[Goanet-News] Tuesday Tantrum: Politicos take to launching NGOs (Gomantak Times)

2008-09-16 Thread Goanet News

Politicos take to launching NGOs

Launching new NGOs is the 'in thing' in Goa now, and the
'profession' hitherto the exclusive domain of a handful of
'activists' is seemingly being taken over by mainstream

Even though a number of NGOs -- some very localised while
others function on a state level -- have taken social
activism, particularly pertaining to the fight against
corruption and for protecting Goan identity to a new high,
politicians have joined the race to form NGOs.

An NGO that calls itself Goenkarancho Orixtt Avaz (GOA) and
having Anacleto Viegas, the two leaves-holding permanent
secretary general of the United Goans Democratic Party
(UGDP), among its topline leaders, was recently formed to
protect what it calls are 'Goan interests'.

Wonder if the UGDP has abdicated its avowed objective of
fighting for Goan interests, that its all-powerful Secretary
General needs to find another organisation to do so.

  Ditto with our ex-Finance Minister Dayanand
  Narvekar, whom it took less than fortnight sans
  ministerial power to discover that everything about
  the Digambar Kamat government is wrong. And so his
  followers, obviously taking his cue, have felt the
  need to form an NGO to fight against issues like
  corruption, Coastal Zone Management Notification
  and so on and so forth.

We draw one conclusion from these trends, that NGOs is the
new route to credibility that politicians in Goa are opting for.

Talak's masterstroke

No, it's not about Rajendra Talak's new bi-lingual film
'Saawariya.com', because journos on the Panjim beat have
already re-named it 'Savoi-Verem ya.com' immediately after
its Muhurat shot on September 9. More so, after some critics
told us not so good things about 'Anatarnaad', particularly
about its flop-show at the box office, journos are extra

But the National award-winning director is not one who'll
concede defeat so easily -- even at the hands of
thick-skinned, hard-boiled journos on the capital city beat.

  To win over our peers in the media, Talak roped in
  a PR firm owned by the kin of a very senior
  Panjim-based journo. This meant journos on the
  Panjim beat had no option but to cover Talak's
  Muhurat shot of Sawaariya.com, errr... 'Savoi-Verem
  ya.com' for reasons that need no elaboration. And
  need we say that we 'thick skinned, hard boiled'
  journos toed the line?

And the heroine, it's all in the Rajendra Talak Creations
'family'. Beats us just how Talak's previous films -- both
'Aleesha' and 'Antarnaad' -- came out with flying colours at
the National awards function! Sorry, Talak, you know, to
quote Bollywood parlance, 'Shaque karna hamara pesha hai' (To
question is a part and parcel of our profession!)

Journos at receiving end

Over-enthusiastic -- or ambitious should we say? -- journos
faced embarassing situations last week.

In one case, two up and coming journos who participated in a
round-table discussion at Goa University seemed to have lost
the track and got egg on their face.

In the other, another greenhorn saw his over-enthusiasm cost
him a not-so-friendly 'piece of advice' from none other than
Chief Minister Digambar Kamat.

It all started when Kamat was briefing media persons about
his meeting with Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh and few
other Union Ministers after his Delhi visit last week.

This journo, in apparent over-enthusiasm asked Kamat thus:
Have you brought Madkaikar a chair from Delhi, indirectly
hinting at the much talked of re-induction in the cabinet.
Incidentally, Madkaikar was 'birthday boy' on this particular day.

  Obviously, the question did not catch the
  imagination of the Chief Minister, who expressed
  his dischantment by asking the journo 'to show some

'This is not the way to ask questions,' was Kamat's terse
comment, much to the embarrassment of the journo, who left
the venue in a huff, no sooner the briefing ended.

In the second case, two up and coming journos began raving
and ranting over why they are at the receiving end of their
bosses' memo-issuing alacricity while participating in the
seminar on 'Social responsibility of the media in the era of
globalisation'. Upset with the irrelevance of their
discussion, a professor from Goa University, himself a
participant, narrated how he too was a journalist and quit
when he failed to face pressure situations.

'I couldn't take the pressure and so I quit the profession.
Why can't you, was the prof's advise to our young journo

Goan in Gujarat

We Goans are very conscientious, dutiful people. The world
simply misunderstands us. See what happened in this Excise
controversy. This poor excise officer who was caught
accompanying the contraband booze consignment, which was
caught by the 

[Goanet-News] Goa news for September 17, 2008

2008-09-16 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Dempo SC rallies to hold Home United FC - Hindu
[1 hour ago]  HYDERABAD: Dempo SC Goa came from behind to hold
Home United FC of Singapore to a 1-1 draw in the first leg
quarterfinal of the AFC Cup 2008 football ...

*** Yamaha\'s FZ16 launches with Goa ride - Wheels Unplugged -
Indis'a Automobile Magazine
Indis'a Automobile Magazine, India - 13 hours agoUnveiling FZ
16 during a select media tour for test ride at Goa, CEO and
managingdirector, Tsutomu Mabuchi said, With the launch of FZ
16, ...

*** Goa to Have Special Cell to Counter Terrorism -
[13 hours ago]  The chief minister said that there is no Goa
specific threat, but the precautions are taken as all the states
are asked to be on alert.

*** Goa to host 2011 National Games - Hindu
[Sep 15, 2008]  Panaji: The Goa Chief Minister, Digambar Kamat,
and the President of the Indian Olympic Association (IOA),
Suresh Kalmadi, have signed a contract awarding ...

*** Goa recalls UAE cricketer for Ranji - GulfNews
[Sep 15, 2008]  By KR Nayar, Senior Reporter Dubai: Ambey
Parwatkar, an outstanding performer in UAE's domestic cricket,
has gotten a call from the Goa Cricket Association ...

*** Goa: Protest Rally Held against Church Attacks in Mangalore
- Daijiworld.com
[8 hours ago]  Archbishop of Goa, Daman and Diu Rev Filip Neri
Ferrao seen during the Solidarity meeting on the Azad Maidan in
Panaji on Tuesday. ...

*** Goa tainted by overage allegations - Delhi Newsline
[Sep 15, 2008]  New Delhi, September 15 Spectators lined the
stands of the Ambedkar Stadium for the quarter-final league
match between Goa and NCC (Bengal and Sikkim) of ...

*** Sesa Goa declines sharply at BSE - Myiris.com
[16 hours ago]  The scrip has touched an intra-day high of Rs
126.00 and low of Rs 118.25. The total volume of shares traded
at the BSE is 1345601. In the earlier session, ...

*** Goan with the Wind - Business Standard
[4 hours ago]  Aparanta is the Land at the Horizon, the faraway
land, which we know as Goa. And here, there is always time. To
rejuvenate, to re-learn pleasure, ...

