The letters written by fellow netters  Jose Colaco,
George Pinto and others to the Archibishop of Goa may
have helped.

In an important development in the Ribandar Church
crisis Goa’s Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrao has
directed Fr Luciano Fernandes from Bishop’s palace to
visit Ribandar Church and hold a meeting of
parishioners to discuss the various long-standing
allegations of financial and moral irregularities at
the Church.

The meeting will be held at the Ribandar Church on
January 23rd at 10.30 am and will be open to all

The Archbishop’s decision comes in the wake of various
representations made over the last four years by the
Parish council as well the Church’s confraria
committee of alleged serious allegations against Fr.
Newton Rodrigues.

The meeting, which is expected to be very stormy, is
expected to discuss the financial irregularities in
the Church affairs and also the presence of a widow of
a Velim seaman who has been living in the Church with
her sons ever since Fr. Newton Rodrigues was posted at

The Velim seaman had allegedly committed suicide
infront of the Usgao Church in Nov 99 because of the
allegedly extra-marital affair his wife was allegedly
having with Fr. Newton Rodrigues.

The Ribandar Church molestation issue is also expected
to figure at the deliberations of the crucial January
23rd meeting.

Aires Rodrigues

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