[Goanet] Goanet Reader: Molotov on Mandovi ... the Russian mafia in Goa (Outlook)

2007-01-21 Thread Goanet Reader


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

A signboard in Russian in Morjim beach, the 'mini-Russia' of Goa

M o l o t o vO nM a n d o v i

The Russian mafia has barged into Goa, running its arms and
drug trade freely Saikat Datta

Indian security agencies are concerned about the Russian
mafia's invasion

* The mafia is buying huge tracts of land in Goa, Delhi,
  Maharashtra through benami companies

* Intelligence feedback is that the Russian mafia is
  buying land to set up base for running its arms and
  drugs trade

* Goa, with its poor policing, lax administration
  is currently the most favoured destination

* There are fears that the Russian pockets of influence
  could serve as safe havens for international criminals
  and terrorists.

* Millions of dollars of slush funds are being routed
  into the country through hawala channels to fund mafia

The flow of unverifiable investments
from tax havens such as Mauritius,
Cyprus, Cayman Islands and also from
criminal groups operating from other
countries poses a security threat to our
economy. It has been noticed that the
Russian mafia has invested large sums in
real estate projects in Goa. It may be
mentioned that fdi into real estate comes
under the automatic approval route.
-- A 'secret' National Security Council
Secretariat (NSCS) report on potential
threats to national security from FDI,
sent by the PMO to 12 key ministries on
September 26, 2006

Trouble is brewing in paradise. The sinister and notorious
Russian mafia has trained its sights on Goa, the land of
tourist-beckoning beaches and wild rave parties. Hounded in
France and the UK, and kept a close watch on in the United
States and Israel, the Russian crime syndicates have been
looking for new pastures in Asia and the Far East to set up
shop, to sprout new tentacles for their drugs, arms and flesh
trade. With its poor policing and a lax, pliable and corrupt
administration, they couldn't have found a better setting
than Goa. Also, in a state where tourism is the prime
industry, foreigners are not closely monitored and go
unnoticed unlike in other parts of the country.

The Russian mafia's gameplan seems simple: buy up properties
in Goa to set up businesses—restaurants and hotels—that
double up as bases for its illegal drugs and arms trade.
Invest in real estate in Mumbai and Delhi to carry out its
money laundering operations. Its presence in the two metros
would also provide it a base to channel funds in and out of
the country.

In Goa, the Russian invasion is no secret. Those opposing
the wanton buying of real estate by foreigners are well aware
of the Russian crime syndicate's interest in the state.
Activists like Devendra Prabhudesai, a school teacher and
local resident, points to illegal activities that have
increased ever since the Russian influx began. He, along with
Mathew Fernandes, have started an NGO to oppose the entry of
foreign anti-social elements into Goa. Their campaign is
focused on Morjim beach which is referred to locally as
'mini-Russia' .

Police officials are in the know of what is happening. One
officer told Outlook that the Russian presence in Goa is on
the rise. Nearly 75 per cent of the chartered flights coming
to Goa are from Russia and the so-called tour operators have
hired young English-speaking Russian girls to live here on
tourist visas and work as guides and agents for Russian
companies. We have also noticed that many Russian girls are
being pressed into prostitution for an elite clientele in and
around Morjim, a senior Goa police official told Outlook.

According to intelligence officials, this fits in with the
style of operations that the Russian mafia has adopted

It prefers to make its entry through the tourist industry and
then move on to the more core areas of their business.
Chartered tourism has been used by the syndicates to smuggle
in and out drugs and contraband. Till the mid-'90s, the
Russian 'tourists' who flooded Indian cities like Delhi were
sent to procure consumer goods and durables, medicines and
clothes by the mafia. Today, the game has changed and the
mafia has gone on to flood tourist destinations with designer
drugs and to strike arms deals.

Nearly 75 per cent of chartered flights coming into Goa are
from Russia.

Now Russians have edged out many other foreigners in the

The Russian syndicate's presence in Delhi and Mumbai is more
for reasons of financial fraud. Intelligence agencies suspect
that this is part of a global exercise to launder billions of
dollars parked in tax havens. Since 

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 2, Issue 79_RKN_sweetie

2007-01-21 Thread Venantius Pinto


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

I totally understand the points that RKN raises; except the part 
about sweetie which appears at the bottom of the post. Without getting 
elaborate, I would suggest there is no cause for its usage and no point 
getting incriminated. In my humble opinion, ts good to help anyone 
understand ideas without getting too comfortable. 

Venantius J Pinto

Message: 5 
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2007 16:29:50 +0530 
From: Radhakrishnan Nair [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Superb, Sunith!/To Selma 
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed 

Selma wrote: Sunith's views do not reflect those of all Goans and 
why should the views of those Goans who feel differently about the 
Portuguese be any less legitimate? I'm not communal but as a non-Goan, 
I think it is insensitive of you to hurt the sensitivities of Goans 
who have very different memories of history. 

Dear Selma, 

As a relatively newcomer to Goanet, you may not know this but I'm 
tired of explaining this umpteen times. These days I steer clear of 
discussion on this topic to avoid adding heat, but Sunith's eloquent 
response prompted an appreciative note. 

Well, Selma dear, I'm not against the Portuguese per se and I've 
nothing against that beautiful country and the friendly people over 
there. I'm sure Sunith and Mario also hold the same view. What we're 
opposing is the tendency of some Goans to defend the indefensible. 
There's no way you can defend colonialism in this day and age and it's 
futile to even attempt to gloss over the fact that Goa was a 
Portuguese colony and that Goans were not in charge of their lives 
under the Portuguese. Your excuse that people have fond memories is 
as lame as the rants of some senile old Anglophile reminiscing about 
the good ol' days of the Raj. 

As for your query, Sunith's views do not reflect those of all Goans 
and why should the views of those Goans who feel differently about the 
Portuguese be any less legitimate? I would like to quote Mario: You 
can have your own views but you can't have your own set of facts. One 
of the first lessons being taught in journalism schools is: Facts are 
sacred, comments free! So the question of Sunith's views or yours 
being legitimate or otherwise does not arise. 

How come my appreciation of Sunith's views hurt your sentiments while 
you've not commented on the original post from Sunith? What has me 
being a non-Goan got to do with it? Will it be okay if a Cecil or a 
Fred or a Pedro said the same thing while an RKN or a Vidyadhar can't 
say the same? That's discrimination, sweetie! 


[Goanet] Mhadei Update

2007-01-21 Thread Philip Thomas


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

In today's HERALD there is a longish article by J.C.Almeida titled Slow
demise of the Madei River. He believes that the issue will have serious
implications on the environment of Goa. He concludes Few years from now we
may see the Mandovi river dried up. What is the correct position? Anyone
knows? Cheers.

[Goanet] Life Seems Cheap In Goa

2007-01-21 Thread Roland Francis


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

If a single passenger ferry capsizes in Europe or North America, there
are headlines spread across all forms of media and days after the
incident, the news is kept ongoing until the cause is well analyzed
and conclusions drawn. From these conclusions, the authorities place
safeguards to prevent such accidents happening.

Compare that with Bangladesh ferries going down with monotonous
regularity. Internationally there usually is a short news story on BBC
and perhaps a Reuters snippet about it carried in the international

Similarly in Goa the drowning of people that occurs with equal
frequency especially from Indian tour groups makes a minor dent in the
local press and people's reactions, despite the precious loss of young
life. It's almost as if - what's another visitor life worth?

While Indian journalists point out to the inequity in international
media coverage of major life loss in third world countries as opposed
to a few lives lost in the more advanced countries, I submit that the
muted reporting is due to a DONT CARE attitude of the local
authorities. There is after all reporting fatigue' on the lines of
donor fatigue. If the Govt in charge and the local population don't
care enough to take solid steps for future prevention, why should the
rest of the world care?


*** 3 teens from Karnataka drown off Goa beach (Deccan Herald)

Three teenagers from Chikmangalur in Karnataka drowned off
south Goa's Colva beach, police said on Friday. The youths
-Anil Akkamanehi (18), Chetan (19) and Manjunath Swami (19)
part of a 70-member holiday trip- drowned on Thursday evening,
police said.

[Goanet] reply to Basil Monteiro-All priests are not bad

2007-01-21 Thread Gllenda Viegas


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Dear Basil
I am talking about the church in Goa. It is a registered society registered 
under the Maharastra Society act of 1868. Under this act most of the 
religious societies are registered and it is different from co operative 
society. The membership is scrutinized and any tom dick and hari cannot be 
members. The church also has some members and all this is kept secret. You 
go to the bishop's house and ask them for the list they will never give you 
on the contrary you will be made a thief. Many times my husband sent email 
to the bishop's house for information but no reply.What ever is collected on 
sunday according to the rule 50% of it should go to the Bishop but no 
account and 50% goes to the fabrica from where the salaries of the priests, 
and other staff is maintained. In some remote areas the collection is very 
small and how the priests manage it we do not know whereas those in rich 
churches pocket the money before the 50% is  sent to the bishop and the 
amount is shown less.Most of the priests own cars which normally their 
salary do not afford them to buy a car costing from 3 lakhs to 6 to 7 lakhs 
is beyond their reach. Priests cannot have high fixed deposits in banks 
ranging from 6 lakhs to 15 to 20 or more lakhs.
Glenda Viegas

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[Goanet] Fr Tony Demello

2007-01-21 Thread leo


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Dear Dr Brian,

Thanks for your very kind words re. Fr Tony. on goanet.

He has been my guru and I cherish his message very dearly.  I have dedicated 
my website www.fullerlife.in to him.  He has had a profound influence on my 
life.  I do continue to live and spread his message.

I often get confronted by well meaning Catholic friends who say 'but his 
writings were banned by the Church'.

You mention in your letter that though the Church initially banned it but 
later 'reinstated with caution..'  I have been searching high and low for 
references to that. Do you have any references which say precisely that ?

