Re: [Goanet]How about Goanet's TOP TEN CHART ? (Check if you have posted atleast 2)

2005-07-19 Thread Mario Goveia
--- "Dr. Ambert Pimenta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have been a goanetter much longer than you and
> seen this site evolve into a one that almost 
> deviates from what it was orignally concieved 
> for .. i.e Goa. Lets keep to Goenkar business here 
> only !
Mario replies:
Thanks for your comments and suggestion.  Maybe I, a
new Goanetter, have misunderstood what Goanet is all
about.  Maybe you, an old Goanetter, have too narrow a
view of what interests Goenkars in 2005.  The 262
posts by various posters, only 107 of which which I
took issue with, were often initiated by them, not me.
 How many posts would Goanet be left with if not for
this group, none of whom has uttered a word of
complaint about topic content as far as I know?

In thinking about this I thought back to how I was
introduced to Goanet, which I had never heard about
prior to November 2004.  In my initial perusal I saw a
post by a Tony Correia-Afonso, and guess what the
thread or topic was?  He was attacking US policy on
Iraq, which, as you may know by now, I will defend
single-handedly against anyone who opposes freedom and
democracy for Muslim populations, if I need to.  It
just went from there, following precedent and
practice, not necessarily the rules.

There seem to be varying opinions on this issue, even
among the moderators.  Is Goanet restricted to Goa,
period, or is it also for Goenkars, which may not
necessarily be the same thing?

There are some who believe, as I do, that anything
that is of interest to a Goenkar, regardless of what
it is or where they live, is fair game.  If this were
not the case, why would the first post to draw my
attention be about US foreign policy, by a resident of
Goa?  If this were not the case, no one would respond
to my posts, and vice versa.

The Goan diaspora is large and diverse and
wide-spread, and some have other more global interests
in addition to being interested in anything concerning
Goa.  Some visit Goa infrequently and may have
different interests from those who live there, or
those who visit frequently.  Goan perspectives come
from the middle-east, Australia, Europe, Britain,
Canada, one small but vociferous speck in the
Carribean, the US, and from other parts of India and
Goa itself.

The folks who believe in a free and open forum cannot
understand why it is that Goanetters who are only
heard from when they are complaining about what
someone else is posting, and rarely post anything
original themselves, cannot just ignore what doesn't
interest them and engage in what does.  Isn't that
what an open forum means?  How does this philosophy
impede or intrude on others, who are free to make
their own choices?  In a free society, no one can
control what I say, but no one is forced to listen to
me either.

In the opposite situation, which I believe you and a
few others are suggesting, some controlling group or
point-of-view can dictate the content or what topics
we should be discussing, which means it is no longer
an open forum, as I thought it was, and the content
and contributions will adjust to that reality.  It has
already begun, and we'll see how it evolves from here
on out.

I'd like to hear more discussion on this subject from
other voices than just a small group that has emerged
recently and are rarely heard from otherwise.

Re: [Goanet]How about Goanet's TOP TEN CHART ? (Check if you have posted atleast 2)

2005-07-18 Thread Dr. Ambert Pimenta


I agree with you. it seems like your running a lone crusade here. How about 
we start talking about goa related issues ; this is GOANET i believe. Lets 
keep  pro- iraq/bush posts for the Lonely Planet discussion forums , there 
are lot of like minded people there for such issues.

I have been a goanetter much longer than you and seen this site evolve into 
a one that almost deviates from what it was orignally concieved for .. i.e 
Goa. Lets keep to Goenkar business here only !

Dr. Ambert Pimenta

Re: [Goanet]How about Goanet's TOP TEN CHART ? (Check if you have posted atleast 2)

2005-07-18 Thread Mario Goveia
This excellent analysis seems to prove my point.  

Those whom I have single-handedly responded to most of
the time, obviously to some more than others, namely,
Gabe (84), Cecil (46), Santosh (44), Cornel (29),
Mervyn (25), Jose (18) and George (16), have 262 posts
between them.

This puts some context on my 107 posts.

This analysis also shows what I have been saying, that
those who complain the most about the content on
Goanet, have very few posts themselves.  Since they
are generally not part of my discussions, heated or
not, the charge they are AFRAID, is specious.  It is
time they stepped out from the shadows and showed us
what they find interesting, and whether others are
interested in those issues.

--- JoeGoaUk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> GN's last months TOP TEN CHART.
> Your 'boring' JoeGoaUk also figures 5th in the chart
> (its time to slow down?)
> Any way, what is GOANET without the TOP 25 ??  Check
> yourself..
>  * 1. Mario Govia 107   *
>  * 2. FN 104*
>  * 3. Gabe M 84 *
>  * 4. Philip Thomas 57  *
>  * 5. Joegoauk 55   *
>  * 6. Cecil Pinto 46*
>  * 7. Santosh 44*
>  * 8. Bernad B 32   *
>  * 9. Cornel 29 *
>  * 10.Nasci C 29*
> Decending order...
> Mario Govia 107FN 104 Gabe M 84 
> Philip Thomas 57
> Joegoauk 55Cecil Pinto 46 Santosh 44
> Bernad B 32
> Cornel 29  Nasci C 29 Goadesc 27
> G Figueredo 26
> Mervin Lobo 25 Alfred DT 24   Rene B 20 
> Jose Colaco 18
> Salus C 18 Joe Vaz 17 EricP 16  
> George P 16