Greetings to all from the Goan Welfare Society 
- Kuwait.

Goan Welfare Society - Kuwait (GWS) stands on solid
foundation since the day of its inception. Let it be
known that the members are benevolent Goans, with like
minds, who elect the members of the Managing Committee
based on their integrity. GWS, at no point in time,
has ever entertained self proclaimed leaders, but
leaders have always been appointed, purely based on
elections. The honorable members of GWS are kept fully
aware of their accounts and utilisation of their
funds. They are also kept well informed at the Annual
General Assembly about the various activities
conducted during each Fiscal Year, as well as through
the quarterly published GWS newsletters.  The members
of the GWS have the right to raise their voices aloud
and come up with constructive criticism for the well
being of the Society.  GWS is managed by altruistic,
benevolent Goans who do not need advice of destructive
minds but is open to constructive criticism, at all
times. They know how best to assist and how best to
help those in need and not those in greed.

It should be noted that Francis de Verna,
President-KGTS and other members of KGTS,
particularly, the very talented Konkani stage artistes
Jose Rod, Cajetan de Sanvordem, Mario de Majorda,
Manuel F.X. Fernandes, Domingos Araujo, and many
others involved in the KGTS mega musical event (the
first of its kind) titled "Tiatr ani Tiatrist" are
also respected members of GWS.   

The fact remains that a few cynics, with a crab-like
mentality, exists in every community. It is not
unusual to Goan community. May Good Lord enlighten the
ignorant minds and make them face the reality. Any
malicious attempts to drag the Society into
controversies will never succeed, so also efforts to
destroy it will always fail, for it stands on solid
foundation and comprises of Goan stalwarts who care
and love their fellow Goans and above all their
beloved motherland.
They say charity begins at home and GWS lives by it,
there are numerous cases of charitable acts and deeds
done by the society right from its inception and the
trend continues even till this day. The good thing is
that we at GWS never throw our weight around and get
involved in self proclaimation, we do play our role in
the most modest way and that is the key to our success
and strength.
It is indeed sad to read the frustration pouring out
from individuals and it goes to show the true
reflection of what is going on in their minds. We
conclude by extending all good wishes to our friends
and foes alike. 
May God bless us all !

Managing Committee - Goan Welfare Society (GWS)
KUWAIT                   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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