[Goanet]Info request

2004-04-17 Thread James Cooper
Hi, I have a plan to come to Goa in September and continue with a natural 
health project I started a few years ago. Basically I'd like to run a drop-
in clinic for locals and tourists alike (natural remedies such as 
colloidal silver, ayurvedic herbs, urine therapy etc) and publish a 
monthly magazine/newspaper (dealing with healthcare and Indian culture 
etc) to be sold around the resorts. 
I'd appreciate any tips/links on where I can find more information about 
the local laws, obatining a suitable visa etc.
Many thanks

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[Goanet]info request

2004-01-23 Thread alschultz

Dear Madam , Dear Sir

first of all i want to intoduce myself briefly : my name is Alain SCHULTZ ,
i am french , 38 years old ,married without children for the time being ; i
have been
working for Air France Cargo for 13 years , before that i have been working
for 2 years in a 4 star hotel as a receptionnist ; my wife is a chief
waitress in a restaurant
and has a professionnel degree in that field ;
actually i contact you to ask you for an information : we would like to
establish in Goa and build a new life in your country as we do not see any
good future for us here and therefore decided to emigrate to Goa ; our idea
is to buy a big house or something like that and to do a guesthouse , so to
work in the turism offering acco
modation with a good standing with quality but with average prices ; of
course all this in the local style and so on ;
Goa is interesting too because first the area is pleasant and sunny and
then on the economic and turistic point of view it is a very developing
region with a lot
of opportunities and the state of Goa , i think , is one of the healthiest
state in India ; on an other point of view Goa has a very special position
in India with very
specific traditions and past which is very interesting and caught our
attention .
my problem at the moment i do not know whom to contact in order to know how
to do for all procedures to establish in Goa : could you help me giving me
contacts at local administrations' ? the best would be email in Goa .
so our different questions are as follows : 1/ is it possible for us to
immigrate to Goa ?
2/ is it possible for a foreigner to buy real estate in Goa to grant an
enterprise like a guesthouse ?
3/ what are the different steps we have to do ? etc...
i hope you can help me giving me good tips and emails
looking forward to hearing from you soon
best regards - have a nice day
Alain Schultz

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