Re: [Goanet]Re: When and to what extent should priests/nuns be involved in politics?

2005-05-28 Thread Mario Goveia
Fr. Ivo Da C. Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
*--The Church should not get involved in partisan
politics, except when a party is against human
Mario asks:
Is the right to be born after conception a human
right?  During the last US Presidential elections,
John Kerry, a Catholic who strongly supports abortion
on demand, and even voted against a ban on
partial-birth abortions, was  warned by several US
Bishops that he would be refused Holy Communion in
their dioceses.

These Bishops were strongly supported by the Vatican
in taking this stand.  Was this partisan politics, or
just putting their foot down on a politician publicly
defying a major doctrine of the Catholic Church, while
professing to be a Catholic?

Re: [Goanet]Re: When and to what extent should priests/nuns be involved in politics?

2005-05-28 Thread carlos6143

Fr. Ivo Da C. Souza [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:
The Christian cannot be silent when there is rampant corruption, 

violence and


Dear Fr. Ivo,
I am in total agreement with your statement. Wished every Goan Catholic 
politician had the same view. Can the Goa Church help educate these 
people (The politicians as well as the people who voted them) with 
morals and values?


[Goanet]Re: When and to what extent should priests/nuns be involved in politics?

2005-05-27 Thread Fr. Ivo Da C. Souza
--- jose colaco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It should then come as no surprise to anybody that John Paul II opposed the 
 Latin American Liberation Theologians who had joined hands with Marxist 
 Communists even to the point of supporting the violent overthrow of 

George responded:
The bigger issue is when and to what extent should 
priests/nuns/bishops/cardinals/popes be involved in politics?  Further one may 
ask: when and to what extent should lay Catholics be involved in politics, 
another critical topic.  Should their non-involvement in a world full of
injustices be considered un-Catholic?

*--The Catholic Church is not a political institution, but this does not 
mean that the Church cannot give its message and point out to Gospel values in 
the economic and political field (cf.Vatican II, LG 76). The Church has the 
right and duty of defending the human rights. Liberation Theology is an 
offshoot of Theology. It reflects on salvation as integral development and 
liberation from sin and from its individual and societal consequences. What is 
to be avoided is violence. Violence begets violence and is not a solution... 
The Christian cannot be silent when there is rampant corruption, violence and 

One school of thought says clergy should never be involved, they should be 
involved in spiritual matters and saving souls.  However, the Vatican is a 
political state with ties to several countries.  By its very set-up it cannot 
escape political involvement.  However, the most common situation is a 
priest/nun in a local parish.   If one believes, as I do, that religions and 
major institutions of the world need to liberate oppressed people (and I do 
not mean only political oppression), then it follows there should be some 

   *--This is the message of the Gospel itself. Jesus was never silent. He 
challenged and changed...Saving souls means to teach and help to live in 
human dignity and struggle for human rights.

The next question is when and to what extent?  That is an idea I (and many 
others) struggle with.  Where to draw the line?  I would
like to see others post their thoughts.

   *--The Church should not get involved in partisan politics, except when a 
party is against human rights...
 As much as I want to agree that the Church must be involved in every aspect 
 of life in a country, I strongly oppose the involvement of the Church in 
 active partisan politics.

*--Exactly so. I do agree with you.
Your seeming confusion here is part of the overall dilemma.  On the one hand 
one cannot condone the Church's role in Poland and elsewhere and yet oppose 
the involvement of the Church in active partisan politics.  I suppose much 
hinges on what one considers active and partisan and politics.  Even if 
one removed semantics from the discussion, it is still a formidable phrase
active partisan politics while trying to determine the church's role.  Is 
all politics not active?  Is it not partisan?  Should the church be involved 
in inactive partisan politics?  Should it be involved in active impartial 
politics?  You see the difficulty

   *--The Church can always proclaim the sound principles in the political 
field (GS 76), but should not enter the field of partisan politics, except 
when human rights are at stake... John Paul II had already suffered under the 
Communist regime, therefore he fought for human rights and for the suppression 
of the Communist party in Poland...
   Ivo da C.Souza

[Goanet]Re: When and to what extent should priests/nuns be involved in politics?

2005-05-25 Thread George Pinto
Jose, if you want a serious discussion, cut the crap about George goes at John 
Paul II.  I have
changed the subject line in keeping with the topic.  See my responses below.

--- jose colaco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It should then come as no surprise to anybody that John Paul II opposed the 
 Latin American Liberation Theologians who had joined hands with Marxist 
 Communists even to the point of supporting the violent overthrow of 

The bigger issue is when and to what extent should 
priests/nuns/bishops/cardinals/popes be
involved in politics?  Further one may ask: when and to what extent should lay 
Catholics be
involved in politics, another critical topic.  Should their non-involvement in 
a world full of
injustices be considered un-Catholic?

One school of thought says clergy should never be involved, they should be 
involved in spiritual
matters and saving souls.  However, the Vatican is a political state with ties 
to several
countries.  By its very set-up it cannot escape political involvement.  
However, the most common
situation is a priest/nun in a local parish.   If one believes, as I do, that 
religions and major
institutions of the world need to liberate oppressed people (and I do not mean 
only political
oppression), then it follows there should be some involvement.  The next 
question is when and to
what extent?  That is an idea I (and many others) struggle with.  Where to draw 
the line?  I would
like to see others post their thoughts.

 As much as I want to agree that the Church must be involved in every aspect 
 of life in a country, I strongly oppose the involvement of the Church in 
 active partisan politics.

Your seeming confusion here is part of the overall dilemma.  On the one hand 
one cannot condone
the Church's role in Poland and elsewhere and yet oppose the involvement of 
the Church in active
partisan politics.  I suppose much hinges on what one considers active and 
partisan and
politics.  Even if one removed semantics from the discussion, it is still a 
formidable phrase
active partisan politics while trying to determine the church's role.  Is all 
politics not
active?  Is it not partisan?  Should the church be involved in inactive 
partisan politics?  Should
it be involved in active impartial politics?  You see the difficulty

 Did it not strike you that A Catholic Marxist-Leninist Priest would be an 
 epitomy of an

Logically, it could also follow that a Catholic Capitalist priest is an 
oxymoron.  After all the
Catholic church was around before Adam Smith and capitalism as we know it.  It 
cannot now align
with capitalism which would mean it was aligned with the wrong side prior to 
then.  If it does
align with capitalism now, what about the ills of capitalism?  After all 
capitalism just killed a
100,000 people in Iraq.
