A little about some of the candidates...

Francis Arinze - Born 1st November 1932 (Age: 70)
Arinze would be the first African Pope since Gelasius I in the fifth century.

Like John Paul II Arinze holds strong conservative views on abortion, 
contraception & homosexuality. Arinze believes that theologically all people 
come from the same God and his desire to improve inter-faith relations would 
see many other religions being welcomed by the Catholic Church

What will go in his favour?
His conservative views.
His ability to improve and encourage Inter-faith relations
He is well respected by fellow cardinals
It is believed that cardinals would like a Pope from the developing
world, where the church has it's largest following

Not in his favour
Psychologically and spiritually the West may not be ready to welcome a black 
Pope and this may effect the Cardinals decisions when they go to vote. It is 
not a race issue but more about people's mentality. Cardinals may not want 
much focus on improving inter-faith relations within the Catholic Church.

Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga – Born 29th December 1942 (Age: 62)
Many people believe that Maradiaga is the man who could ably succeed John 
Paul. He campaigned for third world debt relief alongside Bono it is thought 
he would make a charismatic Pope like John Paul II. There is no doubt that 
Maradiaga would appeal to many different countries/cultures. He can speak over 
eight different languages and can even fly a plane!

What will go in his favour?
He speaks over eight different languages
He is active and willing to get involved with worldly issues
Latin American – Third world which has more Catholics than any other continent
Not in his favour
He might be slightly too young although John Paul was younger at 58
when he was elected Pope
He compared the media to Hitler in the past! Tettamanzi - Born March
14th 1934 (Age: 71)

Dionigi Tettamanzi is the Archbishop of Milan (The most powerful
archdiocese in the world). The fact that John Paul II promoted him
from Cardinal of Genoa to Archbishop of Milan is one of the main
reasons why he is considered to be the favourite to succeed as Pope.
Highly popular and respected by his fellow Cardinals, Tettamanzi would
lead the church in the same conservative direction that John Paul II

What will go in his favour?
Almost all voting cardinals were elevated to be "princes of the
Church" by John Paul II, making it likely that his conservative views
will continue into the next Papacy.

If elected it would see the Papacy return to an Italian cardinal. As
Archbishop of Milan he has powerful countrymen and Opus Dei
(Conservative Roman Catholic Group) behind him. An affable, humble
man, he has a friendly face and it has even been said that he
resembles the great Pope John XXIII

Not in his favour
It is expected that the newly elected Pope will be someone who can
reach out to different countries/cultures. Tettamanzi does not speak
English which would limit his ability to communicate as well as John
Paul II. He might not be deemed "worldly" enough. While not as old as
some of the cardinals he is a lot older than what John Paul was when
elected Pope. Joseph Ratzinger – Born 16th April 1927 ( Age: 77)

German Cardinal Ratzinger has an added advantage – he leads the
congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Many have suggested he is
somewhat a vice Pope who acts on initiative and is not afraid to make
important decisions which many would expect the Pope to make. John
Paul asked Ratzinger to stay on for five more years when he suggested
he might resign.

What will go in his favour?
Ratzinger is the Dean of the college of cardinals & respected by his
fellow brothers

Not in his favour
Some would consider him too old at 77.

Claudio Hummes – Born 8th August 1934 (Age: 70)
Archbishop of Sao Paulo, Brazil, Hummes is a soft spoken Franciscan

What will go in his favour?
He is a member of the increasingly powerful South American group that
now makes up almost one fifth of the electors.
John Paul II admired Claudio Hummes
At 70 he would be the perfect age to succeed the Pope
Known worldwide for defending the poor.

Not in his favour
Has strict views with regards to contraception and the Cardinals might
want the church to lean in a more liberal direction.
Might not be as charismatic as the likes of Maradiaga or Ratzinger.

Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini – Born 15th Feb 1927 (Age: 78)
Italian cardinal Carlo Maria Martini is a liberal and if made Pope
would certainly see the Catholic Church edge away from the old
conservative views of John Paul. He retired as archbishop of Milan in
2002 and took up a life of prayer in Rome & Jerusalem. While Martini
has a lot of support from a large group of cardinals the chances of
him becoming Pope are slim especially since it was revealed that he
suffers from a form of Parkinson's disease.

What will go in his favour?
If the cardinals opt for a more Liberal minded Pope Martini would be their man.
If the cardinals vote in favour of the Papacy returning to the
Italians he is a contender.

Not in his favour
At 78 he may be considered a little too old
He suffers with the same disease John Paul II suffered with – Parkinson's
Electors may choose a Pope who holds strong conservative views like John Paul.

Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re - Born January 30th 1934 (Age: 71)
The Italian cardinal Battista Re would be a popular choice amongst the
cardinals. Having served as Secretariat of State in the Vatican, he is
one of the few that would have exceptional knowledge of the inner
workings. If the papacy were to return to an Italian Cardinal Battista
Re at 71 years of age would definitely be a contender.

A traditional cardinal he has also been described as a moderate for
expressing support for greater decentralization and giving more power
to local churches.

What will go in his favour?
He is the perfect age at 71
He holds same views as John Paul and was very loyal to the late Pope.
Although holding traditional views, he is also moderate.
Popular amongst the electors.

