Re: [Goanet] Your Article was an Excellent Summary of Goa's Pastand Present Predicaments

2007-01-14 Thread Valmiki Faleiro 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

 To sponsor Goanet operations, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Goanet] Elephants in Goa (See Live)

2007-01-14 Thread JoeGoaUk 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

 To sponsor Goanet operations, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Elephants in Goa (See Live)

Hi guys,

An ongoing topic on goanet on the above subject inspired me to capture this..

Well, whenever we saw an elephant in town or village, we knew there must be a 
circus in town
too. e.g. If circus in Margao then a man from the circus will ride an  elephant 
through out
the city and also nearby villages to feed the elephant etc.

When we usually buy Gauntti (local) bananas say Rs.30-40/doz the seller, 
usually ladies, make
sure that they remove that extra banana that the 'fenno' may have i.e.12+1 
before handing over
to us.

But in this case, they don't mind offering half a doz bananas at a time to this 
The elephant will take it directly from the vendors' hands with  its trunk 
(Sonnddi) and then
put into  its mouth. This was offered one by one by almost all the banana 
vendors. And to
watch this,  huge crowed gathered at the veg/fruit market-Panaji-Goa. (see 

So, why the Goan vendors would give 6 banana  each free of cost to the elephant 
and not a
single banana extra even to their regular customers ?

Well, if they give it to us then it is like 'giving to ordinary human being'
but  when they give it to an elephant then they feel 'they give it to God' 
(Lord Gannapathi I
suppose, as  the God (maruti)  has elephant head with trunk).

OK, why you think this elephant in town this time ?
You probably will say 'offcourse, there must be a circus in town'

No. there is no Circus anywhere in Goa.

Watch this Video (1 minute only/Silent) and find out yourself.

  for Goa & NRI related info... 
Konkani Songs, Goan Photos, Tiatr/Film VCDs, Bank interest rates etc etc
   (for updates etc click below)

The all-new Yahoo! Mail goes wherever you go - free your email address from 
your Internet provider.

Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-news] Goanet - January 2007 Update

2007-01-14 Thread DM Silveira 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

 To sponsor Goanet operations, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for being there and for keeping Goans all over the world in touch
with 'Amchem Goem'. 

All the Best to you and the team in the New Year!

Best wishes & regards,

DM Silveira,
KM & Leadership Enabler
  Passion for the Positive!
T: (022) 27576895
M: 0-  9324362105, 9322849206

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Herman Carneiro
Sent: Saturday, 13 Jan 2007 3:18 PM
Subject: [Goanet-news] Goanet - January 2007 Update

Dear Goanetters,

Happy New Year!  We wish you and your families all the best for 2007 and

I'd like to give you an update on our activities.  I'll try to send monthly
updates from now on. The first one is lengthy but I anticipate the others to
be much shorter.

Goanet has now completed 12-plus years of operation.  We'd like to take this
opportunity to thank all of you for your support.  Goanet continues to
generate a great interest.  This is reflected by our membership, which
continues to grow.


This year's Goanetter's annual meeting was held in Mirmar, Goa. About 20
members showed up at Foodland for the informal meeting.  It was nice to see
a mix of new and familiar faces there. Our first order of business was a
round of introductions. We then had a healthy discussion about Goanet
chaired in part by Kevin Saldanha and Miguel Braganza.  The overall
consensus was that the admin team should put quality first and encourage new
members to post.  Some suggestions were made on how to do this and we're
taking them into serious consideration.

We sincerely appreciate the time taken to attend the informal meeting. We
hope to see more of you in 2007.


Goanet currently operated three mailing lists: Goanet, Goanet-news and
Goanet-careers.  We'd like to introduce a new list called Goanet-finance. 
This list will be run by a new volunteer -- Mervyn Lobo of Toronto, Canada.
This list aims to provide members with advice and tips on investing their
money.  Keep your eyes peeled for more information from Mervyn.


Frederick "FN" Noronha role on Goanet has changed.  FN will no longer
moderate Goanet.  After 11-plus years of moderation FN decided that he needs
new challenges.  His new role is to support Goanet's needs in every other
aspect. FN's main role is to build of core of volunteers by (1) finding new
volunteers and (2) supporting volunteers already involved with Goanet.
Don't worry; FN is still very much a part of the Goanet team.

Mervyn Lobo (Canada) will run our new Goanet-finance group as mentioned

Avelino D'Souza (Kuwait) and Christina Pinto (Australia) are new moderators
on Goanet.  Christina already runs the Goanet-cybermatrimonials.  Avelino is
a new volunteer but not new to Goanet. He was been a supporter for a long
time.  Christina and Avelino fill the need to have more moderators and
moderators in different time zones.

