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----- Forwarded message from "President\\(sgpiag\\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

    Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 17:37:37 +0100 (BST)
    From: "President\\(sgpiag\\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A representative of our regd NGO based in Margao with jurisdiction over the 
entire South Goa Parliamentary constituency visited on 15.6.2004 the 
entire "affected area"  (called so for brevity ) at Baina Mormugao to
examine "in situ"  the post 14.6.2004 scenario and collated a few facts (in 
cognito ) based on personal talks with the affected persons

The area comes under 24  Mormugao Assembly Constituency
15 Mormugao P.W.D. Office (Water Supply) Baina Sea Shore (Part) 
Voters 793  776  1569  with 30 new fresh voters  16 Mormugao
Govt. High School Baina Sea Shore (Part)  voters 518 + 476  (994) 

Natives of Goa atleast by name are about 165 residents

The area is roughly over 3500 sq mts (adjoining PTS 116 Chalta 74 private 
property  of A S De Souza) belonging to the Government and Mormugao 

The area in the pre-Liberation Days used to be
frequented by sailors calling at India's natural
harbour Mormugao. Except for the sexual escapades of
these sailors from far away land by and large the
social evenings were like any part of Goa - keeping
with its Latin style image.

It was only when the developmental activities started
in Goa mainly post Liberation that women who faded
sexually with age and went out of trade took up the
role of "MADAMs" also called  "Gharwalis"who initiated
others from outside the State -- many who were brought
in from drought prone areas -- in the name of manual
labour  were eventually per force and circumstances
initiated in the sex trade a few Goan widows or damsel
in distress were also actively associated but they no more operate from this 
end or the figure has drastically staggered.

The situation pre 14.6.2004  was clearly different 
the women in the trade were confident that the area
would no more harbour their activities.  It was  NOT
yet notified as a "red light area" though branded as one .  After the
continued strict police checks post October 2000  (BJP
coalition in power) many had abandoned the profession or left for their native 
places .  Most sold the areas to genuine labour families that
were employed on the nominal muster rolls with Port
agencies. The message to the sailors and Indian
domestic tourists was in BAINA now KAIM NA --meaning
in Konkani language there is "nothing".

The first credit went to ex MLA John Manuel Vaz and
now to CM Manohar Parrikar for restoring the Baina
Beach a city beach for the people of Vasco da Gama as the residents discreetly 

Since the area had above 3000 residents numerous
grocery shops about 23 bars  eateries sprung up.  In
fact to say that there was a "red light area "
existent today in 2004 is a figment of imagination. 

Many of the Commercial Sex Workers who used to operate
from this end have either gone back to their native
land or spread out to other cities in Goa.

By now they have changed their attire and adopted
dresswear akin to the native Goans they can easily
move around as Goan village girls in jean pants etc

The Supreme Court of India judgement in the case of
Gaurav Jain vs Union of India 1997 (8) SCC 114 listed
measures for the rehabilitation of Commercial Sex
workers in general (not Goa specific) and -- directed 
a) re-adjustment and rehabilitation by economic
b) social justice and self sustenance
c) equality of status and dignity as personsin truth
and reality and 
for social integration

to achieve this 

a) setting up of State Committee
b) Local Committee
c) Advisory Committee
d) Monitoring Committee
e) Child Development Committee

A writ petition filed in the High Court of Judicature
at Panaji No:365 of 1997 with Civil Application No
206/97 was first heard on 20.10.1997.

Thereafter The National Commission for Women in New
Delhi had constituted a Committee under Justice G D
Kamat (retd) to enquire and investigate into the
problems of women in prostitution in Baina Mormugao Goa and they
submitted the Committee submitted their recomendations
on 6.9.1998 

But these recommendations pertain to the period pre October 2000 and the 
conditions no more exist today.

It was only in July 2003 that the Hon'ble High Court
of Bombay at Goa - Panaji Bench directed State
Government to 

a) take steps as per the SC judgement and the Justice
G D Kamat report for the rehabilitation of Commercial
Sex Workers

b) if the 200 cubicle constructions are illegal ( and
they are as per our examination) to take steps TO

c) to take steps to ensure that CSW are NOT brought to
Goa from other States on contract and government IS
provided by specific directions in the SC judgement in
case of CSW 

d) the CSW to BE DEPORTED back to the State from where
they come from 

Compliance report to be submitted within NINE months
from this order.

The official of the Collectorate has confided that all
the "illegal occupants" of the land Municipality and
Government were indeed served notices well in advance
and only on their failure to move out the demolition
was carried out first by disconnecting power and water

It is a fact that illegal occupants were indeed
provided power and water supply and excise permits.

But following a recent notification the mere reason of
holding power and water connection does not give
legitimacy to ones right to possession.

The general conclusion is that 

a) the natives of Vasco da Gama are glad that the blot
on their city is gone forever -- appreciate the
political will

b) the politicians in the opposition have reason to
feel disgruntled because what they could not achieve -
shutting off the red light area -- the stigma to the
natives of Baina -- or rather having thrived on the
this vote bank have lost and the ruling coalition has

c) the NGOs action groups who used to thrive on
distributing condoms with financial aid from various
sources -- have lost the "figures" they could prop up
to recieve the funds --- many of them who survived
exclusively on the existence of a RED LIGHT area will
now have to close shop and move out of activity --
they are six in number it is stated.
d)  there is a reason for some compassion because the action was timed in the 
wet of monsoon - children and women were the worst affected not CSWs but 
migrant hardworking labour and they deserve rehabilitation if they pass the 
domicile 15 year norm;

>From the above readers may draw their own conclusions.

