[Goanet]Re: Was Jinnah Secular?

2005-06-10 Thread sandeep heble
(RKN wrote: It's unfair to pick up bits and pieces out
of context to paint someone a 
fundamentalist. The statements have to be read in the
context of the social 
milieu and time in history to understand their true

While Jinnah may not have been a fundamentalist
wanting to establish a 'theocratic Islamic State', he
was not a liberal leader who had espoused the cause of
a secular Pakistan either. Jinnah's vision was clear
and unambiguous: he was in favour of a modern
'democratic Islamic state' and not a secular society
divorced from religion. Jinnah's model Islamic State
would seek to synthesise Islam with modernity. In such
a State, all citizens would be equal before the law
but governance and policies to be pursued would be
based upon the 'ideologies and identities of Islam'.
In other words, it essentially would be an 'Islamic
democracy' which would follow a progressive and
dynamic vision of Islam. Such a model could hardly
have been referred to as a  'Secular democracy'. 

Jinnah's broadcast to the people of the United States
(February 1948) makes this position of his very clear:

I do not know what the ultimate shape of this
constitution is going to be, but I am sure that it
will be of a democratic type, embodying the essential
principles of Islam. Today, they are as applicable in
actual life as they were 1300 years ago. Islam and its
idealism have taught us democracy. It has taught
equality of men, justice and fairly play to everybody.
We are the inheritors of these glorious traditions and
are fully alive to our responsibilities and
obligations as framers of the future constitution of
Pakistan. In any case Pakistan is not going to be a
theocratic State -- to be ruled by priests with a
divine mission. We have many non- Muslims -- Hindus,
Christians, and Parsis -- but they are all Pakistanis.
They will enjoy the same rights and privileges as any
other citizens and will play their rightful part in
the affairs of Pakistan..

And we will leave the discussion on whether a 'modern
Islamic State' can also be a democratic one to another

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[Goanet]Re: Was Jinnah Secular?

2005-06-10 Thread carlos6143

If any one who should be annoyed by Lalji?s (Advani) remark, it should 
be the Congress,? George Fernandes said in Guwahati. Quoting veteran 
politicians and historians, Fernandes said it was Jawaharlal Nehru and 
the Congress who were responsible for the country?s division.
It was the Congress?s ?betrayal? which had forced Jinnah to demand a 
separate nation on the basis of religion.
?It was in 1935 that the Congress and Jinnah?s party entered into an 
agreement to jointly contest in the ensuing elections and to form a 
government together. But after the elections, Nehru backtracked from 
the earlier promise,? Fernandes said.
This development, he added, had pushed Jinnah out of secular politics. 
Fernandes also called for a national debate on the issue.


halur rasho [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:
If Jinnah was secular, Pakisan would not exist. Or else the two-nation 

is highest form of secularism? And why two-nation theory? Was Jinnah 

against Christians? If he was secular, he would have demanded a 


country for Indian christians too

On 09/06/05, sandeep heble [EMAIL PROTECTED]
., Mr. Advani reportedly described Jinnah as
``a great man'' who had espoused the cause of secular

Re: [Goanet]Re: Was Jinnah Secular?

2005-06-10 Thread carlos6143

If the socialist Nehru had allowed Jinnah to be the PM of India, 
Pakistan would not have existed. We all could have lived as a happy 
familly in a true secular India.


halur rasho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If Jinnah was secular, Pakisan would not exist. Or else the two-nation 

is highest form of secularism? And why two-nation theory? Was Jinnah 

against Christians? If he was secular, he would have demanded a 


country for Indian christians too

On 09/06/05, sandeep heble [EMAIL PROTECTED]
., Mr. Advani reportedly described Jinnah as
``a great man'' who had espoused the cause of secular

[Goanet]Re: Was Jinnah Secular?

2005-06-09 Thread halur rasho
If Jinnah was secular, Pakisan would not exist. Or else the two-nation theory 
is highest form of secularism? And why two-nation theory? Was Jinnah prejudiced
against Christians? If he was secular, he would have demanded a seperate 
country for Indian christians too

 On 09/06/05, sandeep heble [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ., Mr. Advani reportedly described Jinnah as 
 ``a great man'' who had espoused the cause of secular

[Goanet]RE: Was Jinnah secular?

2005-06-09 Thread Radhakrishnan Nair
(Sandeep Heble wrote: By no standards could Jinnah have been called a 
secular liberal leader. Jinnah never conceived of a Pakistan which was based 
on the principles of secularism that completely separated the State from 
religion. Rather, he envisioned Pakistan as a state whose political, social 
and economic system would seek inspiration and guidance from Islam.)


Jinnah was a politician and an astute one at that. Even today, a politician 
who does not swear by Islam and Holy Quaran at every turn has no future in 
Pakistan, not to speak of the surcharged times of Jinnah. Do you think the 
Pakistanis would have tolerated it had Jinnah exhorted them to embrace the 
Western model of democracy? That would have looked like sacrilege and 
negation of the very cause of Pakistan's creation and existence.

So it's understandable that Jinnah couched his democratic impulses in 
Islamic verbiage. Advani has clarified that he made the remarks in the 
context of a speech Jinnah had delivered to the National Assembly 
immediately before his death. That speech was suppressed in Pakistan after 
his death.

It's unfair to pick up bits and pieces out of context to paint someone a 
fundamentalist. The statements have to be read in the context of the social 
milieu and time in history to understand their true import.

Cheers, RKN

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