*** Goa cops ill-equipped to fight terror - Times of India
[23 hours ago]  MARGAO: Despite all tall claims by the Goa
police that it is on high alert to counter any terror attack, a
close look reveals that the force is far from ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Remmie Colaco - Another Song

2008-09-16 Thread JoeGoaUk
Thanks Renson for the song.
Also thanks to
Laurie, Mario, Cruz, Eddie, Fausto, Andrew, Renson, Socoro

Total greetings received so far  21


The song 'Gharachem Sukh'


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial 1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Meet Mr. Goa Tourism Minister

2008-09-16 Thread JoeGoaUk
Meet Mr. Goa Tourism Minister 

He is talking about Konkani..

Tiatrist Mario Menezes, Wilmix (Wilson), Mriao's Daughter bay Rioma als seen.


for Goa  NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial 1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Goanet Reader: Costa Santan, the life and times of an able-bodied Goan tarvotti (Selma Carvalho)

2008-09-16 Thread Goanet Reader
Costa Santan, the life and times of an able-bodied Goan tarvotti

By Selma Carvalho

I have a theory that if you separate the Goan from the sea,
he'll wither away. All of our history ebbs and flows with
that vast, undulating expanse of blue water. One does not
look at the sea with tired eyes but always with hope and

Sometime in the late 1800s, able-bodied Costa Santan,
embarked on a career at sea, which at one point had him
working on a ship listed as the 'Wartern'. Possibly in his
twenties, and through the help of a 'Ghat Sarhang' as they
were called in Bombay, he landed a job in the merchant navy.

To his family in Goa, Santan was a 'tarvotti', a term
believed to come from the Konkani-Sanskrit word, taranti
meaning boat, but to the British that employed him, he would
have been a 'lascar'.

  I found Santan, at the National Archives in the UK.
  What makes his journey fascinating is that seamen
  like him who sailed on ships of the English East
  India Company, some as early as the sixteen
  hundreds, were amongst the first Goans in the
  diaspora overseas. What was life like, for these
  early tarvottis?

Santan's ship docked at London port. It was winter and he was
not keeping well.  Weary, perhaps suffering from malaria,
cholera, yellow fever, or any number of accidents that likely
befell seamen, possibly he made his way to a sailor-town
around the docks. Hilton Docker (1809) a medical doctor to
the lascars wrote, The natives of India who come to this
country are mostly of bad constitutions. Numbers are landed
sick from the ships, where they have been ill.

Some of the original houses still line-up shoulder to
shoulder, on either side of narrow alleys criss-crossing
through Wapping, Shadwell and Limehouse. Walking through
these alleys, Santan, would have watched as Chinese men
smoked opium in the dark lodgings known as 'joints',
foreign-smelling food hung from the rafters, soliciting
prostitutes scoured the streets and lascars, mostly from
Bengal, milled about peddling knickknacks to keep body and
soul together.

Mortality rates from disease, venereal amongst them, were
high.  Conditions were so wretched that it caused an outcry
in Victorian England. In 1857, the Strangers Home for Asiatic
Seamen was built on West India Dock Road, to assist with
boarding. Even then, as late as 1920, Health Inspectors
condemned the godown, used by PO liners to house their
sailors while docked.

  In a world of perfect racial inequality, Santan was
  engaged because he cost much less than an English
  seamen. A 1901 census puts the wages for British
  seaman between UKP3 to UKP4 pounds per journey,
  while an Indian might be paid between 15 to 20
  rupees, which was just about 14 shillings. (In
  those times, 20 shillings made a pound).

Onboard, Santan Costa had been a steward attached to the
ship's saloon, Topaz. Clifford Pereira, noted British-Goan,
Historical Geographer, tells me that Goans were rarely
employed below deck. They were almost always engaged either
as cooks or stewards.

  English Captains developed a liking for Goan cooks,
  who had no restrictions for handling pork, beef or
  fish. Pereira has also uncovered evidence of Goans
  cooks being paid higher wages than their Indian and
  African counterparts on East India vessels in the
  eighteenth century.

In 1957, Captain Baillie of a PO liner wrote, I have never
failed to appreciate the cleanliness, discipline and comfort
of our ships in which the deck hands are Lascars and the
stewards mostly Goanese.

But life at sea was hard, and the ship was often a jutting
splinter of racial discord amongst crew members. English
seamen called Indians, coolies and saw them as servile,
obsequious and damned useless in cold weather. To the
English sailor, the poorly paid Indian seafarer was a threat
to his own livelihood.

  Beatings were common on-board ships. A Sebastian
  Dias who was hired in June 1915 died of a
  heart-attack just eight months later, while at sea.
  And a Joaquim Souza, who was engaged on-board the
  Baron Balfour, in 1914, committed suicide nine
  months into the voyage.

Despite the inequities, Pereira says, Goans might have
enjoyed a fair amount of privilege, perhaps on account of
being Christian. An article which appeared on the Port of
London Authority (PLA) Monthly of December 1957, had this to
say about Goan seamen:

The Roman Catholic Goanese have an 'altar peak,' with its
own small altar, aboard every ship in which they serve.
During the voyage. if there is no priest on board, they
choose one of their own number to conduct the prayers.

And another paragraph reads:

  The Goans are more clannish and less inclined to
  shore excursions. When two or three ships that
  carry these 

[Goanet] Query: tiatr

2008-09-16 Thread Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
Can anyone share with me a few photos from any tiatr they have? Need
these to illustrate a short not-for-profit interview I'm placing
online. Will mention source, but the photos shouldn't be encumbered by
copyright. Thanks in advance! FN
FN * Independent Journalist http://fn.goa-india.org
Blog: http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com
Tech links from South Asia: http://twitter.com/fn

[Goanet] Why we hate!

2008-09-16 Thread Santosh Helekar
Amidst the barrage of posts about people dying and churches burning, it is hard 
to tell the grain from the chaff. To make matters worse, true to form,  
sectarian impulses overpower any semblance of objectivity in the press or in 
internet forums. In all the propaganda and counter-propaganda efforts being 
undertaken on behalf of various interests, it is hard to find a rational 
assessment of any instance of religious strife. 

But here is one such rare example of sobriety about the Orissa violence in 
Times of India:


Here is a pertinent excerpt from it:

Ray says it is ironic that religion now divides the area’s tribals because most 
of them “have followed their own religion for many years — which is neither 
Hinduism nor Christianity but a form of paganism that involves nature worship.” 
They consequently have little understanding of the religion they convert into 
and are credulous enough to believe everything their preachers of hate tell 
them, she says.