Not in his favour
Might not be as popular as Tettamanzi, Maradiaga or Ratzinger.
Being Italian might go against him if they opt for a European/Latin American.
Cardinal Jose Da Cruz Policarpo - Born February 26th 1936 (Age: 69)

The Portuguese Cardinal, while not as well known as the likes of
Maradiaga and Tettamanzi is highly popular with the cardinals. Because
of this he cannot be ruled out of the running for the next Pope,
especially when cardinals tipped as the favourites for the position
rarely come out of the Sistine chapel a Pope!

Currently the archbishop of Lisbon in Portugal and head of the
Portuguese bishops conference, Jose Da Cruz Policarpo is neither
conservative or liberal. He could be a "compromise candidate" but he
rubbed certain cardinals up the wrong way when he criticised the
"Dominus Lesus" document in 2000 which stated all other faiths were

What will go in his favour?
Very popular amongst cardinals
Moderate views
Right age if they opt for a younger Pope.
Cardinals might vote for him as he wouldn't be the obvious expected choice.

Not in his favour
He may not be seen as a strong leader to take the most powerful seat
in the Catholic Church.
They may opt for someone with more conservative views
Depending on the age group they go for, he could be too young for their liking
Here's Where it gets interesting…

Jean Marie Lustiger – Born 17th September 1926 (Age: 78)
Lustiger is retired now but was the Archbishop of Paris. He was a
chief confidant of Pope John Paul II and is considered by many as
prime candidate to be elected to the highest office. He was born into
a Jewish Polish family in France but at thirteen he converted to
Catholicism. If Lustiger were to become Pope he would be the first
converted Jew ever elevated to Papacy since Peter. Also if Malachy's
Prophecies are anything to go by 12/1 is probably much too generous

According to the prophecy, the next Pope will be the penultimate Pope
Gloria Olivae ("Glory of the Olives"). The order of St. Benedict has
claimed that this Pope will come from their ranks. St. Benedict
himself prophesised that before the end of the world his Order, known
as the Olivetans, will triumphantly lead the Catholic Church in it's
fight against evil. The Olive branch is traditionally associated with
peace and also serves as an emblem for the Jews. Could the prophecy of
the Jewish conversion take place? The only real thing going against
Lustiger to succeed as Pope is his age - The next few days will reveal

 Some strong outsiders to watch...

Angelo Scola (Italy), Born 7th November 1941 (Age: 63)
While Scola is not deemed one of the favourites in the betting, there
is no doubt that all eyes will be on him in the conclave, for he is
the patriarch of Venice and so far Venice has produced three 20 th
century popes – Pius X, the popular John XXIII and John Paul I. In
1982 he was appointed to the faculty at the John Paul II institute for
marriage and family, which was created to defend the pope's strong
conservative views on issues such as divorce, contraception, abortion
and homosexuality, etc. Scola is gracious and warm and could very well
succeed as the new Pontiff.

What will go in his favour?
His conservative views
Fluent in several languages
His age
Being Patriarch of Venice, if the Papacy was to return to the Italians

Not in his favour
Cardinals may not want to see the Papacy returned to the Italians
Might not be as charismatic as some cardinals
Cardinals may not want the next Popes reign to be a long one and could
opt for someone that little bit older.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio: Born Dec 17th 1936 (Age: 68)
Bergoglio from Buenos Aires if made Pope at 68, would be the first
member of the Jesuit order to reach the highest seat in the Roman
Catholic Church.

Unusually, Bergoglio first studied chemistry before deciding to enter
the priesthood. If elected, Pope Bergoglio would shy away from the
attention that John Paul so frequently received and would opt instead
for a simple, quiet life. He speaks Spanish, Italian and German and it
is said he is close to Communion & Liberation, one of the conservative
movements that John Paul supported with the intention of changing
peoples views of the Church in the face of growing secularisation in
developed countries.

What goes in his favour?
He holds conservative views just like John Paul II
Ideal age
Fellow cardinals respect him
He speaks three languages
Cardinals might opt for a quieter Pope after John Paul to allow them
to decide what direction they want the Catholic Church to go.

Not In his favour
The fact that Bergoglio is a Jesuit could go against him. The
influential order was founded in the 16 th century to serve the popes
and some Jesuits oppose the idea of one of their own actually becoming
a pope.
If the cardinals opt for an energetic, charismatic cardinal to succeed
as Pope, Bergoglio wouldn't quite fit the bill.
Cardinal Angelo Sodano – Born 23rd November 1927 (Age: 77)
If the electors were to opt for an older cardinal for the Papacy the
Italian cardinal Angelo Sodano (the Vatican Secretary of State) would
certainly be in the running. Sodano, having held the top job in the
Curia since 1991, is something of a super-diplomat. Sodano called the
late Pope "John Paul the great". It is thought that many cardinals
share his views and could see him as a safe choice to lead the Church
until they decide what direction the Catholic Church should go in.

What will go in his favour?
The cardinals might see him as "a safe pair of hands" for the Papacy
to fall into.
He has the experience, contacts & utmost respect from the cardinals.

Not in his favour
At 77, he might be considered too old.
He lacks the charisma that the great John Paul II had. 

Comment: We have already a brief on Ivan Cardinal Dias, posted by Fred
Noronha; the start is on tomorrow, we shall see.........

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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