[Goanet-News] Goanet Reader: How to get a voter's ID and keep your sanity (Venita Coelho, in The Accidental Activist)

2008-07-28 Thread Goanet Reader
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

2008 Toronto International Goan Convention
Theme: Goan Identity And Networking Today.

Mario Miranda Festival, July 24-26,  2008 Old GMC Building

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

How to get a voter's ID and keep your sanity

By Venita Coelho

A year ago I was a Hindi film writer and my biggest battles
were fought with producers in trying to keep item numbers out
of my scripts. One year of GBA later ... my battles are with
the Panchayat, the Block Development Officer, the Town and
Country Planning Department... all entities that in my
earlier life I was hazily aware existed, but what were they
for beat me. Ah me! The innocence of my youth.

This blog is the story of an accidental activist. Who
wandered all unaware, an innocent wet behind the ears, into
the Goa Bachao Abhiyaan. A year later the ears are grimy from
lack of washing.

Where's the time?! There's amendment 16 and 16A to the TCP
Act to be understood... there's the Panchayati Raj Act 1994
to be read... there's the awareness campaign for the
village... there's the interim report of the Task Force...
there's the irate letter to the Editor over mega projects.


From Bollywood to Bachao, from item songs to activism - it's
been a tumultuous journey. And a perilous one. The most
innocent step can plunge you into a host of bewildering

Take the other morning. It started all so innocently with a
notice in the papers. The Govt. of Goa were pleased to inform
all lazy bums like myself who have never bothered to register
to vote that we could now go forth and get a voters I.D. from
beside the Fisheries office.

My friend Tanya phoned me a few minutes later with the latest
update on the warfront we have opened with the Panchayat. The
Gram Sabha is coming up and it's no holds barred right now.
The Panchayat has decided that she and I would not be allowed
to speak at the Gram Sabha. According to Regulation X,
Subsection Y, Amendment Z, those who do not have a voters ID
are not allowed to air their opinions in the Sabha. And we
had aired ours loud and long in the last one to the great
embarrassment of the Panchas.

'We have to get a voters ID right now!' cried Tanya, and a
few moments later we were seated in my jeep driving through
pouring rain, wondering where on earth the Fisheries office

With impeccable logic Tanya pointed out it had to do with
fish, so it should be on the river front. And she was right.
We spotted it long before we expected to, thanks to the
enormous line, three deep that snaked around the Caravela
office and reached all the way to Quarter Deck.

Our hearts sank. Fat ones, thin ones, soggy ones, dry ones,
ones with umbrellas, ones with fellas -- they were all
clutching little bits of paper and standing patiently in the
pouring rain.

We got off to enquire.

One question and we had a dozen different replies. One
ponderous and informed looking fellow insisted we were in the
wrong place. We could only join this line to have ourselves
photographed for our Voters I.D. after we had been verified
at the Mamlatdars office. And we could only do that after we
had applied and appeared in the revised voters list. And we
could only do that after we had applied in triplicate with
everything including the nickname that our mothers called us
on the form.

Vibrating with information overload, we fought our way to the
top of the line and the font of knowledge. Inside was a
scrum. Several fisherwomen looked highly militant at our line
barging and we pleaded we just wanted some information. We
found it after a fifteen minute search in a small notice
tacked to the door. Mr. Information was right. We had to go
to the Mamlatdars office first.  Determined to win this
battle... we went forth.

The Mamlatdar's office looked innocuous enough from the
pavement. But entering it was like descending into Dante's
hell. The power was off.

We found ourselves stepping into a pitch black cavern that
was packed with sweaty jostling people all waving forms. They
were milling around three desks behind which helpless ladies
in dresses were vainly commanding 'Back! Back! Please get in
line!' It was too dark to see any notices.

What people lacked in clarity of vision they made up for by
volume, yelling inquiries at the hapless clerks at the tops
of their voices. We took deep breaths and plunged into the
perspiring mass.

  Several hard fought minutes later, battered and
  bruised, it was my turn to reach the desk and yell
  at the clerk demanding to know what the heck first
  time applicants were supposed to do? The clerk
  snapped impatiently at us. They weren't even
  accepting first time voter forms for another ten
  days. 'Only between 26th July and 9th August'. And
  not even 

[Goanet-News] Manoharbab Come Down to Florida from Toronto

2008-07-28 Thread CARMO DCRUZ
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

2008 Toronto International Goan Convention
Theme: Goan Identity And Networking Today.

Mario Miranda Festival, July 24-26,  2008 Old GMC Building

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Dear Manoharbab,

Welcome to warm and sunny Florida. You dont have to freeze your butt in Canada,
The procedure is simple. You take a flight from Toronto to Orlando. My brother 
will pickyou up from Orlando Airport - his Phone numbers are Cell: 
321-704-0260. He will then drop you to our house in Indian Harbour Beach. 
Opposite our house we have a 3BR Oceanfront Furnished Condo on the second 
flooor, You Can stay in the condo, help youself to my stock of Cajel and Maddel 
and Urak and Cidr. Sandra is a fantastic Goan Cook - Her sorpotels/sannas and 
Chourico Couzida and pullao and vevetarian fares and pomfret reichad are the 
talk of the whole of Goa snd Florida, My cousin's restaurant where w guys go 
when we are too drunk to cook any thing is also near the condo. Besides this my 
sons Jason and Jonathan and nephew Jim will feed you fresh tender coconuts
and apples,peaches, pears and nectarines along with large desi perus and 
papayas from our large yard.

Our Home is at 156 Martesia Way, Indian Harbour Beach, Florida 32937, We are 
clase to the kennedy Space Center and Walt Disney World  with its Magic 
Kingdom, Epcot, Zoo etc there are about 60 theme Parks to visit in this area.

So Manoharbab do drop me a quick email at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and give me your 
coordinates where you can be reached. Here you wcan use one of our five 
cars/vans and bring some company becase it is a spacious condo.

Also here on the beachside we can get you your greencards thorough the numerous 
companies we create.
We can also get you a metallurgical Eng job if you want, There are many options 
to explore for you and your sons,
Please remember we'll be paying for the Toronto-Orlando flight fare, Also Mark 
Fernandes from IIT KGP will be here.

Best Regards,

Dr Carmo D'Cruz
ASEE Professor of the Year 2008
TeamUSA Field Hockey GK 2008
US VP Candidate 2008
Phone: 321-773-6084

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


[Goanet-News] Auto notify: a new ad has been submitted

2008-07-28 Thread classifiedsgoa
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

2008 Toronto International Goan Convention
Theme: Goan Identity And Networking Today.

Mario Miranda Festival, July 24-26,  2008 Old GMC Building

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

A new listing with title JOB ALERT - BANKING SECTOR - GOA has just been 

Additional message:
Unsubscribe from our newsletters 


Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


[Goanet] 4th Tri Continental Film Festival Opens in Goa

2008-07-28 Thread Goanet AE


   Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
  July 25 - 30, 2008
  Goa, India


4th Tri Continental Film Festival Opens in Goa

Friday, 25th July 2008 - The 4th Tri Continental Film Festival returned to 
Goa this year, much to the delight of an audience thirsting as much for good 
cinema as for contemporary documentation of human rights issues from the 
Global South - Asia, Africa and America. Hosted by Moving Images in 
collaboration with the Entertainment Society of Goa and the International 
Centre Goa, this event is brought to India by Breakthrough New Delhi, an 
international human rights organization that aims at raising awareness of 
human rights and social justice through the media. In 2008, the attempt of 
the festival is to bring to the fore untold stories from the past. The 
common thread of human rights runs through these award winning and 
critically acclaimed films from countries as diverse as Tunisia, China, 
Rwanda, Sudan and Brazil.

The Festival opened with a screening of 'Assaulted Dream' a film about the 
dangerous journey that thousands of people from the impoverished countries 
of South America undertake in the hope of crossing into the U.S.A. through 
Mexico. Directed by Uli Stelzner the film depicts with touching honesty the 
strength of a collected hope in finding the American dream and the all too 
often tragic end of it.

The film sparked a discussion on who the oppressor is and how is he born? 
Should we not look inwards and examine ourselves closely. Are we a tolerant 
society? How do we look at immigrants from Bangladesh and Pakistan? Even 
within the country how do we treat our interstate migrants? Do we accept the 
human right to a better life for all people and if so, how far are we 
willing to be sensitive to this issue. Are we not guilty of condemning them 
when they intrude on our personal space.

'You, Waguih' is the story of diaspora; the conflict experienced by 
first-generation emigrants because of a rupture in the continuity of 
ancestral memory and an estrangement between traditional and assimilated 
culture. The film unfolds poignantly through the fractured conversations and 
extended silences between the screenwriter and director Namir Abdel Messeeh 
and his father, a reformed communist and former political prisoner during 
the early years of the Egyptian Republic.

Critically acclaimed director Peter De Kock in his beautifully shot film, 
tells a strange and bizarre tale in his documentary 'The Hands of Che 
Guavara' through the testimonies and anecdotes of remarkable men and women 
prepared to risk their lives to recover the severed and missing hands of Che 
Guavara. In a story that raised issues about a countries right to remember 
its past and interpret its history in choosing its heroes and legends.

Before the screenings at the Maquinez Palace at ESG Complex there was a 
short inaugural ceremony, during which Mr. Manoj Srivastava, CEO, 
Entertainment Society of Goa welcomed the audience and assured them of ESG's 
commitment to raising awareness, access and appreciation of good cinema in 
Goa, through Film Festivals. Ms. Rashmi Dhanwani, Manager Media  Internet, 
Breakthrough introduced her Organisation and briefly spoke about its 
objective of spreading awareness of Human Rights issues and Ms. Deepa 
Chaudhury, Secretary, Moving Images delivered a Vote of Thanks.  (ENDS)


Goanet AE

Re: [Goanet] Portuguese nationality

2008-07-28 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Repeating for Vivek (and anyone else who might have missed it). Btw,
I'm not in the queue!


Paulo Colaco Dias: Portuguese Nationality
Paulo Colaço Dias. Any individual can apply for Portuguese Nationality
by virtue of any one of the parents being Portuguese citizens. ...

2008/7/28 vivek araujo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi John,

 How does one access the valuable info you are commenting about on the above 



FN * Independent Journalist http://fn.goa-india.org
784 Nr Convent, Saligao 403511 Goa India
Ph +91-832-2409490 M: +91-9970157402
16,000+ photos from Goa: http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/


2008-07-28 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India



(L to R) standing - Fidelis Fernandes (Member), Minu Fernandes (Member),
Francis Fernandes (Member), Peter Fernandes (Asst. Treasurer), Anthony Vaz
(Member), Agnelo Pereira (Asst. Public Relations), Xavier Mascarenhas
(Member), Salvador Vaz (Member), Johnny Fernandes (Public Relations), Tony
Viegas (Entertainment Secretary), Cajie Diniz (Asst. Entertainment Secretary).

(L to R) seated - Minino Ratus (General Secretary), Celine Vaz (Treasurer),
Jacob Fernandes (Vice-President), Alexander Fernandes (President), Jeanette
Fernandes (Asst. Public Relations), Manuel Rodrigues (Asst. General Secretary).

Alexander Fernandes
President - CUC
P.O.Box 28110, Safat 13142, Kuwait 
Tel: (965) 2613680, 4316572.