Add economic envy to the pot and it makes for a deadly stew. Kandhamal has a 
history of conflict among tribal groups. The district has roughly six lakh 
people, more than half of whom are the mainly Hindu Kandh tribals. Another 
major chunk of the population is the mainly Christian Dalit Panas. They account 
for 70% of the district’s roughly 1,50,000-strong Christian community. 
Sudhanshu Naik, general secretary of the YMCA in Bhubaneswar, belongs to 
Kandhamal and says the root cause of the recent violence there was economic 
envy. “The Pana Christians have always been better off economically than the 
Kandhs. They are literate and their living conditions are much better. The 
Kandhs have always begrudged them this economic prosperity.” Naik adds that it 
is hardly surprising the tension erupted into a full-fledged religious riot 
once “radical elements gave it a Hindu versus Christian twist.”

What makes matters worse is Kandhamal has no one to explain away that dangerous 
“twist”. The tribals do not have strong, wise leaders, says sociologist Mary G 
Bage of Utkal University. “The absence of effective leadership has made the 
tribals in the area open to exploitation by groups who have come from outside.” 
Bage says Kandhamal’s current Pana versus Kandh conflict illustrates this sad 
truth. “Even though this conflict is historic, it was exploited by religious 
groups for their own ends.”



[Goanet] Are doctors biased in prescribing medicines?

2008-09-16 Thread J. Colaco jc
Dear Tony,

You make very valid points.

It has been my impression that there are a good number of doctors who
continue to let the profession (and their patients' trust) down by
doing a quid pro quo with the pharmaceutical industry.

I have no problem with the pharmaceutical company offering the
inducements. They are after all in the business of making money. I do
however, have a serious problem with doctors accepting the

Your point number 6 (infra) is perhaps the most important. It is the
one which deals with patient trust. The same trust which gets violated
when doctors discuss patient-records in public.

You may wish to know that there are still some physicians who do NOT
accept invitations for lunch, paid conferences, trips or gifts from
pharmaceutical companies.

There is indeed no such thing as a free lunch. There always is a price
to pay for this 'fellowship' generated by the pharma-industry.

Please see a 2003 BMJ Editorial

No more free luncheshttp://www.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/326/7400/1155



2008/9/15 Tony de Sa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

1: medical representatives medical salesmen.

2: What ever that may be, what amazes me is the inducements that are
offered to doctors to prescribe by certain branded drugs/ medicines.

3: Some doctors even act as stockists for certain medicines and
dispense them directly to the patients

4: Certain doctors make demands for advertisements towards various
functions like seminars, medical ball etc.

5: could a patient be certain that it is the right medicine that is
prescribed or was the choice influenced by the prospect of say the
doctor's child's vacation in a holiday camp (sponsored by that

6: I have no reason not to believe that a doctor who is sincere to the
oath of Hippocrates would do any thing but his best for his patient,
but human beings being what they are, I see the slightest suspicion
creeping in.

Could some of the doctors on this forum care to comment?

Re: [Goanet] Attack on Churches in Mangalore and Coversions activities

2008-09-16 Thread Santosh Helekar
Dear Laluram,

Please tell me if Laluram Salvi is your real name. I have seen many people in 
this forum from different communal and political factions resorting to empty 
rhetoric and wild exaggerations, and injecting sectarian hatred in one form or 
another. I would like to know whether you have genuine concerns based on 
verified facts or you are just another mouthpiece in a counter-propaganda 
campaign, concealing your identity because you are afraid to be held 
accountable for anything you say.

Please tell me why I must believe what you say.



--- On Mon, 9/15/08, Laluram Salvi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The violence in Mangalore is not unprovoked. It started when
 New Life Church members started distributing pamphlets
 saying that do not worship Hindu Gods. This hardliner Church
 had no business to interfere in beliefs of other religions.

[Goanet] New Feature: Beyond Walls

2008-09-16 Thread Venantius Pinto
Hi Gaspar,
All the best at Panos. Say hi to Kanak and Kunda Dixit for me.

From: Gasper D'souza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
check out my
blog: http://dabblinginmultimedia.blogspot.com

This weekend, I am off to Nepal for a 9-day Panos South Asia workshop on
multimedia content development, starting Sep 22. If possible, I hope to blog
my experiences from Kathmandu, starting Monday, so if you would like to
follow along and send me your comments, check out my Dabbling in Multimedia

[Goanet] Attacks on Christians and Government apathy

2008-09-16 Thread VRANGELRIB
Dear Goanetters,
The attacks  on Christians and their places of worship in Orissa may have 
seemed remote to  some of us, but the current wave of attacks on Christians 
in  Karnataka is occuring much closer to home. It won't be long before similar  
attacks take place within the borders of  Goa itself.
 The right  to practice one's religion is enshrined in India's 
constitution. Attacks  against religious groups therefore need to be condemned 
no matter 
who the  perpetrators are, or who the unfortunate victims.  Both the National 
 Government and the State Governments concerned should speak out forcefully  
against the abuses now taking place. In view of official apathy, perhaps it is 
 time for more citizens to raise their voices in protest.
Regards  to all,
Victor  Rangel-Ribeiro

**Pt...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, 
plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.  


2008-09-16 Thread Pen Pricks

After being the first to bring the Herald sexual harassment issue to the
fore, its only fair that we inform the readers of this blog, about the
decision taken at the Goa State Commission for Women vis a vis this case.
The GSCW has told the media that a compromise/settlement has been worked
out. That the Herald Publications Pvt Ltd general manager N Manjunath has
apologized to the commission in writing and he is willing to take the victim
back into employment in the same position she worked in earlier, provided
the management agreed. The GSCW chairperson Pramod Salgaokar has also
claimed that she has received a favourable response from the Herald
management on that front. We are thrilled. We are so damn excited. We told
ourselves that we had to 'thank' all the players involved in this
controversy individually. This post is an endeavor in that direction.

for more please log on to

[Goanet] Our visit to Malwan fort (Sindhudurg)

2008-09-16 Thread JoeGoaUk
Our visit to Malwan fort

Or Sindhudurg fort

In fact, this is our second visit, first one being 3.5 years ago.
Where we saw a twin or branched Coconut tree. 
See a file pic  http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoauk/1773123236/sizes/o/

The two-in-one tree still exists by dead now as can be seen in the video.

The fort was built by Shivaji and his people in the year 1664
He often visited here and there are even his foot and hand prints.

The entire island in the Arabian sea (as can be seen from the Malwan beach) is 
the fort with area about 48 acres.

People still live there and there are about 20 houses in side the fort.

There are temples, fresh/sweet water lake, tanks etc.

They say there is even a 5kms long tunnel or passage way to escape to the 
nearest village, we missed it.

We enjoyed the boat ride, a real adventure, simple motorized canoe (Voddem) 
with supporter called ‘ulantti’.  They say boat or canoe like this don’t sink 
and that really made us to venture into the sea despite there being no life 
saving equipments on the canoe.  It takes up to 20 peoples and charges are 
Rs.27 return per head.
It is so low that one can deep his/her hand into the sea water ( as can be seen 
from the video). It takes about 10 minutes to reach by the motor boat.