I'd like to say a big welcome to our new volunteers and big thank you to all
our established volunteers: Frederick Noronha (Goa, India), Viviana Coelho
(USA), Bosco D'Mello (Canada), Christina Pinto (Australia), Michelle D'Souza
(USA), Gabe Menezes (UK), Vivek Menezes (Goa, India), Valmiki Faleiro (Goa,
India), Avelino D'Souza (Kuwait), Deborah Santamaria (Pakistan), and Mervyn
Lobo (Canada). My apologies if I've missed out any names inadvertently.

We encourage you to volunteer with Goanet. No technical skills are required.
To volunteer just email us at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


We'd like to encourage each of you to lend some financial support to Goanet.
As you know, Goanet is a non-profit organization. We make it a point not to
push people to donate to Goanet.  However, you should realize that your
contribution is important and that it will go a long way to support Goanet's
needs. We need your financial support.  You can make donations or advertise
with us. To make a donation visit our website and use the Paypal link or
just get in touch with me.

I'd like to thank those of you who have made financial contributions to
Goanet and those who lent support by advertising with us.  Our sincere
thanks go out to the following people who donated money to Goanet in 2006:
Santosh Helekar, Eric Pinto, Peter 

[Goanet] President of Portugal honoured with D.Litt by Goa University (Correio da Manha)

2007-01-14 Thread Frederick \"FN\" Noronha 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

 To sponsor Goanet operations, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Posted by Dr Teotonio R de Souza, on Goa-Research-Net

-- Forwarded message --
From: Teotonio R. de Souza [Moderator-GRN] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Portuguese daily CORREIO DA MANHA reports on 14-1-2007:

 O Presidente da República, Cavaco Silva, recebe hoje o doutoramento
 Honoris Causa, que, em 1992, foi negado ao então Presidente da
 República, Mário Soares, por veto da Universidade de Goa. A mesma
 Universidade foi agora pressionada para recusar também o título ao
 actual Chefe de Estado.

 O doutoramento Honoris Causa que a Universidade de Goa (UG) atribui
 hoje ao Presidente da República, Cavaco Silva, foi negado a Mário
 Soares em 1992.

 Na altura, o nome que estava a ser negociado junto daquela
 instituição de Ensino Superior para receber este importante título
 era José Blanco, administrador da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, entre
 1961 e 2004, mas, à última hora, o então diplomata de serviço em Goa
 decidiu avançar em paralelo com o pedido para o então Presidente da
 República, Mário Soares.

 Os responsáveis da Universidade de Goa não gostaram e, além de
 vetarem a atribuição do título a Mário Soares, travaram também o
 processo de José Blanco, que, até esse momento, estava bem
 encaminhado, de acordo com o que o CM apurou junto de fontes
 conhecedoras do processo.

 Assim que Cavaco Silva aceitou o convite do presidente da Índia para
 visitar o país, Portugal iniciou uma nova operação no sentido de
 tentar convencer os responsáveis da Universidade de Goa a concederem
 a distinção ao actual Presidente da República. O director do Centro
 de Língua Portuguesa, do Instituto Camões, José Ribeiro Lume, foi
 então encarregue de liderar o processo e, não tivesse sido a sua
 persistência, provavelmente a cerimónia de hoje não aconteceria. Não
 que os goeses tenham alguma coisa contra Cavaco Silva ou que o seu
 currículo não esteja à altura de uma homenagem do género, mas porque
 as organizações de estudantes, as associações defensoras da liberdade
 e alguns professores indianos do Conselho Pedagógico – irritados por
 o processo ter entrado "directamente no Conselho Executivo" da
 Universidade – tudo fizeram para impedir a atribuição a um português
 daquele que é o primeiro título do género entregue pela instituição.

 Os contestatários uniram forças e, aliados ao Comité de Acção de Goa –
  organização fundada no ano de 1953 para combater o domínio português
 no território –, enviaram uma exposição ao governador, apelando-lhe
 que vetasse qualquer homenagem.

 As pressões foram tantas e a níveis tão elevados da sociedade goesa
 que, segundo apurou o CM, na reunião decisiva, diante de S.C. Jamir,
 chanceler da instituição e governador de Goa, o vice-chanceler, P.S.
 Zacharias, "teve de dar garantias pessoais para garantir a aprovação
 da homenagem" ao actual Presidente da República

 Confrontado pelo CM para prestar mais esclarecimentos sobre o caso,
 José Miguel Lume recusou revelar pormenores da negociação. Confirmou,
 no entanto, que "o processo foi muito atribulado e difícil de
 concluir em tempo útil", devido às "muitas resistências".

 José Miguel Lume reconheceu ainda que o papel de P.S. Zacharias "foi
 determinante" para a atribuição do título, confirmando que "a
 distinção será no âmbito do departamento de Literatura e não de
 Economia", a área de formação de Cavaco Silva.

