RE: [Goanet]re: Eugene Correia, Aires Rodrigues, Goa Suraj ....... and the rest of us

2004-04-12 Thread Eugene Correia
What Merwyn says is precisely what I wanted to point
out. Politicians or those in the public eye wear
different masks. They have a public face, professional
face and a private face.
We know how some politicians have amassed wealth
beyond their known means of income while they were in
In public, these politicians say they are for people's
welfare but deprive the state government and, by
extension, the public of money through various scams
or illegal ways.
Many in Goa talk about Churchill's notoriety in
whispers because many are scared of his muscle power.
Haven't some journalists been victims of the wrath of
some polticians? Newspaper reports said that one
shopowner in Betalbatim is trying to charge Minister
Mickky Pacheco of using some people to break down or
burn his shack or restaurant but the police are not
registering a case against him. Do I say more?
I have seen Goa firsthand and frankly, despite the
strides made in some sectors, I fear it is turning
into another UP or Bihar. The rot has to stop, and the
rot has begun to seep through from the top.
I must say that, like some politicians, I found Aires
sleazy and unscrupulous in my interaction with him in
Toronto. To Aires and his many supporters, I say sorry
if this is the impression that remains with me till
this day.
One thing I must admit, Aires has the ability to
gather some loyal supporters. I found it at a small
get-together he organized for Fr. Planton Faria who
was visiting me in Toronto. He collected few friends
within a day's or two days'notice.
Truth to tell, Fr. Faria told me that I shouldn't have
mentioned his arrival in Toronto to Aires. But it
slipped from my lips when Aires called me. He would
often call me for no particular reason which I found
I believe he also gathered many Goans in UK as his
cheerleaders. So, it's no suprise that he was given a
big farewell purse. Or maybe it was to say thank you
for his efforts in getting the Indian government to
let the NRIs fly on chartered planes. 
His ability to be at the forefront or to be in a
position of influence and command was perhaps the
quality that made him a student leader.
It's the job of journalists to see through the
hypocrisy in people who lead public lives. The Western
media peers into politicians' personal lives to give
an all-round profile of those seeking public offices.
The Goan Observer is doing such a job, though it uses
language that is crude and which belongs to the
gutter press.
This issue has got enough play and I frankly wish to
put an end to it. To Aries, more strength to his elbow
in fighting causes which he thinks are worthy and
which he thinks may benefit the Goan people at large.

Eugene Correia

--- Mervyn Lobo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 C Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
  Finally, what is counted in our life - what we do
  for others and NOT what we do for ourselves .
 If I am not mistaken, this is the same Aires who
 posted a message on Goanet saying that he is going
 wear a helmet while fighting for the rights of
 not to wear helmets

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RE: [Goanet]re: Eugene Correia, Aires Rodrigues, Goa Suraj ....... and the rest of us

2004-04-11 Thread Mervyn Lobo
C Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
 Finally, what is counted in our life - what we do
 for others and NOT what we do for ourselves .
If I am not mistaken, this is the same Aires who
posted a message on Goanet saying that he is going to
wear a helmet while fighting for the rights of others
not to wear helmets

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RE: [Goanet]re: Eugene Correia, Aires Rodrigues, Goa Suraj ....... and the rest of us

2004-04-11 Thread C Fernandes

Few years back when Aires was in UK, I visited Goa. And, happen to meet few
senior Goan politicians, they remarked that they need people like Aires
Rodrigues in Goa.

And, one thing is sure, Aires did NOT leave UK for any problems. Aires, on
his own got permission from Government of India for Indians could fly on
charter flights to Goa along with their non-Indian partners' passport from
UK. He has returned to Goa for his love for our Mother land Goa and people
of Goa. I do not know that any Goan in UK got a public farewell party like
Aires did. The farewell collection we had handed over to him, I believe he
has donated that money to Goa Red Cross.

Aires knows his role very well in Goa. We may have difficulties in
understanding Aires and his role. However, his goal is clear i.e. to serve
people of Goa unconditionally, of course, starting from Ribandar. He plays
his role for dynamic problems of Goa and society.  Most overseas Goanetters
may not understand the dynamic problems of Goa . His role definitely makes a
difference in Goa, socially and politically.

We should not forget that whoever fights for social or political justice has
opponents and Aires is not exception. Many may think that they are so called
enemies of Aries but NO ONE is enemy to Aires. He may have temporary
opponent for temporary issue. Perhaps, these are the reasons for his
exceptional courage to fight for injustice with ease.

Finally, what is counted in our life - what we do for others and NOT what we
do for ourselves .

Cip Fernandes
Valmiki Faleiro wrote 11 April 2004 06:17

Dear Eugene,

You know I have regards for your forthright style of writing.
But don't you feel such statements are best avoided?

There certainly IS a difference between *professional* and *public* life?

Have a joyous day,

From: Eugene Correia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2004 10:38 PM

 One thing for sure, he ran away from Toronto,
 Canada. As a journalist, I have made few enquires
 about his professional life in Toronto. His insurance
 clients are looking out for him, to say the least.
 I am not sure why he left England.

 Eugene Correia

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Re: [Goanet]re: Eugene Correia, Aires Rodrigues, Goa Suraj ....... and the rest of us

2004-04-11 Thread Eugene Correia
Dear Valmiki,

I know it was bit harsh, but then I to show that Aires
could have gone to Goa for other reasons than to get
involved in public life.

You will be surprised to know what he did in Toronto.
He was tried to discredit me when I wrote a small item
on Churchill Alemao in the Goan Overseas Association's
newsletter after Churchill visited Toronto.