Thanks and rgds,
Live a Fuller Life.
From: brian mendonca [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] Beyond Words: Language and Freedom in the Work of Fr
Anthony De Mello, S J
To: goanet@goanet.org
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=iso-8859-1;

Beyond Words: Language and Freedom in the Work of Fr Anthony De Mello, S J

Condemned by the present Pope Benedict XVI - then Cardinal Ratzinger of the
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - in 1998, the work of Fr Anthony
De Mello SJ (1931-1987) has been treated with wariness. Swept off the Indian
shelves following the edict by the Curia, yet reinstated with a note of
caution later, 'Tony' the man, as he was called, continues to fascinate. And
provoke. The reflections of Carlos Valles SJ on Tony are a case in point (
Unencumbered by Baggage, 1987  Diez Anos Despues, 1998).

It appears, the muddy waters have yet to be still. Tony's often outspoken
criticism of the Catholic church; his deep immersion into numerous faiths --
Hasidic, Buddhist, Sufi, Hindu -- to name a few; and his self-empowering
Sadhana retreats at Pune and Lonavla may not have made him 'a prophet for
our times,' but it certainly gave lay people and religious a handle to heal
their own often impoverished spiritual lives, and a path to peace --
something which until then, for Catholics, was the exclusive office of the

Tony looked at spirituality as process rather than practice. He urged the
faithful to see beyond rituals, to find renewal in the exuberance of life
around them. To see Divinity, like Blake, in a grain of sand, a tree, or the
moon. Through contemplation he made people spiritually self-reliant.

Tony had his own spin on who Jesus was. And what 'God' stood for (some of
his lines read like lyrics from Jim Morrison). He created stories to embody
their lives and make them come alive in everyday situations which the common
person understood.

Was Tony a 'free-lance mystic' (TK Thomas)? What was his charisma which made
his work in Pune, known in Rome, Spain and New York? Was he a godman or guru
or Master? Why are people still tightlipped about his work and reluctant to
acknowledge his contribution and his vast corpus of work, even when it is so

The presentation explores some of these questions. Scion of Ignation
spiritual traditions, Tony nevertheless blazed his own trail. More left than
right, his appeal lay in his often ellisive Foucauldian language - to go
beyond the literal and imply the unsaid. His dhvani approach to
communicating with his readers, led seekers to realize their own freedoms.
In an affirmation that 'words after speech reach into the silence' (TS

Perhaps there can be greater acceptance today of Tony's work, with the
recent visits to Goa of the Black Pope and that of his eminence Cardinal
Poupard in November 2006. The Final Statement at Pilar Theological College,
Goa called for Catholic Cultural Centres 'to find common meeting grounds
among peoples of various cultural, ethnic, religious and race groups' to
heal the rifts of society.

Healing and commonality - Tony's work nurtured both.

--   Dr Brian Mendon?a,
 New Delhi,

[Goanet] Victory for Goa Green -Godfather of 2 leaves(Don Panam)

2007-01-21 Thread Mario Vicente Santos Pereira


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Dear All,
When I was in Goa in December 2006, I read on Newspaper and heard a serman
by priest at Holy Family Church that there is a meeting at Panjim  to scrap
Regional Plan 2011 and Save Green Goa. After that I heard Monsorato
resigned. There was a news of Dr. Jack de Sequeira statue at Calangute who
stood up and there by came the news of the scrap of Regional Plan of 2011.
I feel 'Goenkar Uttlo nidentlo' and gave rise to every Goan to rejected
such plan. Earlier  to merge Goa to Maharashtra which stopped by opinion
poll - Dr. Jack de Siqueira and Goa was saved from merger. Our theatrist
doing very good job on the stage but what about people who dont' go for
theatre. Lots of people do not know what is happening unless they read on
the newspaper or some leaflets are to be distributed and make the people to
know about the happenings of Goa and to act accordingly.
Thanks to Dr. Oscar Rebello and the Goan Church as a whole gave importance
and each Goenkar who stood by and came forward  to stop such evil deeds of
our MLA's.
Utt ani Zagrut rau Goenkara for the coming election in May/2007.
Viva Goa - Long Live Goa -Viva Goenkar
Mario Vicente Santos Pereira,
Finance - Accounts Payable,
(FNF2401E), Al Sadd Plaza,
P. O. Box - 70,
Tel. : 430 8547 E- Fax: 429 3422
Message: 2
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2007 20:36:17 -0500
Subject: [Goanet] Save Goa Party Has Got Momentum Till the May
 Elections - Capitalize on It
To: goanet@goanet.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed


The Save Goa Party has get momemtum till the May elections to vanquish the
Congress, MGP, UGP, and even the BJP in the May elections. Capitalize on it

NOW ! before some else does !

Best Regards,

Dr. Carmo D'Cruz
ex Velim in South Goa
now Indian Harbour Beach, Florida

It's a victory for Goa's green heroes

GREAT GOING: With the efforts of Oscar and Patricia, the government's
controversial development plan was withdrawn.

There is one determined woman who is risking her life to save a bit of
greenery while the government just stands by and watches.

It's a moment that nudged Goa's conscience and inspired the otherwise
easygoing Goan community to form the Save Goa movement where they took to
the streets to protest the Government's Regional Development plan.

But the transition from armchair activist to a hands on one is not an easy
one. Especially for Oscar Rebello, who is a doctor with a busy practice.

And Rebello, rarely has spare time for himself. But I've never experienced
more exhilarating high than this in my life, he says.

It's equally tough for Patricia Pinto, who runs her own boutique.

And so they're settling for the long haul, spreading the word to every
actively stopping hills from vanishing into oblivion or a forest from being

replaced by concrete.

But the achievement is the stay order on the construction of a park on the
beach front in direct violation of the Coastal Regulation Act is another
testimony to the efforts of Oscar, Patricia and the others of the movement.

A sign that the Goan middle class has found it's voice and is making itself


* * * * *

Goans win battle, remain skeptical

Panaji: After a long struggle, the people of Goa finally have a reason
cheer. After months of rallies and protests the fight to save Goa's natural

beauty has finally borne fruit with the state government
deciding to denotify the controversial Regional Plan 2011.

Chief Minister Pratapsingh Rane took the decision after discussing it with
his cabinet colleagues.

The controversial Regional Plan 2011 advocates development of commercials
buildings and hotels in the state's forested areas. Respecting the
sentiments of the people we have decided to denotify
Regional Plan 2011  prepare a new Plan. We are not denotifying this plan
from retrospective effect, Rane said.

Yet, this decision is being taken with a pinch of salt by the locals. The
plan will not be denotified with retrospective effect.

The Goa Bachao Abhiyan, which spearheaded the campaign says they want clear

account of permissions granted during the period between the date of the
plan's notification and the date of an interim stay issued by the High

GBA urges all Goans to remain vigilant. And we have to study the
denotification process, especially with regards to the land use changes
from Aug 2006, says Convenor of the Goa Bachao Abhiyan, Oscar Rebello.

He has already started getting the popular 

[Goanet] On Communidades

2007-01-21 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Now that Your Land is My Land  Does it matter ? 


Pranab Mukhopadhyay 

See -


Warm regards,



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[Goanet] Aitaracheo Kaskutleo:Tiatr Xibir,Tiatr Sudarpak.

