[Goanet]RE: Gaunkaries/Communidades

2005-05-31 Thread jose colaco
In response to this :< Why, in this modern age, should we have the "haves" 
and "have nots", with only a few people belonging to to the communidades and 
getting "johnos" or dividends,
because of some ancestral right ?  We should have private property belonging 
to individuals and public property belonging to everyone.  In my humble 
opinion communidade property should be considered to be public property for 
the good of all the citizens and not just the Gaunkars.

Savio Rodrigues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Response: I totally disagree with the above statements.  Our ancestors 
worked hard and maintained the communidades property for their decendents 
and not for every public person.  If after the death of a person his private 
property belongs to his decendents why should the property of a group go to


JC's reponse:

Very well said Savio.

The writer (to whom you responded) is probably unaware that the Goan 
Communidades existed for over a 1000 years.

He is also (perhaps) unaware that the Goan Communidades were dealt a heavy 
blow by Gen Candeth (Please read Claude Alvares et al in Rice & Curry)

If one takes his position that the Haves and Have Nots must share all 
and I agree WHY not open the doors and windows of our Goa Houses to 
the have Nots?

What?! Houses are private property?

Really?  and what about the Communidades ?


JC is a member of whatever is left (after the thiefing) of the Communidade 
of Carambolim

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[Goanet]RE: Gaunkaries/Communidades

2005-05-31 Thread jose colaco

From: "Nasci Caldeira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

< It is true that Communidades existed for over a thousand years, or 
whatever; But this is no reason why this system should not change! It smacks 
of 'Commune' living and also of 'feudalism'. Nobody likes feudalism and 
nobody lives in communes anymore; the world is now in the 21st century.

Let individual property be private and let all 'commune' property be public 
either state or village public. Of course it will not be 'shared' but for 
public use and with a public purpose; and if so decided then it can be sold 
or whatever according to common wishes and not only of the Gaonkars. after 
all, all Gaonkars are not really resident anymore, the style/ system of 
living is no more! So the old 'Commune property' should be rightly declared 
like 'Evacuee' property, and become public.>


Dear Nasci,

Intriguing proposition.

1. Are you saying that when Gen Candeth struck a body-blow to the 
Communidade System, the owners of the Communidade were living on it  as 
a Commune?

2. Perhaps I could suggest that we look carefully at the history (even if it 
is at the past 200 years) of the Communidade lands, How the "Zhonn" came 
about, What "Zhonn" meant, How "Zhonn" was calculated..and WHAT the 
Portuguese Govt negotiated with the Communidade land owners and WHY.and 
IF negotiated 'contracts' can legally be broken by unilateral action.

3. As far as I know, India follows the same common + civil law systems as 
Britain. I believe  that Australia, NZ, most of Canada and the US and the 
Caribbean follow the same legal systems. Goa is in the same position as 
Quebec, California, New Mexico, Texas and possibly Louisiana - where the 
European (Roman Law) systems overlap with the British common + civil law 

Under which system would you rename these Private properties as Evacuee 

4. I believe that the Indian Constitution has special Acts dealing with 
Evacuee properties. Please vide the 1950 Act - ammended in the early 1960s.

It might be worth one's while to look at recent Indian Supreme Court rulings 
on Evacuee property with special reference to Kashmir. How do Goans fit in 
it .

5. What you are suggesting is a Marxist (Cuba style) take over of private 
property. Should they stop at the land only - or even go to houses?

The Bandodkar-Shashikala Kakodkar combine organised "land to the Mundcar" 
phenomenon. Why did they spare the mines ... and NOT give the ownership of 
the mines to the miners?  There was a clever little provision put in place 
BEFORE Bandit-ker initiated the process of the Mundcar take over of private 

Think about it IF the Agricultural Land should go to the Tiller .Why 
not Mines to the Miners? BTW: Has anyone worked out to WHOM the land really 
belonged before the present Mine-Owners came and prospected for minerals 
.kept on good terms with the Portuguese, USED Portuguese law and 
became OWNERS of the land. DID they BUY that land on which they mined and 
continue to mine?