Regd NGP 171/GOA/2000

Terence Mazarelo
0832 2731373
hELPLINE 9822158584 
weblink http://mumbai.sancharnet.in/manojnd

A representative of our regd NGO based in Margao with
jurisdiction over the entire South Goa Parliamentary
constituency visited on 15.6.2004 the entire "affected
area"  (called so for brevity ) at Baina Mormugao to
examine "in situ"  the post 14.6.2004 scenario and
collated a few facts (in cognito ) based on personal
talks with the affected persons

The area comes under 24  Mormugao Assembly
15 Mormugao
P.W.D. Office (Water Supply) Baina Sea Shore (Part) 
Voters 793  776  1569  with 30 new fresh voters 
16 Mormugao
Govt. High School Baina Sea Shore (Part) 
voters 518 + 476  (994) 

Natives of Goa atleast by name are about 165 residents

The area is roughly over 3500 sq mts (adjoining PTS
116 Chalta 74 private property  of A S De Souza)
belonging to the Government and Mormugao Municipality.

The area in the pre-Liberation Days used to be
frequented by sailors calling at India's natural
harbour Mormugao. Except for the sexual escapades of
these sailors from far away land by and large the
social evenings were like any part of Goa - keeping
with its Latin style image.

It was only when the developmental activities started
in Goa mainly post Liberation that women who faded
sexually with age and went out of trade took up the
role of "MADAMs" also called  "Gharwalis"who initiated
others from outside the State -- many who were brought
it from drought prone areas -- in the name of manual
labour  were eventually per force and circumstances
initiated in the sex trade a few Goan widows or damsel
in distress were also actively associated but they no
more operate from this end.

The situation post 14.6.2004  was clearly different 
the women in the trade were confident that the area
would no more harbour their activities.  It was  NOT
yet notified aas a "red light area".  After the
continued strict police checks post October 2000  (BJP
coalition in power) many had abandoned the profession.
Most sold the areas to genuine labour families that
were employed on the nominal muster rolls with Port
agencies. The message to the sailors and Indian
domestic tourists was in BAINA now KAIM NA --meaning
in Konkani language there is "nothing".

The first credit went to ex MLA John Manuel Vaz and
now to CM Manohar Parrikar for restoring the Baina
Beach a city beach for the people of Vasco da Gama 

Since the area had above 3000 residents numerous
grocery shops about 23 bars  eateries sprung up.  In
fact to say that there was a "red light area "
existent today in 2004 is a figment of imagination. 

Many of the Commercial Sex Workers who used to operate
from this end have either gone back to their native
land or spraead out to other cities in Goa.

By now they have changed their attire and adopted
dresswear akin to the native Goans they can easily
move around as Goan village girls in jean pants etc

The Supreme Court of India judgement in the case of
Gaurav Jain vs Union of India 1997 (8) SCC 114 listed
measures for the rehabilitation of Commercial Sex
workers -- directed 
a) re-adjustment and rehabilitation by economic
b) social justice and self sustenance
c) equality of status and dignity as personsin truth
and reality and 
for social integration

to achieve this 

a) setting up of State Committee
b) Local Committee
c) Advisory Committee
d) Monitoring Committee
e) Child Development Committee

A writ petition filed in the High Court of Judicature
at Panaji No:365 of 1997 with Civil Application No
206/97 was first heard on 20.10.1997.

Thereafter The National Commission for Women in New
Delhi had constituted a Committee under Justice G D
Kamat (retd) to enquire and investigate into the
problems of women in prostitution in Baina and they
submitted the Committee submitted their recomendations
on 6.9.1998 

But these recommendations pertain to the period post
October 2000 and the conditions no more existed today.

It was only in July 2003 that the Hon'ble High Court
of Bombay at Goa - Panaji Bench directed State
Government to 

a) take steps as per the SC judgement and the Justice
G D Kamat report for the rehabilitation of Commercial
Sex Workers

b) if the 200 cubicle constructions are illegal ( and
they are as per our examination) to take steps TO

c) to take steps to ensure that CSW are NOT brought to
Goa from other States on contract and government IS
provided by specific directions in the SC judgement in
case of CSW 

d) the CSW to BE DEPORTED back to the State from where
they come from 

Compliance report to be submitted within NINE months
from this order.

The official of the Collectorate has confided that all
the "illegal occupants" of the land Municipality and
Government were indeed served notices well in advance
and only on their failure to move out the demolition
was carried out first by disconnecting power and water

It is a fact that illegal occupants were indeed
provided power and water supply and excise permits.

But following a recent notification the mere reason of
holding power and water connection does not give
legitimacy to ones right to possession.

The general conclusion is that 

a) the natives of Vasco da Gama are glad that the blot
on their city is gone forever -- appreciate the
political will

b) the politicians in the opposition have reason to
feel disgruntled because what they could not achieve -
shutting off the red light area -- the stigma to the
natives of Baina -- or rather having thrived on the
this vote bank have lost and the ruling coalition has

c) the NGOs action groups who used to thrive on
distributing condoms with financial aid from various
sources -- have lost the "figures" they could prop up
to recieve the funds --- many of them who survived
exclusively on the existence of a RED LIGHT area will
now have to close shop and move out of activity --
they are six in number it is stated.

>From the above readers may draw their own conclusions.

Regd NGP 171/GOA/2000

Terence Mazarelo
0832 2731373
hELPLINE 9822158584 
weblink http://mumbai.sancharnet.in/manojnd

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