2007-01-21 Thread lino dourado


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Tiatr Xibir,Tiatr Sudarpak
  Kuwait, Maliya vattarant aslelea Watya Shopping
Center-achea mukhel daraxim mhojea ollkicho ek monis
ubo aslolo pollelo.  Taka chukounk dislem. Punn zomlem
nam. Taka dolop mhonnchem mhozo kimticho vell piddear.
Bazuchea dusrea darantlean bhitor sorunk kori ten’na
tannem, mhaka justuch pollelo ani dhanvim-dhanvim
mhojea sorxim ailo ani mhonnlem:
  TO: Hanv tukach mhonn mobailar fone korunk vocho…..
  HANV: Ani denvchar tujea samkara ubo zalo, oxem tum
mhonnonk soddtai?
  TO: Na re baba. Tuka toxem mhonnonk ieta?
  HANV: Mhozo ugddas kiteak mhonn ailo?
  TO: Te tiatrist kitem kortat kai mhonn vicharpak.
  HANV: Tiatrist, tiatr kortat.
  TO: Toxem nhoi re baba. Kuwait-che tiatrist
‘workshop’ ugttem korttat mhonn aikolam. Tuka khub
tiatristanchi ollok asa. Tujea ollkin mhojea putak
‘chance’ poddot kai mhonn vicharpa khatir tuji goroz
asli. Mhojea putan ITI kurs kela.
  HANV: Ixtta, tum somzola toslem tantrik vo technical
workshop nhoi re tem. Kuwait-Goa Tiatristanchi Sonstha
(KGTS) poilech khepek Kuwait-chea desant ghoddun
haddtat tiatrachi borpavoll borovpachem workshop 
  TO: Kiteak mhonn oslea workshop-achi goroz poddtta?
Aiz-kal konnui tiar boroitat ani machier dakhoitat.
  HANV: Machier haddleach mhonnlear zaina. Poilea
suvater tiatr borovpak Konknni bhaxechi sahayiti
vachunk ani borounk zannam zaunk zai. Sahayiticho
upeog korun boroilele sonvad (dialogues) prekxokanchea
kanar ekdom bore bosun vosrean talliancho ghonnghonn
zata. Girest sahiyitin boroilele tiatr odik dorjeche
  TO: Punn thoddeanche tiatrachem nanvuch borovop
chukichem  asta tem polloun to borovpi kitlem pasun
tiatr pollennarank dorjedar tiatr dakhoitolo tem
chukichea nanvancheruch somzunk zata. Tiatr
workshop-an mhojea putan bhag gheunk zata? Goeant
tin-char tiatranim to nhesla.
  HANV: Fokot tiatrist-ank hem xibir nhoi. Sogllea
kolechea (artistank) ani koslich kola na punn, khoxi
asa tannim pasun hatunt bhag gheunk, daram ugttim asat
mhonn KGTS uzvaddak haddil’lea potrokan vachunk
mellta. Hea somor mhaka KGTS-hachi nove somitik salam
marun dista. Kuwait-chea desant Intenational Tiart
Workshop ghoddun, poromporik tiatrachem daiz te
samballunk kortat. Jea vaura khatir sonstha ghoddttat
to vaur teo sonstha fuddem vortoleo zalear somitichea
vangddeanich nhoi, ponn soglleam vangdeanim, hatant
ghetlolo vaur iexvont korunk ekvottan vavrunk zai.
Ten’nach tanchea vavrak mol ani xab’baski favtta.
  TO: Kitem ani koslea vixeiancher hem workshop
  HANV: Khub toreche vixeancher tharailelem workshop
hem. Tatunt  tiatrachi bunhead ani tothvam, tiatrachem
uttponn,  machiecho kharbar ani manddavoll, bizlecho
ani nad (sound) vevhosta, mustaki (costume) borpavoll
ani xabar toreche machiek lagu zatele vixei.
  TO: Costume mhonnlear boro ugddas ailo. Fattim
hanvem Roseferns-acho tiatr ‘Hem Amchem Goem?”
pollelo. Hea tiatrant Lamani-chem sovong korteli
kolokarn-ichem nespachi mustaki vo costume tea tiatrak
unch dorjecho rong ditalo. 
  HANV: Polle ixtta, mhojea von tuka tiatrancho odik
onnbhov asa. Tumchea osle, tiatra vixim kormolelea
mon’xamni, KGTS-achea tiatr workshop-achea nondnni
potr-ar (registration form) tumchea nanvam barabhor
tumche vichar ani mud’de boroun dilear tea disak
cheorchek mothvache zait.
  TO: Tujem kobul kortam hanv. Hea adim hanvem
tiatracho vell samballcho mhunn boball kel’lo. Punn
konnunch kanar ghenam. Kuwait-antle tiatr Sunkrar
doparchea 3.30 horar suru zatolo mhunn handbill-ar
ditat ani 5 horar suru kortat. Interval 45 minutam ani
tiatr somptta mhonnlear ratchim 10 vaztat. Tin
horanchea divertimentak, tiatr pollennar 4 horam
funkot overtime kortat.
  HANV: Tuje gozalicher mhaka ek ugddas ailo. Goeant
poilench tiatr workshop ghoddun haddlelem tedna khub
nam’neche vo famad tiatristancho aspav tatunt aslo.
Konnem eklean tiatr ‘vell’-ar suru zainant mhunn
boball kelolo. Tea disa to avaz mottean hajir aslelea
tiatristanchea kanar boson aiz xaramni zatele tiatr
vellar suru zatat ani somptat. Hangasorle tiatr
kharbari vellachem mothv nokllo aslele. Tiatr
workshop-an tujea oslea mon’xamni vella vixim prosn
cheorchek ghatle zalear fuddarak vellar tiatr suru
zaun oxir korun tiatr mathvant pavtele tiatr pollennar
sudortele mhonn mhaka opekxa asa.
  TO: Tujem mhaka sarkem pottlem. Khorench tujea
utrank dom asa ani hea khatir hanv jerul hea tiatr
workshop-ak vantto getolom. (hatachea godelir nodor
marun) Are uloitam-uloitam velluch kollunk nam.
Nim’nem ek vichartam. Gelea vorsachea Novembrant eke
Sonkruttik Utsov-ant Ignatius de Xelvonn-an boroilelem
“Fest Vaddeachem Kapod 

Re: [Goanet] Superb, Sunith!/To Selma

2007-01-21 Thread Radhakrishnan Nair


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

You're welcome, Selma dear!

-- RKN

Dear RKN,
I had typed out a long email in response to your mail
but I realise this emotional debate just leads to
bitterness and doesn't achieve anything. So it's best
to refrain.

Take care,

[Goanet] AVC announces Konkani Mando Festival

2007-01-21 Thread Francis Xavier


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

AVC Overseas Sports  Cultural Association - Kuwait proudly announces
Konkani Mando Festival to be held on 13th April 2007. Venue to be announced
shortly. Groups desiring to participate in this festival are kindly
requested to contact the Chief Cordinator Mr Agnelo on 6221412 as soon as
possible. Await further details on these forums shortly.

[Goanet] On Town Planning

2007-01-21 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Of relevance to Goa.  Do our town planners spend
any time reading (material other than the shady deals)?



Still, it is striking how the environmental problems of the cities have
received scant attention in comparison. For, India lives in her cities and
towns, too, in cities and towns plagued by hazardous work conditions,
insanitary living conditions, high rates of air and water pollution, and the

In addressing these problems today, we can seek inspiration in the work of a
remarkable urban environmentalist of the past.

His name was Patrick Geddes, and he was born in 1854, in Scotland. After making
a considerable reputation as a town planner in Europe, he came to India in
1914, at the age of 60. For the next eight years, Geddes was based in the
sub-continent, studying and writing about the culture and ecology of the Indian


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[Goanet] Zhalaach Paahije!

2007-01-21 Thread JoeGoaUk


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Thanks Valmiki,

The subject line, reminded some songs/SLOGANS which was sung during election 
compaign using
loud speakers cars/pick-ups etc

(in tune with popular picnic song - Michael Rose who polish shoes?..Aleluia)



DON PANAM ZIKTELE   ..(Don Panam (Two Leaves) election symbol)


Where as others said..
DON PANAM KORPOLIM (two leaves burnt)

note: believe me or not, all this time I took it as JELAD PAJE (iso ZALLACH 
PAAHIJE), excuse
my poor Marathi

  for Goa  NRI related info...
Konkani Songs, Goan Photos, Tiatr/Film VCDs, Bank interest rates etc etc
   (for updates etc click below)

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Re: [Goanet] Bamboozle Congress Party

2007-01-21 Thread raju gonsalves


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Dear Goan netizens,







--- Dr. U. G. Barad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs.
 Daisy Faleiro

  To sponsor Goanet operations, contact

 One feels sorry at the state of affairs of Congress
 Party rule in Goa. Ever 
 since they came back to power dethroning BJP within
 2 years they proved 
 general public their money grid mentality and I
 care a straw attitudes 
 towards the feelings and sentiments of people. On
 the contrary, studying 
 their attitudes in comparison with BJP rule for past
 4 ½ years general 
 public has already started pulling their strips with
 anger saying Come 
 election we will teach them lesson for their lives
 Congress Legislators and 
 their cronies considers themselves has wisest men on
 this planet Goa and 
 considers all Goans to be fools of first order. This
 is their biggest 
 problem. They have proved time and again that they
 don't have any innovative 
 ideas to please and garnish the support of general
 Just have a look at the present decision taken by
 Congress Legislative Party 
 (CLP) on 15th January 2007 - the last day of the
 deadline given by Goa 
 Bachav Abhiyan (GBA) regarding Regional Plan 2011
 (RP). Keeping in view the 
 upcoming assembly election CLP took decision to keep
 controversial draconian 
 RP for scrutiny and for accepting the objections
 from general public for a 
 period of 60 days. This is a hasty decision taken
 with presuming us Goans. 
 To this GBA which comprises of educated and
 professionals including general 
 public immediately shot back saying It's an eye
 smokescreen...decision taken is in view of upcoming
 assembly election and we 
 will not succumb to government's delaying tactic any
 more ..we stand by our 
 demand..De-notify (scrap) the RP .. and initiate
 drawing new RP in total 
 democratic way taking all stakeholders in confidence
 and also following all 
 rules of laws in place
 This stand taken by GBA is just and too apt to
 handle the irreversible 
 damage the present notified plan will cause to Goa.
 To support GBA further 
 we must all make it at Lohiya Maidan on this
 Statehood Day 16th January 2007 
 at 3.30 pm with our kith and keens. Let's show
 Congress government that we 
 the people of Goa are united not divided like
 Congress Party and that We 
 will achieve what Goans want, not what Congress is
 planning for us.
 Dr. U. G. Barad
 Margao - Goa


The fish are biting. 
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Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 2, Issue 79_RKN_sweetie

2007-01-21 Thread Frederick \FN\ Noronha


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Ethnicity. Nothing else :-) FN

On 21/01/07, Venantius Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How come my appreciation of Sunith's views hurt your sentiments while
 you've not commented on the original post from Sunith? What has me
 being a non-Goan got to do with it? Will it be okay if a Cecil or a
 Fred or a Pedro said the same thing while an RKN or a Vidyadhar can't
 say the same? That's discrimination, sweetie!
FN M: 0091 9822122436 P: +91-832-240-9490 (after 1300IST please)
http://fn.goa-india.org  http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com

[Goanet] Looking for Clare Godinho formerly of Rawalpindi, Pakistan

2007-01-21 Thread CARMO DCRUZ


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro


Gay Clark, an American, resident of Cape Caaveral, Florida is looking for 
her Goan friend Clare Godinho who she knew from Rawalpindi, Pakistan in the 
60s. Perhaps some of the Goanetters may know of Clare's whereabouts.

Best Regards,

Dr. Carmo D'Cruz,
Indian Harbour Beach, Florida

Re: [Goanet] Fr Tony Demello

2007-01-21 Thread Cornel DaCosta


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Dear Leo
If you discover what had been banned by the Catholic Church re the writings 
of Fr. Tony De Mello, please let me know.
Cornel DaCosta, London, UK.
- Original Message - 
To: Goanet goanet@goanet.org
Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2007 5:14 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Fr Tony Demello


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

 Dear Dr Brian,

 Thanks for your very kind words re. Fr Tony. on goanet.