 O CM tentou também ouvir P.S. Zacharias, mas tal foi impossível até
 ao fecho desta edição.


 Cavaco Silva, na sessão inaugural de um seminário económico, foi
 presenteado pelos participantes a quem aconselhou, no seu discurso, a
 não ficarem "reféns " da História.



 Uma estátua de Luís de Camões na praça da Velha Goa evoca a época da
 grandeza portuguesa no Oriente. A Língua Portuguesa ainda se ouve por
 lá, mas desaparece rapidamente. Actualmente é falada apenas por três
 a cinco por cento da população.


 A basílica do Bom Jesus, erigida em 1605, é um bom exemplo da
 arquitectura religiosa portuguesa em Goa. Juntam-se ela inúmeros
 mosteiros e igrejas, tais como as de São Lourenço, Sant'Ana, Nossa
 Senhora dos Milagres e da Imaculada Conceição.


 Goa concentra a sua maior beleza arquitectónica no bairro de Panjim,
 centro histórico da ex-capital do Império no Oriente. Pouco habitado,
 este bairro reúne um número considerável de edifícios com origem na
 presença secular portuguesa.


 Com areai

Re: [Goanet] Liberation vs conquest

2007-01-14 Thread Paulo Colaco Dias 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

 To sponsor Goanet operations, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mario Gouveia should perhaps read "Momentos do meu Passado" by Fernando de
Noronha with drawings by Mario de Miranda, Terceiro Millennium, 2002. You
can buy it in any good bookshop in Goa. I bought mine last month at
Mandovi's. Unfortunately, I do not think there is an English translation
yet, so it might be a problem for those who do not know Portuguese.

Anyway, the author describes his memories of pre and post 1961, including
his personal experiences about facts that he has personally witnessed.

For example, the episode of Quintanilha and Bruto da Costa is very well
described in page 83. And so is the episode of Fr. Chico Monteiro in mage

Page 90 describes how Goans lived Xmas in 1961. This is what the author

"O Natal desse ano foi diferente. Foi um clima de tensao e do improviso.
Seguiram-se varios incidentes em Goa - furtos, assaltos e raptos 'a mao
armada - 'as vezes, partindo dos proprios militares de alta patente e,
curiosamente, sobretudo nas cidades e vilas como a de Ponda', onde uma
familia foi assaltada e uma recem-casada hindu violada...

Espezinhando as antigas promessas do Governo de Nehru, nao foi respeitado o
bem-estar do goes durante o regime militar, que actuava despoticamente, e
nem mesmo durante o governo civil que se lhe seguiu."

In the above two paragraphs the author describes the period of tension and
uncertainty that followed 19 Dec 1961 in Goa, with several incidents of
armed robbery and kidnapping, many times initiated by the Indian officers of
higher rank, particularly in the cities and villages like Ponda, where one
recently married Hindu woman was raped.

Leo Lawrence (1963) also describes the same but in much more detail and with
many other cases and with names. And Lawrence's reference is in English. By
the way, I was recently told by someone from Goa (who is very much aware of
all legal issues in Goa) that if anyone is caught with Leo Lawrence's book
"Nehru Seizes Goa", that will be justification enough for that person to be
arrested because the book is still very much forbidden in India (so much for
the freedom of speech post-1961 and for democracy!!!).

Now, particularly dedicated to Mario Gouveia, Fernando de Noronha denounces
in page 95 the continuation of the practice of censorship by the "liberator"
government (post-1961). Fernando de Noronha mentions the case of the weekly
"A India" (editor was Leonor de Loyola Furtado e Fernandes") who fought for
her rights (read more about this in Leonor de Loyola Furtado e Fernandes'
book entitled "Contribuicoes para um mundo melhor") to write about the truth
without censorship from India (post-1961). And Noronha also details how
correspondence from Portugal was intercepted and subjected to censorship as
well (post-1961), in particular, those who were receiving the weekly
"Noticias de Portugal" were subject to Indian censorship and denied receipt
of the weekly many times (the case of Fr. Filinto Cristo Dias who described
his experiences in "A Vida", 1965). Noronha also mentions the case of how
two different people (a doctor from Panjim and a judge from Margao) in the
1980s (YES!! 1980s) received each one an enveloped addressed to them but the
contents had been swapped. Whoever was doing the censorship (either in
Bombay or Goa) had by mistake swapped the contents of the letters, so the
doctor contacted the judge and they figured out what had happened. This was
in the 1980s. Another tremendous scandal of post-1961 censorship, truly
dedicated to Mario.

There you go Mario, Noronha's book is for sale in Goa and the author is
elderly but also in Goa. Happy reading on your next Goa holidays.


