Some things one no longer see in tiatrs today.

I recall the staccato voice of the prompters that would be clearly picked up by the mikes resulting in a strange echo effect when the actor actually said the words. Overenthusiastic prompters would form a huge human-size bulge in the curtain that was hard to ignore as it moved shadowing the actor. Amateur productions had cheap 'scenery' curtains and often the silhouette of the prompter would be seen on the curtain highlighted by the backstage bulb. The elderly actors were always standing close to the back curtain and it was obvious from their body leaning, and the angle of their head, that they were straining to hear the prompter.

Whistle (pilluck):
A whistle would be blown to signal the change of scene (poddo). I wonder what was its significance. If it was to warn all the actors and stagehands, then how do they manage without a whistle now?

Beggars' song
Until the mid-eighties this was a staple item in amateur dramas, and some professional dramas too. Two or three singers attired as beggars, with coconut shells (kottio) in their hands would sing a 'begging' song and during the chorus people from the audience would throw money at them which the singers would collect from the stage and put in their kottios. A currency note wrapped round a stone was rare as mostly it was coins that were flung. Sometimes a rich man from the audience would walk grandiosely upto the stage and hand over a large currency note (Rs. 10/- or 20/- at that time) and there would be gasps of admiration from the rest of the audience. People in the front rows of the audience, and the singers themselves, used to be sometimes injured by these monetary missiles.

These are three unique aspects of tiatrs I remember that are no longer present. I wonder if there are any more such tiatr oddities that have been discarded over the years. And does anyone know why exactly they were discarded?



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