 He has been my guru and I cherish his message very dearly.  I have 
 my website www.fullerlife.in to him.  He has had a profound influence on 
 life.  I do continue to live and spread his message.

 I often get confronted by well meaning Catholic friends who say 'but 
 writings were banned by the Church'.

 You mention in your letter that though the Church initially banned it but
 later 'reinstated with caution..'  I have been searching high and low for
 references to that. Do you have any references which say precisely that ?

 Thanks and rgds,
 Live a Fuller Life.
 From: brian mendonca [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [Goanet] Beyond Words: Language and Freedom in the Work of Fr
 Anthony De Mello, S J
 To: goanet@goanet.org
 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=iso-8859-1;

 Beyond Words: Language and Freedom in the Work of Fr Anthony De Mello, S J

 Condemned by the present Pope Benedict XVI - then Cardinal Ratzinger of 
 Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - in 1998, the work of Fr 
 De Mello SJ (1931-1987) has been treated with wariness. Swept off the 
 shelves following the edict by the Curia, yet reinstated with a note of
 caution later, 'Tony' the man, as he was called, continues to fascinate. 
 provoke. The reflections of Carlos Valles SJ on Tony are a case in point (
 Unencumbered by Baggage, 1987  Diez Anos Despues, 1998).

 It appears, the muddy waters have yet to be still. Tony's often outspoken
 criticism of the Catholic church; his deep immersion into numerous 
 faiths --
 Hasidic, Buddhist, Sufi, Hindu -- to name a few; and his self-empowering
 Sadhana retreats at Pune and Lonavla may not have made him 'a prophet for
 our times,' but it certainly gave lay people and religious a handle to 
 their own often impoverished spiritual lives, and a path to peace --
 something which until then, for Catholics, was the exclusive office of the

 Tony looked at spirituality as process rather than practice. He urged the
 faithful to see beyond rituals, to find renewal in the exuberance of life
 around them. To see Divinity, like Blake, in a grain of sand, a tree, or 
 moon. Through contemplation he made people spiritually self-reliant.

 Tony had his own spin on who Jesus was. And what 'God' stood for (some of
 his lines read like lyrics from Jim Morrison). He created stories to 
 their lives and make them come alive in everyday situations which the 
 person understood.

 Was Tony a 'free-lance mystic' (TK Thomas)? What was his charisma which 
 his work in Pune, known in Rome, Spain and New York? Was he a godman or 
 or Master? Why are people still tightlipped about his work and reluctant 
 acknowledge his contribution and his vast corpus of work, even when it is 

 The presentation explores some of these questions. Scion of Ignation
 spiritual traditions, Tony nevertheless blazed his own trail. More left 
 right, his appeal lay in his often ellisive Foucauldian language - to go
 beyond the literal and imply the unsaid. His dhvani approach to
 communicating with his readers, led seekers to realize their own freedoms.
 In an affirmation that 'words after speech reach into the silence' (TS

 Perhaps there can be greater acceptance today of Tony's work, with the
 recent visits to Goa of the Black Pope and that of his eminence Cardinal
 Poupard in November 2006. The Final Statement at Pilar Theological 
 Goa called for Catholic Cultural Centres 'to find common meeting grounds
 among peoples of various cultural, ethnic, religious and race groups' to
 heal the rifts of society.

 Healing and commonality - Tony's work nurtured both.

 --   Dr Brian Mendon?a,
 New Delhi,


Re: [Goanet] Introduction

2007-01-21 Thread Gabe Menezes


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

On 21/01/07, Viviana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 And people wonder why women are reluctant to post on Goanet??

 Liliana is clearly a cultured, well educated, world-travelled, in-demand
 Economist, yet her entire life experience and work history - fascinating
 as it is - is ignored and she's pushed back into the kitchen and asked
 for a recipe. And people really wonder why women don't contribute to Goanet?

 Liliana, thank you for the introduction - you sound like a fascinating
 your woman and I hope you'll stick around on Goanet - I look forward to
 reading your perspectives and opinions on all subjects.   If I want any
 recipes, I'll check the internet.  I know Gabe personally and he's
 really a nice, gentle man with a lovely wife and I'm certain he didn't
 mean it the way it sounded.

 Welcome to Goanet!


RESPONSE: If I had wanted an off the shelf recipe I'd Google it. If
Liliana was a man I would have asked the same. There is nothing better
than a tried and trust recipe.

Again, welcome to Goanet and perhaps we might be privileged to hear
some economic view point on wither goes Goa !

Of course Economists are allowed to change their mind, whereas traders
often loose their shirt.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

Re: [Goanet] Other responses to Goans and Martin Luther King post....

2007-01-21 Thread Cornel DaCosta


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Hi George
Bella Comelo sums up my view rather well about Goan US support for labor.
Goanet has many posts from USA based Goanetters who are utterly
opposed to union activity that would, in effect,  better the lives of
disadvantaged workers. Many of such workers would be African Americans and
more recent migrants from the south.

George, I can't thank you enough for highlighting this important issue, and
also, thanks to those who have responded re this theme.
- Original Message - 
From: George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Goanet goanet@goanet.org
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2007 11:33 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Other responses to Goans and Martin Luther King post


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

From Bella Comelo:
 Just my observation and two cents worth. There are lots of things in USA
 that our Goan community
 take for granted. For example - our good paying jobs, the opportunity for
 promotions and equal
 employment. Union leaders had to make a lot of sacrifices to go on strike
 and picket lines so
 that others can enjoy the fruits. Ask any Goan to support labor and you
 will find out their

From Anthony Braganza:
 BRAVO, yes indeed we Goans do owe Martin Luther King a debt of gratituide
 and we should endeavour
 to be more open minded about Race Relationship in the USA, specially with
 the Afro-American
 Community. In some ways we Goans in the USA are reaping the rewards of the
 labours and sacrifices
 of the Afro-Americans.

From Tony Carrasco:
 Let us not forget Mahatma Gandhi who MLK emulated in his nonviolent
 strategies. MLK's voice would
 not have been heard as much if not for those ideas.

From Oswin Martin wrote:
 Isn't it true that many Goans have African and/or portugese ancestry? I am
 not an authority on
 this, but the facial characteristics of many Goans leads me to a mix of
 Afro genes? I am sure some
 of your readers would be able to shed light on this?

From Ed:
 Very well said!! Many times US Goans are racist towards African-Americans.
 They are caught up in
 what the media portrays of them, which like all people of color, is in a
 negative tone. The
 truth of the matter is there are thousands of positive African-Americans
 that are not only passed
 away, but are living. In order to find the truth one must research on
 their own. I know too well
 from experience. Keep positive in what you put out so we can all come
 together collectively on a
 global, economic level.

From Johnny Fernandes, Kuwait (Colva):
 Well writen needless to say. One of my favorite freedom activists. I've
 had the opportunity
 to befriend african-americans at the university parish and catholic
 students' center while in
 the States many years ago. They are kind hearted folks, they love music,
 dance, party and
 sport, and can get even personal when required, a bit like the goans one
 would say. I used to
 drive down the ghetto (hope that word is still used, if not excuse me)
 area, you know that side
 of town, and it used to remind me of the poor in Goa, the ones that still
 live in palm tree
 huts, living hand to mouth. Oh yes and did I mention that they drink a
 mean wine (kind of like
 our, not mine particularly, love for the fenny). There is this song
 performed by Paul McCartney
 while on tour in the states in '90; its called 'The Fool on the Hill.'
 Toward the end of the
 song Paul smoothly blends in the 'I have a dream' speech, and man every
 time I hear it, it sends
 chills down my spine!  The song, if you hear it, talks about a 'fool' (of
 course one who's really
 not a fool). A person who quote 'sees the sun going down, the eyes in his
 head sees the world
 spinning round', 'day after day, while alone on a hill.' When you hear the
 speech at the end of
 the tune, it gives me a sense and a drive to remind me that the sky's the
 limit, one's freedom of
 expression and the right to be heard and act upon it; nothing's impossible
 if one wishes to
 follow his/her dream.

[Goanet] Looking for: Dr Alice Goveia (or Gouveia), formerly of Asilo Hospital... 1960s

2007-01-21 Thread Frederick \FN\ Noronha


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Does anyone know a Dr Alice Goveia, former of Asilo Hospital in the
1960s? Just curious... she worked with my mum (a nurse) there, and
they were good friends. FN
FN M: 0091 9822122436 P: +91-832-240-9490 (after 1300IST please)
http://fn.goa-india.org  http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com

[Goanet] Request receipe for Butch

2007-01-21 Thread Gabe Menezes


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Does anyone have a recipe for making 'Butch' is Sorpotel masala okay for this ?

Butch is pig's pouch (Stomach) you either stomach it or you don't,
excuse the pun !


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] Looking for: Jorge Coutinho, Hubli, 1940s....

2007-01-21 Thread Frederick \FN\ Noronha


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Would anyone know a Jorge/George Coutinho, who was a young lad in
Hubli of the 1940s? Our family lost touch with him over the decades...
FN M: 0091 9822122436 P: +91-832-240-9490 (after 1300IST please)
http://fn.goa-india.org  http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com

[Goanet] Official Recognition to Romi lipi -Konkani - NOW?

2007-01-21 Thread godfrey gonsalves


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

The first  Goa Legislative Assembly for the current 
year (incidentally the election year  end of five year
term in May 2007 ) begins tommorrow with the Governor
Mr S C Jamir’s address to the House.

Interestingly this is a small session viz; for four
days ending 25th January, 2007.   Coming close on the
heels of the  Regional Plan 2011 issueand  the
pre-poll issues raised  by the MP Churchill Alemao 
viz;  Special Economic Zone, the  Mopa Airpost, the
six lane highway, the official status to  Konkani in
Roman script  representation  to ST's and the issue of
recognition to Dhangars etc; the ruling INC NCP MGP
Independent led Government will need to either take
serious note of these issues lest its neglect spell
the extinction of the INC in Goa.   The NCP has nearly
moved very close on the heels of Mr Alemao's demands
knowing that their prospects at the polls could
otherwise be affected. 

