2005-05-25 Thread Mario Goveia
Am I to understand from the following response that
Antonio and Cip are going to decide what the not so
logical social doctrines are that need to be erased
from our masses, and Antonio is then going to start
the process of psychic regeneration? 

The alternative Antonio suggests are concurrent
revolutions where hundreds of thousands of people are
purged or cleansed, but all the revolutions he lists
were followed by decades of misery for the masses?

--- Antonio Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mr. Cip Fernandes, many thanks for your reaction
 (may 24th). Of
 course, i could start  the process of psychic
 regeneration of our
 masses, but i think, the job will require, at least,
  an effort
 lasting for a couple of centuries so as to erase the
 palimpsest  of
 layers upon layers  of not so logical  social
 doctrines which were
 accumulated  on top of each other during the last 
 30 centuries.
 Or it could  be done even  quicker, but then  it
 would require the
 following type of revolutions to happen
 1. The  French revolution
 2. The Lenin's revolution in Russia
 3. The Mao Tse Tung's revolution in  China. 
 And for better or for worse,  another element 
 has to be added,
 namely, the Stalinist purges,  and  ( i apologise in
 advance for
 saying this ) Adolf H's  cleansing programme


2005-05-25 Thread Antonio Menezes
Mr. Cip Fernandes, many thanks for your reaction (may 24th). Of
course, i could start  the process of psychic regeneration of our
masses, but i think, the job will require, at least,  an effort
lasting for a couple of centuries so as to erase the palimpsest  of
layers upon layers  of not so logical  social doctrines which were
accumulated  on top of each other during the last  30 centuries.

Or it could  be done even  quicker, but then  it would require the
following type of revolutions to happen concurrently:

1. The  French revolution
2. The Lenin's revolution in Russia
3. The Mao Tse Tung's revolution in  China.  
And for better or for worse,  another element  has to be added,
namely, the Stalinist purges,  and  ( i apologise in advance for
saying this ) Adolf H's  cleansing programme



2005-05-19 Thread Cip Fernandes

All men-made things in this world, including human journey to the Moon and
9/11 New York incident started with a SINGLE THOUGHT in a human MIND.

Similarly, the THOUGHT of 'Providing leadership for the task of psychic
regeneration  of our masses' started in your MIND.  Whether you call
yourself so-called 'elites' or not, is another matter.  I consider you are
as good as to those so-called 'elites', if not better.  In addition you do
not have any HOG syndrome.

I understand and totally agree with your statement that The difficult task
of restoring the psyche of our masses to a healthy level thus improving  the
quality of our people.

I consider that you have perfectly perfect capacity for carrying this
so-called difficult task.

What I do NOT understand is What stops you to START this task?


-Original Message-
Antonio Menezes Sent: 19 May 2005 05:54

Can our so called 'elites' provide leadership  for the task of psychic
regeneration  of our masses? I doubt very much,  since I am of the
opinion that our 'elites' whether they are RSS wallahs, Congressmen,
Communists ( i.e. the top echelon) are in a way  self afflicted
victims of the HOG syndrome.HOG stands for  hallucination of
grandeur andhallucination means  perception of  'superiority'
that has no reality whatsoever  outside one's mind.

The difficult task of restoring the psyche of our masses to a healthy
level thus improving  the quality of our people has to be undertaken
of war footing, otherwise we shall have to look with apprehension,
this time, towards the north east and the south east.



2005-05-19 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- Antonio Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Can our so called 'elites' provide leadership  for
the task of psychic regeneration  of our masses? I
doubt very much, since I am of the opinion that our
'elites' whether they are RSS wallahs, Congressmen,
Communists ( i.e. the top echelon) are in a way self
afflicted victims of the HOG syndrome.

Actually, the crux of the problem is treating the
above people as the elite. They are not the elite.
They have contributed very little to the advancement
of our society. They have thrived by being parasitic
to our goodwill and gullibility. 

But more importantly, the tacit or explicit
recognition of the need for an elite class in any
society is misguided, whether it is based on wealth,
intellect, knowledge or inheritance. Only individual
achievements should be recognized. Only individuals
should be respected and used as role models for their
excellence, irrespective of which social class and
walk of life they belong.




2005-05-19 Thread Antonio Menezes
Our media is full of news that India, in future, is going to be the
third largest industrial power  after the U.S. and China and that, in
addition, we shall enjoy the advantage of having the largest pool  of
working age population as compared to the other two, which is indeed a
very good feel factor.

Let us consult our history. India is not going to be rich for the
first time in her lifetime, period.Her past prosperous times had
attracted the Aryans, the Turks, the Mughals from the north west and
the British came from the south west..

There is , however, one societal factor  that has not changed in all
these past 30 centuries or so.The same upper class forms 5% of our
population, about 25% is the same middle class and the rest 70% are
our poor masses whose lives were and still are so miserable that they
could not have cared less whether they were ruled by the Aryans,
Turks, Mughals,or the British.

So how do we go about changing the hereditary proportion and bring the
majority of our masses , at least, to the level of the lower middle
classes ? Provide them with reasonable income and better health and
eductional facilities ?  These elementary measures can and do work
wonders in the sub-Saharan Africa; but in India we require an
additional requisite of providing relief to the much battered psyche 
of our masses, which today stand totally deformed as a result of
having been subjected  from generations to countless generations  to
slander and calumny, the psychological weapons that were so strictly
and insensately implemented  by the dharmic rules and regulations.

Can our so called 'elites' provide leadership  for the task of psychic
regeneration  of our masses? I doubt very much,  since I am of the
opinion that our 'elites' whether they are RSS wallahs, Congressmen,
Communists ( i.e. the top echelon) are in a way  self afflicted 
victims of the HOG syndrome.HOG stands for  hallucination of
grandeur andhallucination means  perception of  'superiority' 
that has no reality whatsoever  outside one's mind.

The difficult task of restoring the psyche of our masses to a healthy
level thus improving  the quality of our people has to be undertaken
of war footing, otherwise we shall have to look with apprehension,
this time, towards the north east and the south east.
