Credibility, Corruption Major Problems of PM Manmohan Singh

By Rajeev Srinivasan

NEW DELHI, May 21: The French have been the most regular practitioners of the 
vaguely risqué art of cohabitation, that is, the balancing of multiple centers 
of power in an administration. 

For instance, a socialist president and a conservative prime minister who 
share power. The internal contradictions in this arrangement are such that not 
much gets done: the various parties have too many pet shibboleths that they 
would not sacrifice even if it killed them.

India has just gone through a year of cohabitation, aptly summed up by the 
phrase: 'PM, Super-PM, and CPM'. There is the nominal PM, Manmohan Singh; the 
Super-PM, Madame Gandhi, who, constitutionally speaking, has no power, but 
that is just the theory; and the Community Party, Marxist, which threatens to 
pull down the minority UPA government. This is hardly a recipe for success, 
and it shows.

It amuses me that Manmohan Singh's name is never mentioned without the 
descriptive phrase 'the architect of India's economic reforms' being added to 
it, so much so that he should trademark it. It reminds me of the fact that 
Benazir Bhutto's name used to similarly carry an inevitable suffix, 'educated 
at Radcliffe and Oxford' as part of the attempt to portray Pakistan as 
a 'modern, model, moderate' Muslim country.

Unfortunately, despite this pedigree, Singh and company (especially Finance 
Minister P Chidambaram) have not been able to make much of an impact on the 
economic front. Despite great expectations, they have accomplished little in 
this full year of their rule. A pessimist would wonder India is heading back 
to the bad old days of the Nehruvian Rate of Growth of 3 per cent.

The statistics of growth are not by any means stellar. The momentum of the 
last few years of sustained growth is not there. The recent Budget has been 
seen as uninspired, except when it comes to particularly strange ideas about 
taxing corporate fringe-benefits and withdrawals of as little as Rs 10,000 in 

There are at least three problems the Singh government faces: credibility, 
massive corruption, and Marxists.

1. Credibility: Singh is not a politician, never actually having won any 
elections. Most observers suggest that he is a decent man who understands 
economics. However, it is also abundantly clear to the casual observer that he 
is holding the fort until the next Nehru Dynasty scion, Rahul Gandhi, can be 
anointed as prime minister. Therefore it is a little hard for Singh to act 
decisively, for he can be over-ruled by any of Sonia Gandhi's kitchen cabinet.

2. Massive Corruption: This is at two levels, one, the ordinary variety 
espoused by various scam-ridden individuals in government, and relating to 
money. This is a minor vice: after all, it is only money, and all politicians 
anywhere in the world are champions at feeding off the pork-barrel trough.

A much more major vice is the degradation of institutions. The Election 
Commission is under attack; the Supreme Court has come out with a number of 
unfathomable rulings that a neutral observer might say are ideologically 
slanted; the education system is being re-Stalinised; and the bureaucracy is 
salivating over increased rent-seeking for such inanities as the 'employment-
guarantee act'. A government that condones these is not helping the nation or 
the economy.

3. Obstructionism: And that too by committed Marxists. They are making merry 
with their usual espousal of policies guaranteed to perpetuate poverty: for 
instance, in obstructing foreign direct investment, and in the current 
brouhaha over special economic zones. By ensuring that restrictive labor laws 
will be re-imposed on the SEZs, they have handicapped them dramatically.

I wonder why they don't notice that their idol, China, does give complete 
freedom to employers in their special economic zones. And oh, while they are 
at it, India's Marxists should also be asked to explain why the banned Survey 
of Chinese Peasants paints an unrelenting picture of rural China as a poverty-
ridden hell-hole as a result of following precisely the same anti-poor 
policies they, India's Marxists, espouse.

So much for the economy, supposedly Singh's strong suite. Foreign policy, as 
usual, is the Congress's worst area, as they have consistently failed to 
realize that it is India's interests they are supposed to look after, not 
someone else's. 

The current dispensation is especially into NAM and such-like; and all the 
billing and cooing with Pakistan's and China's dictators has produced 
practically nothing tangible other than increased Indian trade with China. 
This sounds impressive until one realizes that almost all the increased Indian 
exports to China are raw materials, especially iron ore.

China, in addition to its outposts at Gwadar and in the Andaman Sea, is 
rumored to be leasing an island from the Maldives. I have consistently seen 
this rumor in enough places (latest in the Far Eastern Economic Review, April 
issue) to believe there is something to it. If this turns out to be true, what 
exactly will Natwar Singh do? Invoke more bhai-bhai? All the bhai-bhai with 
Pakistan hasn't produced any less by way of terrorism, one might note in 

Any improvement in India's standing in the world has come strictly by accident 
through economic growth, not through any plan by the foreign policy 

Now that the UPA government has successfully applied the brakes to economic 
growth, things will revert to the status quo ante of India's begging-bowl 
image. And incidentally, if progress has been slow in the past one year, it 
will be glacial in the next year as the Congress and Marxists fight it out in 
elections in West Bengal and Kerala where they do not exactly cohabit. - 

MAY BALL 2005 (Kuwait) in pictures

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