 > > --- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Gabriel,
> > I thought everyone knew by now, but at the risk of
> > repeating myself, I have lived in the US for 36
> > years
> > but grew up in central India, and come from a family
> > of Indian nationalists.  Our family was threatened
> > with arrest by the Portuguese colonists in the 50s
> > for
> > speaking out against their presence in Goa and their
> > amusingly bogus claims of an Estado da India, and we
> > were unable to go there until the Portuguese were
> > firmly made to take their tired old sophistries and
> > go
> > home in 1961.
> > >
> > Prior to being put on a Portuguese "black list" we
> > would go there from time to time almost like going
> > on
> > a safari.
> > >

[Goanet] Portugal vs India - The Goa Debate

2007-01-14 Thread Sunith D Velho 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

 To sponsor Goanet operations, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Are you saying that we should have let the Portuguese rule us till 25th 
of April 1974(never knowing that such a day would come)?? Is the slave 
mentality embedded that deep in you??

As a self admitted part-timer in Goa you probably missed the fact that 
the literacy rate in Goa was hovering at about 20%, pre-liberation.

What do you have and other brainwashed apologists for Portuguese rule 
have to say about the state of the various Mundkar families 

Gabriel's "friend" who sent that fairy tale post can contact me in May, 
and I will take him to Nauxi and introduce him to youngsters my 
age(including Nauxi's first engineer!) and lets see what they have to 
say about the opportunities they have today and those that their 
parents had. Ask the youngsters who run shacks along the coast the same 

It never ceases to amaze me how people who don't live in Goa think they 
know what Goans are thinking and what's best for them.

The pro-Portuguese arguments on this forum are just the "saudades" of 
old men and erstwhile bhatkars. The similarities in their arguments and 
those heard at Clube Vasco da Gama, in Panjim only re-enforce my point.


Roland writes:
I shall be of the viewpoint that it was a huge
historical blunder that the Goan people allowed Nehru to be be swayed
to send in the invading Indian forces, not allowing Goans more time to
gently let the Portuguese rulers go, even though it might have meant
waiting for the obstinate Salazar to pass away.

Sunith D Velho

[Goanet] AICHEA DISAK CHINTOP - Janerachi 14vi, 2007!

2007-01-14 Thread domnic fernandes 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

 To sponsor Goanet operations, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jivit khuxeal.  Morn sovkasaiechem.  Samkram bodlop ki koronddaechem.

(Life is pleasant.  Death is peaceful.  It’s the transition that’s 


Domnic Fernandes
Anjuna/Dhahran, KSA

Do women make better employees? Join the debate

Re: [Goanet] Portugal vs India - The Goa Debate

2007-01-14 Thread Paulo Colaco Dias 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

 To sponsor Goanet operations, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Roland

Above all, personally, although it might look like that, this is not about
taking sides. This is merely about defending the truth and the facts that
happened as they really happened. 

I am not feeling nostalgic about Portuguese times. I am just defending the
truth and creating awareness about what really happened. 

You almost seem to indicate that some of us want the Portuguese back. No,
that is not the case. What happened is past and there is nothing we can do
to change it. I believe this discussion has been positive so far judging by
the huge number of personal private emails I have been receiving. It is
important that we understand our past so that we can unite again and
concentrate in the future. 

Today most Goans are integrated in India and we are in peace and happiness.
Lets concentrate in the future and smarten-up but lets not say false things
about our past. That is the only point I wanted to clarify.

Best wishes

> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:goanet-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Roland Francis
> Sent: 13 January 2007 15:45
> To: Goanet
> Subject: [Goanet] Portugal vs India - The Goa Debate
> This debate is really an eye opener for me from a purely contemporary
> history viewpoint. The Portuguese side has been so well put forward by
> Paulo Colaco Dias, Gabriel deFigueiredo, Rui Collaco and sometimes
> Alfred Tavares (who can surely contribute more) but on the Indian
> "liberation" side there is hardly anyone who has made a valid case.
> Till someone does that,  and seeing the current circumstances of Goan
> (read Indian rule), I shall be of the viewpoint that it was a huge
> historical blunder that the Goan people allowed Nehru to be be swayed
> to send in the invading Indian forces, not allowing Goans more time to
> gently let the Portuguese rulers go, even though it might have meant
> waiting for the obstinate Salazar to pass away.

Re: [Goanet] Goanet - January 2007 Update

2007-01-14 Thread Gabe Menezes 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

 To sponsor Goanet operations, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On 13/01/07, Herman Carneiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Goanetters,
> Happy New Year!  We wish you and your families all the best for 2007 and
> beyond.
> I'd like to give you an update on our activities.  I'll try to send
> monthly updates from now on. The first one is lengthy but I anticipate the
> others to be much shorter.
> Goanet has now completed 12-plus years of operation.  We'd like to take
> this opportunity to thank all of you for your support.  Goanet continues
> to generate a great interest.  This is reflected by our membership, which
> continues to grow.

