Suzie Coelho is Goan, and there's no doubt about it.

When her father came for the first international goan
convention in toronto in 1988, i asked him how suzie
was? he was taken aback. he asked me how i knew he was
suzie's father. i told him, i know and that's it.
later, after his death I said something to the effect
that suzie was married to sonny bono for a short time,
and she replied to me saying that she was married to
him for 9 years (if i remember correctly).
Her brother is a professor of music in Calgary. 
In this I now forget her father's first name. but he
was joint editor of the post-convention report, change
and continuity, with prof. narendra wagle of toronto
he didn;t work for world bank, but the health dept. he
was a psychologist, i think. he invited me to come to
washington when i spoke to him from new york during
one of my visits.
he didn''t know much of goa. he used to bug prof. jose
pereira for lot of information. i think he also came
to toronto for a seminar and spoke about something on
goa, it was very poor. may be there are some
goanetters who attended both the convention and the
seminar and they could point out if i am wrong.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Send Goanet mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web,
> visit
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> 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it
> is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Goanet digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Indian Immigration Conspiracy- Be careful
> (Pascoal Vaz)
>    2. View From The Outer Harbour (20-6-2005)
> (Thalmann Pereira)
>    3. Re: El. Power. Goa --TT1 (Think Tank) (halur
> rasho)
>    4. Spreading common sense ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>    5. Re: Spreading fear through Chain letters
> (Francisco Colaco)
>    6. RE: Freedom Fighters. (Tom & Carolina)
>    7. Re: New York Goans. (Jim Fernandes)
>    8. Re: Migration: Opportunities for children or
> wanderlust (Gabe Menezes)
>    9. Re: Recent items from Goanet (Bernado Colaco)
>   10. Re: Joseph Zuzarte on Feni (Miguel Braganza)
>   11. Re: Fwd: [Goanet]Susie a Goan?  Then Sonny is,
> too. (Mario Goveia)
>   12. Telephone woes... for the lack of a phone
> directory (Frederick Noronha (FN))
>   13. RE: Blindspot In Meaningful Aviation Planning
> (Philip Thomas)
>   14. RE: RE: Freedom Fighters. (Nasci Caldeira)
>   15. Sao Joao or 'Sunjanv'   TODAY (JoeGoaUk)
>   16. NHRC pulls up state govts on disabled-friendly
> infrastructure (Goa Desc)
> --__--__--
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 21:21:20 -0400
> From: Pascoal Vaz <>
> To:
> Subject: [Goanet]Indian Immigration Conspiracy- Be
> careful
> Reply-To:
> Indian Immigration Conspiracy- Be careful
> This is a well organized conspiracy by Indian
> Immigration, Police,
> Customs and Air India staff with networking at all
> the Indian
> International Airports. Be watchful when ever you
> give your passport
> to Immigration/Customs/Air India staff. The pass
> port can be easily
> tampered and can create trouble to you. They have
> found easy way  of
> making money from NRIs.
> This is the way it works:
> At the time of the passenger's departure, if the
> passenger is not
> looking  at the officer while he is stamping the
> exit, the officer
> very cleverly  tears away one of the page from the
> passport.  When the
> passenger leaves the immigration counter, the case
> is reported on his
> computer terminal with full details. Now all over
> India they have got
> full details of the passenger with Red Flag flashing
> on the Passport
> number entered by the departure immigration officer.
> They have made
> their money by doing above. On arrival next time, he
> is interrogated.
> Subject to the passenger's period of stay abroad,
> his income and
> standing etc., the price to get rid of the problem
> is settled by the
> Police and Immigration people. If someone argues,
> his future is
> spoiled because there are always some innocent
> fellows who think the
> honesty is the basis of getting justice in India.
> Please advise every passenger to be careful at the
> airport. Whenever
> they hand over the passport to the counters of Air
> India, or
> immigration or the customs, they must be vigilant,
> should not remove
> eyes from the   passport even if the officer in
> front tries to divert 
> their attention.
> Also, please pass this information to all friends,
> media men and
> important politicians.
> Every month 20-30 cases are happening all over India
> to rob the NRIs
> the minute he lands. Similar case has happened with
> Aramco's 
> Arifuddin.
> He was traveling with his family. They had six
> passports. They got the
> visa of America and decided to go via Hyderabad from
> Jeddah. They
> reached
> Hyderabad. Stayed about a month a left for States.
> When they reached
> States, the page of the American visa on his wife's
> passport was
> missing. At the time of departure from Hyderabad. It
> was there, Whole
> family had to return to Hyderabad helplessly. On
> arrival at Bombay
> back, they were caught by the police and now it is
> over 2 months, they
> are running after the Police, Immigration officers
> and the Courts. On
> going in to details with him, he found out the
> following:
> One cannot imagine, neither can believe, that the
> Indian Immigration
> dept can play such a nasty game to harass the
> innocent passengers.
> All the passengers traveling to & fro India via
> Bombay and Hyderabad
> must be aware of this conspiracy. Every month 15 to
> 20 cases are
> taking place, at each mentioned airport, of holding
> the passengers in
> the crime of tearing away the passport pages. On
> interviewing some of
> them, none   of them was aware of what had happened.
> They don't know 
> who, when and why tore away the page from the middle
> of the passport.
> One can imagine the sufferings of such people at the
> hands of the
> immigration, police and the court procedures in
> India after that. The
> number of cases is increasing in the last 2-3 years.
> People who are
> arriving at the immigration, they are questioned and
> their passports
> are being held and they have to go in
> interrogations. Obviously, the
> conspiracy started about 2 to 3 years ago, now the
> results are coming.
> Some of the Air India counter staff too is involved
> in this conspirac.
> Regards,
> Pascoal R. Vaz
> --__--__--
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 21:23:24 -0400
> From: Thalmann Pereira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Subject: [Goanet]View From The Outer Harbour
> (20-6-2005)
> Reply-To:
> View  From  The  Outer Harbour
> By: Thalmann Pradeep Pereira
> This is the age of multiplexes. But single-screen
> theatres still abound in Goa.
> During our childhood, there were theatres even in
> some villages of Goa like 
> Agassaim and Ribandar. There were also mobile
> theatres going from place to 
> place, and from school to school. In the theatres,
> usually there were three 
> shows: 2.30, 6 and 9.30 p.m. On Sunday mornings,
> there was the screening of an 
=== message truncated ===

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