For the BJP notwithstanding Mr Manohar Parrikars
stance on the Regional Plan 2011, and other issues, it
needs to do a lot to retrieve lost ground specially
with the  BJP led Government out of power at the
centre.  With two of its MLA’s ousted  viz Mr 
Rajendra Arlekar  from Vasco-da-Gama and Mr Dayanand
Mandrekar from Tivim ousted while Mr Manohar (Babu )
Ajgaonkar from Dhargalim joining the  INC the BJP has
to do real hard work to stage a come back. of course
they could always blame the minority community MLA's
and the influence of the Catholic-Muslim dominated INC
as the reason for the inaction of the INC led
coalition this last over one year after the BJP's
coalition ouster.

The NCP   may find themselves  out of the coalition 
before the next election given their demands  for more
seats and especially those that where they have
unseated the sitting MLA’s Tivim Mandrem . There is
even a remote possibility of another two BJP
MLA'sjoining the INC and this could cause a cabinet
reshuffle where the NCP two members are shown the

The MGP too  may suffer the possibility of  Minister
for PWD being  stripped of his portfolio. But that
would depend on making room for one more of the BJP
MLA joining in or Mr Dhavalikar joining the INC if he
needs to retain the Ministerial portfolio and the seat
as well at the next hustings.

CM Pratapsing Rane is known for last minute manouvres
and may not allow the NCP and the MGP to share the
fruits of office before the ensuing elections. It was
his contention always that he had to tread the path
carefully owing to coalition compulsions  which he
was not used to having run the INC is the past several
terms since 1980.   Considering that this could  well
be the last session before  Assembly elections are
announced (and all this depends on 24th Januray, 2007
developments in UP) the session assumes significance.

Another is the  possibility of the Panchayats having
to be dissolved and  Administrators being appointed
and this is a foregone conclusion  now that the
coalition partners have the numbers on their side. 
With this done the Gram Sabhas  on 26th January, 2007 
may just end as a routine formality without much
business transaction . This could leave the GBA
agitationists little room for their further battle
given that it has now occurred to them that the real
battle of prospective of retrospective effect to the
denotification of the RP 2011 is now a BIG QUESTION. 

But what is of utmost interest however is that Mr
Atanasio (Babush ) Monseratte,  who while as Minister
for Town  Country Planning publicly  promised to 
tiatrists who met him at his residence earlier last
year  2006 to take up the cause of official
recognition to Konkani in Roman script , will now have
to prove his sincerity , by either putting  forth a
Bill amending the Official Language Act 1987   as a
private members Bill if he may have not done so far
the last date being 29th December, 2006 OR atleast
make his intentions clear in the House by tabling 
notices for making brief mentions  at Question Hour 
preferably on 23rd January, 2007 before 1.00 p.m.
preferably on the day of the  sitting where the 
portfolios of  Chief Minister Mr Pratapsing Raoji
Rane, -- Official Languages  (starred and unstarred
questions come up) or before the end of the session 

This   will be the litmus test of Mr Atanasio
Monseratte true colours for thus far by his
resignation he succeeded in putting all his Cabinet
colleagues on the mat including the Chief Minister Mr
Rane over the controversial Regional Plan 2011 where
he was being branded as the  “enfant terrible” of the
ruling coalition and ofcourse his detractors in the
BJP led Opposition from where he defected.

Konkani lovers world over are 

Re: [Goanet] Introduction

2007-01-21 Thread Frederick \FN\ Noronha


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

What is the link between economics and cooking? (I know journalists do
cook up stories sometimes, as JC would be quick to attest.) Gabe, as a
liberated male, I was expecting better of you. The rest of us, of
course, are just male chauvinst pigs! FN

PS: No more lame excuses needed. I think Vivian(a) has got a great
deal of male chauvinism bowled over with her short post. (And it took
an Italian, daughter-in-law of Goa to say that.) Of course,
Selma/Elizabeth has an excuse... she's flying down to NostalGoa ...
sorry, I meant, Goa. Better be careful what I say about her these
days, am due to meet her (if I can't give the slip between pretended
visits to the launch of CreativeCommons.org at IIT Mumbai
http://cc-india.org/ and some community radio stuff in Delhi,

On 21/01/07, Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 RESPONSE: If I had wanted an off the shelf recipe I'd Google it. If
 Liliana was a man I would have asked the same. There is nothing better
 than a tried and trust recipe.

 Again, welcome to Goanet and perhaps we might be privileged to hear
 some economic view point on wither goes Goa !

 Of course Economists are allowed to change their mind, whereas traders
 often loose their shirt.


 Gabe Menezes.
 London, England

FN M: 0091 9822122436 P: +91-832-240-9490 (after 1300IST please)
http://fn.goa-india.org  http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com

Re: [Goanet] Mario Goveia Takes Temporary Leave of Absence From Goanet

2007-01-21 Thread CARMO DCRUZ


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro


I heard through the grapevine that you were considering taking a temporary
leave of absence for a couple of months from Goanet. You dont have to... You
will be really missed. What will Goanet be without you !

You dont have to hang out on Goanet full time as you have been doing all
these days. You can do it part-time like the rest of us or you can check on
Goanet occassionally between patients like my cousin Dr. Jose Colaco in the
Bahamas or when he is not cooking or stirring up the porza and the pot or
when he is not skewering some Goanetter on-line !

I am eagerly looking forward to your next series of posts on Goanet Mario !
Take Care !

Best Regards,

Dr. Carmo D'Cruz,
Indian Harbour Beach, Florida 

Re: [Goanet] Introduction

2007-01-21 Thread Frederick \FN\ Noronha


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Just for the sake of debate ;-)

Are the cullinary sciences in any way less weighty (or less relevant
to the human race) than the dark science called Economics?

I wish more men take to food (not just eating), cooking and recipes.
One day, I plan to take to it myself (highly challenged in this sector
currently). But I'll only do so when I'm a bit more confident about
being able to do a better job at it.--FN


Economics is the social science that studies the production,
distribution, and consumption of goods and services. The word
'economics' is from the Greek words  [oikos], meaning house, and νόμος
[nomos], meaning custom or law, hence rules of the house(hold).

Originally referred to as political economy, the term 'economics' grew
in popularity with the rise of neoclassical economics after 1870.
Discussions about production and distribution date back to ancient
laws and to philosophers, such as Plato

On 21/01/07, Viviana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 And people wonder why women are reluctant to post on Goanet??

 Liliana is clearly a cultured, well educated, world-travelled, in-demand
 Economist, yet her entire life experience and work history - fascinating
 as it is - is ignored and she's pushed back into the kitchen and asked
 for a recipe. And people really wonder why women don't contribute to Goanet?

 Liliana, thank you for the introduction - you sound like a fascinating
 your woman and I hope you'll stick around on Goanet - I look forward to
 reading your perspectives and opinions on all subjects.   If I want any
 recipes, I'll check the internet.  I know Gabe personally and he's
 really a nice, gentle man with a lovely wife and I'm certain he didn't
 mean it the way it sounded.

 Welcome to Goanet!


FN M: 0091 9822122436 P: +91-832-240-9490 (after 1300IST please)
http://fn.goa-india.org  http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com

Re: [Goanet] Request receipe for Butch

2007-01-21 Thread Roland Francis


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

I am sure you have dealt with pork belly futures on the Chicago
Mercantile Exchange.

Now why don't you 'make the market' in pork tripe - as Booch is
generally called in genteel Bombay Goan circles. Do it on the National
Stock Exhange (india) of which I hear NASDAQ is buying a chunk, and
you will become many a millionaire many times over.

I have eaten Booch at least 25 times in my life. Half of those times
must have been from Goa pork who have eaten you know what. Therefore
qualifying as an avid Booch supporter,  I would definitely buy your
first forward contract.


On 1/21/07, Gabe Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anyone have a recipe for making 'Butch' is Sorpotel masala okay for this 

 Butch is pig's pouch (Stomach) you either stomach it or you don't,
 excuse the pun !
 Gabe Menezes.
 London, England

[Goanet] All priests are not bad

2007-01-21 Thread Gllenda Viegas


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Dear goaneters.
Priests of today are not honest. Many times people give donations to the 
church are never accounted. The bishop house does not inform the parish what 
they do with the money. What about the commission earned on constructions in 
various churches? Who is the beneficiary? What is the cost of the bishop's 
car ? his private and public ? I do not believe that relations are giving 
priests six lakhs. Now a days brothers even if they are well to do ,do not 
forgo an inch of land while settling their parent's assests. There are 
various questions Iwould like the bishop himself to answer me.1. Who are the 
members of the church registered society(I am unware of the name) Who are 
the executive members. What is their salary. 2. Why are parishioners not 
allowed to be members of this society when all the donations to the church 
and all the property of the church has been donated by the lay and not the 
Glenda Viegas

Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search! 

[Goanet] Land scams in Goa - a 5 Point program and time for larger action

2007-01-21 Thread George Pinto


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

So far the score is 5 to 1 in favor of the Goa govt., greedy developers (many 
of them
out-of-town), and big business interests against the average Goan citizen.

The recent denotification of the Regional Plan 2011 fools no one and is a small 
but welcome
victory in the larger scheme of things. A big congratulations to the SAVE 
GOA/Goa Bachao Abhiyan
movement. The government's prospective action still legitimizes egregious past 
actions. To make it
a complete win for the people, the following 5-point land program needs to be 

1. Denotify the ENTIRE Regional Plan 2011.
2. Stop the SEZs takeover of land which is essentially a land grab.
3. Review all Communidade deals and conversions over the last 15 years for 
illegal activity. 
4. Review all past significant land deals (over 10,000 square meters) approved 
in Goa in the last
15 years for illegal activity. 
5. Regardless of size, review all land conversions deals for illegal activity, 
especially those
involving foreign interests who are using Goa to launder drug and crime money.

