(in Listening Post, Navhind Times, ed. 28/12/2004)


This has reference to the article appeared in the Panorama section of the NT
edition dated November 7, 2004, captioned "window on Pondicherry" penned by
Mr. K N R Swamy. As we all know Pondicherry was a French colony till 1954.
During the reign, France ceded the control of the colony to India and in
1962 complete legal and constitutional transfer to Indian Union took place.
But to safeguard the interests of the residents of the colony, French
government offered them French citizenship.

But only 6,000 of them opted for French citizenship. Today these six
thousand people, have become a privileged lot enjoying hefty pension perks
and other benefits as admissible to metropolitan French citizens, even
enjoying voting rights in French elections. This is naturally causing severe
heartburns, to those who squandered this golden opportunity, and are ruing
for their lots as put in your columns.

This naturally brings to my mind the sorry plight of Goans who forcibly had
to accept the Indian citizenship much against the will consequent on
liberation of Goa.

Taking a dispassionate view of the political situation preceding to military
action in 1961, the withdrawal of Portuguese appeared imminent. They had
withdrawn all the fighting forces leaving behind skeleton not of forces. All
the political prisoners were freed, all the coercive measures were abolished
establishing rule of law. Drastic pay reforms were introduced benefiting
lowest layer of bureaucracy which consisted of a sizeable number of Hindus.
Due to boom in mining industry, government coffers were overflowing, and the
Government used this revenue in creating employment, improving health and

To cap all this, the important posts in administration, which were so far
reserved only for Europeans were open to local population. General
perception that the Portuguese administration till now accused of partisan
attitude was completely changed, and real secularism was the order of the
day; these revolutionary changes in the mindset of the Portuguese
administration was certainly a prelude to autonomy and subsequently
withdrawal of the Portuguese rule.

The Indian government which was hell-bent in taking army action, did not
take kindly to at this dramatic political developments, started a media war
and suddenly rushed its army, to the surprise and utter dismay of Goans. No
doubt the end of Portuguese rule was inevitable but what irks Goans today
that due to military action they were denied the rights of choosing
Portuguese or Indian citizenship unlike then counterparts in Pondicherry.


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