Benedict Keeps Cardinal As Vatican's No. 2 

4 minutes ago
By TONY CZUCZKA, Associated Press Writer 
VATICAN CITY - Pope Benedict XVI confirmed Cardinal Angelo Sodano in the 
Vatican's No. 2 post Thursday and kept all other top officials, avoiding any 
immediate shakeup in the late John Paul II's administration. 

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It was a sign that the new pope, a doctrinal hard-liner, wants to show 
continuity with the popular John Paul. 

Sodano, the Vatican's secretary of state, is 77, already two years past the 
normal retirement age for Vatican officials. The new pope is 78. 

One appointment Benedict will have to make is his successor as head of the 
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican's guardian of 

Among names that have surfaced as possible successors are Cardinal Christoph 
Schoenborn of Austria and Cardinal Francis George of Chicago. 

The Vatican also said the pope confirmed the Holy See's foreign minister, 
Archbishop Giovanni Lajolo of Italy, as well as the undersecretary of state, 
Archbishop Leonardo Sandri of Argentina, who had become John Paul's official 
voice when the late pontiff could no longer speak. 

The confirmation of Sodano came a day after Benedict gave his first Mass as 
pope, pledging to keep reaching out to other religions and leaving no doubt 
that he senses the large shadow of his predecessor. 

"I seem to feel his strong hand holding mine, I feel I can see his smiling 
eyes and hear his words, at this moment particularly directed at me: 'Be not 
afraid,'" said Benedict, who until Tuesday was simply Cardinal Joseph 

While signaling that he wants to tread in John Paul's ideological footsteps, 
the pope is a contrast in style to his predecessor, who was 20 years younger 
when he became pontiff and kept up a grueling global travel schedule even as 
his health ebbed. 

John Paul II, who died April 2, acted, played soccer, went canoeing in 
mountain streams as a young man in Poland. Benedict is mostly an indoor man, 
though he is a big walker because of his youth in the Bavarian Alps. He finds 
relaxation in classical music and likes to play the piano, not take to the 

But the Vatican also showed that Benedict intends to follow in the footsteps 
of John Paul's multimedia ministry. It modified its Web site so that users who 
click on an icon on the home page automatically activate an e-mail composer 
with Benedict's address. In English, the address is benedictxvi(at) 

Benedict took a cue from John Paul when he pledged Wednesday to work for unity 
among Christians and to seek "an open and sincere dialogue" with other faiths. 

He also stressed he would draw on the work of the Second Vatican Council, the 
1962-65 meeting that modernized the church, an issue important to liberals who 
are wary of Benedict from his time as the powerful enforcer of church 

Benedict will be fighting that reputation close to home as he tackles one of 
the biggest challenges: a Europe of empty churches and growing secularism. 

And as the world's 1.1 billion Catholics got first hints of where the papacy 
is headed, followers of other religions weighed the future of interfaith 
relations. By and large, reactions were hopeful and expectant — an indication 
of the new standards in reaching out that John Paul set during his 26-year 

"I think he has been very open, so I have no worries about the ecumenical 
route," said British Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor. "It will continue. No 
doubt at all." 

But the new pope has been one of the most forceful Vatican voices for Catholic 
missionary work and other forms of evangelization. He was the intellectual 
force behind the 2000 document "Dominus Iesus," which outlined the Catholic 
Church as an exclusive road to salvation and angered Protestants, Jews, 
Muslims and other non-Christians. 

In Israel, admiration for John Paul's tireless efforts to promote Jewish-
Catholic reconciliation mixed with unease about Benedict's time in the Hitler 
Youth as a teenager. 
Benedict has written openly about his service, which was compulsory under the 
Nazi regime. He also was drafted into a German anti-aircraft unit during World 
War II, though he says he never fired a shot. 
John Paul won many Israeli hearts during a trip to the Holy Land in 2000 by 
apologizing for Roman Catholic wrongdoing over the centuries. He also was 
praised for promoting interfaith dialogue, establishing diplomatic relations 
with Israel and aiding Polish Jews during the Nazi era. 
"Israel can certainly coexist with him," Oded Ben-Hor, Israel's ambassador to 
the Vatican, said of the new pope. "But the real test will come over the 
course of time." 
Benedict inherits sometimes testy relations with the Russian Orthodox Church, 
which has accused Catholics of poaching Orthodox believers. John Paul, the 
first Slavic pope, saw a visit to Russia as a way to promote greater Christian 
unity a millennium after the east-west schism, but he never was able to 
arrange the trip. 
"We very much hope that under the new pope those problems will be solved," 
said Igor Vyzhanov, an Orthodox church spokesman. 
Benedict's election was welcomed across the Islamic world, where many people 
hope he will promote harmony between the two religions and possibly Middle 
East peace. 
The new pope won praise from Muslims by criticizing Italian Prime Minister 
Silvio Berlusconi for comments in 2001 that Western civilization is superior 
to Islam. "One cannot speak of the superiority of one culture over another, 
because history has shown that a society can change from one age to another," 
he said at the time. 
But Benedict has objected mostly Muslim Turkey's bid to join the European 
Union, viewing it out of line with the continent's Christian traditions. 
John Paul was the first pope to visit a mosque, urged religious tolerance, 
spoke out against the U.S.-led war in Iraq and called for a peaceful end to 
the Arab-Israeli conflict. 
Given John Paul's tireless traveling to promote both Catholicism and 
interfaith dialogue, Benedict's impact will depend on his health, vigor and 
the ability of a relatively shy man to captivate crowds. 
He himself predicted a "short reign" in comments to cardinals just after his 
election, and his brother worried about the stresses of the job on a man 
Benedict's age. 
While there are no indications that Benedict suffers from any serious or 
chronic medical problems, he has had ailments — including a 1991 hemorrhagic 
stroke — that raise questions about how long his pontificate will last. 
The Vatican refused to comment on Benedict's health, citing his privacy. The 
Vatican never officially confirmed that John Paul suffered from Parkinson's 
disease until after he died. 
The pope's immediate schedule includes a meeting with cardinals Friday, a news 
conference Saturday and his inauguration service Sunday. On Monday, he will 
visit the tomb of St. Paul at Basilica of St. Paul's Outside-the-Walls, the 
Vatican said. 
Associated Press writers Brian Murphy, Nicole Winfield, Frances D'Emilio and 
Vanessa Gera contributed to this report. 


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