Today  with the state of the "Laws" ...if you rent out a Room in your 
house ... in which you are living ...OR even take pity on a homeless person 
and offer him shelter for a day ...How long do you think it will take to get 
him out?

The Banditos knew the legal difficulties with the Communidade land ... so 
they "converted" it step by step.

I shall stop here ...and wait for your comment.


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RE: [Goanet]RE: Gaunkaries/Communidades

2005-05-31 Thread Nasci Caldeira


It is true that Communidades existed for over a thousand years, or whatever; 
But this is no reason why this system should not change! It smacks of 
'Commune' living and also of 'feudalism'. Nobody likes feudalism and nobody 
lives in communes anymore; the world is now in the 21st century.

Let individual property be private and let all 'commune' property be public 
either state or village public. Of course it will not be 'shared' but for 
public use and with a public purpose; and if so decided then it can be sold 
or whatever according to common wishes and not only of the Gaonkars. after 
all, all Gaonkars are not really resident anymore, the style/ system of 
living is no more! So the old 'Commune property' should be rightly declared 
like 'Evacuee' property, and become public.

This is my humble opinion and modern thought input to this issue. We have to 
give up our old ways and modernise. These days, there are no Clans / 
Communes anymore; even families are disappearing under the impact of 
development and modern thinking. The Hindu unduvided family, has also 
disappeared by and large; I think its prevalent only for tax purposes; the 
tax office should outlaw this; certainly appears like a loophole for tax 

From: "jose colaco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: [Goanet]RE: Gaunkaries/Communidades
Date: Tue, 31 May 2005 11:05:00 +

In response to this :< Why, in this modern age, should we have the "haves" 
and "have nots", with only a few people belonging to to the communidades 
and getting "johnos" or dividends,
because of some ancestral right ?  We should have private property 
belonging to individuals and public property belonging to everyone.  In my 
humble opinion communidade property should be considered to be public 
property for the good of all the citizens and not just the Gaunkars.

Savio Rodrigues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Response: I totally disagree with the above statements.  Our ancestors 
worked hard and maintained the communidades property for their decendents 
and not for every public person.  If after the death of a person his 
private property belongs to his decendents why should the property of a 
group go to


JC's reponse:

Very well said Savio.

The writer (to whom you responded) is probably unaware that the Goan 
Communidades existed for over a 1000 years.

If one takes his position that the Haves and Have Nots must share all 
and I agree WHY not open the doors and windows of our Goa Houses to 
the have Nots?

What?! Houses are private property?

Really?  and what about the Communidades ?


RE: [Goanet]RE: Gaunkaries/Communidades

2005-06-01 Thread Nasci Caldeira

Hi Jose,

Look, I'm not going to address your long list of questions individually but 
briefly and in general.
I am not competent to address issues of local Law, national Law and or 
International Law or issues, as a historian, either.

What I did try to propose is from a 'common man's point of view and with 
regards to modern life and democratic processes, towards 'Equality. Liberty 
and Justice'. As for 'evacuee' property law, I am not so sure of it; I 
mentioned the same as a person had suggested this to me some years ago.

Is it not true that Communidade property is Community property, owned by the 
members of the Community/ Communidade?. Is it not true that these members 
also own real private property, in their private family names and in the 
same jurisdiction? Is it not true that some or all of these members, at some 
time or other, whenever they held 'office' in the Communidade 
administration, they misappropiated these Communidade lands and merged it as 
their own? Is it not true that some of these people are being tried in 
courts as of today, even?  This may not be relevent to the issue in 
question, but it shows, that there is 'Private land' and 'Community land' in 
all the villages constituted as Communidades. In the begining there were 
only Gaonkares, and among these gaokares there were many (Clans) vangors; 
then came thru marriage, settlement and migration, the 'Moradores', and then 
the newer Moradores.

How this system helps the good life in the present day villages, I do not 
understand; This system has only created division and discrimination among 
the villagers taken as a whole. There has been hegemony and downright 
blocking of pathways and road access etc. and wrongly based stoppage of 
legitimate construction of the moradores and other new comers, by the 
Gaokares lobby; Yes the Panchayat Raj is in force now; but don't u see that 
the evil forces prevailing as a result of the Communidades system has spilt 
over into panchayat politics and state politics. As I see it the system is 
doing no good to anyone except the Gaocares who are getting the Zhon and 
continue their hegemony. All the residents like voters, should have the same 
benefits, and rights.