Gulab Silver Jubilee Celebrations will kick off on 61st India’s Independence 
Day, August 15, 2008, with Konkani Tiatr “Ghorabachea Vantte” written and 
directed by Mario Menezes (Tragedy King) which will be held at the Hawally A.C. 
Auditorium (Masrah Hawally) at 4:15 p.m. sharp.
 Mario Menezes, the Director with continous super hits and GULAB Award 2006 
winner for best script and direction,  will accompany his full cast of 
artistes, singers and musicians from Goa: the best child artiste Gulab Award 
2007 winner 'Baby Rioma', Rosy Alvares, Agnes, Comedian Joana, Lawry Travasso, 
Mario de Vasco, Edison and the King of Mimicry ‘Sheikh Amir’.  Music by Augusto 
de Panchwadi and James.
For Gate passes contact Raja Stores (Kuwait City) Tel: 2412970, MM 
Confectionery (Salmiya) Tel: 5619946, (Abbasiya) Tel: 9106617, (Fahaheel) Tel: 
9884681, (Khaitan) Tel: 9391452,  (Farwaniya) Tel: 9540232- Forwared by 


Re: [Goanet] Questions to Prof. Kamat and Citizen's Initiative

2008-07-28 Thread Miguel Braganza

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


In view of Floriano Lobo's clarification on behalf of CITIZENS' INITIATIVE and 
Roland Francis stating the rules of moderation, it has been agreed that Prof. 
M. S. Kamat will remain the Moderator.
Floriano is working on the confirmation of speakers from the Goa University 
affiliated colleges. The opening speakers FOR and AGAINST the conversion of Goa 
University into a Central University have been identified. Both of them have 
been associated with the Goa University for a number of years.
The format is being worked out. There will be time and space for audience 
interaction. Media coverage is being confirmed, too.
It has been confirmed that this is NOT a Goa SuRaj Party [GSRP] or a Goa 
Environmental Action Group [GEAG] event, though Floriano is associated with 
both these bodies. I am a bit touchy about associating my name with groups 
that, though they may be good, are something I subscribe to.
Please feel free to express your views. The conversion is NOT just about 
EDUCATION. It is also about LAND, Local PARTICIPATION in Decision making, and 
the future of the State. It concerns each one of us who is alive today or 
yet to be born. Make sure you do not mortgage your future generations just 
because you cared  a damn!
Let not the rains deter you from attending. The venue is indoors ...IMB Hall, 
Panaji. Just park your vehicles near Azad Maidan, as the entrance of IMB is 
perennially flood prone ...though it is just a few metres from the Mandovi 
River into which the rain water must drain out.
Mog asundi.
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2008 19:02:28 +0530
From: floriano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goanet] Questions to Prof. Kamat and Citizen's

Miguel suggests:
[Dr. G.N. Mishra, Fr. Antimo Gomes, Sr. Rita Fonseca, Dr. Shigurkar
or one of the former Acting Vice-Chancellors of Goa University [Dr. Adi
Doctor or Dr. Olivinho Gomes], also,   Mr. Alban Couto or Mr. J.C. Almeida 
or Dr.Ajit Shirodkar.. as possible  Moderators.
This is the first time that such names have come up. And this is more than 
welcomed  by the CI. However, CI  has already identified the moderator in Prof. 
MS Kamat and has announced his name as such.

 What the people want, people must get. However, the above consideration is 
subject to the acceptance by CI of the choice suggested with no promises made 
to effect the 
change,  given the tight timings.

for CI
Floriano Lobo

  Messenger blocked? Want to chat? Go to http://in.webmessenger.yahoo.com/

[Goanet] The English version of Aitaracheo Katkutleo: Why 'Pai Tiatrist' Feels Sad?

2008-07-28 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


   ‘Pai Tiatrist’ Kiteak Khuxeal Na?
The English translation follows:
   Why “Pai Tiatrist” Feels Sad?

In this world of sand and dust, the Salcette tiatrists, after overcoming a 
prolonged hindarance, have fulfilled their dream on July 20th.  That’s why the 
Goan tiatrists who joyously enjoy the clean and clear atmosphere in Paradis 
will remember forever this great day.  Yes, Goa’s Chief Minister Digamber Kamat 
has dedicated the newly opened ‘Ravindra Bhavan’ auditorium to the Salcette 
people and for the great memory of the tiatrist faternity  The premiere hall 
inside this complex is named after the late Joao Agostinho Fernandes, fondly 
known and remembered as “Pai Tiatrist (the Father of Tiatr).  
By naming thus, the art of tiatr has once again been recognized as a great Goan 
heritage by Goa’s 'Aam Admi' (the common man’s) government.
Courtesy: http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoauk12/
The culmination of the gathering of the tiatrists (brothers and sisters) at the 
heavenly auditorium resounded the greatness of this news.  They decorated it 
with colourful flowers and illuminated graciously with twinkling shining stars 
to usher in the earthly joy and merriment and  resounded it in paradise!  The 
main curtain had a picturesque landscape of green Goa and the birds chirping 
and flying and nesting among the trees amazed everyone as if they are watching 
a 3D cinema!  
And that’s not all, it was a wonderful experience to note that there was 
abundant place unlike on earth where you are often disappointed to see a ‘house 
ful’ board at almost every tiatr presentation.  As the number of people 
increased, so also the seating arrangements and the auditorium was expanding by 
itself!  Facing every seat, there was a computer installed where one could 
‘type’ out one’s wish to get tea, coffee, water, chilled soft drinks, eatables 
‘boje-bottatvade’, chevris pao (bread n sausages) just flying in thin air to 
The back benchers would be seen enjoying the madd-caju to glorious heights!  
The drinks did not get them into talkative mood unlike those who get 
bosteriously and loud as we get to see here in our auditoriums.
 The clock displayed  the time as 10 minutes to 4:00 p.m. To get everyone in 
the grove, famous musician Chris Perry and his musicians commenced an 
instrumental number based on his own composition ‘Sorg Tujea Dolleanim’ (the 
Heavens as you see it) and the crowd went berserk in the auditorium.  After 
that, he continued with another song ‘Calangute’ and the resounding clapping 
and thunderous ovation brought tears like a water fountain!  
Just hearing the notes of song brought in a recollection of sweet memories.  
The capacity audience were seen to conveyed their nostalgic feelings.  The flow 
of tears suddenly dispersed into a kind of riverlet.  Tasting a drop, 
its refreshing sweetness.it certified that the earthly sweet memories were 
alive to the present day!
 It was now exactly 4 p.m. With the sound of the music, the curtains opened.   
There was complete silence.  On stage, the golden ‘dhumpaunim’ looked liked 
playing in the air and an unique aroma filled the auditorium.  As if walking on 
the Milky Way, a man descended from the nearby stairs.  This man was dark when 
he lived on earth.  But now he attained a different look altogether.   The 
audience was curious and they chit-chat with each other.  “Whose he?  Yes, I 
know him”.   
He walked to the center stage and spoke “Awake, you Goans!  I wish you all a 
very good evening…..”  Yes, the crowd smiled in joy.  And continued to laugh 
non-stop.   In the midst of the thunderous claps, one could not even hear what 
he was speaking.   On the earthly stage, just if one saw him on stage, he would 
create a rapturous laughing roit.   And today, the same thing happened.  Yes, 
he was Goa’s Charlie Chaplin Jacinto Vaz.  His scheduled time elpased so 
quickly.. and now out comes Alfred Rose from a large GULAB (Rose) flower 
and walked on stage singing the Konkani birthday song Zolmacho Dis Tuzo.
While the song continued, and out from the blue sky and white clouds, Fr. 
Freddy J. Da Costa seated on 54 Red roses landed amongst the audience.  The 
audience welcomed him to a resounding ovation.   
Saib Rocha escorted him to the chief guest seat where senior 

[Goanet] Goa institute under scanner after Ahmedabad blasts

2008-07-28 Thread D'Souza, Avelino

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Goa institute under scanner after Ahmedabad blasts
28 Jul 2008, 0313 hrs IST, Preetu Nair,TNN

PANAJI: An institute teaching foreign students how to speak better
English shouldn't be a security concern. But then again schools teaching
students how to fly planes wasn't in the pre-9/11 era. 

The fact that there is an institute in Goa with 42 Yemenese students,
all with poor attendance record, has security agencies alarmed in the
wake of the consecutive serial blasts in Bangalore and Ahmedabad. 

Police say the presence of so many students with dodgy credentials
from a country known to have contributed substantial number of foot
soldiers to Al-Qaida's jihad is worrying, but the school authorities,
while admitting that 42 of the 44 students were from Yemen, say there is
nothing illegal or alarming about it. 

However, Goa police has written to various state government authorities
as well as the Goa University drawing their attention to the functioning
of Fluency Academy located in a commercial building on 18th June road,

We are verifying to ensure that there is no terrorist angle. Things are
not in order in the institute and we want to be sure that it is not a
front for any terrorist organization. Prevention is better than cure,
North Goa SP Bosco George told TOI. 

Police officials said that this is perhaps the first instance of its
kind where Arabs are coming on student visas to study in an educational
institute that is not recognized by any government or university body.
All the institute has is a trade license from the Corporation of City of
Panaji. Even that licence, obtained on November 30, 2007, expired on
March 31, 2008. 

The Panaji police have now written to the CCP asking to explain on what
basis the CCP gave the license to the institute. 

They have not obtained any NOC from the state government nor has Goa
University issued any affiliation to the institute. Such institutes
operating in the state are a big problem and we are trying to put a
mechanism in place to keep a check on such institutes, said director of
higher education Bhaskar Nayak. 

Fluency Academy runs three courses to teach English. They are of three
months, six months and nine months duration and the fee is just Rs 1,000
a month apart from Rs 600 for registration. 

Panaji police inspector Francis Corte said they had checked the
attendance of the 42 Yemenese students and found them to be very poor.
The police are now probing what these students have been up to. 

With the increasing threat perception in the state, we want to be sure
that these students are really here to study, he said. Corte tried to
downplay the alarm in security circles saying it was just a a
preventive exercise. He, however, added that the police were in the
process of identifying other institutes that are not recognized and have
foreign students. 

Director of the institute, Nashima Beig, said, We have 44 students, of
which 42 are from Yemen and two from India. She denied her students
were a security threat and claimed that somebody was trying to ruin the
institute's reputation.




[Goanet] An !dea can change your life!

2008-07-28 Thread Tony de Sa

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


An !dea can change your life!

Have you not seen that rather tiresome advertisement on T. V. that says that
an idea can change the world? This is a true story which reflects that

In a village in Bardez, where I used to teach, there was a student who was
not very remarkable. She was well behaved and her marks were average, just
inside of that edge that separates success from failure.

She passed her S.S.C. examinations and nothing much was heard from her till
one concert in my school. In the school that I taught, it was customary to
invite an ex-student as the chief guest for the dress rehearsal. So that
year, N.M's name was proposed for the honour. In the staff meeting, to
decide the plans for the concert, when every one wanted to know what her
claim to fame was, someone just said, she is an L.L.M. That was enough of
a criterion.

On the day of the rehearsal, which was programmed exactly as per the
concert, N.M. was asked to speak to the students aas the chief guest. Her
very first sentence proved that this was not the old N.M. we teachers knew,
but a very bold and confident N.M.!  After a few initial sentences thanking
all her teachers, she suddenly broke down and wept on the stage. This
created a ripple amongst the students and staff.