They give you 1 hour but that time is really not enough. However, one can 
extend the time by another hour but pays Rs.100 more while returning.

It is about 125kms from Goa via sawantwadi. On our way back, we also visited 
Vengurla beach which is about 25kms from the main road.

Check this video – almost everything included.

Some more info given within the video via subtiles etc

Pictures to follow

Here are some from the previous visit (not shown before)



The boat with side support (ulantti)


for Goa  NRI related info... 
For Goan Video Clips 
  In Goa, Dial  1 0 8  
  For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] need South Asians donors for Stem Cell and bone marrow

2008-09-16 Thread Eugene Correia
Immediate Need for South Asian Canadians to Join OneMatch Stem Cell
and Marrow Network

(September 16, 2008 – Toronto, ON) – The Appeal for South Asian Donors
(ASAD) asks South Asians and other minorities to join the OneMatch
Stem Cell and Marrow Network to help ease the waitlist for stem cell
and bone marrow transplants.  

According to the U.S. National Cancer
Institute, among different ethnic groups, the probability of finding a
good match is 93% for North American Caucasians; African Americans and
Asians have only a 50% chance.

The best hope for any patient is a match from someone in his ethnic
community.  One such patient is Dr. Abhijit Guha, a prominent
Toronto-based neurosurgeon, cancer researcher, and tireless advocate
within the South Asian community, who was diagnosed with acute
myelogenous leukemia in August.  He is one of 20 South Asians like
Haider Choudhury who cannot find a stem cell match within their own

[Goanet] Film on India wins award at Toronto festival

2008-09-16 Thread Eugene Correia

'Slumdog Millionaire' hits it big with audience award
By Susan Wloszczyna, USA TODAY
TORONTO — The people have spoken, or at least voted. Slumdog Millionaire, a 
Dickensian fable that plunges into the noisy, colorful and perilous urban chaos 
of India, has joined the ranks of American Beauty, Crouching Tiger, Hidden 
Dragon and Whale Rider as a winner of the People's Choice Award, selected by 
festivalgoers and often an Oscar harbinger.
Much like Jamal, the plucky teen orphan from the teeming streets of Mumbai who 
wins the jackpot on the Hindi version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? only to 
be accused of cheating, Slumdog has risen above its lowly status.

The hard-to-market title was left in limbo after art-house label Warner 
Independent went under, until Fox Searchlight signed on to co-release it with 
Warner Bros. An enthusiastic screening at Telluride more than validated that 

[Goanet] What To Do In Falling Markets - Off Topic

2008-09-16 Thread Roland Francis
Free but useful advice, not all mine.

We are in volatile markets. The steep fall of the past two days will
not last much longer, but the ups and downs will, for the next 6
months. That presents buying opportunities, availed of with care and
professional advice. Remember the old contrarian adage: sell when
others buy and buy when others sell. Or, buy low and sell high. Now is

Never borrow to invest except for the long term (10 years or more) and
except in a strategy that has no margin call. I feel extremely sorry
for quite a few of the people I know who are being contacted by their
investment firm for margin calls on top of their current losses
running into the tens of thousands.

Be well diversified however much the temptation. Make sure your
investment portfolio holds a mix of asset classes (equity, fixed
income and real estate) across geographical boundaries.

To do that, invest in mutual funds rather than directly in stocks.
Less volatility and better sleep. Also a professional portfolio
manager knows much before you do when things are going to happen. You
can buy meaningful positions in at most 10 stocks. The average mutual
fund holds 80 to 100 different investments.

Don't sell in panic at this point in time. Just ride out the tumbling
markets. The worst market decline in recent memory has been reversed
within less than 2 years. If you have idle money, buy when it is clear
that the sudden decline has stopped. You will have ample time to know
this. Markets do not bounce back in mere days.

Above all remember that people lose money because of only two
emotions: FEAR and GREED.
May you have the wisdom to avoid both.

With regards from one who has ploughed through various market cycles,

+1 (416) 453.3371

[Goanet] Indians now like sitting ducks

2008-09-16 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2008 21:51:21 -0400

Why the violence?  There should be some reason.

Mario responds:

There is never a valid reason for targeting and killing innocent civilians for 
political purposes.  This is the very definition of terrorism.

India has been a target of Islamic terrorists going back to 1947 after Muslim 
irregulars tried to annex Kashmir by force with the help of Pakistan instead of 
waiting for the results of the UN mandated plebiscite, and India was asked to 
intervene to stop them by the Hindu rulers of Kashmir at the time.  Most of 
Kashmir has been ethnically cleansed of Hindus by Islamic terrorists through 
killing and intimidation.

MD wrote:

Why there is no peace in the middle east?  Why Israelis do not issue exit visas 
to Gaza students
though they have valid scholarships issued by the US universities? 

Mario responds:

How can there be peace in the middle-east until the Arabs and Iran accept 
Israel's right to exist in peace and security, which they have not done since 
Israel was created by the Brits and ratified by the United Nations in 1947 as 
part of a two-state solution?

Later, after they realized they couldn't succeed, Egypt, Jordan and the PLO 
accepted Israel's right to exist, but the others are still continuing 
their original effort to eliminate Israel.

While there are claims and counter-claims of all kinds by both sides, without 
Syria, Iran and the terrorist groups they sponsor and arm like Hamas, Hezbollah 
and Islamic Jihad, accepting Israel's right to exist, the endless US and 
UN-sponsored negotiations have no basis for success. 

Israel often clamps down on Gaza residents because Gaza is under the control of 
Hamas, which is one of the terrorist groups that have vowed to eliminate Israel 
by force and encourages rocket attacks on Israeli villages.  Unfortunately, 
innocent residents of Gaza often get caught in these retaliatory actions.  We 
have no idea whether these students are innocent or members of Hamas.

MD wrote:

Why do regional governments in India allow free hand to Hindu outfits to commit 
atrocities against some communities?

Mario responds:

Because they are either openly anti-Muslim extremists like in Gujarat, or 
latently anti-Muslim and anti-Christian while also being inept, as in Orissa, 
Bihar and Karnataka.

Most Hindus are very tolerant of other communities just as most Indian Muslims 
are not terrorists.  The extremists come from a very miniscule segment of both 

[Goanet] Why do Indian Catholics only condemn violence against Christians???

2008-09-16 Thread Mario Goveia
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 00:39:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Indian Catholics in Kuwait condemn violence against Christians in Mangalore

Mario observes:

Why do the Indian Catholic organizations, not just in Kuwait, condemn violence 
only when it is aimed at Christians?

