Joel's news clippings had this report:

The Motorcycle Action group has urged two-wheeler riders to demand that the candidates contesting the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections make their stand clear on the helmet issue.
It has also demanded that the Goa government should immediately clarify its stand on the helmet rule in view of the fact that the traffic authorities are not implementing the rule as reportedly instructions have been given not to enforce the helmet rule till the Lok Sabha elections apparently to avoid any backlash from two-wheeler riders. MAG spokesman Adv Aires Rodrigues said that the enforcing authorities should not be given any unofficial instructions on implementation of the rule to differentiate any particular section of two-wheeler riders. (H)

Again Aires Rodrigues has made a brilliant observation. I predict that not a single candidate will make a clear statement on what they intend to do about the helmet rule. If any candidate clearly states that he will get this unpopular rule implemented immediately then he is sure to lose the election. And if he says he will get rid of the rule then he will not be able to keep his word once elected.

But then, on the other hand, nobody keeps their promises once they are elected. Should be fun to see how the candidates answer MAG's challenge to clarify their stand.


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