When she regained her composure, what she came up with simply stunned us and
kept us riveted to our seats. She began like this. All of you know me. I
have nothing to hide. I am the village postman's daughter 

It seemed, after passing her Xth, she went on to Std XI like any other
student. Although they were poor being dependent on a postman's salary and
life was not very easy, she managed to get through the H.S.S.C.
Examinations. It was then that her father threw a bombshell. Since there
were many children in the house and that there were boys to be educated, she
would have to give up studying and start working. Besides, the sons'
education was more important than a mere girl's education and his postman's
salary would not suffice. And wouldn't the girl go to her husband's house
and be lost to the family, while the sons would not only carry on the family
line but also look after the parents when they started earning?!

Being made of  sterner stuff, N.M. was not put off. She told her father that
he would not have to worry about her education hence forth, and  that she
would educate herself and he could go on educating his precious sons.

So she got herself a part time job giving tuition to students at the Naval
School in far off Vasco da Gama. Now travelling to Vasco and back to college
and meals cost a lot. Besides, a girl needs to dress fairly well. So
something had to be sacrificed. So N.M. decided it would be text books.

But then, how was she to study? Going to study in a library was a solution,
but not a complete one. Books would be needed for reference other than the
notes given in college. So N.M. decided to memorize matter from her text
books in the library!  A highly impracticable solution do you say? Not
according to N.M.

As a student in school, while learning the chapter 'light' in school, her
teacher had emphasised that the human eye works like a camera. Just as a
camera records all that it is made to 'see', so does the human eye. It only
depends on the amount of 'exposure' - the time that we give to the matter we
are studying. She decided to put this principle to test. It was tough
initially. You can't just decide to try this principle and expect it to
work. If you persist, eventually over a period of time, you will succeed.
This is called 'visual learning'. In course of time, with a lot of trial and
error, she found that it worked.

It is with pride that she tells us that this practice not only helped her
pass her B.A., her L.L.B. and now her L.L.M.
I can vouch that this story is true?

I was N.M's Science Teacher who taught her about visual learning!!!

Tony de Sa
Ph: +91 832 2470148
M: +91 9975 162 897
'All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do
Edmund Burke.

[Goanet] Goans shine in Mangalore chess tourney!

2008-07-28 Thread Goanet Sports


   Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
  July 25 - 30, 2008
  Goa, India


Goan players put up a commendable performance in the Second Mangalore FIDE 
Rating Chess Championships to win not less than four prizes in a tightly 
contested field of 270 players.

The star of the show was Goa State Champion Anurag Mhamal (ELO 2113) who 
finished fifteenth in the prize list with eight out of a possible eleven 
points. He defeated former National 'B' Champ Nassir Wajih (ELO 2271) and 
reputed coach International Master Varughese Koshy (ELO 2283) in the 
process. For his stellar show, Anurag will be gaining 30 ELO rating points.

In the Veterans section, it was Goa State Chess Association founder member 
and present Joint Secretary P.P. Insulkar who bagged the first prize. In the 
Under 11 Boys section, the second prize went to Mohanan Harikrishnan and in 
the Under 15 Girls section Sukanya Chari bagged the second prize.

Source: Sameer A. Salgaocar, Vice President AICF

Where Goans Connect 

[Goanet] !dea ... Visual learning

2008-07-28 Thread Patrice Riemens

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Hee Tony,

Good story! Then I checked out what VL was about. Looked at a few sites,
and saw that the wikipedia entry:


'reads like an advertisemnt' and need to be improved. Maybe something you
could contribute to?

Cheers, patrizio  Dnooos!

[Goanet] Education resources Aziz Premji Foundation

2008-07-28 Thread kaleon

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Hi Frederick,
Thanks for the information that you have been posting re educational resources 
for children. Can you let me know if the CDs are available for sale or how can 
I get them


2008-07-28 Thread CAJETAN DE

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


deeply mourn the sad demise of PULQUERIA RODRIGUES (Adsulim, Benaulim-Goa) 
beloved mother of our member Cajy de Benaulim, expired on 11th July 2008.  
We convey our heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved family. May her soul rest in 


[Goanet] Goanet Reader: How to get a voter's ID and keep your sanity (Venita Coelho, in The Accidental Activist)

2008-07-28 Thread Goanet Reader

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India



How to get a voter's ID and keep your sanity

By Venita Coelho

A year ago I was a Hindi film writer and my biggest battles
were fought with producers in trying to keep item numbers out
of my scripts. One year of GBA later ... my battles are with
the Panchayat, the Block Development Officer, the Town and
Country Planning Department... all entities that in my
earlier life I was hazily aware existed, but what were they
for beat me. Ah me! The innocence of my youth.

This blog is the story of an accidental activist. Who
wandered all unaware, an innocent wet behind the ears, into
the Goa Bachao Abhiyaan. A year later the ears are grimy from
lack of washing.

Where's the time?! There's amendment 16 and 16A to the TCP
Act to be understood... there's the Panchayati Raj Act 1994
to be read... there's the awareness campaign for the
village... there's the interim report of the Task Force...
there's the irate letter to the Editor over mega projects.


From Bollywood to Bachao, from item songs to activism - it's
been a tumultuous journey. And a perilous one. The most
innocent step can plunge you into a host of bewildering

Take the other morning. It started all so innocently with a
notice in the papers. The Govt. of Goa were pleased to inform
all lazy bums like myself who have never bothered to register
to vote that we could now go forth and get a voters I.D. from
beside the Fisheries office.

My friend Tanya phoned me a few minutes later with the latest
update on the warfront we have opened with the Panchayat. The
Gram Sabha is coming up and it's no holds barred right now.
The Panchayat has decided that she and I would not be allowed
to speak at the Gram Sabha. According to Regulation X,
Subsection Y, Amendment Z, those who do not have a voters ID
are not allowed to air their opinions in the Sabha. And we
had aired ours loud and long in the last one to the great
embarrassment of the Panchas.

'We have to get a voters ID right now!' cried Tanya, and a
few moments later we were seated in my jeep driving through
pouring rain, wondering where on earth the Fisheries office

With impeccable logic Tanya pointed out it had to do with
fish, so it should be on the river front. And she was right.
We spotted it long before we expected to, thanks to the
enormous line, three deep that snaked around the Caravela
office and reached all the way to Quarter Deck.

Our hearts sank. Fat ones, thin ones, soggy ones, dry ones,
ones with umbrellas, ones with fellas -- they were all
clutching little bits of paper and standing patiently in the
pouring rain.

We got off to enquire.

One question and we had a dozen different replies. One
ponderous and informed looking fellow insisted we were in the
wrong place. We could only join this line to have ourselves
photographed for our Voters I.D. after we had been verified
at the Mamlatdars office. And we could only do that after we
had applied and appeared in the revised voters list. And we
could only do that after we had applied in triplicate with
everything including the nickname that our mothers called us
on the form.

Vibrating with information overload, we fought our way to the
top of the line and the font of knowledge. Inside was a
scrum. Several fisherwomen looked highly militant at our line
barging and we pleaded we just wanted some information. We
found it after a fifteen minute search in a small notice
tacked to the door. Mr. Information was right. We had to go
to the Mamlatdars office first.  Determined to win this
battle... we went forth.

The Mamlatdar's office looked innocuous enough from the
pavement. But entering it was like descending into Dante's
hell. The power was off.

We found ourselves stepping into a pitch black cavern that
was packed with sweaty jostling people all waving forms. They
were milling around three desks behind which helpless ladies
in dresses were vainly commanding 'Back! Back! Please get in
line!' It was too dark to see any notices.

What people lacked in clarity of vision they made up for by
volume, yelling inquiries at the hapless clerks at the tops
of their voices. We took deep breaths and plunged into the
perspiring mass.

  Several hard fought minutes later, battered and
  bruised, it was my turn to reach the desk and yell
  at the clerk demanding to know what the heck first
  time applicants were supposed to do? The 

Re: [Goanet] Portuguese nationality

2008-07-28 Thread JOHN MONTEIRO

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Thanks FN
  Although the info I read about the nuonces on Portuguese Nationality, how to 
obtain it, how it came about, how it was amended and changed (at will) by the 
various governing bodies through the ages) is a few years old, its as valid now 
as it ever was.  
  Possibly more useful these days with so many Goans (not only in Goa, but also 
in UK  Portugal  Canada etc) who may have access to Portugal but not yet 
  Good luck to one and all,  if you need ANY info on this subject try our long 
time friend on Goanet (also his blog  other / many pieces on Goan history, and 
current news, FN is one of our 'main arteries' whose pulse on Goan Life, past  
present  associated news) is boundless, not to mention borderless..
  email him any time, he will have the answer, if he does not have it directly 
at his finger tips, I can guarantee he will know someone, somewhere who does.  
  John Monteiro

Hi John, How does one access the valuable info you are commenting about on the 
above issue? Regards Vivek

  John Monteiro  

[Goanet] Questions to Goan Marxist!!!!

2008-07-28 Thread marshallmendonza

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Dr Barad wrote:
How can India progress when all of its MPs are more than 55 yrs old, bearing 
handful? The average age of 28 MPs, who defied their parties and who are now 
expelled from their parties, IS 68 yrs and our job retiring age is 59 years!! 
Honestly speaking, I don't think that anyone over the age of 50 will say that 
he's fit to work FOR the people  WITH the people. 

Comment: How right you are. Pl inform L K Advani who is 80 and still aspires 
for the PM's chair. Also include George Fernandes who is 78.Your views should 
come as music for their ears.

Dr Barad wrote:
We need YOUNG blood; we need active and honest YOUNG leaders. I appeal every 
young generation to realize the negative effects of staying away from

Are you canvassing for Rahul Gandhi? He is just 38.

Dr Barad wrote:
Now the BIG ISSUE is, How can an expelled party man, in chair of speaker,
take decision to logically and conclusively expel the 28 rebelled MPs when
the chair of speaker itself is a rebellion and expelled out by his own

Ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise. The Speaker does not expel. The 
parties expel. Please re-read the daily newspapers.
Dr Barad wrote:
ARE we up to another STUPIDITY  SHAME!!! 

