Women's Day Programme

Women are taking their own steps, charting their own paths and redefining
politics. This was apparent from the various presentations made at the
programme organised by Bailancho Saad on the occasion of International Women
's Day. In the context of the ongoing political scenario, women voiced that
power should not be about sticking to chairs but about collective
empowerment of people. The theme "Our Steps, Our Paths" of International
Women's Day emerged from the fact that women often find themselves posed
with options either of which they do not wish to choose and want to define
their own ways.
Earlier women from different parts of Goa assembled at Ambedkar Garden,
Panaji, and marched through the city winding their way through 18th June
Road and the market and converged at Azad Maidan.. Students, housewives,
agricultural workers, urban slum dwellers, professionals, working women all
marched shoulder to shoulder voicing their concerns and demands loud and
clear. "No woman shall be beaten, no girl child shall remain unborn", "stop
drowning women in alcohol", "no to casinos and golf courses", "health,
education, dignity and love - every girl child's right", "Women's Unity,
Zindabad' were some of the slogans that rent the air as several onlookers
watched on.
There is no peace in any war or fundamentalism or communalism, Ms. Pratibha
Bapat emphasised in her keynote address. Deliberations held during the last
year highlighted the inadequacies and changes required in family laws,
tourism policy and health policy, Ms. Pratibha stated. Sharing the lessons
of Bailancho Saad's "No woman shall be beaten" Campaign launched last year,
Ms. Pratibha stated that while on the one hand, wife-beating was found to be
widely prevalent, be it in urban or rural areas, on the other hand, the
campaign got tremendous support from the men. However there were inadequate
facilities to deal with the numerous complaints that the women were coming
forth with, following the door to door campaign. Ms. Pratibha announced the
intentions of Bailancho Saad to launch a model drop-in-centre for women,
even as the demands for short stay homes and homes for women were
reiterated. Self-defence courses, education on sex and sexuality,
consciousness raising programmes for adolescents, interactive workshops for
rural women, were some of the activities undertaken by Bailancho Saad and
will be further stepped up, Ms. Pratibha added.
A skit depicting the limitations of the Goa family laws, was enacted and a
demand was made for changes in the law after due consultations with all
women. Two fugdis, one from Morjim and one from Siolim highlighted the
issues of alcoholism and price-rise and problems of access to health and
Drawing attention to the rising AIDS infection amongst women due to
increasing vulnerabilities such as violence and abuse, Ms. Vrunda Prabhu
stated that adequate attention needs to be given to provide easy access to
medicines and facilities for women who are dispossessed of their homes and
livelihoods. She called on the women to call the Free Helpline No.1097 for
information and assistance.
Children from the Saad Alashiro Community Centre for Children highlighted
the invasion of the media into the household to the extent of exclusion of
human relationships and neighbourhood concerns.
Discrimination and deprivation of rights of migrant women was the subject of
a skit presented by Jan Ugahi from Margao.
Poverty and violence should be eliminated from society and the world should
be looked at from women's eyes, were the key phrases of a song melodiously
rendered by Ms. Devyani Kerkar from Vasco. Ms. Vaishali Revodkar from Revora
vocalised in song that there was no turning back for the women's movement.
for Bailancho Saad

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