As an innovative way of celebrating 'Goa Mukti Din', a People's Symposium
was organized by the 'Goa Social Forum' on 18/12/2004 at T. B. Cunha Hall,
Panaji. The theme was 'Relevance of NGOs in Goa Today'. About fifty people
from various backgrounds ranging from Labour organization, judiciary, media
and academician and prominent NGO's participated and discussed and shared
there views on NGO scenario in Goa. The following was the outcome of

1. NGOs should be the voice of the voiceless, after developing the
leadership among the marginalized they should take a back seat and allow the
emerging leadership to take over.

2. NGOs should be involved by the government in the policy formulation and
making process and not merely for the implementation of defined policy.

3. NGOs should develop cross sector network with larger base among the
oppressed section such as tribals, dalits etc. NGOs should not work against
each other as well as not compartmentalize the areas of operation and target

4. NGOs should not be mere firefighters, but develop a strategy to counter
the socio-economic and political forces in society, through mutual exchange
of views and joint action.

5. NGOs should not merely become contractors to implement the government

6. NGOs look forward for a closer exchange of views and support from the
media and judiciary.

7. NGOs are not alternative to government, but have the responsibility of
bringing to light the deficiency in government policy.

In view of the critical role played by NGO groups those whose vested
interests are threatened by the awareness created by NGOs can not expected
to talk positively about NGOs and therefore they resort to labelling NGOs as
anti-government, anti- development, frustrated, always negative and so on.

Reggie Gomes   and  Soter D'Souza
(Organising Secretaries of Goa Social Forum)

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