2004-02-21 Thread cornel

Goanet readers,
I read the post from A.Veronica Fernandes on TiatroTiatrist with much
interest and would find it helpful to discover the approximate date when
Italian Burgo was first performed in Bombay. Secondly, Minguel Rod's (and
others) oppositional contribution as tiatrists against the dominant castes
is something I am particularly interested in. Please, could Mr Fernandes
throw more light on this aspect too? Finally, is there a good book available
which presents the revolutionary spirit of Goan Tiatr?
Many thanks,

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2004-02-20 Thread A. Veronica Fernandes

It is over ten decades now that the beautiful art of Tiatro is in existence. 
I bow down my head in reverence to Lucazinho Rebeiro from Assagao, Bardez, 
Goa for penning down the first ever Konkani Tiatro “Italian Burgo” and 
staging it in Bombay.  His follower and associate Joao Agostinho Fernandes 
from Margao, Salcette is equally to be adored for carrying forward the 
tradition of Tiatro almost in the beginning single handedly. Though 
Lucazinho Rebeiro was the initiator of Tiatro yet it was Joao Agostinho 
Fernandes who brought in revolution in Goan society thru the medium of 
Tiatro.  If Goan society has made tremendous changes in its structure 
especially the middle and lower strata then it must be admitted that it was 
only because of the revolutionary attitude released from the stage by the 
great tiatrists, most of them are dead and gone.  Though they are physically 
not existing on this planet yet the great work they have produced on the 
stage has helped change the ugly attitude of Goan society.  If it was not 
for Minguel Rod the Bhattkarshai and high caste Banmonshahi would be still 
dominating and suppressing the lower strata of Goans.  Minguel Rod brought 
in lot of changes in social fabrics of Goan society.  What William 
Shakesphere did in British society thru Dramas our Minguel Rod did in Goan 
society thru Tiatro and precisely because of this Minguel Rod can be rightly 
called Goan Shakesphere. More than a priest tiatrist attracts the attention 
of the society.  Which is that tiatrist now I am trying to praise?  He is 
none other than the one who challenges the brute might of arrogant society, 
brute might of his fellow man and fellow colleague who with the help of his 
power, in whatever form it may be, tries to suppress and destroy others.  
Dayananda Bandodkar and his Maharastrawadi Gomantak Party was all out to 
dissolve Goa, get it swallowed into Maharastra and along with it liquidate 
Konkani from Konkani land.  What a pity it would have been if it had to 
happen!! That it had not happen was due to the tremendous efforts and 
sacrifices made by the then tiatirsts also.  They have made Tiatro stage as 
a platform to openly fight against Dayananda Bandodkar and his MGP.  In one 
of his excellent songs, Remmie J. Colaco then challenges and humiliate 
Bandodkar saying “Are Pain bandlolea ghorak, nolle ghalunk zaina tor, 
vhoddpon tujem sodd re bhava”.  And challenging the anti-Konkani tirade of 
Bandodkar, the same Remmie J. Colaco calls upon the masses and all true 
Goans singing thus “Amchem boll dakoumya, Konknni bhas zikomya, hangach nhoi 
pun Delhi Parliamentan”.  Bandodkar died and gone and with him his 
anti-Goan, anti-Konkani MGParty was also collapsed but Remmie J. Colaco’s 
golden and prophetic words came to reality when Konkani Mae Bhas gained its 
rightful place and even spoken and heard in Parliament.

Kid Boxer has done yeomen services for the cause of Goa and Konkani by 
hitting the wrong person at right time. Kid Boxer also challenged the brute 
might even of his colleagues when they overstepped their authority.  It was 
at Mapusa about 35 years back.  “Lembddo Santan” was the Tiatro by the late 
Minguel Rod.  His son Julie was playing a very good role in his father’s 
Tiatro.  C. D’Silva and his partner were singing a comedy duo, the tune of 
which was similar to the one earlier used in their duo by M. Boyer and 
Remmie J. Colaco.  Seeing this, on flimsy grounds, as spokesman of Boyer and 
Remmie duo, Boyer protested and tried to stop C. D’Silva and his partner 
from singing their duo.  There was stoppage of Tiatro for few minutes but 
Kid Boxer refused to surrender to Boyer.  For this reason Kid Boxer was 
admired for challenging the brute might of some of his tiatrist colleagues.

Conception-Nelson-Anthony trio was the mightiest trio that Konkani Stage has 
ever produced.  It was on the pattern of Kid-Young-Rod of yesteryears.  
Con-Nel-Ant. Trio is on record to challenge anyone from commoner to the 
topmost official in the Government machinery.  Bandodkar and his MGP was 
less afraid of 12 opposition MLAs in Goa Legislative Assembly but more 
afraid of the might of this trio of Con-Nel-Ant.  Bandodkar was on record to 
depute Punaji Achrekar the MGP MLA and resident of Saligao to watch this 
trio what they sing at Mapusa and accordingly Bandodkar used to frame his 
strategy in Goa Legislative Assembly.  In order to punish them Bandodkar 
once introduced entertainment tax on Tiatro but out of fear and to please 
the trio, Bandodkar gave concession to Nelson’s Tiatro “Dolorosa”.  This was 
the might of the tiatrists.  But how many of them are now existing with 
genuine spinal chord to challenge the brute might?  Today’s tiatrists in 
general are money oriented and commercial in nature.  For this reason 
today’s tiatrists in general are unable to challenge the injustice and brute 
might as it was done by yesteryears tiatrists most of them are