Union Minister for Defence 
Ministry of Defence 
Govt of India 

Union Minister for Home Affairs
Ministry of Home
Govt of India

Rear Admiral Shekar Sinha 
Flag Officer Commanding Goa
Vasco da Gama Goa 

Station Commander
Sea Bird Project
Binaga Karwar


After Mr S K Sinha took  over as Flag Officer
Commanding Goa Area on 16.4.2004 he  had kindly
announced in July 2004 that the  Navy has permitted
(albeit with security considerations) the visit to the
Island and celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of
Springs (Nossa Senhora de Brotas) on 2nd February, at
Anjediv Island (near Karwar) off the coast of Canacona
Goa as per the agreed terms of transfer of island by
the Govt of Goa. This news was welcome by all and

This year too the customary Feast will be celebrated
on 2nd February, 2004 

As per a communique from the Archdiocese of Goa &
Daman, dated 15.1.2005, to  Station Commander Sea
Bird, this year it is decided  that  two masses will
be held one at 1000 hrs and the other at 1300 hrs to
regulate the crowd participating in the Feast.

However it is noted as per reports on the local
(Karwar) Kannada daily dated 23.1.2005 and confirmed
by this writer that one Mr Pramod Mutalik General
Secretary  Vishwa Hindu Parishad South India  has once
again threatened to prevent conduct of the Feast on
this Island.

On an earlier ocassion too on 21.10.2004 on the eve of
Dusserha  he had threatened to enter the island and
conduct religious rites at an ancient temple believed
to be on the Island but this move was averted due to
the timely intervention of the District Magistrate
Karwar and the Navy 

It may be noted that until 1987 the Island was in the
revenue taluka of Canacona Goa and the only Feasts
celebrated by the people of Goa and attended by the
people of Binaga and Karwar were the above Feast and
the Feast of St Francis de Assisi on 4th October.  

Therefore the attempts of the VHP to disrupt the
festivities is uncalled for and needs to be put on

It may be recalled that the BJP led Goa Government had
donated Rs 25,000 to the repairs of this Church and
also ensured the smooth conduct of the Feasts in the
past years.

Therefore the devoutees feel that the State machinery
both in Karnataka Goa and the Defence Ministry and
Home Ministry Govt of Goa should take all necessary
steps to ensure the smooth conduct of the customary 
Feast and ensure the safety of all those visiting from

The sacred Constitution of India provides for a
secular democratic society and therefore any attempts
to create a law and order situation should be nipped
in the bud.

The people of Goa who have maintained a tolerance
towards all communities will not be cowed down by such
threats . This year they have promised to attend in
large numbers as they are delighted that the Sea Bird
authorities at its own cost have now (18th May, 2004  
repaired the Church and restored it to its pristine
glory to the satisfaction of all.

Borda Margao Goa

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