> ---
> We'd like to encourage each of you to lend some financial support to
> Goanet. As you know, Goanet is a non-profit organization. We make it a
> point not to push people to donate to Goanet.  However, you should realize
> that your contribution is important and that it will go a long way to
> support Goanet's needs. We need your financial support.  You can make
> donations or advertise with us. To make a donation visit our website and
> use the Paypal link or just get in touch with me.
> I'd like to thank those of you who have made financial contributions to
> Goanet and those who lent support by advertising with us.  Our sincere
> thanks go out to the following people who donated money to Goanet in 2006:
> Santosh Helekar, Eric Pinto, Peter Gray, Nascimento Caldeira, Cecil Pinto,
> Gabe Menezes, Roland Francis and Carlos Mascarenhas. My apologies if I've
> forgotten any names.
> This month Goanet is launching a new program to support its operations.
> We'd like to secure at least one sponsor a month for each month in the
> year.  To get the ball rolling, Mrs. Daisy Faleiro in Goa has made a very
> generous donation of Rs 25,000. Mrs. Faleiro will be our first sponsor.
> We'd like to thank Mrs. Faleiro for her generous donation to support
> Goanet operations in the months of January and February.


Dear Herman,

Thank you for the acknowledgement, I am rather taken aback, at small
number of people who have dipped into their pocket...out of a total of
10,500 subscribers to Goanet !

Daisy Faleiro's donation is substantial and all who participate on
this forum must be grateful
to her for her generosity.

You state that you require monthly sponsors; is the implication that
RS25,000 or the equivalent is needed every month ?


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] The Final Hours of Peter Paul Lobo

2007-01-14 Thread Roland Francis 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

 To sponsor Goanet operations, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It was 8.15 am on a bright and warm Tuesday morning with the sun
shining through on Platform number 2 of Andheri Railway station. The
morning commuter crowd was quickly filling the platform waiting for
the 36 Down slow train to Churchgate in the heart of downtown Mumbai.
Peter having arrived early was at the forefront of the platform.

Mid-day Times: The total people whi died last year on the Mumbai
tracks is a whopping 4069 against 3692 in 2005.

The crowd was swelling and a roar went up on the platform as someone
saw the 36Down approaching. It was 15 minutes late and every minute
counted for the harried commuters. Peter moved his briefcase from the
right arm to the left, and braced himself for the rush into the boxcar
that he knew would come.

Mid-day:Staistics reveal that 80% of accident victims are killed while
crossing the tracks and approximately 94% occur near the railway

Suddenly Peter was shoved in front with the collective pressure and
even through he yelled in Hindi "bachao, bachao" he was thrust onto
the tracks. The train was slowing down and the driver applied the
brakes, but it was too late. The front of the leading car hit Peter
with a tremendous force and he toppled over and lay still.

Mid-day: Some of these victims could have survived if railway
authorities had attended to them quickly.

At least 10 good samaritans jumped off the tracks to help Peter. One
of them with the most presence of mind phoned railway emergency and
sent off another commuter to report the accident to the station
masters office, just one platform away. The station master told the
messenger that he would despatch 2 hamals (bearers) with a stretcher
and he went back to his work as if it was an every day occurence,
which is was.

Midday: According to railway police procedure the stationmaster should
inform the GRP and alert the stretcher hamal so that the injured
person could be rushed to hospital. But reality is nothing close says
social worker Bhavesh Patel. "Help seldom reaches on time says Patel.

After 25 minutes of waiting only 2 men remained with Peter. They were
layabouts, not travellers. The commuters, not wanting to waste their
working day, had already rushed off to another platform, to catch
another train going downtown. Peter was still conscious while he saw
and felt the two men robbing him. He was helpless and in much pain.

Midday: Some of these victims could have survived if the railway
authorities had attended to them quickly. Instead the victims lay
unattended on the tracks for hours before aid could get there. The
other problem is that no measures are taken to prevent the accident
victims from being robbed. So valuable and identities of the deceased
are lost even before help reaches and the victims are declared

Peter knew he was dying. 30 minutes had gone by after he was struck by
the train. With a final effort he took his mind away from the pain and
to the green fields and lapping waves on the beaches of his beloved
Goa. "Mama, Mama, I am coming to you" as death enveloped him.

Mid-day: Post-mortem centers keep unidentified bodies for 5 days; this
can be extended in extreme cases. If the police fail to find the
victims identity, the bodies are disposed.

A passing Goan seeing a cross a small cross lying on Peters neck,
which the thieves were too afraid to rob, mutters, "St. Anthony may
you guide his wife and children to his body.

