Re: [Goanet]Bogus anecdote about US Immigration officials

2005-03-25 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 RESPONSE: Using your yardstick, what is wrong in
alerting people to the fact that US immigration might
turn them down even at the point of entry? You seem to
believe that the US of A is squeaky-clean and is a
paragon of virtue and conformity.
Mario replies:
Hey, Gabe, Keep your shorts on.  Fair enough.  There
is nothing wrong in alerting people to have their bona
fides in place to ensure that their visas will not be
rejected at the point of entry into the US.

However, that's not what your author was doing.  What
I found offensive was the way in which he or she
presented the issue, which was snide, patronising,
misleading and hardly constructive.

I do not deny that some people have problems with
their visas on entering the US, especially post 9/11,
when 19 Arab foreigners with supposedly valid visas
attacked the US from within and killed 3,000 people,
including dozens of fellow-Muslims and hundreds of
Indians. On the other hand you need to understand the
magnitude of the problem and the fact that there are
processes in place by which people can usually get
their problems addressed and misunderstandings cleared
up.  However, every now and then someone can be
treated in a way that is unfair.

It is a known fact, and a subject of much debate
within the US after 9/11, that the US is more lax in
allowing people entry and allows more foreigners to
abuse it and its privileges than any other country.

Re: [Goanet]Bogus anecdote about US Immigration officials

2005-03-25 Thread Gabe Menezes
On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 14:14:59 -0800 (PST), Mario Goveia
 --- Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Life here is better by far, stay happy and hope you
 meet some nice Red neck who will party with you! Mind
 your backside though, ubiquitous Red neck needle!
 Mario replies:
 Hey, Gabe.  Are you upset with US Immigration because
 they probably revoked your visa too, and you had no
 choice but to land up in dreary and damp and grimy
 London, who will take anyone who can still breathe?

RESPONSE: Using your yardstick, what is wrong in alerting people to
the fact that US immigration might turn them down even at the point of
entry? You seem to believe that the US of A is squeaky-clean and is a
paragon of virtue and conformity.

Berna Cruz a Goan of Canadian citizenship was harassed and deported
from Chicago Airport, back to Kuwait. To boot her passport was defaced
making it unusable.

Canadian in passport fiasco
Humiliated by immigration staff

Jim Rankin (Staff Reporter)

A Toronto woman coming home from India says she was pulled aside at
Chicago's O'Hare Airport, accused of using a fake Canadian passport,
denied consular assistance and threatened with jail.

In tears and desperate, Berna Cruz says she told U.S. Immigration and
Naturalization Services (INS) officers she didn't want to go to jail.
She told them she had to get home to her two children and was expected
to be at work the next day at a branch of a major Toronto bank where
she works as a loan officer.

Instead of jailing her on Jan. 27, an INS officer cut the front page
of Cruz's passport and filled each page with expedited removal
stamps, rendering it useless.

She was photographed, fingerprinted, barred from re-entering the U.S.
for five years and immediately removed.

Not to Toronto, but to India, where she had just spent several weeks
visiting her parents.

It took four days, and help from Canadian officials in Dubai and a
Kuwaiti Airlines pilot, to get her back home.

It was a total abuse, Cruz said in an interview with the Star. I
want to see them punished for this and bring some justice.

This week, Cruz sent a letter, along with a sworn affidavit, and the
INS removal documents to Prime Minister Jean Chrétien and Foreign
Affairs Minister Bill Graham.

The letter arrived at the Prime Minister's office yesterday, and staff
had not had a chance to look into the story. But Foreign Affairs
spokesperson Reynald Doiron confirmed yesterday that staff in Dubai
issued Cruz an emergency passport and assisted in getting her home,
via London.

We're going to bring her case to the attention of the State
Department in Washington, request an explanation on the INS refusal to
grant at least one phone call to Ms Cruz, and we'll see what the
American response is going to be, Doiron said last night.

A full report is also expected from a Canadian official in Dubai and
will be incorporated into the query that will be sent to the State
Department, said Doiron.

A spokesperson for the INS in Chicago said she needed time to look
into Cruz's story but did say that officers have the authority to use
expedited removals when passengers have no documents or are carrying
documents that are suspected to be fraudulent or tampered with.

We have very high-tech technology out there to detect these kinds of
tampered documents, said Gail Montenegro. Also, any individual who
expresses an interest in speaking with their consular official, we
grant that. We do it over the phone. We do it all day. We do it any
time that request is made.

Montenegro said Cruz is welcome to file a complaint and that the INS
takes complaints about officer conduct seriously.