That is why I feel that the system of Communidades be disbanded and the 
Communidade (common) property, (and not individual property), be handed over 
to the state. This will be the first step towards the end of feudalism, at 
village level! This is my logic and my prayer for the development of Goa 
into a super modern City State, wherin all are considered equal.

From: "jose colaco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: [Goanet]RE: Gaunkaries/Communidades
Date: Tue, 31 May 2005 21:46:00 +

From: "Nasci Caldeira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

< It is true that Communidades existed for over a thousand years, or 
whatever; But this is no reason why this system should not change! It 
smacks of 'Commune' living and also of 'feudalism'. Nobody likes feudalism 
and nobody lives in communes anymore; the world is now in the 21st century.

Let individual property be private and let all 'commune' property be public 
either state or village public. Of course it will not be 'shared' but for 
public use and with a public purpose; and if so decided then it can be sold 
or whatever according to common wishes and not only of the Gaonkars. after 
all, all Gaonkars are not really resident anymore, the style/ system of 
living is no more! So the old 'Commune property' should be rightly declared 
like 'Evacuee' property, and become public.>

Nasci Caldeira.

Dear Nasci,

Intriguing proposition.

1. Are you saying that when Gen Candeth struck a body-blow to the 
Communidade System, the owners of the Communidade were living on it  as 
a Commune?

2. Perhaps I could suggest that we look carefully at the history (even if 
it is at the past 200 years) of the Communidade lands, How the "Zhonn" came 
about, What "Zhonn" meant, How "Zhonn" was calculated..and WHAT the 
Portuguese Govt negotiated with the Communidade land owners and WHY.and 
IF negotiated 'contracts' can legally be broken by unilateral action.

3. As far as I know, India follows the same common + civil law systems as 
Britain. I believe  that Australia, NZ, most of Canada and the US and the 
Caribbean follow the same legal systems. Goa is in the same position as 
Quebec, California, New Mexico, Texas and possibly Louisiana - where the 
European (Roman Law) systems overlap with the British common + civil law 

I shall stop here ...and wait for your comment.


[Goanet]RE: Gaunkaries/Communidades - final

2005-06-01 Thread jose colaco

From: "Nasci Caldeira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Nasci1: < I am not competent to address issues of local Law, national Law 
and or International Law or issues, as a historian, either.>

JC 1: Fair enough


Nasci2: with regards to modern life and democratic processes, towards 'Equality. 
Liberty and Justice'. As for 'evacuee' property law, I am not so sure of it; 
I mentioned the same as a person had suggested this to me some years ago>

JC2: Justice can ONLY ne attained through the observance of Obligations, 
Contracts and Laws


Nasci3: that there is 'Private land' and 'Community land' in all the villages 
constituted as Communidades>

JC4: Community Land is NOT State Land. It is like a Condominium complex 
owned by a community of owners


Nasci4: evil forces prevailing as a result of the Communidades system has spilt over 
into panchayat politics and state politics>

JC4: Please explain


Nasci 5: and the Communidade (common) property, (and not individual property), be 
handed over to the state>

JC5: Your "feeling" is based on an inaccurate assumption that Communidade = 

And what do you mean "handed over to the state" ? As in Cuba?

The next thing you will say is that Companies with shareholders should be 
handed over to (nationalised by ) the state.


good wishes


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RE: [Goanet]RE: Gaunkaries/Communidades - final

2005-06-01 Thread Nasci Caldeira

Hi Jose,
I will be as brief as possible; I too think this discussion should be 
finalised with this my little submission.

From: "jose colaco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet]RE: Gaunkaries/Communidades - final
Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2005 10:29:06 +


JC2: Justice can ONLY be attained through the observance of Obligations, 
Contracts and Laws

Nasci: Yes i believe in the observance of laws, contracts and obligations, 
However it does not mean that, hundreds or thousands of years later, these 
traditions, laws and obligations cannot be changed peacefully, and 
democratically, for the benefit of all the present day residents and 
constituents of a village or town. I am only demanding and trying to pursue 
change; not a cummunist like take over. I do not and have never liked 
Communists and Commie Govts.


