Who else but the Supreme Court?

March 11, 2005

Room 46 in the West Bengal legislative assembly complex is called the
'Bejoy Kumar Banerjee Hall.' Few would recognise his name today but 38
years he made the headlines in every Indian newspaper. What he said
and did in 1967 are relevant to the events of today.

The West Bengal of 1967 presented as confused a picture as the Goa,
Jharkhand, and Bihar of today, no party having won a clear majority in
the assembly election. Ajoy Kumar Mukherjee, leader of a group of
Congress defectors, joined hands with the Marxists to form the United
Front. The coalition ministry was involved in a running battle with
Governor Dharam Vira from the first. It did not last very long, the
exasperated governor kicking out the United Front to install the
Progressive Democratic Alliance that was led by Dr P C Ghosh.

It was at this point that Speaker Bejoy Kumar Banerjee entered the
picture. The Speaker refused to recognise the new regime, ruling it
was the exclusive power of the House to make and unmake ministries.
Efforts to do so behind the back of the assembly were, he declared,
unconstitutional and invalid. The P C Ghosh ministry threw in the
towel, there was a bout of President's Rule, and the Ajoy
Mukherjee-led United Front returned in 1969.

Many think that politicians should be barred from becoming governors.
It may interest them to know that Dharam Vira was no politician, he
had been one of India's most distinguished civil servants, efficient
and incorruptible. He was genuinely concerned about the deteriorating
situation in West Bengal; the Ajoy Mukherjee ministry was so
spectacularly incompetent that the chief minister once sat on a dharna
outside Writers Building against his own government! But the Speaker
was equally correct in upholding the authority of the assembly.

Both Dharam Vira and Bejoy Kumar Banerjee could legitimately claim
that they were working in West Bengal's best interests. Nobody would
buy that excuse from Governor S C Jamir, the former Speaker Vishwas
Satarkar, and Speaker Pro-tem Francisco Sardinha. Does anyone think S
C Jamir had no role to play in the fall of the BJP-led Manohar
Parikkar ministry? Speaker Satarkar sought to counter this by
disqualifying an MLA just before a crucial vote in the assembly.
Finally, Speaker Pro-tem Sardinha stretched the powers of his post to
the limit by ordering the ouster of an MLA from the BJP side.

Jharkhand trust vote on March 11 

Stop this nonsense about our great democracy!

The sad part is that it was actually politics as usual up to the point
where Francisco Sardinha entered. S C Jamir is scarcely the first
governor to be partial to one party. There are even precedents of a
Speaker playing fast and loose with the rules. (The governor would
have been justified in recommending President's Rule after Satarkar's
timely disqualification of the pro-Congress Philip Neri Rodrigues.)
But what the Speaker Pro-tem did was in a class of its own. It opened
the door to manipulation on a different scale.

Every assembly -- even the Lok Sabha come to that -- starts
proceedings with a Speaker Pro-tem being nominated. That nomination is
the gift of the executive wing, not of the legislature. Imagine what
might happen if other Speakers Pro-tem follow Sardinha to disqualify
'inconvenient' members. You could face a situation where an electoral
verdict is overthrown before all the legislators have time to read the

A governor serves at the pleasure of the President. A Speaker is
elected by the legislature over which he presides, and he may be
removed by its members. But who is to check abuse of power by a
Speaker Pro-tem? Sitaram Yechury says the Left disapproves of all
legislative problems being dumped into the judiciary's lap. In
principle he is correct but who else can lay down the law to prevent
the disgusting antics we saw in Goa?

The Supreme Court stepped in to tell Governor Syed Sibtey Razi that it
was setting a date for the vote of confidence in the Jharkhand
assembly. It told 'Chief Minister' Soren that he could not have one of
his pets sitting there as a nominated Anglo-Indian member. I pray that
it also lays down broad guidelines on the powers of a Speaker Pro-tem.

The marauders of democracy

But what of those Speakers, properly elected and not serving pro-tem,
who act as tools of the executive wing? The position of a Speaker were
spelt out on January 4, 1642 when King Charles I came in person to
arrest five MPs from the House of Commons. Not finding them, he asked
the Speaker where they were. William Lenthall, famously replied, 'I
have neither eyes to see nor tongue to speak in this place but as this
House is pleased to direct me, whose servant I am here.' Speaker Bejoy
Kumar Banerjee was man cast in the same iron mould; others, I am
afraid, have been far more accommodating to the executive branch.

I recall something Dr Ambedkar said long ago. After pointing several
perceived flaws in the Constitution, his interlocutor asked Babasaheb
how long such a body of laws could last. He replied soberly, 'Good men
can make even bad laws Work to the common benefit, but bad men will
abuse even the best Constitution.' In the ultimate analysis, it is for
us voters to see that only the best people get elected. If we are
swayed by prejudice then let us resign ourselves to more Satarkars and

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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