I hope the SAVE GOA/Goa Bachao Abhiyan movement, Goa Su-raj, Lok Shakti, NGOs 
and others adopt
this 5-point program and the worldwide Goan community supports this effort.  


[Goanet] Francis de Tuem achieves a musical success

2007-01-21 Thread goa world


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Francis de Tuem achieves a musical success
A simple storyline with simple message wins hearts
Francis de Tuem, who needed no introduction to the
Konkani tiatr lovers proved that apart from being a
singer of high calibre and a superb composer, has also
the ability to direct shows with professional and
versatile artistes with equal flair.  
‘Fest Korta Gaum Pirjentichem Naum’ as the titled
indicated has openly brought about the good as well as
the unsavory happenings, specially to newly arrived
Goan expatriates.  The musical show highlighted and
spin around the latest on the Goan community affairs”,
 mused the well-established Konkani stage singer
Francis de Tuem, a week ago.  It was indeed
interesting to witness the hilarious four hour Musical
show and the suspense moulded around the skit so as to
silence the detractors among the Goan community.
 Francis has has contributed a lot within a short span
of time. His songs are many  a times the remenensces
of the past singers and he can mimick them as well. 
In short the young and old do enjoy them to the
fullest, comments Qatar-based Konkani tiatr lover and
organizer, Agostinho Peres.  “We are confident that
his first Show in Kuwait will be a great show; Konkani
speaking community in Kuwait  are lucky to witness the
first show of Francis de Tuem's”, he had forecasted on
the Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter. And it turned true.  A
simple storyline with a simple message.  Wherever he
traveled and was invited to sing – be it Qatar,
Kuwait, Bahrain or in The Emirates, Francis de Tuem
has captured the hearts of Konkani speaking community
with his superb art of singing and above all with his
good compositions.
The musical show was presented by Bombay Boys Sports
Club and had songs, comedy skit enacted by Luis
Bachan, Roshan, Comedian Domnic with Lawrie and the
very humorous play revolving around Jose Rod, Marcus
Vaz,   Querobina, Cajetan Pereira, Luis D’Costa,
Reagan D’Costa and the supporting cast.  Hats off to
the visiting  Goans professional singers as well as
the Kuwait-based singers of repute Antonette Mendes,
Xavier Gomes, Jose Rod, Jr. Nelson, Marcus Vaz,
Cajetan Pereira, Querobina, Michel D'Silva, Succorina,
Peter-Roshan and Bab Andrew  who regaled with
enchanting songs with high morals drew appreciation
and applause galore.

Glen D'Souza, honorary president of Bombay Boys Sports
Club was the chief guest for the event.  As always,
new Konkani CDs and VCDs were released by Glen D'Souza
in the traditional style and were available to all.  
A large number of well-wishers had contributed towards
the expenses of the show.  Shahu Almeida with his
talented musicians Raffeo (guitar), Denis (base
guitar), Philip (organ), Agnello (drums) and Menino
(tabla) added lustre to the musical show with Spiders
doing the sound and the lighting arrangements.  It is
a first for a Konkani stage artiste to put up a show
of this magnitude.  It is less than a year that
Francis de Tuem has been residing in Kuwait.  I am
grateful to all my cast, the musicians, my friends and
well-wishers.  I owe my success to them and to
everyone in the audience, he proudly stated at the
end of the show.
Special mention of  songs on Romi script  being the
lifeline of the Goan's mother tongue, Konkani  - the
culture and theatre have always been supported all
popular movements wholeheartedly by Konkani stage
For protecting the State's identity whenever it comes
under any threat from divisive forces, Romi script
Konkani lovers are always in the forefront.   The
Konkani lovers in Kuwait always support the efforts of
the artistes in the promotion of drama.  It is indeed
a good sign,  Glen D'Souza speaking on behalf of
Bombay Boys Sports Club remarked. (Ends)
(Report by Gaspar Almeida, www.goa-world.com as
published in ARAB TIMES / SUNDAY - 21 JANUARY 2007 -
Page 24 - Columns 1 thru 6)

CUPID'S NITE:  'Stepping Stones'  'Deep Impact' and 'DJ WANTED' with MC Allan 
Pinto from Goa - A presentation by Navelim Youth Centre - Kuwait on Feb. 15, 
2007 at Crowne Plaza Ballroom at 8:00 pm http://www.nycq8.com 
  1st International Konkani Music Station Online 
  KGTS presents 4th Mega Konkani Musical Show Konknni Machiechi Itihas on 9th 
February 2007 at Hawalli AC Auditorium, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  THE GOAN FORUM www.colaco.net
  Fontainhas Festival of Arts, 2007 at Fontainhas Panjim, Goa
from 09 February to 13 February, 2007


Cheap talk?
Check out Yahoo! Messenger's low 

[Goanet] Now at BETALBATIM: Poster Exhibition on Regional Plan, Gram Sabha RTI

2007-01-21 Thread goadesc


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your
family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.
Help others be BETTER INFORMED, 
The time is come for the people of Goa
Poster Exhibition at BETALBATIM on Regional Plan 2011 
and it's impact on Goa,
and importance of Gram Sabha, 
and it's benefit to citizens
DATE: Wednesday 24th January 2007
VENUE: near Panchayat Office, Betalbatim
TIME:  10am – 5pm
Organised by:
Betalbatim Civic and Consumer Forum 
in support of
promoting civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box  187 Margao,  Goa 403 601
GOACAN Post Box  78  Mapusa,  Goa 403 507

Re: [Goanet] Introduction

2007-01-21 Thread Gabe Menezes


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

On 21/01/07, Frederick FN Noronha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 PS: No more lame excuses needed. I think Vivian(a) has got a great
 deal of male chauvinism bowled over with her short post. (And it took
 an Italian, daughter-in-law of Goa to say that.) ...


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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This article is about the Hebrew word; for other meanings see Amen

The word Amen (Tiberian Hebrew אָמֵן 'Āmēn So be it; truly, Standard
Hebrew אמן Amen, Arabic آمين 'Āmīn, Ge'ez' አሜን 'Āmēn) is a declaration
of affirmation found in the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, and in
the Qur'an. It has always been in use within Judaism and Islam. It has
been generally adopted in Christian worship as a concluding formula
for prayers and hymns. In Islam, it is the standard ending to suras.
Common English translations of the word amen include: Verily,
Truly, So be it, and Let it be.


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

[Goanet] Regarding priests

2007-01-21 Thread Gllenda Viegas


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Dear goanetters
I have read so many goanetters' letters on the net. Many are trying to 
defend the clergy. I am Nicky Viegas son of Seby and Glenda Viegas and both 
my parents specially my mom was devout catholics but of late they have got 
disgusted with the priest behaviour. I have been reading the mail on goanet 
Thanks to my mom for being a member and she has been of late writing against 
the priest which many goanetters have been pointblank defending. But 
surprising many priests are on the net and they read the mail without any 
comment. A number of them known to us have phone dad asking us why we are 
against the priests. I do not know whether all these are on the net but it 
must be some of them are reading the same but they do not clarify anything 
that goanetters have been raising showing it is true what has been written. 
Their way of living is luxiourous. Expensive cars like Esteem, qualis, 
Sanrto, are in their possesions while their bank account and foreign trip. 
Some priests are green card holders. To be green card holder one must have 
an account in foreign bank. Let it be very clear. It cost around sixty to 
eighty thousand for a trip to states and may be little less to UK. In states 
they get free accomodation,and food and I think 10 dollars per mass they 
say. They are allowed to stay for three months that means ninety masses and 
so 90 x10 = 900 dollars.Now when they go to states are they going to remain 
in the church alone and not visit anyone? U think they will bring 900 
dollars home? Ok pressume that money is brought home and each one of you see 
the newspaper and calculate 900 dollars into rupees minus their airticket, 
taxi fare etc etc. All bluffs.
Nicky Viegas

FREE pop-up blocking with the new MSN Toolbar - get it now! 

Re: [Goanet] Mario's leave of absence from Goanet

2007-01-21 Thread Gilbert Lawrence


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Mario's leave of absence coincides with half a dozen candidates declaring their 
intention to run for US President in 2008.  Is there some connection here?  
Surely Mario has some time to share his pearls of wisdom with us - at least 
while he is doing some 'deep thinking' sitting on the throne.

But if he is on the payroll of a presidential candidate, everything he writes 
now has to be 'screened'.  So any bright ideas coming from the presidential 
candidates will have to checked for Mario's fingerprints.

We-all will sorely miss Mario.  But if it is good for the country, so be it.  
And Goanetter's will just have to scarifice.
Kind Regards, GL

[Goanet] Shilpa Shetty and Racism in UK

2007-01-21 Thread afra dias


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Gabe informed us:
Speaking for many British Indians, actress, comedian and writer Meera
Syal said, What this treatment of Shilpa has done is remind a
lot of Asian people in Britain of the type of uncomfortable treatment
they've received themselves over the years.---

Resp: I for one congratulate C4 for bringing, Beauty  Bigot together.
And, I admire the dignity and sophistication of Silpa.
According to Shilpa, 'if this is Britain - it is scarey'.
Jade is the darling of Great Britain she is a Celebrity.
If Shilpa says Jade is Racist than she is saying the whole of UK together 
with their darling is racist, Shilpa is a Guest in UK and living with Big 
Brother as their guest, if BB says Jade is NOT RACIST. Who is she to argue?

Re: [Goanet] Victory for All Goans and Manohar Parrikar Too !

