This is one of the many reports which were posted on
tiatr and tiatrists in Kuwait - some of these
tiatrists will be seen in January-February 2005 for
the upcoming shows:

As scheduled, Kuwait Goan Tiatristanchi Sonvstha
initiated by Marcus Vaz as announced on the stage,...

- Pray remember was this sonstha not formed in the
first instant by Marcus Vaz as he could not take your
barrage of name calling of fellow professional and
award winning tiatrists.

Though the show was scheduled to begin at 3.30, it
finally started at 4.10. The show was attended by the
capacity crowd.

- Ofcourse, with over 50 artistes and musicians, the
show was unique and a first time at this grand scale.
The second one also promises wholesome entertainment.
Hope they allow you to be amongst them.

Before the start of the show, Derek Mendes one of the
sons of the late Anthony Mendes inaugurated the
photographic display of some of the dead artistes.
A. Veronica Fernandes

- Now the question is: wasn't this gap consumed for
the brief introductory speech, Derek Mendes'
introduction to the audience, the walk-along to the
display area, photos session, etc.  
Oh! It was just for the sake of usual jealousy that
got you running to post the item. Archives of do not lie.

I timed the start at 3:38 p.m. True to tradition, a
small prayer backstage by all the performing artistes
must have taken 5-6 minutes.  So considering this, the
show did start in time.  A rarity, ofcourse,
considering other outfits similar presentations.

Possibly its time to get a new goddial (watch). Didn't
I read someone in the U.K. recommending a Titan this
week on goanet?

Such tiatr commentators have a lot to learn on the
basics of posting such comments in a balanced manner
rather than make themselves a laughing stock of the
cyber community.


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