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A time comes an idea possesses you so strongly that
you become merely a vehicle for the idea to execute
itself. A couple of years ago, frustrated with my lack
of knowledge of Goa and the scarcity of info in a
compact book, I set out to research and compile basic
and detailed information on our land. I trawled the
Net, read at the Central Library, met people
(Fred,Joel,Percival,..) and finally in December 2003,
I published "Amazing Goa Information Cards", a box of
200 information cards carrying five facts each
(modelled on Trivial Pursuit-types). One thousand
facts for the Goa lover to consume, feast and be

Prior to December, I spent four months with my stuff
ready, but with no money to print the project.Cecil
Pinto, my beloved amigo had already laid out the
design and set up the printer. Mario Miranda had
sketched the box cover and other illustrations. But no
poixe to print !

Finally through some friends, I contacted Goa
Handicrafts Corp and they advanced me funds for 500
copies.The boxes are handmade and sorting and packing
employs a lot of people, so I had no qualms.That was a
great boost.

At the launch at BPS Club, Margao which was honored by
Uday Bhembre, Damu Naik (Chairman of GHRSSIDC) and
Maria Aurora Couto, I sold 50 copies and I was over
the moon. In the following months through Wendell
Rodricks bought over 40 boxes as gifts for his refined
friends. He included the Amazing Goa box in his Top 10
gifts list in his Goa Today column. Ethel ran an
interview on AG in GoaPlus (Times of India), and I had
around twenty cuttings from press coverage and
interviews.Sunaprant began serializing AG in Konkani
with three questions everyday.My bank teller who never
looked at me for twelve years smiled at me,
recognizing my mug in the Sunaprant column photo.The
great Rene Barreto patted my back and carried 50
copies back to the UK. My motorcycle helmet no longer
fitted my swollen head!

As of today, my firm Amazing Goa Publications has sold
1200 copies of Amazing Goa Info-Cards.Sales through
the web are done through Other India Book Store
([EMAIL PROTECTED]). Sales through outlets are slow
and this month I have set up a direct marketing team
of 25 students who earn a good commission while also
gaining mktg experience. Take the 14 lakh population
of Goa, the 10 lakh tourists and 5 lakh Non resident
Goans, and we have a sizeable market for good
'need-based' Goa-centric publishing.

In two months time I hope to publish the Konkani
Proverb Project and a book of science fiction stories
in Konkani and English by relatively unknown Goan
writers. Not all projects will be profitable, I know,
but the profitable ones will pull the less lucrative
ones through. Its been a rewarding and inspiring
experience. I have to pull up my socks though, the
website is not yet up, though I booked the domain name
in October 2003! Will get it up by June-end.

Jose Lourenco

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