Re: Re: [Goanet]Re: Predicting who could be the next Pope

2005-04-22 Thread Marlon Menezes

--- Frederick Noronha (FN) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Viviana wrote:
  Personally I'm insulted by the notion that people
 without formal
  education and without money are by definition
 stupid and gullible, and
  I'm surprised that a man of your liberal
 sensibilities would imply such
  a thing.  So people convert from one religion to
 another because they're
  poor and uneducated and, of course, have no free
 Good point (if only from a debating point of view).
 Fact is, in an Indian context, the poor *have*
 become targets and an 
 eagerly fought-over 'commodity'. They're being torn
 apart in a tug-of-war 
 between evangelisers who come from a monotheistic
 tradition (and either 
 sincerely believe that their's is the 'one true
 faith' or are fuelled by 
 the mighty dollar, or both) and a Hindu upper
 class/caste who now 
 realises that numbers mean a lot in a
 one-man-one-vote system (but who 
 otherwise wouldn't care to much for this large, poor
 segment and surely 
 wouldn't give their daughters in marriage to them --
 a more accurate 
 'test' for who forms a 'community').
Fred is correct in that many evangelists have
targetted the poorer segments of society for
conversion. In fact they are even referred to as rice
christians. However I do not know how widespread it
is and if the hindu fundamentalists are exaggerating
this to push their own agendas. Personally, I have no
issues with people evangalizing others so long as no
one is forced into it. The targetting of the poor for
conversion is very logical, just as a business would
study its target market and selectively go after
segments it deems would be the most profitable.
   I understand that Islam is the fastest growing
 religion in America
 Fastest growing can also mean that it is starting
 from a very small 
 base. Take for example: If Rome or Lisbon doesn't
 have a single mosque, 
 and then allows one to come up, it's like a huge
 achievement. When the 
 second mosque comes up, it's another 100% growth...
Islam is the fastest growing relgion in the world not
because of conversions, but rather because Islam in
predominant in those countries that have very high
birth rates. One could make the case that these high
birth rates are strongly correlated to countries that
are behind in most commonly accepted metrics for
social and economic development. Although countries in
the Gulf may be relatively rich, the social
incidicies of these nations, specially wrt women is
very low.

 It's also a fact that the USofA has been rather
 restrictive in deciding 
 what kind of migrants it wants to allow in -- based
 on colour, class and 
 education -- which flies in the face of theories of
 free markets. (There 
 should be a 'free market' in labour and human skills
 too, right?)
The US does not discriminate based on color or class.
It does discriminate based on education and is
something that needs to be abolished. There is clearly
a need for cheap labor in America which is currently
being filled by illegal immigrants - mostly from
Mexico. There would not be an issue of illegals in
America if mechanisms were in place to allow these
people to be imported through legal channels. Ideally
restrictions on the importation of ALL labor should be
abolished. If I can find an Indian or a Egyptian who
is willing and capable of doing the same work that is
currently be doing by a higher cost American employee,
I should have the right to fire the American ASAP and
replace that person with cheaper overseas labor.
Workers in high cost countries need to realize that in
this age of global networking, if they do not open up
their economies to greater labor mobility to allow
lower cost labor to come in, it will only inevitably
accelerate the push to have their jobs to shipped out.


Re: Re: [Goanet]Re: Predicting who could be the next Pope

2005-04-22 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Just for the sake of a debate:
Viviana wrote:
Personally I'm insulted by the notion that people without formal
education and without money are by definition stupid and gullible, and
I'm surprised that a man of your liberal sensibilities would imply such
a thing.  So people convert from one religion to another because they're
poor and uneducated and, of course, have no free will???
Good point (if only from a debating point of view).
Fact is, in an Indian context, the poor *have* become targets and an 
eagerly fought-over 'commodity'. They're being torn apart in a tug-of-war 
between evangelisers who come from a monotheistic tradition (and either 
sincerely believe that their's is the 'one true faith' or are fuelled by 
the mighty dollar, or both) and a Hindu upper class/caste who now 
realises that numbers mean a lot in a one-man-one-vote system (but who 
otherwise wouldn't care to much for this large, poor segment and surely 
wouldn't give their daughters in marriage to them -- a more accurate 
'test' for who forms a 'community').

 I understand that Islam is the fastest growing religion in America
Fastest growing can also mean that it is starting from a very small 
base. Take for example: If Rome or Lisbon doesn't have a single mosque, 
and then allows one to come up, it's like a huge achievement. When the 
second mosque comes up, it's another 100% growth...

It's also a fact that the USofA has been rather restrictive in deciding 
what kind of migrants it wants to allow in -- based on colour, class and 
education -- which flies in the face of theories of free markets. (There 
should be a 'free market' in labour and human skills too, right?)

are the new converts (in the US) also poor and uneducated and gullible,
lacking in free will?
I do not know what are the motivations why people convert or change 
religion in the USofA.

In my college days, I was very touched by the biography of Cassius Clay 
aka Mohammed Ali, the world boxing champ. In his case at least, the change 
of religion was clearly done as a protest measure, against what he saw as 
racism in Christian America. (Much like B R Ambedkar did in India in the 
mid 'fifties, in his battle against casteism -- which is increasingly 
being seen as simply another, maybe even stronger, form of racism.)

This also seems to be the case of the few White Muslims, who were found to 
be taking the side of Al Quaeda or fighting for Iraq.

From half-a-globe-away it's hard to say what makes people change their 
religion in the West, and it is probable that these are the exceptions. In 
reality, any change of religion involves a mix of many complex reasons.

I'm one of those wo does not subscribe to the claim that all our 
ancestors in the sixteenth century or whenever, became Catholic in Goa 
merely because they were threatened and bullied by the Portuguese. I'm 
sure a significant section also saw opportunity in doing so. Some might 
have just got overpowered by a superior and more globally-dominant 
worldview (just like the poor India did while opting for Islam in 
Mughal-ruled India).

Now, would that amount of duress or allurement?
We need to accept that conversions are a complex issue, particularly 
because there are so many different ways of looking at it.

Non-proselytising religions (specially those with non-Semetic roots, like 
Hinduism or traditional Buddhism for example) are bewildered or threatened 
by conversions. (On the other hand, it is also probably not true that 
Hinduism absolutely doesn't convert. Leaving aside the Hare Krishnas, 
even traditional Hinduism has had its own embrace-and-extend approach 
towards redefining religious boundaries. Otherwise there would be no way 
to explain its growth over such a large area.)

Coming back to the point, the bottomline is just this: we all need to 
respect the religious views (or the lack of it) among others, and not make 
use of people and logic to support a selfish numbers games. Currently, 
that's happening -- on all sides of the 'clash of religions'! FN