Should we initiate a national debate involving all
political parties as to whether a Minister with a
conflict of interests or any vested interest in a 
department should be given the portfolio in that area?

The recent unscrupulous trend of Ministers demanding
and lobbying for particular plum portfolios is a
matter of concern. All portfolios are equally
important and the Minister has to try and do justice
to them.

What makes it worse is the tantrums thrown. It is now
clear that politics is no longer a mission of serving
the people but a business with all wanting to grab the

If  consensus cannot be reached perhaps the Supreme
Court should rule on this issue while also deciding
whether tainted politicians should be allowed to be
ministers and get the comfort of  vehicles with tinted

The argument that if a Minister has practical
knowledge and experience in the field he would be able
to perform better is debatable. His prejudiced mind in
the field could be detrimental to him doing justice to
the portfolio. He may not be able to perform with a
free, fair and independent mind on various issues
pertaining to the portfolio.

Ministers do not have to be  geniuses on the subject
matter of the portfolio they handle as they are
privileged to be guided by an expert well trained 
team of IAS, IPS officers and other civil service

Goa's first Chief Minister the late Dayanand Bandodkar
did not have a Bachelor's degree and neither was he an
IIT but in my personal opinion, with his limitations, 
proved himself the most able Chief Minister in Goa's

Besides Goa, Bandodkar had to administer Daman and Diu
and did not have a dozen cabinet positions to dish
out. Neither did he have Chairmanships of scores of
Corporations to pacify and sedate MLAs with. He had a
sincere desire to serve Goa and this he did to the
best of his ability.

One would have to deliberate whether it would be ideal
to have a lawyer as Law Minister, a trawler owner as a
Fisheries minister, a builder as Town and Country
planning Minister,a doctor as health minister, a bus
owner as the transport minister and a newspaper
publisher as Information Minister.

If knowledge and practical experience of the subject
matter of the department is all that is pertinent then
Veerappan would have been the best forest Minister,
Dawwod Ibrahim an ideal candidate for Home Minister
and Abdul Karim Telgi would have been the front runner
for the post of Revenue Minister.

Goa's health portfolio has over the last few  years
been handled by two able doctors, Wilfred de Souza and
Suresh Amonkar. How do we then account for the total
chaos of Goa's hospitals?

Since one has to spend over a crore to be elected  as
an MLA there is no hope that any pauper would make it
to the Legislative Assembly. So we will have no ideal
Minister for Provedoria or Social welfare.

Many MLAs of Dayanand Bandodkar's times died as
paupers. Today's MLAs have stacked enough for
themselves and their coming generations. Their
families could be assured of not having to undergo any
financial hardship at least.

Aires Rodrigues

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