2007-01-21 Thread CARMO DCRUZ


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro


Thanks for your note. Regarding the massive meeting in Panjim that was held 
around mid Dec (20th Dec), you should note that most of the GOAN GOAN GOON 
CHORS who are ruling Goa today and making a GAAN of the place were 
absconding.  You may also note that Manohar Parrikar was present at the 
meeting to demand that the Regional Plan be scrapped !

That is why this was a victory for all Goans, and Manohar  Parrikar too ... 
and he should be elected Goa Chief Minister unanimously for Good Governance 
in Goa, in the May elections ! Then we all can enjoy Goa Dourada (Golden Goa 

Best Regards,

Dr. Carmo D'Cruz
ex Velim in South Goa
now INDIAN Harbour Beach, Florida

From: Mario Vicente Santos Pereira [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Victory for Goa Green -Godfather of 2 leaves(Don Panam)
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2007 12:55:25 +0300

Dear All,
When I was in Goa in December 2006, I read on Newspaper and heard a serman 
by priest at Holy Family Church that there is a meeting at Panjim  to scrap 
Regional Plan 2011 and Save Green Goa. After that I heard Monsorato 
resigned. There was a news of Dr. Jack de Sequeira statue at Calangute who 
stood up and there by came the news of the scrap of Regional Plan of 2011. 
I feel 'Goenkar Uttlo nidentlo' and gave rise to every Goan to rejected 
such plan. ... Thanks to Dr. Oscar Rebello and the Goan Church as a 
whole gave importance and each Goenkar who stood by and came forward  to 
stop such evil deeds of our MLA's. Utt ani Zagrut rau Goenkara for the 
coming election in May/2007. Viva Goa - Long Live Goa -Viva Goenkar
Mario Vicente Santos Pereira,

The Save Goa Party has got momemtum till the May elections to vanquish the 
Congress, MGP, UGP, and even the BJP in the May elections. Capitalize on it 
NOW ! before some else does !

Best Regards,

Dr. Carmo D'Cruz
ex Velim in South Goa
now Indian Harbour Beach, Florida

[Goanet] Insider trading by Goa Government ministers

2007-01-21 Thread Manoj Raikar


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

  Insider trading by Goa Government ministers

Insider Trading

Insider trading is a term that most investors have heard and usually 
associate with illegal conduct. But the term actually includes both legal 
and illegal conduct. The legal version is when corporate insiders-officers, 
directors, and employees-buy and sell stock in their own companies. When 
corporate insiders trade in their own securities, they must report their 
trades to the Stock Exchange.

Illegal insider trading refers generally to buying or selling a security, in 
breach of a fiduciary duty or other relationship of trust and confidence, 
while in possession of material, nonpublic information about the security. 
Insider trading violations may also include tipping such information, 
securities trading by the person tipped, and securities trading by those 
who misappropriate such information.

Examples of insider trading cases that have been brought by the Stock 
Exchange are cases against:
· Corporate officers, directors, and employees who traded the 
corporation's securities after learning of significant, confidential 
corporate developments;
· Friends, business associates, family members, and other tippees of 
such officers, directors, and employees, who traded the securities after 
receiving such information;
· Employees of law, banking, brokerage and printing firms who were given 
such information to provide services to the corporation whose securities 
they traded;
· Government employees who learned of such information because of their 
employment by the government; and
· Other persons who misappropriated, and took advantage of, confidential 
information from their employers.

Most recently one Goan Banker in United States was charged and penalised for 
indulging in insider trading.

Most Goan ministers have indulged in insider trading and benifited by 
acquiring real estate where future development was to take place which they 
were aware of.

Goa Bachao Andolan resulting from Master plan 2011  is the result of 
possible non existence of such laws preventing Government ministers and 
officials from gaining pecuniary benefits or non-implementation of the 
existing laws.

Most talked about such misuse are:

--Land acquired by kith and kin of ministers on MPT- Verna Highway near 

--Land acquired by kith and kin in Canacona.

-- Land acquired by kith and kin on Ponda-Margao-Panjim highway.

All such transactions should be investigated and legal action should be 

Manoj Raikar 

[Goanet] Goa news for January 22, 2007

2007-01-21 Thread Goanet News Service


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Goa News from Yahoo! News and Goanet.org

Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Churchill Brothers settle for a 2-2 draw against East
Bengal (rediff.com)

It shared points with East Bengal in the National Football
League match that the Goa outfit dominated for most part.


*** 3 teens from Karnataka drown off Goa beach (Deccan Herald)

Three teenagers from Chikmangalur in Karnataka drowned off
south Goa's Colva beach, police said on Friday. The youths
-Anil Akkamanehi (18), Chetan (19) and Manjunath Swami (19)
part of a 70-member holiday trip- drowned on Thursday evening,
police said.


*** Jeepmen hope to go full throttle against Clube (Hindustan

Mahindra United seemed confident of earning the full three
points from their fourth round match of the ONGC 11th National
Football League against Sporting Clube de Goa. A win on Monday,
at the Cooperage, will ensure that Mahindras stay at the top of
the 10-team league with 10 points, ahead of East Bengal and Air
India who are with seven points each.


*** Goa's World Bank aided modernization of FDA facilities to
be completed shortly (PharmaBiz)

The Food and Drugs Administration of Goa will have modern and
upgraded technical and administrative facilities shortly. The
work on the modernisation of its facilities with financial
support from World Bank, started some time ago, is in the final
stage of completion.


*** Winter session of Goa Assembly from tomorrow (New Kerala)

Panaji, Jan 21: Amidst controversy over the Regional Plan, 2011
Goa legislative Assembly will meet for a four-day long Winter
Session beginning here from tomorrow.


*** Goa BJP demands CBI probe into Regional Plan 2011 deals
(New Kerala)

Panaji, Jan 20: The Goa BJP's legislative wing today demanded a
CBI inquiry into the controversial Regional Plan 2011 and
subsequent land dealings contending that Russian mafias were
involved in certain deals.


*** Denotify Goa plan with retrospective effect: Church body
(New Kerala)

Panaji, Jan 21: Asking the Goa Government to denotify the
controversial Regional Plan 2011 with retrospective effect, a
wing of the Goa church today said any wrongdoing should be
rectified at the roots.


*** Goa should have single urban development agency for
projects (New Kerala)

Panaji, Jan 21: Rather than allocating the urban development
projects of the state to different agencies, Goa should have
one urban planning and development agency, town planning
experts said here.


*** Three teenagers from Karnataka drown in Goa beach (New

Panaji, Jan 19: Three teenagers from Chikmagalore in Karnataka
drowned in south Goa's Colva beach, police said today. The
youths -- Anil Akkamanehi (18), Chetan (19) and Manjunath Swami
(19) -- part of a 70-member holiday trip, drowned last evening,
police said.


*** Rane govt denotifies Goa Regional Plan(Indian Express via
Yahoo! India News)

Yielding to the growing resentment in the state, the Goa
government today decided to de-notify the Regional Plan 2011.
This decision was taken by the Congress Legislature Party today
and thereafter by the Cabinet.We want to go by people's will,
we will not take any decision that will harm the interests of
Goan society, Chief Minister Pratapsinh Rane said after the
meeting. Sources said most ...


Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] MP he can't be that BAD?

2007-01-21 Thread afra dias


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Hi Joe Goa,
We (from Goa) cannot comment on the TV show 'Big Brother' telelcast in UK. 
Similarly, UK people cannot comment on TV programes in Goa.
To talk about any programe one has to be there to watch that programe in 
that country.
Resp: I didn't ask for your response. I was just pointing out the ignorance 
that the Indians have regards RACE (Indians only know Caste and Outsiders)
Shilpa first said she was racially abused and then she withdrew her 
statement under pressure and spotlight, because she is a guest in UK.

Now, coming to the 'Good Friday' point.
Resp: Christians have only two main holidays.
Good Friday is more important than Christmas.
Good Friday is as important as Ganesh Festival.
Because Christianity is based on what happened on Good Friday.
Whitout Good Friday Christianity would not exist.
Therefore I say that MP is and IGNORANT B*d.
PS. Christmas is not just a Christian Holiday. According to the Hindu 
Almanac 25th December is the longest night, and so it is, BADA DIN. Birth of 
the New Sun for the Coming Year. 

Re: [Goanet] G/D., Vol 2, Issue 79:Lyrics of Konkani song MOJE KUMAR by Lawrence de Tiracol

2007-01-21 Thread maurice dmello


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

MOJE KUMAR by Lawrence de TiracolThanks Dominic.

Reminds me of another song in the same lines:

Aede raticho, kona randecho daram popaetha tho (2)
Haum-ge kumadr, sadancho kumpar, dar maka kadi (2)
Dar tuka kadina kumpar, Mai asa bhitori (2)

Under the above circumstance, there is a usual knock on the door late in the 
night and usually the door will be opened.  However, this night, a guest 
(mother or mother in Law of the lady of the house), has stayed over which 
the 'kumpar' does not know about.

The lady however, does not want her mother or in Law to know of the illicit 
relationship and therefore, pretends surprise when she hears knock on the 

The 'kumpadr or kumpar' is baffled by the unusual welcome and so identifies 
himself that he is the usual 'night' visitor kumpar. He is told of the 
reason why the door can not be opened to night.

This 'kumpar/kumadr' (the usual godfather/Godmother) term is used to 
indicate the illicit relationship in the Mangalore region as well.

Best regards
Maurice D'Mello

Message: 7
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2007 04:21:28 +
From: domnic fernandes
Subject: [Goanet] Lyrics of Konkani song MOJE KUMAR
by Lawrence de Tiracol
Tin muine zalet sumar, ar're melear moji kumar
Ratim sopnan ievn, mhaka mhunno lagli 'mojea mogachea kumpar'
Koddko mhunn zatam fugar, Devacher zalam ragar
Kumar astannam duddu ditali, ozaranche ozar

RODDOP (Wailing)
Xitan sungttam purun ditele-e-e-e, mogache moje kumar ghe-e-e-e-e-e
Mhaka soddun gelii kuma-a-a-a-r, tujea mornancho mevlonam suma-a-a-a-r,
kumar moje..