You are best placed to answer that:-)



[Goanet] In good humour - The King of Mimicry Xec Amir (Sheikh Amir)

2008-07-28 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


In good humour 
by J. P. Pereira

Xec Amir, as he is known in ‘tiatr’ circles, completed schooling from the 
Mahatme School. He was a regular participant at the school shows and acted on 
the marathi stage. But the konkani stage beckoned. Amir used to go along with 
the erstwhile singer John F, whenever the latter had a show. In Premanand 
Sangodkars’s ‘tiatr’ titled ‘Vatt Chukli’, the young novice was asked to sing a 
solo. Although a bit apprehensive to perform with the stalwarts, Amir did sing 
and his humorous song received four encores. 
Premanad Sangodkar booked him for all the remaining shows. 
John Claro cast him in ‘Vinglli Nachpinn’ and ‘Civil Kazar’ but it was Fr. 
Freddy J. da Costa who encouraged and made him into an actor. He was cast along 
with the great Jacinto Vaz, to do the comedy in hit plays like 'Utt Goemkara’, 
‘Khata Pita Dev Dita’ and ‘Goemcho Avaz’. Unfortunately, Jacinto Vaz expired 
and Xec Amir was without a mentor and partner. 
He continued acting in local shows and also for Tomazinho Cardozo, whenever the 
classy writer- director participated at the Kala Academy Tiatr Competition.
(Photo courtesy: www.goa-world.com archives)
Amir could mimic many artistes and politicians. Here too, Fr. Freddy convinced 
him to perform mimicry on the konkani stage, as an extra entertainment bonus to 
the audience. 
Today Amir has been accepted by the audience of the konkani drama, who go wild 
watching and listening to him. He made a hit in Anil - Olga’s ‘Chimtti Bor 
Samball’ and ‘Hem Zhadd Dudhvanchem’ but got an opportunity to act as well as 
mimic in dramas of the ace director Mario Menezes. 
‘Ghorabeache Vantte’ and the latest hit ‘Hi Maim Konnanchi’ have established 
Amir as one of the top entertainers.
Amir has done short roles in video films like Caetano Pereira’s ‘Ghat’ and 
Socorro de Santa Cruz’s, ‘Fashion’. 
In the one act play ‘Apsvarthi’ by Carlos Fernandes this talented actor bagged 
the best actor award on 24 occasions. 
Besides these, Amir has bagged Kala Academy awards for best actor, best singer 
as well as for best comedian. 
He has been felicitated by the ‘KalaMogi’, Candolim, and the ‘Kala Mogi’ in 
Kuwait and also at the IFFI.
Amir appreciates the fact that through ‘tiatr’, he managed to visit places like 
Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, Dubai and Kuwait. He is grateful to John F who showed 
him the way to the konkani stage, Fr. Freddy for all the encouragement and 
help, Mario Menezes for teaching him the value of discipline and enhancing the 
quality of his act and to all the other directors, for their support. 
To the newcomers, he advises them to be true to the profession and help raise 
the standard of konkani theatre. He has a plea, to parents to encourage their 
wards to join the konkani stage if they have the talent and to also teach them 
Amir lives with his wife Anisa, who has been a pillar of encouragement and 
His son Anif is studying for the 3rd grade violin exam and daughter Ameera 
already tries to mimic the father. 
We wish you ail the best Amir and hope to enjoy your performances on the 
konkani for many more years.
(courtesy: www.navhindtimes.com)

St. Mary's High School - Mt Abu, Rajasthan India

Visit Goa's favourite website THE GOAN FORUM 

Goa World  Goa Mog     Goa SuRaj       Super Goa  (em Português) 
TGF Writers' Sketchpad    www.colaco.net 
ABOUT GULF-GOANS e-NEWSLETTER This first of its kind Gulf-Goans 
e-newsletter archived at www.yahoogroups.com/group/gulf-goans 
is dedicated to Goans around the Globe 
and is moderated/edited by Gaspar Almeida (since 1994) 
and presented by Ulysses Menezes, owner of http://www.goa-world.com website.   


[Goanet] Aid to conserve heritage houses

2008-07-28 Thread D'Souza, Avelino

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Aid to conserve heritage houses
28 Jul 2008, 0553 hrs IST, Andrew Pereira,TNN

PANAJI: Heritage houses in Goa could get a new lease of life courtesy
tourism. In a move that could serve two purposes, the government has
announced financial assistance to owners of heritage houses in a bid to
augment room capacity while also conserving heritage homes in the state.

There are many heritage houses in the state where the owners do not
have the financial means to maintain their upkeep at the standards it
saw in the past, says tourism director Elvis Gomes. 

The government will not only offer financial aid but include a technical
team comprising a senior architect, conservation specialist, structural
engineer, design consultant and experts in folk art and regional art

One or two rooms in the house will be kept for tourists. They will be
furnished with modern facilities. The tendency nowadays is to sell these
heritage houses. Our objective is to conserve Goan heritage and promote
heritage tourism, Gomes said. 

The Tourism department has proposed the formation of two special
committees called the Heritage Tourism Committee and Heritage House
Committee, which is awaiting government approval. 

Houses in the state which are around a 100 years old and older can
avail this scheme, Gomes said. 

This is a liberal scheme. Financial assistance will be given upto Rs 50
lakh on a case-by-case basis. The provision has already been made in the
state's annual budget. The financial assistance will be in the form of
loans, where the interest will not exceed 3 to 4%. A 25% subsidy could
also be given, the tourism director said. 

Everything will be taken care of by the government: The panel of
engineers, architects, execution contractors and the work will be
monitored by a technical consultant, he added. 

When asked if the heritage houses would also serve food and beverages to
their guests, Gomes said it would be left to the owners to decide. 

It will evolve on its own. The owners can decide if they wish to
provide ancillary facilities. We will be giving the beneficiaries of
this scheme, entertainment loans upto Rs 50,000. They can arrange
performances by several cultural troupes to portray our cultural
heritage, Elvis Gomes informed. 

The Tourism department has roped in members from the Goa Heritage Action
Group (GHAG) as consultants for the scheme. 

Further, recommendations from the Travel and Tourism Association of Goa
(TTAG) have also been sought. We have had meetings with GHAG members
and TTAG president Ralf de Souza. The TTAG has suggested that we
maintain the ethnicity in food, and its presentation to the guest. This
recommendation will be incorporated, the tourism director said. 

We are working hard at completing the formalities of the scheme. In
fact, we have asked two senior executives from the Goa Tourism
Development Corporation (GTDC) - Nypha Fernandes and Rowina George -
working on the project and it should be implemented soon, Gomes




[Goanet] How to view Form I XIV details online ?

2008-07-28 Thread JoeGoaUk

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


How to view Form I  XIV online

Few days ago, it was informed here that one can get his/her form I  XIV 
(property) details by visiting the Mahiti Ghar Kiosks or respective Mamlatdar 
officces etc

Well, one can now view the same details online

Check it here...

Foll. info is requeired:
TALUKA (in which the property is situated e.g. Tiswadi)
VILLAGE (e.g. Goa-Velha)
SURVEY No.  (e.g.  43 )
SUB DIV No. (e.g. 4 )

- Survey No/Sub.Div No. usually shown as  43/4 
- If you know just the survey No and not he sub.Division No, then you can still 
search it from No.1, 2, 3..)
- If you don't know the survey number, then find it on your original sales deed 
etc or ask the elders as they will know.
- If you don't have the original papers then find out from the neighbours 
papers and search till you find yours (your anscestors etc).

Even if you know your details or have a copy of form I  XIV with you, it is 
still advisable to periodically check the details just to make sure someone's 
name is not included in place of yours. 

Remember, anything is possible in Goa.

  for Goa  NRI related info...
  For Goan Video Clips

Not happy with your email address?.
Get the one you really want - millions of new email addresses available now at 
Yahoo! http://uk.docs.yahoo.com/ymail/new.html

[Goanet] Konkan Railway announces special trains

2008-07-28 Thread Goanet News

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Konkan Railway announces special trains


PANAJI: In addition to 48 Ganapati special trains between Mumbai and
Madgaon, Konkan Railway has announced yet another Ganapati Special to
run between Ahemadabad and Madgaon, to clear the extra rush of

Train No 0909 Ahemababad Madgaon Special will be leaving at 2.10 p.m.
and reaching Madgaon at 1.30 p.m. next day.

These trains will be available on August 30 as well as September 1, 7
and 9, 2008.

Train No 0910 on the reverse direction will be available on August 31
as well as September 2, 8 and 10, 2008. These trains will be leaving
Madgaon at 2 p.m. and reaching Ahemababad at 1.35 p.m. next day.

The special train will comprise of 18 coaches including 10 sleeper and
2 third AC coaches.

The special train will have halts at Vadodara, Surat, Valsad, Vasai
Road, Bhiwandi, Panvel, Roha, Mangaon, Veer, Khed, Chiplun, Savarde,
Aravali Road, Sangameshwar, Ratnagiri, Adavali, Vilvade, Rajapur Road,
Vaibhavavadi, Nandgaon, Kankavli, Sindhudurg, Kudal, Sawantwadi Road,
Pernem, Thivim and Karmali.


[Goanet] Book Launch: Careers: The Complete Guide 2008

2008-07-28 Thread Goanet Careers


   Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
  July 25 - 30, 2008
  Goa, India


The third edition of Careers: The Complete Guide was released today (28 July 
2008) at the hands of Chief Minister Digambar Kamat at the Secretariat 
Complex, Porvorim. Present on the occasion were Ilidio de Noronha, Editor of 
the Guide; Vishal Agarwal and Abhijeet Naik, Consultant Editors; and Naguesh 
Sardessai, career counsellor.

Published by Plus Publications, Careers: The Complete Guide 2008 is aimed at 
students, teachers, parents and career counsellors as an invaluable tool for 
career planning. Some of the highlights of the third edition include over 
400 Career Avenues, New Age Careers, New and innovative Courses of 2008, 
International Certifications, NRI / PIO / Foreign Student Admission, Career 
Advancement using the Web, etc.
Besides, the Guide provides vital information on aptitude testing, entrance 
exams, PIs, GDs, alternative education options, soft skills, study abroad, 
scholarships, educational loans, jobs, entrepreneurship, and lots more.

Designed in an extremely user-friendly style, the book serves as a single 
point of reference for useful data like vital web links, career directory, 
entrance exam schedules, etc. Interesting facts  figures and other snippets 
on great Indians, additional reading references, handy tips and witty quips 
dot the Guide. There is also a bonus section on kid schooling throwing light 
on innovative systems of education.

The 176-page publication has been edited by Ilidio de Noronha, with Vishal 
Agarwal and Abhijeet Naik as the Consultant Editors. Its panel of writers, 
comprising career experts, academicians and professionals from relevant 
fields, includes Naguesh Sardessai, Lucette Virgincar, M.A. Sundaram, 
Kshipra Vora, Merwyn Sequeira, Rajkumar Kamat, Avelino de Sa, Blaise 
Costabir, Vinita Freitas and Joyce Gracias.

Priced at Rs 150, Careers: The Complete Guide is available at leading 
bookshops across the States of Goa, Maharashtra and Gujarat.
Plus Publications has to its credit well-known guides like Getting Married 
in Goa and Old Goa: The Complete Guide. Plus Publications are also the 
organisers of the annual Campus Radio Career Guidance Series and other 
career workshops.

For further details, please contact: 9422058131, 2464687.

Goanet Careers
Where Goans Connect 

[Goanet] DAY 2 at the 2008 Tri Continental Film Festival

2008-07-28 Thread Goanet AE


   Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
  July 25 - 30, 2008
  Goa, India


Of Loss, Courage  Reconciliation

DAY 2 at the Tri Continental Film Festival

Saturday, 26th July 2008 - The common thread running through six films 
screened at the Festival today was the Loss - Loss of culture, birth land, 
family, freedom. As we negotiate a confusing and sometimes frightening path 
through the rapidly changing dynamics of today's world it is easy to relate 
to these stories of immense struggle and to step out at the end of the day 
with a feeling of hope because we have seen powerful examples of the 
strength and perseverance needed to survive even the most unjust and 
heartbreaking of circumstances.

The morning's screening began at the Mandovi Hall, International Centre with 
'The Women's Kingdom' directed by Xiaoli Zhou. This finely wrought 
documentary is a sensitive portrayal of the extraordinary Mosuo women of 
China - keepers of one of the last matriarchal societies in the world and of 
their struggle to survive the onslaught of the 21st century and the social 
pressure to conform to mainstream culture.

What happens when a native tribe is overthrown and then relegated to a 
'reservation'? Director Maria Correa and Karane Ikpeng tell the story of a 
tribe of native Ikpeng Indians in Brazil who enact for the younger 
generation their 'incarceration' by white men, in 'Pirinop, My First Contact' 
in an effort to get them involved in a fight to reclaim their birth land. It 
is fundamentally a story of people in power making choices and decisions for 
the disenfranchised- even if seemingly well-meaning, and the ripple of 
consequences this creates that reaches from the past to drag back and keep 
future generations tied to poverty and confusion about their identity. A 
story that we have seen and continue to see repeated in countries the world 
over - from colonial rule to governments in which the poor, marginalized and 
'indigenous tribes' do not have a say even about their own future.

