Hello Philip Thomas and Gilbert Lawrence,

regarding a "big disconnect" between what you call "Goans in cyber Goa and the native (sic) Goans", this has been a much debated issue here on Goanet. There sure is a gap, but also there sure are already many working on the terrain to shorten it.

My contribution, you might have been seeing it, is fortnightly in the Goan Observer, since January. My "Global Goan" column focuses on this divide and seeks to bridge the gap by x-raying our Diaspora, but also highlight cases of success, disappointments, examples among the Goan Diaspora.

Since January (before, for one year, I had written on Goa-Portugal-India relations in a weekly cilumn also called Global Goan) I have written features on

Rene Barreto: "The Networker"
Teotonio de Souza: "In the name of History and Controversy"
Nalini de Sousa: "Against the tide"
Eddie Fernandes: "Spreading the Goan news"
Jorge de Abreu Noronha: "Welcoming Goans in Lisbon"
George Pinto / Goa Sudharop: "Giving back"
Daryl Martyris: "Cyberaging Goa from overseas"
Keith Vaz: "Goa in his mind... and heart"
Suraje Dessai: "Third-culture kid"

And more are to follow. There is always a "Global Thought" and a selected "Global Number" of mine attached to each feature. Hope to have your contributions and suggestions also.



Philip Thomas ,
By any chance did you mean to say "cyber" Goans instead of "native" Goans at
the end of this particular line? Why indeed is there such a big disconnect
between cyber Goans and native Goans? Might be worth discussing on goanet.

Gilbert Lawrence, Aug 6
<My philosophical question: Why is there such a big disconnect between the
Goans in cyber Goa and the native Goans about whom and whose "interest"
native Goans write about.>

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