Dear George,Jay and Paul,

This is the type of initiative I yearned for on Goanet; instead I had to
make do with the gripes that were posted on the net. Well done. Let us get
this moving. I am interested.

I am forwarding this email to  four Goan net groups of which I am a member.
This is something that has not happened in a long time to a cyberGoan. We
must sieze
it with both hands.

Last year in September I was at Paro,Kingdom of Bhutan in the Himalaya
mountains, interacting with women from the mountains of the world from the
Andes and Alps to Kilimanjaro,Himalayas and Fujiyama,from Austria to Zambia
as it were, about entrepreneurship. The issues ranged from the benefits
accrued by providing a manual sewing machine to a self-help group in Peru to
the advantage for entrepreneurship from the  grant of long maternity leave
to the mothers in the new republic of Slovenia. I edited this chapter in the
Resource Book issued by the ICIMOD to mark the International Year of the
Mountains. If we Goans get together, we can move mountains. Let us begin.

Goans from all over the world who have studied in the three top educational
institutions in my home town,Mapusa, will gather in Canada next July for a
fortnight. The group is called BMX for short,[after
Brittos-Mary's-Xavier's]. It came as a brainwave of Lucindo Faria, a fellow
Agriculture post-graduate turned hotelier[La Goa Azul and Grandpa's ],during
his interaction with Goans in Canada in 2002. You can look up for details. There is no reason why we cannot have and make it a success.
Entrepreneurship works even in Goa. We need more Goans to accept this fact,
instead of cribbing that 'outsiders' are taking over Goa. The sooner we do
it, the better. God speed to you,my friend,God speed.

Jay, do join up on goanet at [EMAIL PROTECTED] . We need more of
us positive people to interact and set the tone for the things to come in
Goa. Perhaps we are reaching the 'critical mass' for the implosion.

Warm regards,

Miguel Braganza

----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul D'Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 6:34 PM
Subject: RE: [Goanet]Re: Goan entrepreneurship[Scanned]

> Hi George and Jay,
> thanks for starting this string - I am interested in being part of this.
> Have been in the Business Development field for quite a while now and have
> just started a new for-profit venture (
Thanks again and count me in.>
> Paul D'Souza, M.S.W.
> -----Original Message-----
> JL Carvalho

> Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 11:25 PM
> My name is Jay Carvalho.I am 24, I live in Victoria, B.C
> Canada.  I have been personally thinking of going back to
> GOA to deal in teaching students there about Entrepreneurship.I would love
to start
bringing together Goans and Entrepreneurship.
 It's funny how this has come up and believe it's time to seize the day on
> this as I have been thinking about if for a while now.>
> or
could be purchased and I have a company of my own in Vancouver, B.C that
build a very professional site and we could stream line goans towards it . I
really believe in this and I believe I am at a level now where international
work is something that I would like to take on and building an international
network for Goan Entrepreneurs would be a great start.
> I look forward to hearing from those interested,
> J.L Carvalho Co-Founder and Vice President [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 2:43 PM
> Subject: Goan entrepreneurship
There is a need for greater Goan entrepreneurship (going into businessfor
oneself), to be able to control one's financial destiny and by extension,our
life's goals and not be subject to the machinations of the job
market,corporate & political worlds.
Economic independence can lead to greater freedom > George

James Almeida wrote.....
I do agree with George (we do agree on some issues!) that most business
proposals are weak because their proponents do an extremely superficial job
at developing their business model.  Nevertheless, while preparing a
business plan is the necessary first-step, what is of far greater importance
is execution.    The execution of the plan is what separates the ones that
will survive (and frankly, that's all that you can aspire to for the first
couple of years) and those that are DOA (dead on arrival).

This implementation of the plan necessitates interacting with all those
external entities that George alluded to, and yes, being subject to their
"machinations."  After all, any business organization has numerous
stakeholders (vendors, distributors, financiers, customers, labor pool,
politicians, local communities, etc.) that will impact its operations.  Yes,
we very much live in an interconnected world!  One therefore has to build
bridges to these various entities or else risk being swallowed up.  No
business can expect to survive as an island.  One can easily come up with
numerous examples of how political factors in one country can impact
businesses all across the world (I would recommend studying the concept of
BPO - Business Process Outsourcing - one
of the fastest growing sectors in India).

As is being increasingly apparent, economic independence is
nothing short of a mirage.  "Inter"dependence is what characterizes most
economic relationships and with that truism in mind, I would advise all
those who want to (at some point in the future) start their own business to
start developing their human networks right away.  Success, whether you like
it or not, is not only depedent on what you know, but also, who you know!


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