Back at the Maquinez Palace, the afternoon began with a film that follows 
the Rwandan conflict into the post-conflict period. Last year we screened a 
film 'Shaking Hands with the Devil', which boldly exposed the UN's and the 
world's inability or unwillingness to do what was needed to stop the Rwandan 
genocide. This year, 'In the Tall Grass' portrays Rwanda's search for 
redemption. Director J. Coll Metcalfe explores the challenges countries face 
in attempting the transition from violence to peace through the story of a 
genocide survivor who tries to find justice for her slain family using the 
traditional community courts called gacaca, a historic process in Rwanda's 
efforts to move forward from horror of its past. It is an amazing example of 
how a community where the victims and survivors of the genocide do not allow 
the destructive spiral of revenge to ruin their hope for peace and 
reconciliation. The film also raised the issue of how different peoples and 
countries view justice and retribution.

Directed by Ricki Stern and Anne Sundberg 'The Devil Came on Horseback' 
captures the turmoil and genocide in Darfur through stark and terrifying 
footage shot by a former U.S. Marine who lands a job as an unarmed military 
observer taking photographs for the African Union. It portrays his extreme 
frustration and helplessness at getting anyone with the power to stop it, to 
do so. The question on everyone's lips was 'How can the world stand by and 
watch?' and 'What can we do to prevent it happening again?' Beginning with 
the action each one of us can take in our own states to raise awareness and 
fight for people who are wronged and discriminated against.

The evening ended with the raw, earthy sounds of hip hop. Pumping with the 
beat of the legendary club BASE, 'Hip-Hop Revolution' directed by Weeam 
Williams explores the 25 year journey of this African American art form in 
South Africa, and how it gave the youth a medium to express themselves and 
incite black pride through the insurgence of black consciousness and the 
political uprising of the '80s.   (ENDS)


Goanet AE

[Goanet] Goan Festival UK 27th July 2008

2008-07-28 Thread Carvalho

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Goan Festival, Archbishop Lanfranc School
Archbishop Lanfranc was a radical figure in his time and a friend of William 
the Conqueror. But when Lanfranc opposed his marriage to Mathilda of Flanders, 
he so infuriated William that he was sentenced to exile. An order that was 
stayed at the last minute.

So it was at least partly befitting, that the Goan Festival was held at the 
Archbishop Lanfranc School in Croydon, for those of us who are self-exiled from 
Goa. The pastel blue pamphlet promised “to express and experience our culture 
and heritage.” It would be my first Goan gathering in the UK and I was looking 
forward to it.

I was not disappointed on arriving at the Lanfranc School. There was the 
familiar smell of sorpatel and pulau wafting in the air and, the m/c and band 
on stage sounded comfortingly familiar. I made a bee-line for the food stalls 
and bought enough chorizos, prawn para, fish mole, xacuti powder, rechad masala 
and mango miskut, to feed a small army unit or at the very least my own family 
for a couple of months. The young boy selling me the chorizos spoke English 
with a very British accent. But for the chorizos in his hand, I would have 
taken him to be British had I met him at the supermarket.

I sat with a group of Goan East Afrikanders. They belonged to the first wave of 
Goan immigrants to the UK. They were almost a community in themselves, having 
known each other in East Africa. Seraphino Antao, the Gazelle of Kenya, chatted 
away breezily. He was the Goan who put Kenya on the map by winning two gold 
medals at the 1962 Commonwealth games. I could almost be sitting at a country 
club in Mombassa. Later, I met up with a group that had come from Swindon. I 
could tell they belonged to the more recent wave of immigration from Goa. I got 
talking to one of them, a charming young boy who had been in the UK for just 
four years and was now attending college. He made me sigh with longing for Goa. 
I wondered if the boy selling chorizos would having anything in common with the 
boy from Swindon? Other than both of them being of Goan descent, I doubt it.

In diaspora we seek the familiar; a familiar face, food, music. But we are 
forced by circumstance to live with the unfamiliar. People we work with, 
neighbours on our street, parents at our children’s school, members of 
associations we join, who may or may not be Goan or even Indian. These people 
interact with us at a more personal and deeper level. It’s important to be part 
of a cultural community but its also important to keep revising our definition 
of what constitutes a community.

It was a long drive from Lanfranc School in Croydon to W.Drayton, made bearable 
only by the thought of the chorizos I would cook once I got home followed by a 
good English trifle for desert. Just as our diets have embraced change over the 
years, so inevitably will our communities.



[Goanet] None

2008-07-28 Thread frank dcruz

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Hi there,

Most of my work involves English language editing, could someone please inform 
me as to where i can download free or purchase a good editing/copywriting 


  Bring your gang together. Do your thing. Find your favourite Yahoo! group 
at http://in.promos.yahoo.com/groups/

Re: [Goanet] Exotic names

2008-07-28 Thread Roland Francis

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


The Goan Tarvotti must be given the first claim to fame for the
downright funny names they gave to their children.

I don't know the reason behind it. Perhaps in the old days most of
them were not much educated but yet wanted to flaunt their
'international exposure' to their untravelled neighbors. Add to that
they didn't know the difference between a first and last name thus
choosing normal surnames or even place names (especially ports) as
first names for their children.

How else can one explain:

Churchill Alemao
Stetson Fernandes
Jackson Figueiredo
Windsor Barreto
Vancouver Sequeira and
Galveston Rodrigues

I even know of a Goan family that seemed to be afficionados of all
things German. They named their children:
Schrieber, Staedtler, Wiener and Lager.
All very well of course until they decided to emigrate to Canada where
the children are now burdened with appelations they could definitely
do without.


On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 12:41 AM, Antonio Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 But today, most Goan catholic mothers want their children to have
 unique or exotic names. The following fanciful names were picked up
 from varous  issues of a church monthly here in Goa.

[Goanet] Air India Express Dubai-Goa flights soon

2008-07-28 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Air India Express Dubai-Goa flights
By Riyasbabu (Khaleej Times / staff reporter)

27 July 2008 


DUBAI — Air India Express plans to start three direct flights to Goa soon in 
order to cater to the demand of tourists and Indian expatriates, an airline 
official said yesterday. 

Speaking to media in Dubai yesterday Capt. P.P. Singh, Chief Operating Officer 
of Air India Express, said apart from Goa, Air India Express will start 
operations on Dubai-Pune and Dubai- Ahmedabad sectors also.
- Forwarded by www.goa-world.com 


[Goanet] Toronto convention

2008-07-28 Thread Gabe Menezes

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Have not seen, as yet, neither any informative postings nor
photographs; bottom line was it a success, which we would all like to
hear about, or was it a washout... if the latter is the case, then
perhaps silence is golden.


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Selling Our Ancestral Home

2008-07-28 Thread Mario Goveia

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2008 22:49:29 +0400
From: Arwin Mesquita [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is something which we should consider for the
Good of Goan and our Future Generations.


Excerpt from the article:

Just recently the Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif
bought a large ancestral house in Goa which she
intends to renovate. Some food for thought.

Mario observes:

Unfortunately, my ancestral home was stolen by a
mundkar.  It was our fault for not paying closer
attention to what was going on in Goa.

Tony recently told us about Celina Jaitley who plans
to refurbish an old house in Moira.  Now Katrina Kaif
is preserving some other big old house in Goa.

Compare what these two women are doing with the
unsightly developments that are defacing Goa because
of corrupt officials approving structures that do not
fit their environment.

Goans should welcome more people like Jaitley and Kaif
who appreciate Goa more than many Goans do, and are
beautifying it piece by piece, whereas the Goan owners
cannot afford to keep up the house, or are engaged in
family disputes, or just need the money.  In the
meantime, some Goans like the author of this column,
who probably has a big ancestral house, piss and moan,
and try to hold Goa back.

For the good of Goa we need more people like Jaitley
and Kaif in Goa, not less.

Re: [Goanet] An !dea can change your life!

2008-07-28 Thread Santosh Helekar

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


This is a very inspiring anecdote. A minor point, however, is that the 
description of visual learning given in it is not very accurate. Visual 
learning is generally understood to mean making use of pictures and graphs in 
the learning process, and visualizing words, descriptions, and the 
concepts/events being described. The latter process, in particular, does not 
make use of the eyes. It bypasses the eyes and directly engages the part of the 
brain that processes visual information. So the camera-like mechanism of the 
eyes themselves does not play much of a role in visual learning. One can 
visualize quite well, indeed better, with eyes closed. One would not learn 
anything visually if one is not attentive and one does not make use of one's 
imagination, no matter how long one exposes a book to one's wide open eyes.



--- On Mon, 7/28/08, Tony de Sa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As a student in school, while learning the chapter
 'light' in school, her
 teacher had emphasised that the human eye works like a
 camera. Just as a
 camera records all that it is made to 'see', so
 does the human eye. It only
 depends on the amount of 'exposure' - the time that
 we give to the matter we
 are studying. She decided to put this principle to test. It
 was tough
 initially. You can't just decide to try this principle
 and expect it to
 work. If you persist, eventually over a period of time, you
 will succeed.
 This is called 'visual learning'. In course of
 time, with a lot of trial and
 error, she found that it worked.

[Goanet] Uproar in Pilgao gram sabha over illegal mining

2008-07-28 Thread samir umarye

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM JULY 28: The pilgao Gram Sabha today witnessed an uproar over
the panchayat's inability to stop the

illegal mining activities in the panchayat and some abusive words by
the people added fuel to the fire.

Today the gram sabha was believed to see some heated discussion over
the issue of mining as the panch members had

earlier expressed that the authorities were not supporting them in the
anti-mining agitations. When the issue of mining

was raised the people demanded to know as to how many people have been
employed by the company since 2004.

They also highlighted the problems of pollution and damage done to
fields due to mining. Several villagers demanded

to revoke the license given to the company. People told about some of
the illegal work carried out by the company

including construction of a new jetty, loading point and a weighing
bridge in the panchayat.

Panch, Ajay Parab in his reply told that the company has failed in
giving employment the villagers from Pilgao since last

many years.
 On the issue of illegal mining in the area Parab told that the
authorities are not supporting them and they

are made to run from polar to the post.

We approached every authority and complained against the illegal
mining activities in our panchayat but no one is

ready to take our complaint. Parab told the gram sabha. At this point
some villagers accused few panchas for not

supporting the issue. Enraged by the comments panch, Mahadev
Vengurlekar tried to defend his position and told some

of the villagers to sit down.

A villager in a fit of anger orally abused the panch and the people in
general sought to know as to what right

Vengurlekar has in asking the villagers to keep quite. The meeting is
chaired by the sarpanch and the panch has no right

to stop someone from speaking Deelip Gawas and others said. The crowd
was pacified when the sarpanch, Sangeeta

Dhatkar told the gathering not to use slag language in the hall.

Later, it was unanimously resolved to stop a work where illegal work
is being carried out by the mining company.

The topic of formalities for issue of Income certificate from the
secretary also came up for the meeting. The villagers

charged the panchayat and the secretary for making it compulsory for
everyone to get signature from the respective

panch member for getting the Income certificate when there is no such

As per the rule issuing of the Income certificate is the sole right
of the secretary and the sarpanch has to sign on it the

villagers told adding now the people have to search the panch and if
the panch is not in good terms with the person he

denies to sign. In this respect with the demand from the villagers it
was resolved to cancel the extra formality and go

as per the law.