Nasci3: that there is 'Private land' and 'Community land' in all the villages 
constituted as Communidades>

JC4: Community Land is NOT State Land. It is like a Condominium complex 
owned by a community of owners

Nasci replies:
Inthose old days, from what I know; there was no state land; only Community 
or Communidade land; hence it can be safely derived that this community land 
was like common land; in fact like modern state land, for the benefit of 
all; and in those days 'all' meant only the gauncares; it is no longer the 
same now; 'all' now means so much more; This happens to be my logic.


Nasci4: evil forces prevailing as a result of the Communidades system has spilt 
over into panchayat politics and state politics>

JC4: Please explain

Nasci explains:
The Goan villagers are divided into gaunkares and moradores; and these two 
groups have effectively become vote banks for their respective candidates. 
All that happens is that they let each groups man, be the sarpanch 
alternatively;  then when it comes to doing something concrete for village 
developement; there is no agreement, in most cases; u see there is no unity, 
even when they might be supposedly claiming allegiance to the same party; 
And this differentiation goes on into Church administration and the 
celebration of feasts etc.

Effectively 'apartheid' in seating, celebration of Church feasts etc. Very 
un Christian; The cause of this is none other then "the institution of 
It stands to reason that the cause has to be removed for a good follow on 
effect! Same problem 'cause of the caste system. Of course; easier said than 
done; Let the Goan / Indian genius come on top of it; lest we all perish in 
time, with Chinese superiority! The Chinese Marxist party is effectively 
following Capitalism; whilst we are following feudal practices and casteism, 
that is racism.


Nasci 5: and the Communidade (common) property, (and not individual property), be 
handed over to the state>

JC5: Your "feeling" is based on an inaccurate assumption that Communidade = 

And what do you mean "handed over to the state" ? As in Cuba?

The next thing you will say is that Companies with shareholders should be 
handed over to (nationalised by ) the state.

Nasci explains:

Rather hand it over to the state to which all belong then to keep it in the 
hands of a few to dominate. The State is not foreign; it is US. Like I have 
said earlier; the companies/ communidades should be disbanded by law; not 
Cuban or Communist style; and the law has to be equal to all;

Whose shares? You see, the orgiinal owners of the land are the gawdas and 
the kunbis;  then the settlers came and 'split the spoils' into private land 
and shares for common holdings among themselves; You see: share the loot! 
And this can go on and on. Is it not better than, to resolve this situation 
by law, to the advantage of all present day residents? I hope u will agree.

Cheers, and good wishes to you too, Jose. No hard feelings. Bye now. ( 
definitely Final installment)

Nasci Caldeira

RE: [Goanet]RE: Gaunkaries/Communidades - final

2005-06-01 Thread jose colaco
Nasci4: evil forces prevailing as a result of the Communidades system has spilt over 
into panchayat politics and state politics>

JC4: Please explain

From: "Nasci Caldeira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

< The Goan villagers are divided into gaunkares and moradores; and these two 
groups have effectively become vote banks for their respective candidates. 
All that happens is that they let each groups man, be the sarpanch 
alternatively;  then when it comes to doing something concrete for village 
developement; there is no agreement, in most cases; u see there is no unity, 
even when they might be supposedly claiming allegiance to the same party; 
And this differentiation goes on into Church administration and the 
celebration of feasts etc.

Effectively 'apartheid' in seating, celebration of Church feasts etc. Very 
un Christian; The cause of this is none other then "the institution of 
Communidades"! It stands to reason that the cause has to be removed for a 
good follow on effect! Same problem 'cause of the caste system>

Dear Nasci,

When the plague hit Old Goa, the Barros, Colaco and Falcao families went to 
Velim. They settled there. There are now the "Moradors" or Residents of 
Velim. They are not the Gaumcars of Velim and rightly receive NO "Zhonn" 
from the Communidade of Velim.

