By: Alberto Leitao
1st. March, 2004

1. This has reference to  the above article dated 20/12/03 by Mr. Fernando
Rego on website  in regard to Goa's Liberation.

2. In this article, Mr. Rego considers Vassalo e Silva , the last Governor
General of Protuguese India,  as the hero of liberation  because he refused
to carry out the orders of dictator 'Salazar' for which he was subsequently
court marshaled . It is a fact that Vassalo e Silva saved Goa and Goans. But
today,  we Goans know who is plundering our beautiful State which had been
always peaceful.

3. Mr. Rego admits that many Goans will not accept the take-over of Goa as
"liberation", but consider it as "invasion". Mr. Rego, indeed, it was
"invasion". At the orders of Nehru's Government,  Indian Military marched
into Goa and services of the  Navy and the Air Force were used to bombard
the Emissora de Goa ( Radio Station), the Dabolim Airport and other defence
installations, thus violating  all the U.N. General Assembly Resolutions.

4. Nehru who pretended to be a pacifist had always declared "My Government
shall not use force to free Goa" but as we all know, he was forced to,
because Goans never revolted against Salazar's rule, despite blockade and
sanctions imposed  by his Government. He knew that majority of the Goans
were against annexation but were in favor of self- de termination and that
too by peaceful means and under  the supervision of U.N.O.

5. Immediately after the invasion, Nehru declared "My Government will
protect the interests and the identity of  the Goans",  but once again he
betrayed them. At that point of time the Congress was ruling with a brute
majority and his Government could easily grant statehood to Goa with special
status as in the case of Kashmir. It was Nehru who planted  the seeds of
discord amongst the different communities of Goa and since then there is no
unity amongst Goans.

6. Nehru,  when censured by the world leaders,  had the audacity to say that
Goa was part of India and that it had every right to annex it. But Nehru
failed to invade and annex Kashmir which was part of India,  and,  because
of his  misdeeds,  thousands of Kashmiris have been gunned down for the past
50 years and many Kashmiri  pandits live in exile.

7. I would request Mr. Rego to reply to the various pertinent questions
raised by Mr. Francisco Monteiro on the same website on 13/01/04

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