Re: [Goanet] Hearty congratulations and a request to SAVE OUR GOA

2007-01-21 Thread jaytey


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Save Goa Compaign.

From far as I am, I have followed the save Goa Compaign.

From the past record of our Government and those who have governed us for 
the last five decades, it is obvious that those in power have one common 
interest and that is self interest without having the least consideration 
for the welfare of the people of Goa in particular and the nation in 

The only eye opener for the people is power is blood, that is the only 
language that is understood. Riots and damage to property to name a few. We 
have an eye opener in Shri Lanka; I hope that those in power understand that 
the worse may be ahead if they do not work for the interest of Goa; and that 
may be the end of our beautiful Goa, its tourism and industry.

Tom de Sousa, Hong Kong 

[Goanet] Cancellation of good friday

2007-01-21 Thread afra dias


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Hi Goans,
From: Gllenda Viegas Dear Goanetters
How many of us are really interested in good friday? The services are held 
in the evenings. It starts after 3 pm and people are seen attending the 
service even after 5 pm. If services are held inside the church people take 
the advantage of crowded church to stand outside and smoke and talk 
politics. How much holy are we? Morning time is utilised to visit bazaar,
Just because ur friends are not holy and do not visit POTTA that does not 
mean that all of POTTA visiting people should be deprived of the HOLY Day.
Christianity is based on what happened on Good Friday.
If you do not agree with me - thats fine.
It is said in the Bible that God said: If there is one holy person among you 
who believes in me, I will not destroy the world again.
Your friends can do what they like on Good Friday, for the sake of Potta 
visiting people at least (I'm one of them) - LAY IT OFF.

[Goanet] Kiteak re te Plan amkam

2007-01-21 Thread Joel Moraes


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Kiteak re te Plan amkam?

It's really nice to hear that the Corrupt Congress in Goa has finally 
decided to withdraw the Regional Plan.Cheers and a salute to niz goenkars 
who sincerely worked to Scrap the Plan.

The present mafia Rane government also said that soon the government will be 
in a process of forming another Regional Plan named RP 2017.Is it necessary 
to have another Regional Plan for Goa?Goa was born developed.The people in 
Power has ruined the natural beauty of the one time very beautiful state of 
Goa in the name of unplanned development.The people in Power has always 
acted as brokers in major land deals in Goa which I consider as Land scams 
and that's the reason why they want to have such plans for Goa.A small state 
like Goa which was once known for her natural beauty in form of superb 
beaches,green hills and infinite number of fields on both sides of almost 
all the roads all over Goa doesn't needs any Plan of development but the 
elected government knows the best as the government is of the people,for the 
people and by the people.

Have plans for Hospicio hospital Margao as during the last rains, one 
operation has to be suspended due to the leakage in the operation 
theatre.The toilets there are in worst condition and same is the case with 
the toilets at the GMC.Have some plans to improve these basic necessities of 
the common people in spite of having plans to Change Police Uniforms,having 
expressways,master plan for Cabo-de-Rama fort,Regional Plan etc.We need to 
preserve our natural beauty rather than having plans to destruct it for 
personal gains.

The new regional Plan might be designed as per the people wishes but in 
reality it will ruin Goa for all as in a place like Goa, Laws are made to 
break.Our constitution says,equally we stand as far as law is concerned but 
in reality different laws are for different people.

Viva Goa.

Joel Morais

[Goanet] first Konkani TV station

2007-01-21 Thread jerome mendes


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

To all Goanet members

It is with pleasure we wish to announce the launch of  the first Konkani TV 
station GOA 24/7

this will be a TV station which all Goans should tune into as the first film 
Nirmon will be telcast,

This movie is also available in a DVD format and is available through 
leading CD and DVD shops throughout India.

Jerome Mendes

Re: [Goanet] San Francisco: Goan holiday lunch this Saturday, Dec 16

2007-01-21 Thread Marden, Katherine


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Hello Mr. Pinto,

I am contacting you because I am looking for potential Goanese Konkani 

A bit about our company: Lionbridge Interpretation offers freelance 
interpreters the opportunity to accept assignments as independent 
contractors on an as-needed basis. Assignments are Monday through Friday 
during normal business hours. Lionbridge interpreters provide on-site 
interpretation for Immigration hearings across the country, as well as 
telephonic interpretation for Asylum interviews.

We offer free interpretation training including legal terminology education, 
court room etiquette, immigration court case viewings, and continued 
education throughout your career. As independent contractors, our 
interpreters have the ability to set their own hours or work from home in 
any location. Lionbridge also offers competitive pay, excellent travel 
opportunities, and the opportunity to learn about the court proceedings of 
the Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security.

Please pass around and/or post the attached flyer as you see fit.  If you or 
anyone from Goa Sudharop are interested, please let me know as soon as 
possible.  Or if you have any thoughts on other organizations/companies that 
would be helpful for me to contact, please do not hesitate to share your 
ideas.  Finally, your family members, friends, acquaintances, coworkers, 
etc. are welcome to apply.  Anyone interested in learning more about 
interpreting, please  email and/or call me.


Kate Marden
1101 14th St. NW, Suite 200
Washington, DC 20005
Tel:  202-741-4015
   888-241-9149 Ext. 4015
Fax: 202-289-4677

[Goanet] Church Finances - Hapless

2007-01-21 Thread eric pinto


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

I am not sure if personal transport, a 'car',  is a luxury when one 
considers the demands of an 18 hour day, 7 days a week job: after all,  we 
do expect the to appear  at grandpa's bedside and graveside at very short 
notice.  In 1982,  i  , a visitor,  was asked to total the take from the 
sunday collection. It was all of two 'hondred' rupees. The vicar explained 
he needed five thousand a month,  his 900 rupee salary included, to make 
ends meet.  I do know that the 1985  Fide subsidy to Goa was 200,000 
dollars,  much of it from US Mission Day drives. My take on it all - it does 
not cost to complain. eric. 

Re: [Goanet] Mario Goveia Takes Temporary Leave of Absence From Goanet

2007-01-21 Thread Frederick \FN\ Noronha


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Mario, come home. All will be forgiven, son.

Mother serious. Dog pining for you.

Flame-baiters distraught. Goanet Adminers semi-employed.

Please don't do this to us!

We are left bereft of all entertainment. Without you around, whom do
you suggest we target our damp-squibs at? FN

On 21/01/07, Gilbert Lawrence wrote:

Mario's leave of absence coincides with half a dozen candidates declaring 
their intention to run for US President in 2008.
Is there some connection here? 


2007-01-21 Thread Ancy D'Souza


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro


Mumbai, Jan 21: The feast celebration began with nine day novena
preaching on the various parables of Jesus. Different preachers came
to preach the novenas.

The devotion to the Holy Child Jesus has long been a tradition of the
Catholic Church for a very long time. This devotion is a veneration of
our Lord's sacred Infancy. Many saints had a very strong devotion to
the Divine Child, notably St. Therese of the Child Jesus, St. Francis
of Assisi, St. Anthony of Padua, and St. Teresa of Avila.

Prague is the capitol city of the Czech Republic, which is at the very
central of Europe with Germany, Poland, Russia and Austria as its
neighbours. The history of the Infant Jesus of Prague started in the
17th century when a statue of the Infant Jesus was brought into
Bohemia (now Czech Republic) and eventually was given to the Discalced
Carmelites in Prague. Since then, the statue has remained in Prague
and has drawn many devotees worldwide to go and honor the Holy Child.
Many graces, blessings, favors and miraculous healings have been
received by many who petitioned before the Infant Jesus.

The feast day theme was JESUS IS THE CENTRE OF OUR LIFE for our liturgy.

Bishop Rt. Rev. Thomas Dabre, of Vasai Diocese was the main celebrant
along with the Parish Priest Fr. Rudolf V. D' Souza, assistants Frs.
Elias D' Souza and Deepak Thomas and a guest priest Fr. Stephen from
Mission of Bellary was present, and the recently joined Deacon Brother
Ajith. He also thanked the preachers: Fr. Lawrence OCD, Fr. Melwin
Rosario OCD. Fr. Alfred OCD and Fr. Lancy Mendonca OCD.

The Bishop delivered a thought provoking homily stressing the need to
make Jesus the centre of our Life. Fr. Rudolf translated the whole
homily in Konkani as 80% of the parisheners of Mira Road are Konkani
speaking people.

He stressed that today when people shy away from witnessing Christ.
They decorate their rooms with Movie heroes than a Crucifix of Our
Lord. They wear other ornaments than a simple cross. Well, he
applauded the Mira Road St. Joseph Parishioners for their courage for
the long procession with the Infant Jesus Statue and with the Patron
banners of the SCC communities. He said that St. Joseph Church is well
known for its traditions built over just in 18 years of her history.

Fr. Rudolf thanked all those who were instrumental in making this
feast a big success. He thanked especially Daijiworld.com for
publishing the photos as it was very close to St. Joseph's Church
through its local reporter.

He also thanked the Andy Sound, Shagird co and Cicilia Band and other
people He thanked Mr. Francis Araujo the vice president, the office
staff and Mr. Sebastian D'Souza who organized with the help of third
Order Carmelite Member and Legion of Mary the Sweets packets for
distribution after the solemn mass.

People danced before Infant Jesus Statue expressing their gratitude
and graced they received during the last 10 days. People of other
religions, casts and creed came to honour Infant Jesus in thousands in
the last week and especially today.

Infant Jesus feast has been picking up very fast in the vicinity of
Mira Road Parish.

Browse 271 photographs

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