Dear Mario Goveia,

First of all HAPPY NEW YEAR to all Goemcars - and ALL the Very Best

I have been following your trend of thought wrt to Mess-o-potamia with interest - mainly because it is diametrically opposite of my view. Even so, I accepted it as your view - one which you articulated strongly, as per your right.

It is not always that Far-Right leaning individuals allow free speech. Neither do Far-Left leaning folks.

Having said that, I applaud you for your excellent defence of Free Speech vis-a-vis the same old, circular and quite frankly - irrelevant(to the real issue) arguments by Fred Noronha.

Here are some points which I liked very much from your post

1. Claiming that one's free speech is tantamount to blocking the free speech of others is an old circular argument that sounds far more logical than it actually is.

2. The question is, in a free society, who gets to decide who is blocking whom?

3. Who should get precedence: the "others" or the posters?

4. Who decides who exactly the "others" are, and whether their claims are valid.

5. Everyday, I make judgements based on the subject and the poster as to whether I want to read, scan or ignore, respond or move on.

6. The NYT, IHT and the Washinton Post are privately owned organizations. If Goanet is "owned" by anyone I will agree that they get to decide whatever is published on this site, and the posters will continue to participate or leave, just as in the "land of the

7. When you have hundreds or thousands of potential readers, what makes "sense" to you may not make sense to whole sections of others.

8. I have no aspirations of trying to impress 7,000 people I don't know personally to do anything they don't want to or believe anything they don't want to. All I try to do is speak my mind as communicatively and convincingly as I can on any given topic at any given time.

9. I have no delusions that 7,000 people will be interested in anything I have to say.

10. That is what the delete key was made for, so every individual can make up their own minds as to what they want to read or flush.

Thank you Mario Goveia. They are my sentiments Exactly .

We may never agree on any other point, but on this .....You are Right On!

I have come to believe for some time now that this GoaNet Admin has been preaching FREE SPEECH and (at times) practising SELECTIVE CENSORSHIP.

And to justify their Censorship behaviour, they have been using just the same (NYT, Goa Assembly) circular arguments that Fred has articulated.

I also second Tim D'Mello re: the "small minded and ridiculous thinking by the GoaNet Admin Team" .

My Inbox has several posts which have been rejected by this GoaNet Admin Team for all kinds of NYT-esque reasons - while allowing similar posts of others. Wonder whether this one will make it.

Can you imagine if the NYT was a monopoly?!

Once again.....good wishes to all.


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