cecil Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To :  goanet@goanet.org
Sent :  Thursday, March 24, 2005 10:23:07 AM
To :  goanet@goanet.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject :  [Goanet]Assistance
Preetam Rana asked for advice to get rid of a tenant:
My friend is an elderly person and he
cannot run to the court as court matters normally take years to pronounce a
judgement. Should he try what the crooks try by hiring some goons and 
such outsiders ? Please advise

Dear Preetam,
Hiring goons is an effective way of getting rid of problem tenants but 
consider the following:

1) What if the goons then take over the property and ask for vast sums of 
money to vacate? You cannot then approach the courts because you have 
already committed an illegality by using muscle power to get rid of the 
tenants. It's a never ending circle.

2) You say the crooks hire goons. All the crooks are currently out of power 
and spending all their energies in poaching crooks from other parties by 
incentives and threats. Goons are very expensive these days.

I suggest you approach the cops. Whenever there is President's Rule it is 
the executive who are kings, specially the cops as there are no politicians 
breathing over their shoulders with threats of transfers and demotions. In 
fact this is the only viable option for you right now. All the goons have 
gone undercover as their political godfathers are out of power and cannot 
get them released from jail.

I hope my advise was helpful.
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2005-03-22 Thread preetam rana
Dear friends,

Seeking your opinion and advise, i may not be a subscriber to the goanet but 
heard a lot about it for the benefit of Goans.A friend of mine has rented a 
house in Goa he is a goan , and rented it to a non goan , for the last several 
months the tenant has not been paying and the tenant is threatening the 
landlord that he is ready to fight in the court, the agreement says the 
landlord can eithe give one months notice to the tenant or evict him anytime 
shoudl he fail to pay, but the tenant is refusing to vacate.He has even 
deployed security personnel inside the house. The agreement started in 2003 
and ends in 2006 , can the landlord file a criminal complaint in the police 
station if so under what clause/section? Or is there any other alternate way 
to get rid of such people who behave as honest people in the begining but 
later are a nuisance to goa and goans? My friend is an elderly person and he 
cannot run to the court as court matters normally take years to pronounce a 
judgement. Should he try what the crooks try by hiring some goons and evicting 
such outsiders ? Please advise

Thanks in anticipation for all those who will assist.


[Goanet]Assistance required

2004-11-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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I wonder if you can help me. 
I have inherited a shop in Goa - the garage was rented and converted into a 
shop )since 1998-1999.  the rent then was 900 rupees.  In 2000 my father tried 
to increase the rent to 1500 and renew the lease but the tenant refused to 
sign the lease and  has not paid rent for more than 3 years. Is there a way I 
can get the shop back.  I do have an attorney and the case has been going  for 
about  2 years. There have been more than 15 court hearings and each time it 
gets postponed.
I am always seeking help on google website.  That is how I came across your 
website.  Do you think I can gain possession of my garage since the tenant has 
not been paying rent for such a long time.   My father died early last year at 
the age of 96.  
I would appreciate if you can give me any advice.

RE: [Goanet]Assistance for MP3

2003-11-21 Thread Filipe
I  have  some  old  numbers  but  not  very  clear

-Original Message-
Of Agnello A S Fernandes
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2003 10:59 AM
Subject: [Goanet]Assistance for MP3

Hi Everyone,
I am in the process of converting old Konkanim Songs to MP3's to be
uploaded on a site for streaming and downloading for Konkanim music
lovers. If anyone has collection of oldies from 50's 60's and 70's
particularly those songs that used to come on 78 rpm records on
cassettes and would like to share their collection with me, please
contact me.  All material will be copied and returned back to the owner.
Any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

MP3's once uploaded would be available for downloading free.  As this
would be a complimentary service on the website with no income
generated, no payment of any kind would be possible.
With best Regards
Agnello A S Fernandes
Tel: (965) 9629807

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