Issue of a pending road from Sarmanas to Tarwada also came up for
discussion and the villagers charged that the

proposal is pending since 1999. We had reserved about 3 lakh for the
work but later no one looked into the matter. an

ex-panch disclosed. The people also demanded to review the Below
Poverty Line list and told that several names

wrongly included in the list.

At the end of the meeting the people got furious when a panch
disclosed that the meeting has come to an end. The

people demanded that they would not leave the hall till a resolution
that was wrongly written during 2006-07 be re-

written. Accordingly, the secretary wrote the resolution about the
expenditure which was then opposed by the villagers.

Indrayani Usapkar, Mahadev Vengurlekar, Ajay Parab, Satish Gimonkar ,
Sangeeta Dhatkar, and Dulo Bhamaikar  were present for the meeting
while Sandesh Govekar failed to attend the meeting.

[Goanet] Three held for ore theft at Bicholim

2008-07-28 Thread samir umarye

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Samir Umarye

BICHOLIM JULY 28: The Bicholim police today arrested three persons in
connection with theft with of iron ore worth Rs 1 lakh.

According to the complaint registered by the contract manager of a
mining company, V Rao on Wednesday four trucks were asked to unload
iron ore from tinai ghat to a plot at Kothambi Pali. The drivers
instead of unloading the ore at the designated plot sold it to some
other party.

The Bicholim police on receiving the complaint arrested Tanvir Dalpati
(Kothambi); Ajay Verekar (Surla); and Rama Rathod (Usgao) and
recovered a truck while three more trucks are yet to be traced.
Bicholim PSI, T P Walke is further investigating the case.

[Goanet] Crime and Punishment

2008-07-28 Thread Mario Goveia

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2008 03:06:26 -0700 (PDT)
From: Gilbert Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Despite?America spending $ 40,000 to $ 60,000 /
prisoner / year, the downside to imprisonment as a
solution to the crime problem are:

1. Penalizes the prisoner's family, as Miguel rightly
2. The prisoner's dependents have to be financially
supported by society.
3. Society is penalized by the cost of incarceration,
as well as from above.
4. Prisoners are victimized by prison violence, gang
crime, rape?etc.
5. The prisoner may leave prison?with a worse
6. The above leads to family difficulties,
including?domestic violence?and divorce.
7.?If a prisoner escapes, the neighboring communities
are placed at increase risks.
8. Intentional or Unintentional lapse in administering
justice / punishment.

Mario observes:

On the other hand, the upside is that society is
protected from the prisoner while he or she is
incarcerated and hopefully, rehabilitated, and the
current penal system is how society has decided to
address the problem of crime.

To begin with, in America, the legal system does
distinguish between non-violent criminals where
incarceration times are lower and less punitive, and
violent criminals where incarceration is mandatory and
life sentences and death sentences are possible.

Secondly, every accused person is considered innocent
until proven guilty and provided with a legal defense,
at society's cost if necessary, to ensure that their
constitutional rights are preserved.

While it is admirable that those who typically have
never been victimized and brutalized by such a
criminal, nor their family members, have so much
empathy and sympathy for the criminal and his or her
family, and piss and moan about the downside for
society, the counterpoint to this is that shouldn't
the criminal have thought of the downside for them and
their families before committing the crime?

I have not been victimized but I have friends who have
been and the violation of their property and their
selves scars them and their families forever.

Regarding Item 2, society would only support the
prisoners's family if they meet the same guidelines
for financial support as anyone else.  Most families
do not qualify for such support.  Many prisoners must
make restitution to their victims.

I find Item 3 quite amusing given that most of society
supports the penal system, for their own safety. 
Regarding Item 5 above, many also leave prison with an
education and vocational skills and vow never to

Item 7 is also quite hilarious, that we should not
incarcerate a prisoner because they MAY escape and put
us at risk.  Is this compared with not incarcerating
them and DEFINITELY putting ourselves at risk?  The
whole point of incarcerating them is to save us from
the risk they pose while we hope they rehabilitate
themselves as most do.

There is an appeals process, at society's cost, for
addressing Item 8.

In America's Can do society, we decide what we need
to do as a society, and do not concern ourselves too
much with the cost as our society has been able to
generate the revenue by either earning it, or
borrowing it from investors only too eager to lend it
to us.  The critics count and publish the costs to try
and influence policy.  This never works as worrying
about how to get what we need done is considered
un-American by most Americans.

It is curious that no one ever talked about the cost
when we were helping save Europe and Asia during WW-II
or containing the old Soviet Union and its publicly
stated goal of world domination during the long Cold
War, or when we decided to put a man on the moon.

[Goanet] Celina Jaitley buys heritage structure in Moira

2008-07-28 Thread augusto pinto

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India



The Celina Jaitley spat between Tony D'Sa and Mario Gouveia  has taken
off at a tangent, with both sides locked in a battle where no one
wants to back off.

In the bargain, the original cause for Tony D'Sa  to comment on the
issue seems to be lost. If it is of any use could we please go back to
 the TOI's article which started the whole fracas.

Here is the link


For AOL users: a

Look carefully at the photograph of the house. It is taken at a clever
angle, hiding a more than 2 meter high compound wall which if you
happen to pass by, you will see completely hides any decent view of
the house. From an architectural angle, that wall has made shmuck of
that house. So much for conserving heritage houses - which
incidentally it is not.

Then read the article. It says  Celina is facing a little problem.
Word has spread that she has purchased the property and locals are
curious to know more about what's happening. Incidentally, the Goa
Darshanbus stops right outside Celina's bungalow in Moira thereby
creating a lot of noise and a further invasion of privacy. 

These are canards. Nobody in Moira cares about what's happening there.
Moidekars are too self - centered for that.

And as for 'locals' from outside Moira coming on a GoaDarshan bus -
this is hilarious – it is difficult enough to navigate a small car on
those ruined potholed lanes by the Pirazona chapel. Only a non –
Moidekar will even dream of the crazy idea of taking a bus through

Then read the phrase, Fortunately, the village panchayat has
intervened and decided to take care of the matter. Wow, Celina or her
PRO, is giving a certificate to the Moira Panchayat.  Are your
tubelights beginning to work guys?

OK, if not, here is a reliably informed account about what happened.
After Celina started building the 2 meter plus illegal compound wall,
some panchayat members who of late have been looking for ways of
supplementing  their kids' pocket money which is inadequate due to the
galloping inflation, came and approached CJ and said she would have to
tear down the wall as it was illegal.

Well after a while the members changed their minds about that and now
her wall stays. Why? Apparently they believed her justification –
people are invading her privacy.

Don't all of you think that our Moira Panchayat should be given some
sort of award for being so nice and understanding? I'm sure Acron
Builders will heartily agree with this. This is the same Panchayat
which gave clearance to their mega-project which the Gram Sabha was so
worked up about recently.

I do not wish to claim that no Moidekars have done things which are
illegal; but it does rankle when someone uses the National media to
make out that the 'locals' are a bunch of gawking idiots. Goans have
for long been tired of being portrayed as drunks and prostitutes by
them; now are we to be  made out to be voyeurs as well?


Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal,
Moira, Bardez,
Goa, India
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

Re: [Goanet] Visual Learning

2008-07-28 Thread Tony de Sa

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Hi Santosh,

Thanks for the information. Patrice Riemens also pointed out the same and
pointed me to the wikipedia site for it. I hadn't checked it out. I called
it visual learning for want of a better term. I had come across this
technique in an article that I read in the Readers Digest as a young school
boy, some forty odd years ago. All my life I have practiced it  and found it
quite successful. With sufficient exposure, one can visualize pages of
textual matter or notes quite easily. It just requires practice.

Tony de Sa
Ph: +91 832 2470148
M: +91 9975 162 897
'All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do
Edmund Burke.

[Goanet] Kossambi... in EPW (Economic and Political Weekly)

2008-07-28 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Check this tribute to a prominent son of Goa, in http://epw.in/

DD Kosambi: The Man and his Work
D D Kosambi: The Scholar and the Man (Meera Kosambi)
Early Indian History and the Legacy of D D Kosambi (Romila Thapar)
Towards a Political Philology: D D Kosambi and Sanskrit (Sheldon Pollock)
The Lily and the Mud: D D Kosambi on Religion (Kunal Chakrabarti)
Kosambi's Archaeology (Shereen Ratnagar)
Kosambi and Questions of Caste (Kumkum Roy)
Kosambi, Marxism and Indian History (Irfan Habib)
The Kosambi Effect: A Hermeneutic Turn That Shook Indian
Historiography (Rajan Gurukkal)
D D Kosambi and the Study of Early Indian Coins (B D Chattopadhyaya)
Science Is the Cognition of Necessity (Vivek Monteiro)

PS: Of course, he was someone who today would have been dismissed as a
Commie by some on Goanet.
FN * Independent Journalist http://fn.goa-india.org
784 Nr Convent, Saligao 403511 Goa India
Ph +91-832-2409490 M: +91-9970157402
16,000+ photos from Goa: http://www.flickr.com/photos/fn-goa/

Re: [Goanet] Disadvantages of NOT using facts and rational logic

2008-07-28 Thread Mario Goveia

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2008 08:22:41 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mervyn Lobo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Here is a picture taken on my wedding day. It should
give you, its its own?subtle way, some evidence of
what money can buy.


Mario responds:

Great picture.  I'm sure it was a very happy day as
shown by the picture of the happy couple:-)) 

Mervyn wrote:

The US dollar, as I have been saying for a long  time,
is a rapidly depreciating currency. It astounds me
that people still want to hold it.?

Mario observes:

As you have already told us, the central bankers are
idiots when compared to your keen insight and

The demise of the US economy in the longer run has
always been exaggerated.  A more plausible reason is
that there is no other currency large enough or safe
enough to move from dollars in the short run.

Mervyn wrote:

I take my inspiration from the great George Bush (43).
Here is the quote: I have made good judgements in the
past. I have made good judgements in the future. 

Mario responds:

Great quote you made up, Mervyn.  Ha, ha, ha! 
Unfortunately, it is false.

However, here are some REAL hilarious quotes all
trying to explain how the lowest price to buy gold was
picked sometime between 1997 and 2001.

1. it was real easy to see the floor for gold.
Maybe I can show you how it's done.?Use any financial
website?to pull up a chart for the?POG (price of gold)
for the last twenty years. 

2. My standard response, then and now, is that the
harder I work, the luckier I get.

3. Politicians, or what some people call central
bankers, all started selling gold when it was at its
lowest point in 30 years. IMHO, that is a clear signal
to start buying gold. To make matters even better, the
central bankers took the proceeds from the sale of
gold and bought US dollars. A most excellent
investment if one wass looking for negative

I suggest we leave the satire to the professionals
like Cecil Pinto and George Menezes, IMNHO:-))

[Goanet] Celina Jaitley-pictures

2008-07-28 Thread Pandu Lampiao

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India



For those with time on hand and a mind troubled by curosity, above are
links to Celina's pictures. Mind you, yours truly was curious too and
in all the rush have put up my undated house for sale, its heritage
but cannot give you a date. After mine is sold and going by the
pictures, I will offer to shack up in the Jaitley bunglow myself,
don't you think. I don't mind them drunken tourist. I can even lounge
in the jardin with not much on if it pleases them.
Call it what you want, and no Goa-deko tourist bus would stop outside
mia casa even if I paid them. Incidentally, the house is close to
Sancole..the mystical smoke that spews out of small and big
factories, the shapely ssight of oil storage tanks and the beautiful
sound of God-knows-what-language from Zuranibag bazarant! Do send me
the offers ya...you gotta famous though. Ok.