Roland Francis

Re: [Goanet] Portugal vs India - The Goa Debate/to Roland

2007-01-14 Thread Carvalho 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

 To sponsor Goanet operations, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- Roland Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I shall be of the viewpoint that
> it was a huge
> historical blunder that the Goan people allowed
> Nehru to be be swayed
> to send in the invading Indian forces, not allowing
> Goans more time to
> gently let the Portuguese rulers go, even though it
> might have meant
> waiting for the obstinate Salazar to pass away.
> Roland.

Dear Roland,

I think you've lent some emotional eloquence to this
debate, away from the madding crowd of political

I was born after the Portuguese had departed and am
perhaps the first generation to be raised post the
Portuguese. Hence, even though my generation did not
have an interaction with the Portuguese, the tales of
our parents loom large in our own psyche. 

My father comes from the lower rungs of society in
terms of caste, although given the self-sufficiency of
occupations in those days, they certainly didn't lack
for anything in terms of food and had been adequately
academically schooled to later make his own fortune in
the Gulf. My mother was better off on the caste rung,
and my grandfather having ventured his fortune in
Africa had earned himself some merit in our neck of
the village.

Both my parents and their entire families were and are
pro-Portuguese. Infact, even in our extended circle of
friends and family in Goa, one can hear nothing but
nostalgia about the Portuguese. I think, we have to
give this colonial devil his dues. There must have
been something in the devil that made him charming and
we Goans sold our soul to him.

That said, it is what it is now. We have to accept
that we are part of mainland India. It is quite
redundant, except at an emotional level, to debate the
legality of acts carried out in 1961. This topic, like
caste and religion makes a cyclical appearance on
every Goan forum, and is perhaps very divisive. But it
really shouldn't be. Wherever we stand on this debate,
we are all Goans, our love for Goan unadulterated,
whatever the viewpoint.

take care,


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[Goanet] Looking at Goa’s heritage… in its v arious shapes

2007-01-14 Thread Frederick \"FN\" Noronha 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

 To sponsor Goanet operations, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

One of my favourite Goa-related journals was released the other day.
Parmal. It's latest issue has on its cover this photo showing
traditionally-attired Goan Hindu young women at a festive celebration.
Parmal is published by the Goa Heritage Action Group, and  calls
itself "an annual publication brought to you by the GHAG, an NGO
(non-governmental organisation) based in Goa dedicated to the
preservation, protection and conservation of Goa's natural, cultural
and man-made heritage".

Prava Rai is Parmal's editor. She does a great job of it. It fits in
with my view that some of the so-called "non-Goans" (and returned
expats) are among those who are contributing the most significantly to
Goan society today. The simplistic barrage against them

Prava says in the editorial: "The danger of equating heritage with
identity fosters untenable claims to the bones, belongings, riddles
and the refuse of every forbear into the mists of time: ipossible
claims in the face of historical reality."

My view of the GHAG is that it tends to be a bit elitist in nature.
Sometimes. This places it somewhat closer-to-comfort to the
Establishment than it perhaps should be, and blocks it from taking
more strong, campaign-oriented stands. But, on the positive side, it
helps them get an official hearing. Sometimes. Their approach also
means they do a great job to generate content that has much relevance
to the debate about Goa.

This issue contains articles, among others, focussed on the mother
goddess cult (by Portuguese studies specialist Ana Paula Lopes da
Silva Damas Fita), the feminine space in Goan houses (architecture
writer Heta Pandit), sacred groves (field ecologist Nirmal Kulkarni),
the Fontainhas Festival of the Arts (artist and journalist Deviprasad
C Rao), Goan residential architecture (Sanskrit scholar and prof of
theology Jose Pereira), the parish churches of Goa (civil
engineer-turned-author and Goalogist Jose Lourenco), the legacy of the
house of Menezes Braganca (sociologist Nishtha Desai), forgetting Pio
Gama Pinto (by SOAS-London educated researcher Rochelle Pinto), and
Mumbai-based freelance writer Veena Gomes-Patwardhan's The Stars of
Yesterday (from the Konkani stage).

If you'll allow me to brag a little (which is what one is usually
doing!), we managed to point to the interesting ideas of some writers
by having them e-published on Goanet Reader... and Parmal/Prava did a
good job of following up. Of course, we should be doing far, far more
on this front

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[Goanet] Save Goa cries greet Rane

2007-01-14 Thread Gabe Menezes 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

 To sponsor Goanet operations, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Save Goa cries greet Rane

