Dear all,

We are delighted to launch an e-group dedicated to the celebration of WORLD GOA DAY.  
This e-group
will be exclusively dedicated to the discussion, co-ordination and world-wide 
celebration of WORLD
GOA DAY.  This year's celebration will be Aug 21, 22.  Please mark your calendars.

If you wish to join this group, please email me directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 
your full
name, country of residence and phone number where you can be reached and you will be 
added to the

As Goans we are proud to celebrate GOA DAY. Our manner of celebration is to try and 
give something
back to our community by improving and developing Goa/Goans. This year's theme and 
focus is:
"CREATING JOBS FOR GOANS". Through economic progress and capitalizing on opportunities 
we can make
strides in various fields and help Goans along the way.  

Many Goans have given back to Goa and they have done so impressively. Whether they 
have built
cyber communities, donated money, time, skills, computers, or work for the 
underpriviledged, etc.,
there is hopefully a significant increase in altruism, based on our traditional Goan 
emphathy for
humanity. Our worldwide celebration of GOA DAY should not be minimized. It compares no 
less with
the Irish efforts of St. Patrick's Day and America's Independence Day (minus the 
marketing of those days) in preserving our identity. If we want to be, we can be a 
proud people,
holding our own on the world stage. We have our own music, art, cuisine, history, 
literature, etc.
Let's hope we all specficially set aside some time this GOA DAY to celebrate our 
culture and give
back to others.

(George Pinto & Rene Barreto)


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# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       #   
# PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
# More details on Goanet at              #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

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