[Goanet] India: State admits few complaints of 'forced' conversions

2008-07-28 Thread Goanet News

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Thursday July 17, 2008

With three complaints in 10 years, Gujarat's `anti-conversion' law
proving unnecessary

NEW DELHI, July 17 (Compass Direct News) – The Hindu nationalist
Bharatiya Janata Party government in Gujarat state has disclosed that
there were only three complaints of alleged forcible conversions in
the state in the last 10 years, and only two of those concerned
Christian conversions.

The state Home Department made the embarrassing disclosure after
Samson Christian, a leader of the All India Christian Council (AICC),
sought the information under the Right to Information Act of 2005. The
Act makes it mandatory for government authorities to furnish
information concerning public matters sought by any citizen.

The Home Department said two of the three complaints were concerning
Christian conversions, Christian told Compass. One was filed in
2007, and the other in 1997.

The BJP government's reluctant admission coincided with the
notification of the rules under the Gujarat Freedom of Religion Act of
2003 on July 10. The rules were framed on April 1, and their
notification was the last formality in the implementation of the law.

India's Freedom of Religion Acts, referred to as anti-conversion
laws, are supposed to curb religious conversions made by force,
fraud or allurement. But Christians and rights groups say that in
reality the laws obstruct conversion generally, as Hindu nationalists
invoke them to harass Christian workers with spurious arrests and

Now, since the law has been fully implemented, the number of
complaints of `forced' conversions may rise, because the BJP
government would like to justify the law, Christian said.

Political Reasons

The AICC leader underlined that when the anti-conversion law was
introduced and passed in the state assembly House in 2003, there was
only one case of alleged forced conversion, and that without conviction.

There was no need to enact a special law to `curb' unlawful
conversions because there is no such thing as `forced' conversion, he
said. Besides, there are enough provisions in the existing laws,
mainly the Indian Penal Code, to deal with any illegal conversion.

Although some anti-conversion laws have been in force for nearly 40
years, such as in Orissa, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, not a
single person has been found guilty of forced conversion.

Christians have long been saying that the various anti-conversion laws
in the country have been erected merely for political reasons.

The former All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK) party
government in the southern state of Tamil Nadu had introduced an
anti-conversion ordinance in October 2002 to woo the BJP, a leading
party of the then ruling federal government of the National Democratic
Alliance (NDA), which was expected to resume power in the following
elections in 2004. After the NDA lost and the AIADMK party fared
poorly in the 2004 general elections, however, the state government
repealed the law, admitting that it was an anti-people legislation.

Similarly, the Congress Party government in the northern state of
Himachal Pradesh passed an anti-conversion bill in 2006 without giving
details of cases concerning forced conversions, and for apparent
political reasons.

The opposition BJP in Himachal Pradesh had been preparing to use the
conversion issue as a poll plank in the assembly elections due the
following year. Hindu nationalist groups such as the Vishwa Hindu
Parishad (World Hindu Council) and its youth wing Bajrang Dal made
numerous allegations of forced conversions against Christians to
build a case for an anti-conversion law.

In September 2006, BJP leader Prem Kumar Dhumal promised to ban
conversions if his party won the elections. The Congress Party,
however, undercut the BJP by introducing the bill.

Most Draconian

Christian said the law in Gujarat was the most draconian among all
similar laws in force in other states.

The rules under the Gujarat law make it obligatory for clergy seeking
to convert someone from one religion to another to obtain prior
permission of the district magistrate (administrative head) in order
to avoid police action.

The law seeks to elevate the district magistrate's office to God's
level, as it is the official who will decide whether a person can
convert or not, said Christian.

The rules also require the clergy to sign a 

[Goanet] Solar eclipse on Friday

2008-07-28 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Solar eclipse on Friday

28 July 2008 / Khaleej Times (Dubai)


UAE Astronomy Society has announced that the UAE, Gulf residents and other 
countries in the region will view partial solar eclipse on Friday. The eclipse 
will cover Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, eastern 
parts of Saudi Arabia and northern parts of Jordan and Palestine. 

Mohammed Shokat Awda, Chairman of the Islamic project for moon sighting, said 
the eclipse will take place in the UAE from 2.45pm- 4.10pm. Viewers must use 
proper observation equipment to protect their eyes. 
In Dubai, the eclipse will reach it's maximum around 1127 GMT and will cover 
about 15 per cent of the sun. The best place to see the eclipse is near. Nadym 
in central Russia, where the eclipse will be almost total.  The total phase of 
an eclipse looks like the onset of a rapidly darkening sky whose appearance 
resembles evening twilight about half an hour after sunset. Go to 
khaleejtimes.com to see an interactive Google map of the eclipse. This map 
allows the user to sellect any portion of the path and to zoom in using either 
map data or Earth satellite data. You will also find a link with tips on how to 
photograph the eclipse.
Google map: 
Photography: http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/SEpubs/20080801/section3.html
- Forwarded by www.goa-world.com 


Re: [Goanet] Selling Our Ancestral Home

2008-07-28 Thread Mervyn Lobo

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Mario Goveia wrote:
 For the good of Goa we need more people like Jaitley
 and Kaif in Goa, not less.

What does one do with the money in Goa once someone has sold their ancestral 
At the Goanetters Convention, Dean D'cruz gave us some idea of what happens in 
Goa when people suddenly have money on their hands. He contends that those who 
sold (some after being coerced) their property in mining areas are now spending 
their time and money drinking. As you might have guessed, the miners themselves 
have opened pubs in these areas and villages that had three or four pubs now 
boast ten. When the money is spent, these guys will get out of there drunken 
stupor and find that they now are in debt with the mines and will have to work 
for them.
One more thing, the fields that were not sold are now polluted with the dust 
from mining and cannot be cultivated. 
We missed you at the conference. However, we are making arrangements to put 
Dean's excellent presentation on the net.
BTW, the miners have de-marked areas that were game reserves and are now mining 
in those areas. The destruction to the forest and water supply was clearly 
presented. Last year, when people here were reporting leopards raiding food 
from villages, I made the comment that something must be seriously wrong with 
their habitat for the leopards to leave their hunting grounds.

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[Goanet] GOan: Electoral Roll 2008

2008-07-28 Thread JoeGoaUk

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Electoral Roll 2008

Check if your name is included

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  For Goan Video Clips

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[Goanet] DAY 3 at the 2008 Tri Continental Film Festival

2008-07-28 Thread Goanet AE


   Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
  July 25 - 30, 2008
  Goa, India



Day 3 at the Tri Continental Film Festival

Sunday, 27th July 2008 - A film festival, like any other festival is a 
celebration. And even though the issues explored in this cinema are serious 
and thought-provoking, the visual aesthetics of the medium bring a colour 
and vibrancy to the event that make it a joyous and uplifting experience. 
Day 3 at the Festival took us on a whirlwind tour of the world, bringing to 
light complex connections between countries - neighbouring or across great 
distances, through music, history or film, and celebrating our commonality 
of spirit.

'Kings  Extras' directed by Azza El Hassan reflects the situation in the 
Middle East in a 'road-movie' from Palestine to Jordan, Syria and Lebanon on 
a hunt for the lost archive of official films of the PLO Media Unit which 
went missing during the Israel invasion of Beirut in 1982. It is a story of 
a failed revolution, the problematic relationship between the Arab countries 
and the question of a Palestinian identity.

Then, in a touching short movie, director Diego Quemada Diez invites us 
aboard a flight of fancy as Omondi, a young orphan trapped in the Kenyan 
slum of Kiberia dreams of flying a plane out of his bleak life of poverty in 
'I Want to be a Pilot'. Children are to be seen not heard, is a common 
saying. Apparently, we now live in a world that would rather not see them at 
all. How else can we explain our constant failure to provide for their most 
basic needs -food, water, shelter, health and safety? How can we justify the 
money we spend on wars, arms and technology? Who are we protecting? It's 
certainly not the millions of children in our country who die despite all 
our fancy new acquisitions: children who are supposed to be our future.

Director Philip Scheffner in his experimental search 'The Halfmoon Files', 
traces the voices of Indian soldiers drafted to First World War and taken 
prisoner in Germany to the origin of their recording, for a scientific 
study. Surprisingly, the voices of Mall Singh and other colonial soldiers 
are still preserved in an archive and 90 years later persuade him to bring 
them back to their home countries. In this age of copyright and intellectual 
property rights the debate started on who actually has a right to these 
recordings? And do we, in India, value our heritage and our monuments? Can 
history be owned by one country or one group of people? It also questioned 
the need to divide the world along racial lines. Colonial rulers and 
fascists seemed to be fascinated by 'scientific studies' to prove the 
differences between races; often with tragic consequences. Because, instead 
of celebrating these differences we usually condemn them.

Music through the ages has always been inextricably linked with follklore, 
art, culture, religion and politics, its composition and style influenced 
greatly by the philosophy of the period. And very often it has been the 
instrument of revolution. The story of the charango symbolizes the struggle 
for human rights and a quest to keep traditional culture alive among the 
indigenous people of Bolivia especially the people of Potosi. In 'El 
Charango' Jim Virga explores the relationship between the charango and Cerro 
Rico, the richest silver deposit the world has ever known and also the 
influence of a foreign colonial culture, its intermingling and mutation into 
a culture the colonised peoples can make their own.

'VHS Kahloucha' is a delightful film about the trials of a Tunisian 
film-maker making films in a country without a film industry. Directed by 
Nejib Belkadi this captivating story is an inspiration to anyone who has 
ever dreamed of making a movie. The explosive, unflagging passion of Moncef 
Kaloucha and his commitment to his art is like a great hand reaching out of 
the screen to grab you, shake you up, excite you and with a laugh, to kick 
you out of your lethargy and into Lights. Camera.Action!.

No collection of films on global issues would be complete without one on the 
war in Iraq, which sadly, the more we know of it, seems to be a war on Iraq. 
'Independent Intervention' directed by Tonje Hessen Schei is that film at 
this Festival. This award-winning documentary depicts the disparity between 
the US corporate-controlled media coverage of the Iraq war and the brutal 
ground realities; of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians being killed, 

[Goanet] REVISED OATH FOR DOCTORS by Dr. Leo Rebello of India

2008-07-28 Thread Dr. Leo Rebello

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Oath written and administered by 
Dr. Leo Rebello 

This more comprehensive Oath was drawn by Dr. Leo Rebello in 2003, since 
Hippocrates Oath is now partly outdated being centuries old. This revised Oath 
has been widely circulated, accepted and appreciated.  

1st July is celebrated as Doctors Day all over the world. The day usually 
passes without a whimper. Many doctors have forgotten their Hippocratic oath or 
humanism. Therefore, I would like to administer the following oath to the 
doctors to serve as a reminder as to how important is their profession. Doctors 
to please repeat after me. 


I, -, do hereby swear on this solemn day that :- 
I shall not prescribe unnecessary medicines and tests to my patients; 
I shall not give false counseling; 
I shall not overcharge and accept cuts and gifts; 
I shall not rape tiny tots with mercury laced innoculations or vaccinations, 
for they pollute the blood stream of small children leading to serious diseases 
like AIDS, Cancers, Autism, etc.; 
I shall not prescribe lethal drugs, like anti-retrovirals, chemotherapy, or 
give ECT to my patients; 

I shall not indulge in human organ thefts to the detriment of my patients; 
I shall not be afraid of any authority and fabricate medical records or give 
false evidence; 
I shall not exploit students studying under me; 
I shall not manipulate findings or results to win grants or awards. 

