WORLD GOA DAY message - from Flavio Gracias ,  
      President of G.O.A UK. 



"To all Goans wherever they may be, I would like to
send my best wishes for a memorable celebration of
World Goa Day, in whatever format it takes.  I believe
the Goans should be justifiably proud of their
inheritance and strive to maintain their cultural
identity for generations to come.  The Goan
Association in the UK, in conjnction with all the Goan
Organisations, have their own celebration in a Goan
Festival, which takes place on Sunday 31st July 2005,
at Archbishop Lanfranc School.  We are honoured to
have the presence of Bishop Alex Dias (from the Andman
and Nicboar Islands Diocese), who will be the main
celebrant at the religious service that begins at
12.15pm.  We hope that as many Goans as possible in
the UK will be present to enjoy the cultural
activities and taste some home cooked Goan fayre.  
Kind regards

Flavio Gracias
Goan Assciation (UK)"


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