How about being true Christians for a change and condemning the continuing 
bombings against Indians in general - some four random bomb attacks just this 
year, all aimed at innocent civilians, with over 150 deaths and scores maimed 
and injured?

If there haven't been any Christians killed in these bombings it is a pure 
coincidence, and only a matter of time, because India has been pegged as a soft 
target by the Islamic terrorists where they can strike with impunity, anywhere 
they want to.

The Indian authorities need to infiltrate these groups and destroy them from 
within.  Every Indian needs to report suspicious activity they may see in their 
own neighborhoods.  How can these terrorists obtain bomb making chemicals and 
detonators without anyone noticing in India's crowded mohallas?

Re: [Goanet] Why we hate!

2008-09-16 Thread Carvalho

While I was reading your post I could literally feel my own skin searing a 
little. It was just an incredulous post coming from a man of your stature and 
standing. This is not the time to offer lectures and rationalizations. It is 
the time to offer unconditional reassurances to the Christian community of Goa 
and Goanet, where 90% are Catholic Goans.

I'm sorry your post is ill-timed. This is not what I would have expected from 


--- On Tue, 9/16/08, Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Amidst the barrage of posts about people dying and churches
 burning, it is hard to tell the grain from the chaff. To
 make matters worse, true to form,  sectarian impulses
 overpower any semblance of objectivity in the press or in
 internet forums. In all the propaganda and
 counter-propaganda efforts being undertaken on behalf of
 various interests, it is hard to find a rational assessment
 of any instance of religious strife. 


Re: [Goanet] International Coastal Clean-up Drive To Begin Sep 20

2008-09-16 Thread Mervyn Lobo
 International Coastal Clean-up Drive To Begin Sep 20
 Panaji, Sep 16: International Coastal Clean-up day is being organized
 and coordinated on 20 September 2008. Indian Coast Guard Headquaters Goa
 area will be the main coordinator for the event at Goa.

There is a Part A for this clean program to work.

People have to be educated not to throw waste into the river or sea. 
And by 'educated' I mean that they have to be fined if they are caught doing so.

While 'cleaning up operations' do provide awareness, it is no use cleaning up 
people still keep on dumping waste into the rivers/ocean.


Get the name you've always wanted @ymail.com or @rocketmail.com! Go to 

Re: [Goanet] Nostalgia #3

2008-09-16 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Francis Rodrigues wrote:
 Thanks to all who continue to write in and welcome
 input from you all, incl. Mervyn, Alfred, etc. on Goanet.

No problem, Francis.
Here is a picture of one of the first cars to arrive in Goa.


I was wondering if you could write up/post pictures on chess?

Instant Messaging, free SMS, sharing photos and more... Try the new Yahoo! 
Canada Messenger at http://ca.beta.messenger.yahoo.com/

[Goanet] Wake up! Mangalorean Christians have a taste of government machinary.

2008-09-16 Thread Ancy D'Souza
Wake up! Mangalorean Christians have a taste of government machinary.
By Sr. Joy, BS Secretary of Bethany Educational Society

Mangalore September 14, 2008: The Sangh Parivar has struck again in
Mangalore!  Initial reports say that this morning on Sunday, September
14th 2008, they entered the Monastery of the Poor Clares of Perpetual
Adoration at Milagres, Mangalore in the heart of the city and
desecrated the Blessed Sacrament.

The reports that came in later said that they had entered and
desecrated many of the churches in and around Mangalore.  We have news
that they have planned a massive rally in Mangalore for Monday -

In the past few days the Sangh Parivar has been distributing booklets
at the gates of schools to the school children and in public places.
These booklets have contained inflammatory contents which would be a
great cause for disturbance of communal harmony in Mangalore and in
Dakshina Kannada.

First Person Account - Sr Joy BS

There was a big gathering on the road in front of the Milagres hall,
Mangalore. We were all sitting in protest against the incident
mentioned above.  Most of the political leaders, sisters and fathers,
and a big number of lay people both men and women were present.  At
about 5:30 pm there was some verbal altercation between the youth in
the protest group and the police who had gathered in very large
numbers and Fr. Francis Serrao SJ was addressing the protesters, when
the police charged at the peacefully sitting protesters with lathis
and began to cane them left and right.  They also fired tear gas
shells without any warning and forced the protesters to take shelter
in the Milagres Hall.

This is the way the government machinery was used to fulfill their aim
and it certainly gave the impression that the perpetrators of the
crime will be let loose even this time.

On the other hand, a TV news channel reported that there was stone
pelting on the police.  When the police force was ready with
everything to beat us with, including their bullet proof shields,
lathis and tear gas shells, the news channel reported only that there
was stone pelting by the crowd.  Luckily for us, another channel
showed a very good picture of police men pelting stones and tear gas

Many youth were hurt by the heavy lathi blows.  One of the sisters, Sr
Pramila of Sisters of Charity of Mangalore was hit with a stone from
the police while she was right inside the gate of the Milagres Church
Hall. She was injured very badly and taken to Fr. Muller's Hospital
and it is not yet known about the state of her eye.

We ask you all to pray for us and for peace in our region.  We need
your prayers and perhaps some united action; a glimpse of which we
experienced today.

Courtesy: Mangalorean.com

[Goanet] Copy right

2008-09-16 Thread Albert Desouza

Albert writes
Can any one tell me the procedure for copyright ? In which office and how it 
has to be done ?
I would be obliged

Search for videos of Bollywood, Hollywood, Mollywood and every other wood, only 
on Live.com 


2008-09-16 Thread Wilson Coelho
Dear All,
Please note that a Prayer followed by Solidarity Meeting will be held on 
Thursday 18-09-2008 at 6.00 p.m. in the Church Hall Kuwait City.  All Goan 
Catholics are cordially invited to join hands in Prayers and extend 
wholehearted support to attain peace and tranquility in the disturb areas and 
save the innocent lives of fellow brothers and sisters.  Please spread the word 
Thanks and regards 
Wilson Coelho
Connect to the next generation of MSN Messenger 

[Goanet] FAO: All Konkani Speaking Parishioners in Qatar

2008-09-16 Thread Goa's Pride www.goa-world.com
FAO:   All Konkani Speaking Parishioners 
In view of the hostility and mindless violence targeted towards Christians all 
over the globe and in particular the atrocities taking place in Orissa and 
Karnataka, the Konkani Speaking Committee will be organizing a Night Vigil with 
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.  The details are as follows: 
DATE:    Saturday, 20th September, 2008 
TIME:    8:15 p.m. – 10:15 p.m. 
VENUE: Main Church 
The vigil will commence with a silent candle light procession and conclude with 
the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. 
To show our solidarity and empathy towards the churches attacked in Karnataka 
and to assist our fellow-brethren in their time of need, we will be making a 
collection on this day which will be sent to the Bishop of Mangalore. Your 
generous contribution will make a difference in the life of many. 
Kindly do attend in large numbers! 
Warm regards, 

Forwarded by: 
Goa's Pride - http://www.goa-world.com 
Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter is presented by Ulysses Menezes, www.goa-world.com and 
moderated by Gaspar Almeida (since 1994)

[Goanet] Hindutva's Myths Exploded

2008-09-16 Thread Averthan D'Souza
For favour of publication. =Averthanus= 


Averthanus L. D'Souza.