I, -, further solemnly affirm that:- 
If I cannot treat a disease, I shall not say that AIDS, cancers, diabetes has 
no cure. 
But will tell the patient to try other systems of medicine. 
I shall treat health practitioners of other systems with respect and not tell 
deliberate lies 
to prove my importance. 
I shall study Holistic healing modalities to increase my knowledge and wisdom. 
I shall not even by mistake say that HIV=AIDS=death or cancers cannot be 
I shall not frighten my patients with unnecessary comments, opinions or advice. 
I still remember what Hippocrates said, namely, Let diet be your medicine and 
shall accordingly prescribe fresh fruits, vegetables and good diet to my 
patients, rather than tonics, syrups, synthetic multi-vitamins, specially to 
I shall not perform surgery, unless it is absolutely must and will not indulge 
in rackets like amniocentesis, caesarian section, silicon implant or 
I shall work to ban the useless and cruel animal experiments in the name of 
I shall participate in periodic workshops, seminars, and conferences at my 
expense or on scholarship (no pharma funding) to educate myself and speak from 
my conscience if I am called upon to speak or preside. 

Finally, I shall not consume alcohol, smoke tobacco, or take other narcotic and 
psychotropic substances. As far as possible, I shall also not take animal 

I realize and aver that a great responsibility of people's well-being is upon 
my shoulders and I shall carry on my onerous task with utmost dedication. 

This I swear in the name of God on this solemn Doctors Day and I shall repeat 
this oath daily lest I forget that I am in a divine profession to heal the 

sign in solidarity at 


[Goanet] Visual Memory

2008-07-28 Thread Teotonio R. de Souza

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


I had known of localised memory. I can remember, for instance,  the exact
place on note cards and on notebooks where I made my jottings (of archival
and other readings) during the past 40 years or so.

But during the formation as Jesuit we were trained on a manual that
constitutes the core of Jesuit formation, namely Spiritual Exercises. There
a young novice is trained the method of contemplative prayer, wherein he
has to visualise the site, persons, etc. It is a prayer of dialogue, which
permits a high degree of concentration. Those interested could read more
about it in Tony de Melo's very popular book entitled *Sadhana: A way to

Message: 5 

Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 22:36:39 +0530 

From: Tony de Sa [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Subject: Re: [Goanet] Visual Learning 

To: Goa's Premiere Mailing List, Estd 1994 goanet@lists.goanet.org 



Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 


Hi Santosh, 


Thanks for the information. Patrice Riemens also pointed out the same and 

pointed me to the wikipedia site for it. I hadn't checked it out. I called 

it visual learning for want of a better term. I had come across this 

technique in an article that I read in the Readers Digest as a young school 

boy, some forty odd years ago. All my life I have practiced it and found it 

quite successful. With sufficient exposure, one can visualize pages of 

textual matter or notes quite easily. It just requires practice. 



[Goanet] Celina Jaitley-pictures

2008-07-28 Thread Mario Goveia

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 14:11:22 -0400
From: Pandu Lampiao [EMAIL PROTECTED]


For those with time on hand and a mind troubled by
curosity, above are links to Celina's pictures.

Mario responds:

Great job, Pandu.  You beat JoeGoaUK and Rajan to the

And Moidekars like Tony have a problem with a new
neighbor like this?:-))  Hard to imagine:-))

Pandu wrote:

Mind you, yours truly was curious too and in all the
rush have put up my undated house for sale, its
heritage but cannot give you a date. After mine is
sold and going by the pictures, I will offer to shack
up in the Jaitley bunglow myself, don't you think.

Mario observes:

Pandu, calm down, my man.  Take a deep breath:-)) 
Now, keep breathing:-))

As you may know, Tony has delegated to me the task of
communicating with Celina on behalf of Moira,
something about an ilegal fence.  However, I would be
glad to pass the baton to you.  As a married man of
many, many moons, I have no interesting options, only
endless grief:-))

I don't know whether you qualify to move into the
mansion.  You will have to post your own pictures for
us to gage that:-))  You may, however, qualify as a
snarling securitywallah and help to keep out the
curious local riff-ra.., ...er, I mean, villagers:-))

But watch out for Tony and the other Moidekars who
resent Ms. Jaitley's presence.  I told them to go
visit their Sarpanch with cricket bats in hand, just
as a gesture of fellowship.  I may have created some
cricket-bat-wielding monsters now:-))

[Goanet] Goa news for July 29, 2008

2008-07-28 Thread Goanet News Service

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Morgan Stanley maintains overweight rating on Sesa Goa -
Economic Times
[16 hours ago]  Morgan Stanley maintains #152;overweight
rating on the stock due to constructive stance on iron ore
pricing and confidence in Sesa Goas ability to deliver ...

*** Ajay Ratra to lead Goa cricket team - Navhind Times
[2 hours ago]  PANAJI: Ajay Ratra will lead the Goa cricket
team for all-India Coromandel King Moin-Ud-Dowlah Gold Cup
cricket tournament to be held in Hyderabad from ...

*** Cidade de Goa organises staff day celebrations - Navhind
[2 hours ago]  PANAJI #148; The 26th staff day celebrations
were held recently at the Cidade de Goa. The chief guest at the
function was Ms Maria Aurora Couto. ...

*** Ratra to lead Goa team in Coromandel King Tournament -
[1 hour ago]  Goa Cricket Association (GCA) Secretary Chetan
Desai today announced the 14-member team for the coveted
tournament. Former Indian medium pacer Dodda Ganesh ...

*** Goa Engg, Dempo, PCCE in semis - Navhind Times
[2 hours ago]  PANAJI: Goa Engineering College, Farmagudi, amd
Dempo College, Panaji, entered the semi-finals of inter-college
badminton championship for men at indoor ...

*** HC asks S Goa collector to enforce closure directions -
Navhind Times
[2 hours ago]  Earlier, the High Court while treating the
letter as a suo moto writ petition had issued notices to the
state government, South Goa collector, director of ...

*** Patrolling intensified in South Goa - Navhind Times
[2 hours ago]  MARGAO #148; Patrolling in South Goa sensitive
areas has been intensified and also security in vital areas has
been enhanced, sources in the South Goa police ...

*** Goa institute under scanner after Ahmedabad blasts - Times
of India
[Jul 27, 2008]  The fact that there is an institute in Goa with
42 Yemenese students, all with poor attendance record, has
security agencies alarmed in the wake of the ...

*** Heavy rains lash Goa - Times of India
[19 hours ago]  ... Manickam said that airline schedules were
unaffected as well. The north Goa control room said that there
was no loss of property reported in the district.

*** SIMI is shifting base to Goa, says Manohar Parrikar -
Economic Times
[8 hours ago]  28 Jul, 2008, 2010 hrs IST, PTI PANAJI: Goa's
main opposition political party has feared that banned SIMI
outfit has shifted its activities in Goa, ...


2008-07-28 Thread Bonefacio Lopes

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Dear All,

Was the above convention a real success , since we do not hear anything more on 


[Goanet] Questions to Goan Marxist!!!!

2008-07-28 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


This is in reply to Marshall's message No 9, dated: Mon, 28 Jul 2008

Since Marshall responded to above message, I presume he is Goan Marxist and

Hi Goan Marxist Marshall,

You got my questions right but preferred to twist it while answering.
Anyway, I am not contesting on how you have answered the questions, but
would only like to ask you to re-read my questions and you can still answer
them again :-)

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad

[Goanet] The Right Move II- Please Volunteer to scrutinize Annual reports of Sports Association

2008-07-28 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


We have received Annual reports for Financial year 05/06  06/07 of most of the 
Sports Association of Goa.
Will some one come forward to help study these documents. We want to present 
prelimanary report on these papers on Sunday meeting. 
Taleigao Chess Academy  International Centre Goa is organising Writers and 
sports lovers meet at Building near Rico Radio, behind Gomanta Vidya Niketan, 
H.No.369, Comba, Margao.

Please contact us on 2451143 or 9403175973. 

Shrikant Vinayak Barve
Convener: The Right Move II-Career in Sports

  Bring your gang together. Do your thing. Find your favourite Yahoo! group 
at http://in.promos.yahoo.com/groups/

Re: [Goanet] Toronto convention

2008-07-28 Thread Mervyn Lobo

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Gabe Menezes wrote:
 Have not seen, as yet, neither any informative postings nor
 photographs; bottom line was it a success, which we would all like to
 hear about, or was it a washout... if the latter is the case, then
 perhaps silence is golden.

I posted pictures here, there have been reports in the local press/Tv etc.
I would have written but there are dancing girls at my place. Here is my 
current favourite

Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr! 


Re: [Goanet] Sameer Salgaocar has thrown me out of CHESS

2008-07-28 Thread Sandeep Heble

Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
   July 25 - 30, 2008
   Goa, India


Dear Mr. Barve,

Whatever the merits/ drawbacks of the said AICF Circular, the fact
remains that you are in a sad minority in this. You seem to be the
only one, not only in Goa but in the whole of India, fighting and
wasting time over it, while those who you feel are going to be
affected just do not seem to be interested. You have been unable to
garner even token support for your supposed worthy cause and it is
something you have been unable to come to terms with.

In your Internet discussions and in the emails that you have sent to
all and sundry, you have made quite a few derogatory statements
against AICF Officials, including accusing them of having a hidden
agenda of siphoning of funds. You must consider yourself fortunate
that they have not pressed for defamation charges against you in the
Courts at Chennai, which would have put you in a bigger soup. Whatever
the merits of your statement, it will be difficult if not impossible
for you to prove your accusations and you will only end up losing your
time, your efforts and your money, which is not worth it.

I hold no brief for Sports Associations and I have my own problems
with most of them but battles are not fought the way you are fighting.
First and foremost, we garner support for the cause that we wish to
stand for and only then we try to take on the Associations. Your
method is nothing but a method of madness.

I would equate you with one of those Mujahideen Suicide Bombers who
too believe that they are the warriors of God, and are willing to
kill, and die, for the cause that they believe in. They do not realize
that in the process they are causing themselves, and humanity, grave
harm by their actions.  I do not know who your own 'Osama' is, but if
you do have someone behind you, he/she is a bad Advisor.

In your own book The Right Move, you have preferred to call Samir
Salgaocar the Good Samaritan, whereas you now feel that he some kind
of a Villain, conspiring against you. Instead of trying to blame
others for the mess you find yourself in, it is high time you realize
that you have harmed yourself considerably by your own actions, and
the faster you come to terms with this, the better it will be for your
own interests, and for the interest of chess in Goa.


[Goanet] 2008 International Goan Convention - Photos and News Articles

2008-07-28 Thread Bosco D'Mello


   Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
  July 25 - 30, 2008
  Goa, India




Courtesy: Nascimento Caldeira, Melbourne Australia


Courtesy: All photos taken, uploaded and captioned by Edgar Silveira, 
Montreal, Canada

http://www.flickr.com/photos/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/with/2698633964/

Courtesy: All photos taken, uploaded and captioned by Edgar Silveira, 
Montreal, Canada

http://www.flickr.com/photos/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/sets/72157606322353602/
http://www.flickr.com/photos/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/sets/72157606349698771/

Courtesy: Mervyn Lobo, Toronto, Canada

http://www.flickr.com/photos/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2698313540/

Courtesy: Joel D'Souza, Goa, India

News Articles:



News India Times


Scroll to page 11

Navhind Times


There are possibly other links floating around in cyberspace...detail 
reports will eventually folllow.

- Bosco