Re: [Goanet] The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-23 Thread Santosh Helekar
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--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>You are so full of [EMAIL PROTECTED], pardon my French, that it
>is a waste of time arguing with you about an attitude
>we can all read in your words.

I am sorry that I have driven Mario Goveia to such an
indefensible position that his only recourse is to use
expletives against me. 

Mario Goveia has once again failed to defend against
my charge that the Bush Iraq war is based on a lie. 

Like the politicians and the partisan hacks that he
supports, he has also once again failed to demonstrate
the courage and honesty to admit that there were no
WMDs in Iraq just before the war, and there never was
any imminent threat to the U.S. from them. 

As far as the rest of his embarrassing outburst is
concerned, the questions that he poses in capital
letters stem from a specious post-hoc rationalization
for an illegal war. They are meant to disguise the
fact that the Iraq war was based on a lie.

These questions are really, completely saiba bogus. 

Saiba Bogos!



[Goanet]The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-08 Thread Mario Goveia
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I am writing this with pride at the collective wisdom
of the American electorate and the spirit of democracy
that underpins this great country.
The United States, the free world and the new concept
that Muslim nations deserve the opportunity to live in
freedom and democracy, dodged a bullet last night with
the re-election of President Bush.  125 million
Americans spoke with their votes, defied Osama Bin
Laden's endorsement of John Kerry, thumbed their noses
at Jacques Chirac's and Mohammad al Baradei's attempt
to influence American politics, and rejected the
blatant falsehoods of George Soros, Michael Moore, and the mainstream media, led by the New
York Times nationally and the Toledo Blade locally. 
The president the patronizing left calls a "dummy",
"cowboy"and "liar", received the largest vote count in
US history and won by some 3.5 million votes in the
popular vote, which he had lost by 500 votes in 2000.
John Kerry salvaged what little class he had left and
graciously conceded the election, disappointing a
small army of lawyers.  Good for him.  This offsets to
a some extent the destructive, self-serving
opportunism his entire history suggests.   As a
Republican volunteer here in Ohio, who was so
terrified of a Kerry presidency that I spent hours
knocking on doors and making phone calls to undecided
voters, not to mention additional hours trying to
"educate" a host of my fellow Indians around the
country and the world, a SNOWBALL HAD MORE CHANCE IN
HELL on election night than John Kerry to win in Ohio,
as well as in Nevada, NM and Iowa.
Kerry joined the hapless Richard Nixon, who had the
grace and dignity to not challenge all the dead people
who voted for his hated rival, the original JFK, in
Illinois in 1960 to save the country from any further
political trauma.

The reasons I was terrified of a Kerry victory
a) the embarrassment of having two lawyers as
president and vice-president, with NO executive
experience and NO legislative achievements.  What on
earth were the Democrats thinking?
b) the devastating effect a Kerry presidency would
have had on India because of his visceral opposition
to free trade and outsourcing because of his total
subservience to his union supporters, who don't seem
to care that more jobs are created in the US from
insourcing because most of these are not union jobs.
c) the truth that I had finally confirmed from actual
Iraqis that 90% of Iraq is experiencing unprecedented
reconstruction in roads, sanitary systems, water
treatment plants, schools, hospitals, etc.  I am
outraged that the media has hidden this from the world
and from Americans.  The details are on  After only 20 months since the
Saddam regime fell, less than 10% of Iraq remains to
be pacified.  It took from 4 to 7 years to complete
the job in Germany and Japan after WW-II, and our
troops have stayed in those countries to protect them
for decades thereafter.
d) a Kerry victory would have been a clear victory for
Osama Bin Laden, who had endorsed him, and for
worldwide Islamo-fascism, which had NOT been
confronted until they overstepped their bounds on 9/11
and discovered to their dismay that President Bush was
not an appeaser like his predecessor.  It would also
have been a victory for vicious propagandists like
George Soros, who funded and and their blatant falsehoods, and Michael
Moore and his blatant propaganda disguised as a
e) it would have been incredibly embarrassing to have
a US President who was a war hero - to the Vietcong,
after 50,000 Americans lost their lives in Vietnam. 
Kerry has an honored place in the Ho Chi Minh War
Museum, which is embarrassing enough.
f) Kerry's rollbacks of tax rate cuts would have
reduced revenues to the US Treasury and cost US jobs. 
The "rich" did not get that way by being stupid, as
Clinton's "luxury tax" of a few years ago in a failed
attempt to soak the rich showed everyone by
devastating industries that provide luxury goods and
services for the rich.
g) The ideas that Kerry and Edwards had for our health
care system would have made Hillary Clinton seem like
a free-marketer by comparison.
h) Finally, the thought of a loose cannon,
self-serving, hypochondriac like Teresa Heinz-Kerry as
First Lady made my skin crawl when compared with the
lovely and gracious Laura Bush.
The flip side to this is the inevitable re-ascendancy
of Clinton & Clinton who will become mythological
figures within the Democrat party after this year's
debacle.  The fun part for us Republicans will be the
"un-civil war" that 

Re: [Goanet]The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-08 Thread Tariq Siddiqui
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--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I also urge all readers to boycott the blatant
> political propaganda being spread by the George Soros
> funded, The Media Fund, the Hollywood
> elite and the deliberate falsehoods of Michael Moore. 
> These people do not engage in honest debate but in
> blatant propaganda, and it is high time they were
> marginalized.

I am still waiting to hear what are the "deliberate falsehoods" being talked 
here. Please clarify with examples.


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Re: [Goanet]The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-08 Thread Santosh Helekar
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--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> President George W. Bush, the "dummy", "cowboy"and
> "liar" of mean-spirited Democrat mythology, has just
> won 51% of the vote. 

