Re: [Goanet]Re: People's Court

2004-09-29 Thread Bernado Colaco
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I guess the Police situation  you have described is
worse than the actions of agente Monteiro?

B. Colaço

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[Goanet]Re: People's Court

2004-09-29 Thread Miguel Braganza
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Dear Netters,
The Editor of Gomantak Times[] in a front page
editorial on 28 September,2004, has exposed the atttempt of the Goa Police
to browbeat him and the GT journalists into silence. He has requested the
opinion of his readers in the People's Court. Though the maxim, Vox
Populi, Vox Dei. hardly holds good in our democratically-elected
dictatorships, it is worthwhile putting our views down in black and white.

- Original Message -
From: Miguel Braganza To:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: CM Sent: Tuesday,
September 28, 2004 7:12 PM
Subject: People's Court
Dear Editor,
If amidst an almost mute fourth estate, an editor of a daily broadsheet
newspaper speaks up, it becomes too much for some minions of the Goa
Administration to bear. The letter from the PRO of the Goa Police has to be
seen in that context. It does have a pearl of wisdom in it. However, like a
prophet, these words of wisdom are apparently not accepted in the place they

DySP.S.M. Sawant, the Police PRO has been quoted as writing to a local
newspaer Editor,**Well meaning changes can be brought about only through
genuine praise and restrained pointing out of faults...** If one removes
the word 'only',his statement can be validated as the truth. St.Britto High
School-Mapusa has introduced the practice of Positive Remarks in the
student's calendar to acknowledge the good work done by a student. It has
worked wonders. The positive approach is what drives the PLUS tabloids, some
of which I edit. However, let us examine the Goa Police record for this

The helmet rule was suddenly implemented [ for the 'n'th time] from 16
August,2004. Unaccustomed to wearing a helmet, I forgot my helmet at Panaji
and proceeded home as I had done for the last few year: helmetless! At the
Namoshi-Xell intersection near Green Park Hotel,Guirim, I was
stopped,challaned and paid the fine to 'compound' my offence. This was as
per Motor Vehicles Act,1988,as enforced for the highways in Goa.[ If it has
been so notified in the Official Gazette of Goa, I am not aware.]. A
twenty-something years old North Indian boy named Sachin was not so lucky.

Head Constable[Buckle Number 2978] was irritated that Sachin did not bring
the motorcycle to a dead stop near his foot. He took the few paces forward
and assaulted the boy right in full view of the public and PSI S.S.Narvekar
of the Mapusa Police. Nowhere in the MVA,1988 or rules framed thereunder, is
a policeman empowered to assault a rider for not wearing a helmet. I
protested to the PSI. Had the policeman not been in uniform and on duty, the
people might have beaten the daylights out of the hawaldar No.2978. This is
definitely abuse of one's official position and brings no respect to the

That the people did not beat up the erring cop was restraint. That I
informed the PSI and did not write it in a newspaper is a restrained
pointing out of fault. The police merrily continued in being high handed,
even with ladies on Kinetic Hondas and within the city limits of Mapusa.
That the affected citizens resorted to an impromptu rasta roko in Mapusa
was restraint. Do we see a change in the police attitude in Mapusa or
elsewhere in Goa. They think of themselves as demi-gods or mini Devas and
behave like the asuras.

A policeman chased little Suresh Gollar alias Kalia to death under a garbage
van on 30 March, 2004. The press has not just shown restraint; it has almost
been a mute spectator. The Goa Police has not yet even named the policeman
concerned. It is six month since he died. The only change that we heard
about is that four street kids were assaulted by the Vasco harbour police.
It is still a moot question whether two of them were sexually abused. The
boys stand by their story; the DGP glosses it with technicalities. Ringleman
walked away from the police HQ, unescorted, enroute his so-called
deportation. When a senior of mine in Bangalore was deported to Malaysia
for the crime of falling in love with the daughter of an influential
scientist, the police stood  guard at the door of the plane till it was shut
before take-off. One would think the police would do as much for a know

The Goa Police has as big, if not bigger,  stake in drug trade, paedophilia
and  prostitution as pimps and agents. It helps them to extort money from
the unwitting tourists who shiver at the though of  two to ten years in an
Indian jail. I have visited Aguada jail with the then IG-Prisons to know the
state of affairs there. Our Chief Minister has boldly knocked off the
pipeline of 'hafta' from Baina. These gentlemen will do all they