Cruz feels she was harassed because of the colour of her skin. She
says the INS officers humiliated her, and Canada, by refusing to allow
her to contact Canadian authorities.

Her ordeal began shortly after her flight from India, via Kuwait,
arrived in Chicago the night of Jan. 27. With about two hours to spare
before her connecting flight to Toronto, she had to first clear U.S.
customs and immigration.

At the counter, she says an INS officer told her the picture on her
passport looked funky. She was brought to a room where other
passengers were being checked. They all seemed to be people of colour,
she says. She says she noticed that a passenger from her flight who
spoke Punjabi had also been pulled aside.

Cruz insisted the passport was real. INS officers, she says, said
otherwise and became abusive.

Cruz was born in Trivandrum, India, and immigrated to Canada in 1994.
Five years later, she became a citizen and traded in her Indian
passport for a Canadian one. Her birthplace is noted in the passport,
and it's the same passport, she says, the INS officers suspected was a

An officer, says Cruz, suggested she had bought it in Sri Lanka and
asked how much it cost her.

Cruz says an officer also asked here why her 

Re: [Goanet]Bogus anecdote about US Immigration officials

2005-03-24 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Life here is better by far, stay happy and hope you
meet some nice Red neck who will party with you! Mind
your backside though, ubiquitous Red neck needle!
Mario replies:
Hey, Gabe.  Are you upset with US Immigration because
they probably revoked your visa too, and you had no
choice but to land up in dreary and damp and grimy
London, who will take anyone who can still breathe?

Re: [Goanet]Bogus anecdote about US Immigration officials

2005-03-24 Thread Gabe Menezes
On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 08:19:20 -0800 (PST), Mario Goveia
 --- Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Mario replies:
 You, and the author of this article, have entirely too
 much time on your hands.  You had to know that this
 was not an honest report but an opportunity for both
 of you to take a cheap shot at the US, It's an odd
 way for a nation that sanctimoniously trumpets its
 commitment to the rule of law to behave.  This about
 a country that has an estimated 11 million illegal
 immigrants wandering around, many protected by the US
 rule of law and due to the acceptance of foreigners
 by most Americans.

RESPONSE: You are a sad, sad man - with too much time on your hands -
when you post 'surreptitious needles' on the Goanet. Opinions or
writings/post which don't conform to your liking are given short
shrift irrespective of their merit.

Thousands of Mexicans are clamouring to enter the USA. Does that mean
that they are not being exploited? If one earns a decent wage in the
USA as opposed to a run down job in India; according to you USA
becomes the land of milk and honey. Keep dreaming man. Everyone is
clamouring to live in the USA because it is so nice? Well I for one
turned down the USA - I worked at #1 Wall street, ( one of the
greatest  buildings ever built and a most prestigious address)

Life here is better by far, stay happy and hope you meet some nice Red
neck who will party with you! Mind your backside though, ubiquitous
Red neck needle!


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Re: [Goanet]Bogus anecdote about US Immigration officials

2005-03-24 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Religiously against Modi
 March 23, 2005
 Visas, or rather their revocation, make strange
bedfellows. A week ago, one would have said Ram Guha,
anthropologist and historian, had little in common
with Narendra Modi apart from the usual complement of
four limbs, a mouth and two eyes.
Mario replies:
You, and the author of this article, have entirely too
much time on your hands.  You had to know that this
was not an honest report but an opportunity for both
of you to take a cheap shot at the US, It's an odd
way for a nation that sanctimoniously trumpets its
commitment to the rule of law to behave.  This about
a country that has an estimated 11 million illegal
immigrants wandering around, many protected by the US
rule of law and due to the acceptance of foreigners
by most Americans.

Neither you, nor the author have any idea why Ram
Guha's visa was denied.  The authors explanation is
patently absurd, that a US Immigration official
refused to believe that a Third World academic would
be invited and paid a generous
honorarium to deliver lectures by an American 
university.  This makes no sense at all in the
context of all the Indians and other Third World
academics swarming around the US.  Every US
Immigration official is well aware that Third World
academics, whether scruffy or not, are coming into the
US in droves, every day of the week, on every single

Highlighting further how ridiculous and lame the
author's explanation is is the fact that all Ram Guha
had to do was make a phone call to the sponsors who
invited him and they would have clarified what may
have been incomplete or questionable paperwork
regarding the reason for his visit.  There are endless
legal ways in the US Immigration laws for someone like
Guha, had his case been genuine, to appeal, clarify
and  overcome any misunderstanding, which renders this
article totally bogus.