Counting of votes for   the five Assembly bye
elections began this morning on a tense note both at
Margao and Panaji today 5/6/2005.  

The counting agents of the respective parties and
supporters were all present at around 0700 hrs.  There
was a huge police bandobust just in case tensions rise
as the results were declared.  Being a Sunday there
was  the expected crowd. Tommorrow schools begin for
the academic year 2005-06 

The results as confirmed from the election office.

11  Taleigao Assembly Constituency  
INC Antanasio (Babush) Monserate  
14  Cumbarjua Assembly Constituency  
INC Pandurang Madkaikar    
28  Benaulim Assembly Constituency
NCP Francisco (Micky) Pacheco  
30  Margao Assembly Constituency
INC Digamber Kamat   
40  Poinguinim Assembly Constituency 
BJP Ramesh Tawadekar 

BJP (17)

Mr Manohar Parrikar, 
Mr Manohar (Babu) Ajgaonkar, 
Dr Suresh Amonkar, 
Mr Francisco D Souza, 
Mr Ramrao Desai
Mr Dayanand Mandrekar, 
Mr Vinay Tendolkar, 
Mr Vishwas Satarkar, 
Mr Narhari Haldankar, 
Mr Damodar Naik ,
Mr Laximikant V Parsekar,  
Mr Sadanand Shet, 
Mr Rajendra Arlekar,  
Mr Rajesh T Patnekar, 
Mr Vasudeo M Gaonkar
Mr V Pai Khot
Mr Ramesh Tawadekar
UGDP (1)
Mr M Saldhana

Total 17 + 1 =18
INC 18
Mr Pratapsing Rane, 
Mr Agnelo Fernandes, 
Mr Aleixo Sequeira, 
Mr Chandrakant Kavlekar, 
Mr Dayanad Narvekar, 
Mr Francisco Sardinha ,
Mr Francisco Silveira,  
Mr Giovani Karl Vaz, 
Mr Harish Zantye, 
Mr Jeetendra Desprabhu, 
Mr Joaquim Braz Alemao, 
Mr Luizinho Faleiro, 
Mr Ravi Naik, 
Mr Subhash Shirodkar,
Ms Victoria Fernandes
Mr Atnasio (Babush)Monserate
Mr Pandurang Madkaikar
Mr Digamber Kamat

Dr Wilfred De Souza 
Mr Francisco (Micky) Pacheco
Mr Ramkrishna Dhavlikar 

18 + 2 + 1 = 21

The INC becomes the single largest party with 18
followed by BJP 17 NCP 2 UGDP 1 and MGP 1 it therefore
follows that the INC can form the combine with its
pre-poll ally the NCP now with two seats and the
support of the lone MGP to give it 21 seats   as
against the simple majority of 20 in a House of
effective strenght 39.  It is not known whether the
BJP will prefer to seat in the Opposition or take
advantage of the squabbles that are bound to arise. 
Notwithstanding the claims of the Low Command in Goa
to prefer a majority community member for the post of
Chief Minister it is for certain that the blue eyed
boy of Madam Sonia Gandhi, viz Mr Luizinho Faleiro
will be the CM but that would depend on how the NCP
settles down to this bargain.  Alternatively Mr
Digamber Kamat who is believed to have been promised
the Chief Ministerial post may lay his claim in which
case the NCP Dr Wilfred De Souza will have to be made
the Deputy Chief Minister a non constitutional post.

But there is one feeling that the BJP UGDP (18)
combine may agree to lend support to the NCP MGP in
which case the strenght will be 21 with a Chief
Ministerial berth to Dr Chief Minister and a quid
proquo to allow the cases of disqualification to
meander in the Supreme Court until the next elections
in May 2007 .  

As official figures are still awaited from the Officer
of the Chief Electoral officer given the near close
margins of some of the candidates.  The BJP is also
thinking in terms of resigning en masse as one senior
activist has given this writer to understand.  This is
however intended to follow only if the INC NCP begans
wrangling for Chief Ministerial candidate and other
portfolios so that an impression is created that the
predicted instablilty of the INC NCP will not augur
well for the development of the State and the BJP
would not like to be seen as responsible for the
collapse of the administration owing to the INC NCP
This is the vox populi view at the counting centres
around the Multipurpose High School at Gogal Fatorda
where counting took place.  While in Taleigao Mr
Monserate voters began celebrations the Margao camp
was by and large peaceful, apparently the winners are
engaged in confabulations on the formation of

from the Counting Centre at Margao


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