MARGAO, JAN 13 — Loud cries of "Scrap Regional Plan" and "save Goa"
"stop mining at Canacona" resounded at the inaugural ceremony of the
12th Goa Yuva Festival at BPS Club grounds here on Saturday,

literally taking Chief Minister off guard, with an embarassed
Pratapsing Rane re-assuring to review the Plan - a promise which had
hardly any takers.
Both the Chief Minister and Power Minister, Digambar Kamat — seated on
the dias — turned pale figures amidst the huge gathering of 3000-odd
young Goans, who armed with the traditional 'dol' and banners asked
politicians to protect Goa and threatened to come on the streets if
the Plan was not scrapped forthwith.
What literally forced Rane to comment on the controversial Plan at the
festival inaugural ceremony was the presence of a few placards
prominently displayed in the audience. "I have seen and read the
message. I will take that into consideration. The plan needs to be
discussed. The TCP portfolio has now come to me after Monserrate's
resignation. But, it's not my landed property to scrap it immediately.
The experts will inquire into it", Rane said, adding "lakhs of rupees
were spent on the Plan, adding the audit will raise objections".
Sensing the crowd were demanding a categorical assurance, Rane said
"in a democracy, one has to listen to the people. People are free to
raise objections, but they need to be discussed before taking any
decision. What people want will be met, but after following a
procedure"", but avoided making any categorical assurance.
Later, President of the festival, Adv Amey Prabhudessai sent across a
stern warning that the youth will not tolerate any attempt to sell
their motherland and Goan identity.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Comment: Goans should be inclined to think, that the C.M. also stood
to benefit through the Regional Plan. If this was not the case, then
there is no reason to dilly dally over should be scraped
forthwith as the instigator and proponent, Babush has resigned. His
act in doing so signifies his acceptance of his can the
rest follow suit ?

[Goanet] MANOHAR PARRIKAR - He can't be that bad

2007-01-14 Thread JoeGoaUk 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

 To sponsor Goanet operations, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MANOHAR PARRIKAR - He can't be that bad

He/BJP is mainly seen as 'communal' by the Christian community of Goa

He can't be that bad..

Or else..

Why Christian MLA Francis D Souza is BJP right now ?
Why Christian MLA Babush Monserrate joined BJP earlier  ?
Why Christian MLA Filip Nerri joined BJP earlier ?
Why Christian MLA Mikkey Pacheco joined BJP earlier ?
Why Christian MLA Matany Saldanha supported BJP ?
Why Christian MP Churchill Alemao seen at his residence on his Birthday ?

Why they all joined/supported BJP ?
Are we going to punish them all for joining/supporting BJP ? by not voting for 
them again ?

As the above MLAs represent Calangute, Taleigao, Velim, Benaulim, Cortalim, 
Vasco etc
constituencies, it seems BJP enjoys Christians support too.

So, where is the question of Communalism ?

Mr. Parrikar, can you please come out at least with a half page newspaper ad to 
clear out any
doubts etc ?

Will I vote Parrikar now ?
- Undecided.

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[Goanet] Jazz in Goa, India ... armandoon

2007-01-14 Thread Frederick \"FN\" Noronha 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

 To sponsor Goanet operations, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Jazz in Goa, India (

Posted by: armandoon Sunday, January 14, 2007 - 08:34 AM
Jazz News It has been a long time that I have written in these
columns, and, did I miss the good thing? Of course I did but here I am
with an enthusiasm that will take me through the fledgling season with
a new vigour.

Having come off from a wonderful show by Harikumar and Interplay on
the 1st of October, we have been encouraged to take this season to
different heights and the opportunity to do so has come up so
wonderfully during the Diwali week itself.

I am particularly thrilled because progressive fusion is one of the
most exciting forms of music, and "Megha" the stunning carnatic jazz
fusion band is the best the country has to offer. When I was listening
to their CD, I was amazed at the sounds that emanated from my car
audio player and instinctively, I decided that this band had to be the
Diwali gift to the music loving people of Goa.

Dr. Suma Sudhindra who leads Megha, is one of the most acclaimed veena
exponents in the country. She is known for her melodic rendition on
the veena, and one observes the brilliant blend of traditional purity
and artistic novelty in her music. She will be accompanied by an array
of brilliant musicians who will be performing on the amazing south
Indian percussion instruments such as the kanjira, ghatam, mrigandam
and the tabla. To add to the excitement, B. K. Chandramouli is the
most widely acclaimed performer on the konekol, a traditional
rendering of rhythmic expression and he will add spice to an already
loaded performance.

What makes the band complete is the western section, which is lead by
Gerard Machado, undoubtedly India's best lead guitarist whose
explosive playing leaves audiences spell bound. Being an integral part
of Megha for all these years, he has developed a Suma-Gerard
agglomeration into a group, which deserves international acclaim. The
group is completed by Yogendra Hule on drums, K. N Prakash on bass and
US based pianist Sharik Hassan on keyboards.