Even though I thought initially that this was an
election that was legitimately won by Bush, it now
appears that there is growing doubt about the voting
procedures and the actual vote counts. Unbiased
political scientists are analyzing the vote tallies as
we speak to find out if things make sense. Rest
assured in a couple of months we will have an answer
one way or the other.



Re: [Goanet]The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-08 Thread Mervyn Lobo
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Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> President George W. Bush, the "dummy", "cowboy"and
> "liar" of mean-spirited Democrat mythology, has just
> won 51% of the vote.  For those of you who doubt the
> breadth of President Bush's support please take a
> look at the breakdown of his support BY COUNTY, 
> available on among other sources.  >
It's not Blue States versus Red States, folks.  
> It's major urban centers versus the rest of 
> America.  President Bush won in 3,000 out of 
> our country's 3,500 counties.

Those pushing for Canada to accept the Americans from
"Blue" states, ALWAYS point out that these Americans
are the more educated and progressive components of
the US population.

For the Americans who have decided to stay put and
fight, here is some info:

American Civil Liberties Union
Renewing Our Defense of Liberty

Dear Friend,

The re-election of George W. Bush, whose
administration has shown a profound disregard for
fundamental rights, means our work is now more
essential than ever.

The fact is, without a vigorous, spirited movement for
freedom, their unrelenting assault on civil liberties
could change the face of our democracy.

With you at our side, the ACLU is ready, willing and
able to lead that movement.

In the months ahead, they will come after our freedoms
under cover of the war on terror.  They will stage a
full-court press in support of their
dangerous social issues agenda.  With their political
opponents weakened and with the knowledge that they
will never have to face the voters again, they
see a golden opportunity.  They won't let it go to
waste. We expect them to move rapidly on everything
from funding religion to escalating assaults 
on abortion to outlawing same-sex marriage.

Over the past four years, the ACLU and its members
have shown that we can be successful defending freedom
even in the most inhospitable climate. We 
have built bipartisan support for challenging the
Patriot Act and inspired a chorus of voices
questioning many of its damaging provisions.  
We have challenged the Patriot Act in court and won. 
We have squelched government programs designed to spy
on Americans.  We have won legal victories
curtailing executive power.  We have defeated the
first-ever federal abortion ban in court.

This fight is far from over. Here at the ACLU we will
continue to stand by the values of justice and liberty
for all.

To put it simply: We refuse to surrender our freedom.
I hope you will pledge to do the same.

Together we will stay the course, meet all challenges,
and beat back every attempt to restrict our civil


Anthony D. Romero
Executive Director, ACLU

P.S. You may have seen our full page advertisement in
the New York Times today.  This is just the beginning
of a bold campaign to protect the Constitution and the
Bill of Rights.  Please go to
to stay involved with the fight.

Post your free ad now!

[Goanet]The world dodged a bullet on Nov. 2

2004-11-08 Thread Mario Goveia
# If Goanet stops reaching you, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #   
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Friends, it's time to pull together and move on.
Kudos to John Kerry for showing some class in
graciously conceding the election and disappointing a
small army of lawyers.  As a resident of the
critical state of Ohio, I appreciated that.  I now
urge those 60% of my fellow Indians who dislike
President Bush to stop lashing out at every little
provocation and join in healing the country, starting
with our own Indian community, which shares the core
values of the Republicans, but "feel more comfortable"
with the Democrats, whatever that means.
President George W. Bush, the "dummy", "cowboy"and
"liar" of mean-spirited Democrat mythology, has just
won 51% of the vote.  For those of you who doubt the
breadth of President Bush's support please take a look
at the breakdown of his support BY COUNTY, available
on among other sources.  It's not Blue
States versus Red States, folks.  It's major urban
centers versus the rest of America.  President Bush
won in 3,000 out of our country's 3,500 counties.
Democrat hero, Bill Clinton, could never manage higher
than 49% of the vote.  In addition, the Republicans
have increased their margins in the House and Senate
and among state Governors.  On a personal note, George
W. has finally emerged from under his father's shadow
in winning a second term, something very few US
presidents have succeeded in achieving.

I predict that Bush will now reach out to the
be repeatedly slapped in the face by
the Kennedy-Gore-Dean-Daschle-Biden-Pelosi-Boxer wing
of the Democrat party.  It is up to the left to leave
the vitriol behind and join the president in a joint
attack on our common enemies abroad and our economic
challenges here at home.  You cannot have it both ways
by continuing to castigate the president for the
growing deficit yet demand social programs that will
only add to the deficit.
I urge all readers to go to and
get the DVD as see what is really going on in 90% of
Iraq.  You will get quite a different impression than
what you see in the media, which spends 100% of its
reporting on less than 10% of the situation in
Iraq.  And this may encourage you to appreciate what
we have done for this country that had seen nothing
but brutality previously.  We have al Qaeda on the run
even with a divided America and a divided world. 
Imagine what we could accomplish if we could all pull
together in fighting the terrorists.  Al Qaeda would
have no chance.  As it is, there is a very good chance
that the insurgency in Iraq will see the writing on
the wall and decide to join the budding democracy when
they see that they cannot turn back the clock.  Think
about it.  They have been fighting tooth and nail, as
if their lives depend on it - TO AVOID A DEMOCRACY IN
IRAQ!  How can any rational person who appreciates
freedom and democracy support such an attitude?
I also urge all readers to boycott the blatant
political propaganda being spread by the George Soros
funded, The Media Fund, the Hollywood
elite and the deliberate falsehoods of Michael Moore. 
These people do not engage in honest debate but in
blatant propaganda, and it is high time they were