One of the characteristics of any dictatorial political movement
is to create confusion in the minds of the citizens so that they can never
be sure of what the truth is. This is done is two ways.   One is to spread
rumours through the cadres of grassroots level workers, and another is to
issue official statements clarifying the official position on any
particular issue.   This is a very subtle psychological game which is being
played by the Hindutva brigade and by its top leadership.   Citizens need to
be aware of this and not fall into the trap which is deliberately created by
the Hindutva ideologues.

There are too many contradictions in the propaganda arsenal of
the Sangh Parivar to be treated at length in a brief essay,  but this short
analysis will, perhaps, help to pinpoint the contradictions:

Hindu Nationalism v/s International Hindu Solidarity.

The entire Hindutva movement is grounded on the principle that
India is a Hindu nation, and that only Hindus can enjoy rights of
citizenship in India.   In this view, Muslims and Christians, in particular,
but also Jews, Parsis, Buddhists and Jains, are viewed as non-Indian.   Each
time a violent attack is carried out against Muslims or Christians, the
Bajrang Dal terrorists shout that the Muslims and Christians should either
become Hindus or leave the country.   Islam and Christianity are considered
to be impositions by foreign Muslim conquerors or by Western Christian
missionaries.  The teachings of V.D. Savarkar and M.S. Golwalkar are very
explicit about this.  According to them, non-Hindus cannot enjoy rights of
citizenship.  The Muslims are constantly warned that their continued
presence in India is entirely dependent on the goodwill of the Hindus and
the Christians are advised to form an Indian Church under the complete
control of the Indian Government, similar to the National Church in China.
The so-called principle is constantly repeated that only those who sever
their links with any international community and become entirely Hindu will
be tolerated in (an Hindutva ruled)  India.   

The stark contradiction in this position is the fact that
Hindutva is Not confined to the geographical territory of India;  it is
sought to be made an international religion.  Ever since the famous
Parliament of Religions was addressed by Swami Vivekananda, in Chicago  the
missionary dimension of Hinduism was begun with the formation of the
Vedanta Society in 1893  in New York.   Today there are Hindu missions
all over the world, in the U.S.A., in Europe, in the Pacific Islands, in the
West Indies, and in South Africa.   The claim that Hindutva is a movement to
establish a Hindu Rashtra, is, therefore, patently false.   The comparison
with the expansionist movement of Nazi Germany is too striking to be missed.
First it started with the unification of German speaking countries; then it
was extended to include all people of Aryan ethnic stock.  Since racial
characteristics could not be assimilated  the Nazis began a systematic
extermination, first  of the Jewish people and then of other tainted
races.   The Hindutva claim to form a Hindu Rashtra, is, on the face of it,
a huge fraud perpetrated by the Hindutva ideologues.  From a close
examination of the literature available, it is clear that the Hindutva
brigade wants to establish a theocratic Hindu State in India, not dissimilar
to the Islamic State of neighbouring Pakistan.


Tolerance v/s xenophobia.

Another myth which has been created by the Hindutva protagonists
is the claim that Hindutva is a tolerant ideology and is based on secular
values.   This is far from the truth.  Hindutva is a blatantly intolerant
movement which thrives on spreading hatred and fear among people.  In fact
it is so intolerant that it seeks to re-write history,  which, according to
it, has been written by pseudo-secularists.Its distortion of history
is so blatant that it has even created the myth that Asoka  and Chandragupta
Maurya were Hindu kings.  This is a blatant falsification of History.  All
reliable sources tell us that Asoka ruled over a Buddhist kingdom, and that
Chandragupta Maurya was strongly associated with the Jaina tradition.  The
Hindutva view of history is not based on scientific research, but on an
imagination running wild.   The Hindutva historians are worthy disciples
of Goebbels who taught that if you repeat a lie over and over again,  people
will soon begin to accept it as the truth.   

If Hindutva is a tolerant political ideology which respects
secular values, why is it that in all the States which are ruled by the BJP
there is a systematic attack against Christians and Muslims?Why is it
that tribals, who are not, and never have been, Hindu are being terrorized
into converting to Hinduism?


Re: [Goanet] Why do Indian Catholics only condemn violence against Christians???

2008-09-16 Thread Jason Keith Fernandes
Dear Mario,

Reference your message by the subject line above -

Bravo! Why indeed have the Indian Christians woken up to condemn violence
only against the Christians?

Maybe it is because they too are aggressors by and large against the Indian
muslim? Look at Goa for example, where they persecute Muslims by preventing
mosques to come up, Muslims to gather in rooms to pray, or deny them space
for burial. The condition of Muslims in Goa could at some level be compared
to the plight of the early Christian church...

Or have a look at M'lore, where for a long time the Mangaloreans excused
violence against the Muslims in M'lore on the grounds that the Muslims were
violent people anyways (they are butchers you see), and that for every
Muslim killed, that Muslim will take two more Hindus. On the other hand,
until recently, the Mangalorean Catholics were content to allow the muslims
to do the protesting, while the Christians turned the proverbial Christian

Now that the boot is on the other foot so to speak, all of a sudden things
seem to be changing...

Yet  i want to continue, dear Mario (no sarcasm here, it makes for a pretty
turn of phrase) to the latter statements in your mail. You say,

If there haven't been any Christians killed in these bombings it is a pure
coincidence, and only a matter of time, because India has been pegged as a
soft target by the Islamic terrorists where they can strike with impunity,
anywhere they want to.

The Indian authorities need to infiltrate these groups and destroy them
from within.? Every Indian needs to report suspicious activity they may see
in their own neighborhoods.? How can these terrorists obtain bomb making
chemicals and detonators without anyone noticing in India's crowded

if you have been following the Indian media reports you will realise that as
the violence continues in Mangalore and Orissa, the focus of the nation is
on the bomb-blasts - that came and went, and not on the violence (also
terrorism) that continues.

Where is the debate on identifying the Saffron groups as terrorist
organisations? Is this status reserved only for Muslim groups?

you invoke the Indian state as the locus of our identity - have you realised
though that it is the Indian state that is failing to take action against
Hindu(tva) terror, that the police are actively locking up and attacking
protesting Mangalorean Catholics?