As a music lover, I could not have asked for more when the band
decided to perform in Goa and all that I can say is that a band of
this caliber is something that is not common place. So, light up your
Diwali and enjoy the music fireworks especially designed for the
festive season. You can call me on 091-9822487818 for any details that
may be required. In the meantime, a very happy Diwali to all you
wonderful music lovers without whom all this would just not have been

Visit for details on the exciting jazz scene in Goa, India.
49 Reads


2007-01-14 Thread Pravin Sabnis 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

 To sponsor Goanet operations, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MONDAY MUSE (15 Jan '07)


In Simla's DAV public school, students were promoted to class XI before the 
board exam results were declared. When they were announced, some boys were 
sent back to class X. Surely; a worse form of humiliation did not exist. 
However, Anupam was confident of scraping through in his class X exams.

One Friday, right in the middle of the class, his father suddenly arrived to 
take him to Balji's - a restaurant the family would visit once in six 
months. At Balji's, Anupam wondered about the reason for the party as his 
father ordered his favourite dishes. After lunch, his father confided, "Son, 
you have failed your class X. This celebration was to prepare you for 
failure so that you are never scared of it." This priceless nugget of wisdom 
was indelibly etched in young Anupam's mind. He worked on himself and vowed 
to be optimistic.

Eventually, it turned out that his father had seen the wrong roll number. 
Moreover, although the noted thespian, Anupam Kher managed was a mere 38 per 
cent for his degree, his life has by no means been a failure. He has made a 
success out of it not merely in terms of achievement of goals, but, more 
importantly, as a human being. For he believes, that happiness was the only 
way to live.

Failure has to be seen in a totally different dimension. Losers are not ones 
who fail. losers are ones who succumb to failure and give up. Actually, 
failures and failings are very much a matter of perception. Too often, we 
let everyone's opinion matter and herald the beginning of the end. Anupam 
says it so well, "My deep conviction is that everything turns out just right 
at the end, and if does not, then you can be sure it is not the end."

Celebrate your efforts, every time you crash,
"Develop new dimensions" to rise from the ash!


15 January, Goa.

[Goanet] Goa news for January 15, 2007

2007-01-14 Thread Goanet News Service 

This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

 To sponsor Goanet operations, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Goa News from Yahoo! News and

Visit for the full stories.

*** Goa rallies to beat West Bengal (The Hindu)


*** Panorama News - Deccan Herald - Internet Edition (Deccan

Prof Harry Elderfield of the Department of Earth Sciences,
Cambridge University, who was in Goa to deliver a lecture on
climate change, spoke to Devika Sequeira of Deccan Herald.

*** Goa BJP alleges scam in issue of voter cards (New Kerala)

Panaji, Jan 12: Alleging a scam in the issue of voter's ID, the
Goa BJP today said the password for the Election Commission's
(EC) software had been hacked, resulting in issue of nearly
20,000 bogus cards by authorities.

*** Goa can act as Indias gateway to Lisbon, says Portugal
President (Navhind Times)

Panaji, Jan 13 The President of the Republic of Portugal, Prof
Anibal Cavaco Silva today said that Goa can act as the gateway
of India to Portugal to establish and promote activities linked
to trade and industry.

*** Doctorate for Silva: Goa varsity under fire (Indian Express
via Yahoo! India News)

The Goa University's decision to confer the D.Lit degree on the
President of Portugal Prof Anibal Cavaco Silva this Sunday has
come under fire from student organisations and freedom fighters
in the state. Incidentally, this is the first time that such a
degree has been conferred on anyone by the university.In fact,
in 1998, its decision to confer the D.Lit on then Portugal
president Mario ...

*** 'Goa needs to embrace knowledge economy' (IANS via
Yahoo! India News)

Panaji, Jan 14 (IANS) Goa, India's smallest state, has a lot of
things going for it but its people lack imagination to seize the
challenges around them, says a top official.

*** Goa univ defies protest, confers D.Lit on Silva (Indian
Express via Yahoo! India News)

Even as a group of people protested against the Goa University
decision to confer D.Lit on Portuguese President Prof Anibal
Cavaso Silva, the university today went ahead and conferred the
title on him.Around 50 protesters, mostly ABVP supporters,
assembled opposite Kala Academy, the place where the
convocation was held, and shouted slogans against the
university. Later in the day the ...

*** Luxury liner launches cruise off Goa (IANS via Yahoo! India

New Delhi, Jan 13 (IANS) Indian Ocean Cruises, the Indian arm
of London-based Foresight Group, along with its Indian
representative STIC Travel Group, Saturday launched its cruise
off the Goa port for a 14-night round trip.

*** 'Goa needs to embrace knowledge economy' (Calcutta News)

Goa, India's smallest state, has a lot of things going for it
but its people lack imagination to seize the challenges around
them, says a top official.

*** Luxury liner launches cruise off Goa (Calcutta News)

Indian Ocean Cruises, the Indian arm of London-based Foresight
Group, along with its Indian representative STIC Travel Group,
Saturday launched its cruise off the Goa port for a 14-night
round trip.

Compiled by Goanet News Service