A number of posts meant for Goanet are getting delayed in transmission, because they're being sent in non-text formats (mainly MIME or HTML).

If you send your post in a non-text format, it cannot be circulated via Goanet, not only because of the extra bandwidth required by such posts, but because of their scrambled appearance on the Goanet Digest.

Hence, each such non-text post has to be forwarded to an admin member, re-formatted and re-posted. This could mean an unnecessary delay of anything from a couple of hours to a couple of days! And a lot of extra work too...

Please contact Bosco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for help on how to post directly in plain-text format. Thanks!

FN (Frederick Noronha)
in Saligao-Goa
On behalf of Goanet Admin
Ph 832.2409490 or 9822 122436

PS: Another request, please sign each post with your village or city/state location, to make this list even more interactive for its members. Phone numbers are welcome too!

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