Finally you invoke the trope of the Indian crowded mohalla - itself rooted
in colonial and orientalist imagery of the inscrutable oriental - perhaps it
speaks volumes about the manner in which we are looking at this whole

Read my thoughts at www.dervishnotes.blogspot.com

[Goanet] Ref: Orissa Christians Suspect Hindu Hand Behind

2008-09-16 Thread Freddy Fernandes
In Response to :

Message: 5Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2008 10:25:40 +0530From: samir umarye lt;[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]gt;Subject: Re: [Goanet] Orissa Christians Suspect Hindu Hand 
BehindSaraswati Murder

Hi Samir,

I am sure you did a really good study before you posted your article 
congratulations, you have it all, names, nbsp;dates,nbsp;nbsp; plot and 
crime all in one fold and I assume you have the required proof as well, you 
have actually done it all by your self, the judge, the jury and the 
executioner, you should be definitely nominated for the post of the Chief 
Justice of India, with you at the helm of affaires I don’t think any cases 
would be left pending in our courts. Well tell me one thing if its is as clear 
as you made it out to be, why is the Orissa Government not taking any action, 
please don’t tell me that it’s the vote bank because the percentage of 
Christians is just abysmal, otherwise the Government would not have come so 
late in to the picture, if what you have stated nbsp;is true, you have all my 
support to bring the culprits to justice and they should be given the severest 
of punishment as possible, because it’s barbaric to do forced conversions and 
to make non C
 hristians nbsp;eat beef and kill their godman leader who has done no wrong or 
cannot do any wrong, in the name of religion and also because they nearly put 
the whole of India at a security risk.

I do have a request for you, since you did so well with your investigative 
reporting please take it little further and see which Christian Denomination 
those guys are from, there are hundreds of Christian Denominations. Tell me 
another thing which era are we living ?nbsp; Is it the 21st century or the 
days of the wild west, taking law into our own hands ? Where is it written in 
any of the holy book that if one is killed, you have to go, nbsp;kill and burn 
as many as you can for vengeance. All religions profess peace and brotherhood, 
What is Om Shanti Om ? Does Bagwat Geeta allow the killing and burning of 
innocent men women and children, or does the RSS and the cohorts have a 
different Holy Booknbsp;or are they the law unto themselves ? And you support 
them in their anarchy ? Religions were made by men for the benefit of men, to 
live in peace and harmony with one’s self and others and nbsp;in morality but 
some how or the other we have turned religion in to a circus and us
 ed it to create violence and anarchy for the sake of power and money, the Gods 
have been bought for the price of human blood.

Do you seriously think that, all that is happening, is for a religious cause ? 
No, this just a political game, by power hungry vultures and they will not rest 
till they have achieved their evil goals. Why was India divided ? It was made 
to look like a religious cause but no, it was for power and position that this 
monster was created, today India is a monster for Pakistan and visa versa, If 
it was for a religious cause why are there Muslims still in India and Hindus 
still in Pakistan, Mahatma was the only person who could stop this divide and 
what happened ? Isn’t the RSS responsible for that ? After that the RSS were 
just surviving but after BJP came into power they flourished, are we not all 
aware of what happened in Gujarat and now in Orissa. 

If the RSS and their cohorts are fighting for a religious cause, what have they 
done for the poor and the down trodden ? Even though Christians are in a 
nbsp;minority, they run the most educational institutions, hospitals, 
orphanages, homes for the destitute, old age homes, homes for the lepers and 
lots of other institutions, nbsp;if all these institutions were only meant for 
forced conversions more than 30% of Indian Hindus would have been Christians. 
Investigate and check how miniscule is the work done by your so called RSS, 
Bagrangdal and the Safron Brigade on humanitarian field compared to the work of 
the Christian missionaries . They (RSS amp; cohorts) nbsp;have been trained 
for only one thing that is violence, if they can kill their own (Bapu), the 
father of the nation what about us Christians ? It is very easy for them to 
invent and fabricate evidence to get sympathy and support from the majority 
community for their misdeeds.

From your’s and Laluram Salvi’s attitude I can safely say that you’ll are both 
hard core RSS or Bagrangdal or the Safron brigade activist and you’ll have 
never been to any missionaries run institutions or met guys who have been 
there, so you don’t have a clue to what the missionaries nbsp;have done and 
are still doing, not just in India, but all over the world, so don’t act like 
nbsp;frogs in a pond for whom there is no out side world and accept that the 
humanitarian work that the missionaries are doing at large is far far greater 
than what RSS and their cohorts will ever be able to do or achieve.nbsp;

I will give you’ll some names you’ll can contact them and ask them 

[Goanet] Axiom estates

2008-09-16 Thread Arwin Mesquita
New Property Developments *In Goa*

Axiom Estates provides complete client service to those living outside Goa
and looking to buy  own a residential or commercial property in Goa.
Purchase of new apartment, office space and retail space in Goa for
investment or for personal use has now been made completely hassle free and
transparent. We Provide complete guidance on prices of Real Estate in
different areas of Goa, be it Varca, Anjuna, Mapusa, Bambolim, Benaulim,
Carenzalem, Colva, Dona Paula, Margao, Porvorim areas of Goa. The Properties
offered by us are developed by* *Goa�s foremost developers like Sapana,
Prudential, DB Realty, Asian, Gera, Palaceio, Micon, Chowgule. **

Lured by its sun-kissed beaches, laid-back lifestyle, Goa real estate is
proving to be a property  magnet for property buyers  investors, property
prices have skyrocketed, new projects offering a wide range of lifestyle
amenities are being developed. North Goa with its popular beaches like Baga,
Candolim, Dona Paula and Calangute, complemented by its myriad
entertainments, dining and shopping options has emerged as the preferred
location for buying property. Villas, row houses, lifestyle apartments and
shopping arcades are mushrooming across Goa. With the influx of real estate
giants the Goa property market is transforming fast.

*Goa is being destroyed and sold out; left, right  center by this greedy
developers and their agents  *


Please post your comments on my Blog:

[Goanet] Attacks on Mangalore Christians - A Dozen Doubts !!!

2008-09-16 Thread Ancy D'Souza
Attacks on Mangalore Christians - A Dozen Doubts !!!

1. Attacks started immediately after BJP supported Orissa state attack
on Christians and Catholics. But the CM of Karnataka says Attacks took
place in the areas of conversion activity.

2. The New Life Fellowship were distributing literature against
Christians, Muslims and Hindus since decades. But the attacks were
mainly targeted on Christians and specially Catholics including
Cloistered Catholic Nuns who do not even come out of their premises to
see the world. Thus it is not possible at all that they get involved
in Conversion. But first attack was on thier chapel, Crucifix, Statues
of St. Francis, Statue of St. Joseph, Holy Sacrament, Furniture and on
Nuns itself. They tried their best to smash the statue of Mother Mary
but the report say it did not even get a scratch.

