Call for youth to join in India’s progress

>From Eugene Correia

Mumbai: Three young Members of Parliament (MP), with
one common characteristic of having studied abroad and
worked abroad, B. J. Panda, Milind Deora, and
Manvendra Singh, brought their own experiences of
living abroad and unveiled their vision for a new
Hailed as part of the new breed of Indian MPs, the
three spelled out the things that need to be done to
by the new generation of India to enhance and improve
India’s image at home and abroad.
At the plenary session on India and the Generation
Next, the three MPs, who formed the part of Indian
panelists, were joined by diaspora youth panelists,
Prof. Premnarine Misir, Pro-Chancellor, University of
Guyana, Vigneswaran, MP and Parliamentary Secretary
for Ministry of Youth and Sports, Malaysia, Dharmesh
Mistry, Management Consultant, who left his job in the
UK to work with Indicops, a voluntary group, in India,
and Dr. Amitabha Ghosh, NASA scientist.
Moderated by Prithviraj Chavan, Minister of State in
the Prime Minister’s Office, and himself a returned
expatriate, the debate took a lively turns.
Dr. Ghosh was very critical of government services,
saying he found that many slum dwellers had a fridge,
a TV and a motorbike but no essential services like
water and sanitation.
The picture, according to him, says that the private
sector has delivered but the government sector has
failed. It drew a clarification from Manvendra Singh
that the slums are “illegal” and, hence, there’s no
question of providing them with either water or
It was Mistry who articulated very well the need for
overseas Indian youth to provide voluntarily their
knowledge and skills to India. He said he has high
hopes India would come on top and the youth would lead
the way.
Both Panda and Deora said that not much must be made
of the fact they are young MPs. They chose to get into
politics to help change the face of India. Milind is
son of former MP, Murli Deora, who regained the South
Bombay seat for the Congress, while Manvendra, BJP MP,
is son of former BJP Minister, Jaswant Singh. Panda
(Janata Dal is member of Rajya Sabha.
There was the group of diaspora interns, who came to
India from different countries for a two-week visit.
The group went to many universities and other places.

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