[Goanet] Governance in Goa 2005

2005-12-27 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad (M. Pharm., Ph. D.)

|Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
|The Riviera Opposite Hotel Mandovi, Panjim (near Ferry Jetty/Riverfront)|
| Attending...drop a line to [EMAIL PROTECTED]|

Administration in Goa 2005 is totally paralyzed, suffered multiple fractures 
and is moving on crunches. This multi fractured and paralyzed governance has 
finalized to convert entire Goa into concrete jungle, finalized beneficiary 
scheme for the benefit of Maharashtra and Karnataka (but not for Goa) in 
giving green signal to unwanted, uneconomical and non-beneficial Mopa 
project. In short 2005 has brought in chaos in every sphere of governance. 
For a person who knows what good administration is all about I have no 
hesitation in saying that Mr. Pratapsing Rane who was earlier admired for 
his administrative skills has lost his shine. Factually he was never an 
EFFECTIVE LEADER for he was always chosen for the post of CM as a compromise 
candidate. Congress had to resort to his selection as CM on 7 - 8 occasions 
only because congress in Goa is a party full of SELF STYLED LEADERS and no 
disciplined followers / supporters. Every occasion these self styled leaders 
have literally cut the Mr. Rane to peaces. On account of these internal 
cuttings the ageing Rane and the Goa Congress together are loosing their 
shine. Right this year no one knows who the REAL LEADER in the congress 
party in Goa and who ACTUALLY RULES Goa. Unless this basic issue of 
leadership is clearly defined understood and fully supported by all their 
MLAs and party workers administration in Goa by congress party will always 
continue to suffer. Contrary to this the issue of leadership in BJP in Goa 
has long been settled and supported by their MLAs and party workers. On 
account of which they could give quality administration during their four 
and half years of rule. Have you any comment on this please post it on net 
and do mark a copy to me.

I wish all Goanet members a very happy and prosperous new year 2006.

Dr. U. G. Barad 

|Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions |
|  Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages   |
|  Vacationing in Goa this year-end - Carry and distribute Soccer Balls  |


2004-11-23 Thread Philip Thomas
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Re: George Pinto's of Nov 22

If only governance was a simple matter of reducing things to lists of 10, 20
and 37 items! Perhaps one should re-visit the lists of these good folks you
mentioned and see how many items have stood the test of time. Anyway, I
myself dont have any readymade list. I am only appalled at the way our top
leadership has gone about  a single (well perhaps dual) very salient event
in the State, perhaps in good faith. For all our sakes I wouldnt mind being
proved a liar rather than a prophet come 2005!