3. Provocative leaflets, handbills, pamphlets against Christians and
Catholics were being distributed for many days in front of Catholic
institutions. How does this group blame others when they themselves
indulge in such activities ?

4. An English Daily News Paper Report says a Police man was saying
that their hands are tied.

5. News Reports say that police themselves were breaking their
vehicles to initiate lathi charge, tear gas on Catholics. Most of the
time police were attacking on peacefully sitting Catholic protesters.

6. News Reports say that Police illegally entered the Permannur and
other churches, hit Christians mercilessly who were taking refuge
inside the church including women and children, also break furniture
and equipments in the church.

7. Even after so much of terror the Chief Minister wants to say that
Stop Forceful Conversion when he is not able to prove even one
forceful conversion among Catholic church in the affected area.
Instead of ordering enquiry about serial terrorist attacks the CM has
order enquiry about foreign funds.

8. Though attack was on Catholic church the Government of Karnataka
claims that the attack was only on the Prayer Halls of New Life
Fellowship. This is just to misguide Indians and international media.
How can a responsible person who is in a CM chair can give such
baseless statements when he himself came and saw in his own eyes the
damage done to Catholics and Christians.

9. Fundamental Organisations openly owned the responsibility of the
attacks. The news was also published in a prominent manner in the
dailies. But the Local BJP MLA Krishna Palimar says, doesn't know
anything of that sort. Is the Government wants to twist the story
saying the only the attacks on the prayer halls of New Life Fellowship
were by fundamentalist and the other attacks were from different
miscrants inspite of eye witnesses ?

10. CM, DC assured that no one including Hindu Groups will be allowed
to hold bunds on Tuesday (Sep 16). But Ironically declared Bundh to
all the schools, institutions etc.

11. Why doesn't the chief minister condemn Fundamentalist group for
taking law into their hands. How can he justify their serial attacks
that are not less than the serial bomb blasts on Christians saying
that attacks were because of the conversions. Even if they were hurt
because of the literatures of New Life Fellowship they have means to
take legal actions against them and this is easier as their own
Government is ruling. But why did they take law into their hands. Why
the government did not take action against Pramod Mutalik who openly
said that 700 people were being trained to set up an Anti-Terrorism
Army and the Army would be increased to 5,000 members within a year.
If individuals or private organisation form Army then why there is a
Government to take care of Law and Orders.

12. Is this State Sponsored ruling parties well planned attack on
peace loving Christians ?

- Ancy Paladka

[Goanet] Arguing about Arguing: Go(a)ne Cases

2008-09-16 Thread gaspersWorld
When people agree with me I always feel that I must be wrong. 

  -Oscar Wilde.

:::Arguing about Arguing: Go(a)ne Cases::: 
-by gasper crasto / Kuwait 
If you accuse someone of accusing someone what exactly are you doing?

For what it's worth, this question sprang to my mind on examining many Goan
forums in recent months, primarily the Goanet, www.goa-world.com/ 
Gulf-Goans Newsletters, http://penpricks.blogspot.com/  (an anonymous blog
critiquing the Goan media) and http://goa-kranti.blogspot.com/ 
Sometime back, a close friend of mine pointed out to me that I did something
wrong in one of my articles. Disgruntled, I objected: “I can’t believe you
are blaming me!” 

I could respond back with fiery recriminations. But if I am blaming someone
for blaming someone I might as well blame myself of blaming someone for
blaming someone. And so on.. 

As we read editorials, articles about governments, organizations and
individuals that are intolerant of any opposition, when we read about
anything written by ‘ordinary’ and ‘unknown’ individuals, when we hear of
caste or religious intolerance, or worse, we should learn to be good and
brave: We must tolerate intolerance. That’s the way we are taught. Be not
intolerant of intolerance.

In most Goan cases, it is observed that an accusation can give birth to
itself in the following (non)sense:

An arbitrary statement by person ‘A’ is heard by person ‘B’ as an accusation
(person ‘A’ doesn’t intend to accuse anyone and nobody knows why person ‘B’
might hear an accusation in a statement which he heard as a joke 99 times
before. Well, maybe he did not have a good breakfast that day. Nobody knows
even if person ‘B’ really heard an accusation but to person ‘A’ it seems as

Person ‘B’ now makes an illogical statement maybe slightly unnerved or maybe
just neutral but to person ‘A’ it sounds unnerved (in fact, person ‘B’ does
not intend to accuse anyone. But it might as well just happen to him that he
sounds a bit accusing, though he wouldn’t like it). Now, obviously, person
‘A’ does hear an accusation. And ta-taa: the accusation is everywhere though
it was not there before, not really, because no one wanted to accuse anyone.
But somehow everyone felt accused. 

:::Useful Debates or Personal Attacks?:::

Debate is an essential part of our culture. Mostly, members of opposing
communities/profession always wish to have their viewpoints included on the
net. But many contributors often do not agree on the content of others. Many
have the tendency to accuse others or each other. This often leads to
‘personal’ attacks leaving aside the subject of discussion. And around and
around the argument goes, irony abounds, and everyone is now only arguing
about arguing.

As a matter of polite and effective discourse, articles/comments should not
be personalized but directed at ‘content’ and ‘actions’ rather than people.
Posting personal attacks or defamation without verifying the factual truth
is harmful to the community and to the publishers’ relationship with it.
Attacking, harassing, or violating the privacy of any person should not be
permitted. Such attacks can be regarded as aggravating factors by

.How about just talking with the persons rather than allowing it to get to
the stage of an argument? Well, some people, as popular Goan writer
Veronica Fernandes often puts it in his articles, don’t have marbles to
question or call upon a person and discuss things directly. 
Usually, people who get loud and continue to argue and go on and on are not
getting back what they are wanting - like a discussion, or resolution, or
attention even. I think it might be more productive to ask what they want
from you, or just quietly and patiently let them talk and listen to them,
and do not react back in an argumentative voice. It is obvious that these
people have a habit of accusing others for their own misfortunes. And so
much so, they prove to be buffoons -- writing themselves out of reputation
when nobody else can do it. 
Epictetus, the Greek philosopher wrote: “To accuse others for one’s own
misfortunes is a sign of want of education.”

All of this, of course, accomplishes exactly nothing but to demonstrate the
thin skin behind cockroach brain of these individuals and their mouse
mindset, and act as a time waster. 

Well, some readers may find my points weird, some witty, some ridiculous,
and it won’t be long before rivals believing this write-up is being directed
towards them, begin speculating the size of my dick.

Well, in our midst, an unfortunate few, hooked on the futile thrill of
online debate, devote their lives to its cause. They roam the internet,
actively seeking out viewpoints they disagree with, or squat on message
blogs and groups, whining, needling, sneering, over-analyzing each new
proclamation - joylessly fiddling, like unhappy gorillas doomed to pick lice
from one another's