I didn't write anything derogatory, but Aires
instigate Churchill. The strongman told some people
that he would show me in Goa. In 1994 when I came to
Goa I met him at the football ground and then during
my recent visit I met him twice at the Fatorda stadium
when I went to watch matches, including one which
featured his team.

The point is that someone who shows himself as a
fighter for causes has caused lot of pain to his
clients. They hate him so much that if he lands in
Toronto these people are going to get him.

How can you fight public causes when one cannot take
care for the welfare of one's clients? When he was
seeking a bride in England, I was approached by
someone related to a girl who Aires was interested in

I gave my impressions of the man and till today they
thank me. I clearly told them that I have no great
regards for Aires who seemed to have portrayed himself
as a big gun in Goan politics.

He had invited Dr. Willy de Souza and some other Goan
politicians to his house-warming party when he moved
or bought an apartment in London.

There is more to Aires than his public profile.

I also wanted to show the dearth of good political
analysts in Goa. Seriously, why don't you write
political commentary as you are well qualified with
your newspaper experience?

Best regards,


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Re: [Goanet]re: Eugene Correia, Aires Rodrigues, Goa Suraj ....... and the rest of us

2004-04-11 Thread Valmiki Faleiro
Dear Eugene,

You know I have regards for your forthright style of writing.
But don't you feel such statements are best avoided?

There certainly IS a difference between *professional* and
*public* life?

Have a joyous day,

From: Eugene Correia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2004 10:38 PM

 One thing for sure, he ran away from Toronto,
 Canada. As a journalist, I have made few enquires
 about his professional life in Toronto. His insurance
 clients are looking out for him, to say the least.
 I am not sure why he left England. 

 Eugene Correia

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Re: [Goanet]re: Eugene Correia, Aires Rodrigues, Goa Suraj ....... and the rest of us

2004-04-10 Thread Eugene Correia

 Dear Gabe,
 Aires Rodrigues is in the trenches - neither Eugene,
 you nor I. 

 Aires made a firm commitment to Goa and returned
 home for good..we 

Aires has chosen to be a social activist and, hence,
he needs to be involved in issues affecting the Goan
people. If that means he is in the trenches, than
there are so many others who like Aires are waging a
war from these trenches.

Did Aires really return to Goa to improve the lot of
Goans? One thing for sure, he ran away from Toronto,
Canada. As a journalist, I have made few enquires
about his professional life in Toronto. His insurance
clients are looking out for him, to say the least.
I am not sure why he left England. But I assume he
went to Goa to make his voice heard, for after all he
was a student leader and the label is handy if one
wants to play a role in public affairs.
Aires couldn't do much from either Toronto or in
London to be in the Goan limelight. Maybe he could
write lead articles or letters to editor, which he
does besides making physical presence at some events.
In India, politicians hang on for years. Take Goa for
example and you will find Dr. Willy still wading
through political waters. Like a soldier, Willy
propbably wants to die with his political boots on.
Aires came to Goa and completed his law degree.
Lawyers are a different class in Goa. Lawyers earn
added respect and politics is a good ground from
lawyers to enter besides the courts.
Ajit Singh kicked out a high-paying IBM job in the USA
to take over the political mantle from his father,
Charan Singh. I doubt if Aires earned the same money
abroad as Ajit did. To Ajit, his was a political
decision to return to India and get involved in active
In Toronto, Aires was a nobody even though word spread
he was Goa's student leader. Nobody cared. I am not
sure of London where, I am told, he kept a
It's only in Goa that Aires waxes and wanes.
In fact, the day Aires wrote the piece in Herald I was
visiting a priest and then both the priest and I went
to see another person who owns trawlers.
It was the priest who told me that Aires has written
the leader in the Herald. The priest's friend claimed
to know Aires and from his talk I could make out that
he didn't have any great rewards for Aires.
So, let me remind the doctor from Nassau that the
reason for Aires to come to Goa could not ONLY be for
improving Goa's social and political structure but
could be for other reasons.
Goa has been Aires's playground and he likes to play
ball, as they say in North America, with politicians
and bureaucrats. For him, like for many, it's an
exercise they enjoy doing.

Eugene Correia

BUT MAKE NO MISTAKE ...and I invite Aires to
 contradict me if I am 
 wrong.  Aires is ON RECORD supporting the BJP and
 .he personally advised 
 me of his canvassing for the BJP ( Angle ) in South
 Goa. circa 2000.
 This does NOT make Aires a bad person - he made his
 choices from a distance 
 ( my guess: with a little help from Chandrakant Keni
 when the latter visited 
 the UK in 1999/00) - but learnt the realities when
 he returned home.
 All of us make errors. Besides, the grass is always
 greener on the other 
 side of the fence.
 Let's credit Aires for having Come, Seen 
 Understood ..and changed 
 Eugene Correia's barb at Aires is quite unfair.
 Aires could have made 
 handsome poixe by going along with turmeric .
 But.unlike the Goa 
 business folks .he chose to follow his

 Mr. Correia's points about Goa Suraj are
 surprisingly similar to Fred 
 Noronha's expressed (to me) views. And I disagree
 with the bottom line of 
 that view point.
 Goa Suraj may NOT win a single seat ever - BUT never
 write-off the work Goa 
 Suraj ( and Goa Foundation) has done. Activist
 organizations  have been 
 crucial in blocking successive Goa governments from
 ripping the place up 
 even more.
 They have been watchdogs - in the presence (or is it
 absence) of the wishy 
 washy Goa press.
 my view

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