However, I must have missed something. I have not yet seen the voting for 
the Panchayat elections divided on the basis of who is Gaumcar and who is 

I truly must have missed something!

Also, at St Francisco Xavier Church in Velim, I have not seen any 
differential seating for Gaumcars v Moradors. As my good neighbour in Velim 
Mr. Ben Antao (a Gaumcar of Velim) will attest, neither he nor I knew who 
was the "Morador" and who the "gaumcar" till the age of the Internet. In 
Velim, we visit each other's houses and celebrate feasts together.

And  I don't believe we care much to vote for the Panchayat elections - 
as all the elections produce, is another layer of crooks. That is an Indian 
Gorr-mental gift to Goa.

Now  did you just say that the Communidade System was akin in its effect 
to the Caste System?


my friend, you have NO idea of what the Caste System has done!


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RE: [Goanet]RE: Gaunkaries/Communidades - final

2005-06-02 Thread Nasci Caldeira

Dear Jose,

Just a brief exchange of information; I am also a morador, in the village of 
my birth, just acroos the river Sal. My ancestry is from, and Gaoncari from 
Chinchinim. However I have no strong links; I am not bothered to find out 
who receives the Zhon on my ancesters bahalf.

Also, in my vilage where I lived until migration; I used to get together 
with all the village people, including Gaoncares, one of whom was and is my 
best man/family friend. In fact I used to hold BBQ parties (first in Goa) 
etc for a lot of persons, friends, relatives from Dona Paula, Panjim, 
Porvorim, Madgaon, Benaulim etc. My home used to resound with the sound of 
music and friendship partying! But all that does not condone the tribal 
divide. However, to my surprise, I realised that these friendships in the 
village specially, did not run very deep, and were camouflaged to hide the 
real inherent differentiation; not hate, of course.

When I talk of apartheid in the Church; I am talking of the Kunbis and 
Gawdas and those in the fishing trades and other labour intensive village 
work, who are not gauncares. When I was last in Goa, in Nov-Jan 2005; I was 
pleasantly surprised to find some of the Kunbi children, who used to 
befriend my kids among others, are well educated and spoke fluent English; 
everytime I tired to practice my Konkanni, I was lured back to English by 
the sheer fluency on the part of the kunbi kid. this young woman has been to 
Finland and lived in their Finnish Home, but yet to live in a Goan Gauncaree 
or higher caste home. How heinous the caste system?? That is commendable 
progress, limited though it may be for this woman. Whither Goa and India??

But , the Church affairs are yet the same old system, and yet to change for 
democratic and equality norms.The Gauncares still celebrate the main feasts 
and still administer and control the affairs of the Church, without any 
recognition or input from other residents.
The only notable change in 'pews' I noticed is that the pews are now put 
right in front and the benches behind; perhaps trying to lure the church 
elite to sit and reflect closer to the altar..

The real difference I noted is that the Morador people and the working class 
people , no longer look up to the so called elite in the villages. They take 
pride in their own and have worked themselves up, to compete successfully 
with the old elite to become the new elite, to a great extent. Viva 
progress! Viva the new Goa!

Nasci Caldeira

From: "jose colaco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [Goanet]RE: Gaunkaries/Communidades - final
Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2005 20:40:10 +

Dear Nasci,
However, I must have missed something. I have not yet seen the voting for 
the Panchayat elections divided on the basis of who is Gaumcar and who is 

I truly must have missed something!

Also, at St Francisco Xavier Church in Velim, I have not seen any 
differential seating for Gaumcars v Moradors. As my good neighbour in Velim 
Mr. Ben Antao (a Gaumcar of Velim) will attest, neither he nor I knew who 
was the "Morador" and who the "gaumcar" till the age of the Internet. In 
Velim, we visit each other's houses and celebrate feasts together.
And  I don't believe we care much to vote for the Panchayat elections - 
as all the elections produce, is another layer of crooks. That is an Indian 
Gorr-mental gift to Goa.
Now  did you just say that the Communidade System was akin in its 
effect to the Caste System?   Really?

my friend, you have NO idea of what the Caste System has done!